M(ar)uch Lifting is good for you!



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1X5X45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X95/105/115/120

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X30
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 18X10X30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Walk daily! Still extremely cold so a short 2 mile walk today!

    My keto diet has been going awesome! I lost another 0.8 lbs this morning!
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited March 2017
    @fanncy0626 Congrats on the weight loss!! You are killing the keto diet!

    Took another SL day off. My shoulders are killing me from the bench press. Only took 2 days for DOMS to kick in, haha. Did a 1h spin class today to recover. I lost 1.4lbs this morning, which is probably 3/4 water weight from my run yesterday. I did try to finish off 2L of water yesterday.

    Anyone else have trouble getting enough protein? I've always been a carb heavy eater. Easier to convince myself to be vegetarian than to eat enough meat every day. Left to my own devices I get 50-60g protein each day. I'm trying to get it to about 100g. I've been adding 1-2 scoops of protein powder to my morning yogurt. Yesterday, I seasoned some rotisserie chicken with jerk seasoning and let it bake for an extra 20min and I'm trying to have 1-2 pieces for lunch each day.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @chichidachimp thanks! You have done a great job with your weight loss as well! I have the opposite trouble you do with protein. I have to try not to eat so much meat! The day before yesterday I had 8 pieces of chicken and the toppings of cheese and meat off of two slices of pizza. Protein powder does help when you run short on hitting your macros.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Anyone else have trouble getting enough protein?

    always. and then when i do [according to some of the prescriptions out there] i feel kind of overkill-ish. i've got a stash of builder bars in the kitchen, and it just plain feels weird to eat a candy bar in the middle of the day that also happens to be another 20g of protein.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I also struggle with protein. On a good day, I'll get like 70 or 80 grams. It's a constant struggle and I really should limit any whey since have the dairy allergy but oh well. I do what I can.

    Today I combined upper accessory with shoulder day though skipped a couple of things on each one. Nice about the smaller upper body days is they can be combined a little if the week doesn't result in 5 days training at the gym.

    10 minute warm up on elliptical
    Push Press 2x10 @ 45 and 2x8 @ 65
    wide grip bench press 2x10 @ 45 and 2x10 @ 55
    db side lat raise 2x10 @ 10
    bent over db raise 2x10 @ 5
    tricep pushdown 3x12 @ 60 - had slight ache
    face pull 2x12 @ 60
    25 minute walk on treadmill, 20 min 3.0 incline on 3 speed
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,943 Member
    I walked 7 miles yesterday (a little over 2 in the morning, around 5 in the afternoon - it's nice to have movie theaters within walking distance).

    I took a short walk this morning and then used the arm crank ergometer for 35 minutes. Felt it because I hadn't used that in a few weeks. Then 5 sets of 12-16 pushups.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Whew, 2 days to report (and holy crap I just finished lunch like 30 mins ago and it's already 3:30 PM O_o stoopid time change)

    Yesterday was a nice set-up of 5 min "clusters" (do the reps together, rest a bit, switch arms and repeat)
    - 1 arm kb hang snatch x5 @30lbs (got in 7 per side + 1 on left, and evened out on right cuz I always do)
    - 1 arm kb hang clean & jerk x3 @35lbs (pretty sure I got the same number of rounds in as the snatch)
    - 1 arm kb power clean x2, push press x4, swing x6. Did 7 rounds on each side with a 30lbs and added an extra round with 35lbs

    Finisher was a 4 min AMRAP of TGUs, used 20lbs and got 16 total reps (same # of reps as last week, using 5lbs more = progress!)

    Today was intervals (I always dread this one). 4 rounds of 30s work, 30s rest (going off of memory here so reps might be a bit off)
    - 2KB front rack squat (2x20lbs) - 12/12/12/14
    - Hand release push-ups - 12/10/9/9
    - KB sumo deadlift high pull @40lbs x 13/14/13/15
    - hanging knee tucks - 14/13/12/14

    Then 5 rounds of 3 wall walks and 10 recline rows for time, which took about 12:15.

    I'm drained. My legs were not happy. 2x20 for the squat was actually my last warm-up weight, but my left hip kept clicking and my quads have not yet 100% recovered from the jumps 4 days ago, so I went a bit easier on them. And I'm just 100% resting tomorrow because my body was being very difficult with me during my stretches today. It felt like a workout just staying in the positions. I think I'm tired.

    Also, getting up at 5 tomorrow kind of means getting up at 4am and I'm just not ready to do that.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    I struggle with protein, too. I don't really cook. I worked my way up to nearly 100g these last three weeks.. and that's still not really enough. Here are some of my staples - they consist mostly of carb-like foods lol:

    I rely on supplements like quest bars & chips, protein cookies & muffins, protein powder, but for the sake of cost try to limit to one of those things a day (all about 20g). Halo top ice cream for dessert helps (6g). I make a lot of homemade turkey and chicken chilli recipes in my slow cooker, which have 40g or so. Cheese sticks (7g) and Greek yogurt (15g) every day. Arnold makes protein bread 7g/slice, Barilla makes protein pasta for 10g, Special K protein cereal is 10g.

    Things I want to do to help - I should add more eggs and milk to my diet. When I'm out of my deficit I'll eat more almonds. And finally, I've been meaning to try turkey or chicken jerky.

    While I'm posting, I might as well add that I'm still not working out due to hip injury but it feels better. Chiro thought IT band syndrome, physician thought bursitis. I think, I just want to squat again!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    one of those days when you're glad that you went. i'm going to suffer like crazy tomorrow though. sometimes lifting is just like drinking. you keep saying 'i should stop i'll be so sorry tomorrow' but you feel bulletproof so you keep doing it. and then sure enough, come tomorrow you are.

    simple bbb day. i did 6x5 and then 2x10 deadlifts at 95 pounds. the 2x10 was some guy who asked me how many sets when i had done the first 30 reps, and i lost my head and said 'two'. so then i had to do the last 20 in only two sets.

    post mortem:

    i went back to the rippetoe rules and actually paid real attention to them. mainly, i actually followed the rule about DO NOT DROP YOUR HIPS. and i consciously did shins-to-bar and shoulders-back as two distinct, separate steps with my whole mind on that hip-height question.

    i think my habit has been to grab the bar, drop the shins, sit back [shoulderblades behind the bar], and THEN try to get my hips up once the shoulders are back. so trying to do the 'loading' thing vertically, by re-lifting them. i'm not really sure why this is different, but i know a) it was more comfortable, b) my glutes had to work their heads off and my quads got to cruise, and c) for some reason locking out iwth the chest up was more natural too.

    have to do more of them to really work out what becomes different, but i know i was pretty happy with them. my glutes are going to be killing me tomorrow though.

    in between the warmup sets for deadlifts, i did rows just to kick in my lats. so that took me up to 3x5 at 75 pounds, which i'm quite happy about because i really liked my own form. for those who struggle with rows: mr t remarked a few weeks ago that i'm one of the 'rare' people he's worked with who have just the right body geometry to do rows without too much awkwardness. it's got a lot to do with your proportions, iow.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout after warm up.
    Squats 55542 @118lbs.started off well but could feel my form slipping and my back doing the work.
    Ohp 5x5@50lbs.finally up from 47.
    Deadlift 1x5@150lbs.
    Bulgarian split squats,20 each leg holding 2 5lb weights.

    I ordered a pick and mix box of protein powders from my protein.just tried the jam roly poly ,it's soo nice.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @jowaring congrats on your OHP! Those are extremely difficult to advance on!
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-36X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    It's going to get to 20°F today! I am going to take two 2 mile walks today! Heading out for my first one right now! It's a very chilly 3°F but I will dress really warm.

    I dropped another 1 pound yesterday! That is a total of 2.4 pounds in three days. And, I'm eating very well! The keto diet really melts the fat off of me!

    I have officially lost over the 19 pounds that I gained due to my shoulder injury in October. It took 12 1/2 weeks to put on and 10 1/2 weeks to take off! I am now at my maintenance weight from that time. I am in the process of continuing on with the cut to eliminate a layer of fat.

    Well done @fanncy0626, amazing weight loss!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Great job with the loss, Fanncy!

    And yes - I struggle with protein as well... but have not yet resorted to buying a box of bars. I only use the powder on work out days, as it is expensive and I am broke. Ha ha.

    I've been noticing that my belly feels... squishy today... more than normal. Creatine? Too much salt yesterday? My on brain making stuff up?

    Workout A for me today. I'm going to work out after I'm done at work. I am dead tired, though. My body feels ok (stomach muscles are sore but not dead), but I think either just the busy-ness of the weekend or day light savings time is kicking my *kitten*. But I will go. Or I will go to bed early and go tomorrow. I don't know. Ha ha.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Back after a luxurious 5 days off, haha. I feel like it took a long time to get warmed up--one hour shouldn't make that much difference, but the whole DST thing throws me every single time. Still, got a decent workout in even if I didn't really progress my weights much.

    Squats: 3x5 @ 145. Still hard but better than last time, overall. Probably missing depth slightly on a few reps but not good morning-ing to get up. One more day at 145 and then I'll think about trying 150.

    Bench press: 5x5 @ 77. Felt pretty good, same weight as last time. Smallest plates in my gym are 2.5 so 5 lb is getting to be a lot to progress for upper body. I may try 82 next time though and see how it feels.

    Wretched rows: 5x5 @ 92 lb. Heavier weight actually seems to feel a bit better; maybe it forces me to use my back more instead of my arms? Also, @canadianlbs, I like your Mr. T. He makes me feel better about hating rows, hah!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I like your Mr. T. He makes me feel better about hating rows, hah!

    i like him too. he's good at pragmatism about people's different bodies and preferences.

    stopped at the gym on my way home to do bench press. this is 5's week, so i guessed at my current training weight and chose 55/65/75 for my sets. concentrated on doing them s-l-o-w and c-on-trolled all the way, because i was watchign the upl raw nationals or something last night, and duhhh. bench press doesn't start from the top down. plus, i know i've developed this lazy habit of just letting the eccentric happen on all of the lifts.

    except squats. since i've actually f'd myself up a little bit doing that with my squats, i've quit there. deadlifts less of a problem, and rows don't really count. so now trying to quit the same habit for press and bench too.

    thinking about a switchup where instead of doing 5x10 in between times to accessorize bench, i do exactly the same weights for the same reps, but with rows. idk. thinking about it, that's all. i still like the idea of letting my rows set the upper limit of how much i let myself bench, so as to avoid that whole internal-rotationy look.

    i could just be dicking around, but on the same principle with ohp coming up on friday, i did NOT do 5x10 sets of overhead press. i used a 'serious' weight and did 3x5 on ohp's own mirror-image exercise, i.e. cable pulldowns. that was sort of interesting, actually. i never have tried to be serious about pulldowns for very long because heavy work there tends to tweak my shoulders.

    so i've been using 27.5-ish for sets of 8-12 when i do them, for idk how long. because that was originally my weight where you know sheepishly that you're right in the ego-lift zone where the whole gym can see you really ought to drop 2.5 pounds and just use good form. but today i did it more like a 'real' lift, and turns out i'm perfectly comfortable doing 5 reps with ten pounds more than that. with good form :tongue:
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited March 2017
    jowaring wrote: »
    Today's workout after warm up.
    Ohp 5x5@50lbs.finally up from 47.

    Congrats on the OHP PR! That's so awesome!

    Thanks for all the great advice on protein sources guys! I love cheese and pumpkin seeds. I should definitely include more of them in my diet.

    Starting my first workout of week 4!
    Squats 5x5 100 (WU: 2x5 45, 65, 85) I'm still trying to prevent front leaning.
    OHP 5x5 45. Tried 50lbs and could only do 1x3 or 1x4. Sticking with this weight for now.
    DL 1x5 135 (WU: 1x5 65, 90, 115). Going to stick with this weight for a week or 2.

    Seems like I should repeat these exact weights on Friday and see if they get better. Guess my noobish gains are slowly coming to an end. I followed up with a 4mi run.