Daily Check In Thread



  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    CM_73 wrote: »
    Done it, just ran 5K!!!

    W8D3 was a 3 mile run, the woods were a bit drier, the hills a bit firmer so once I got to 3 miles it seemed crazy not to push for the 5K.
    Stick with it everyone, if I can do it, ANYBODY can!

    Congrats! :)
    What's next?
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    I got my 5k race in today. It was the Shamrock Shuffle in Madison WI. My chip time was 31:54. I ended up doing my 5k210k training afterwards. It was a lot of fun. A fairly hilly course meant a lot of people walking that I had to dodge. At one point a lady with a jogging stroller totally blew by me too.

    This is awesome! Congratulations! :)
    I have a race next Saturday - looking forward to it. So far just do my 5k's :)
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    Done it, just ran 5K!!!

    W8D3 was a 3 mile run, the woods were a bit drier, the hills a bit firmer so once I got to 3 miles it seemed crazy not to push for the 5K.
    Stick with it everyone, if I can do it, ANYBODY can!

    Congrats! :)
    What's next?

    I've run another 3 since then :) I'm going to carry on doing them 3 times a week for a little while, after that, not really sure! I'll probably start training for the 10k after that, and slowly work my way towards a marathon
  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    Week 7 Day 1 (sort of!)

    I'm still sick... I feel weaker. I had worried about this a couple days ago during my last run. One of the reasons I decided to force myself to go run while not feeling 100%.

    I did 10 minutes and decided to quit. I was just too weak. Right now I'm winded walking around let alone running!

    I'll try again tomorrow. On the trail. It's more fun on the trail anyways!
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    Jocko Willink talks about this, training even when he's not feeling it because he's tired and over-trained or he's not feeling well. He says he forces himself to go do it the first day just to make sure he's not just giving in, or allowing the voice in his head that wants to be lazy to alter his perception of his physical state, or just being undisciplined. But after that first day when he forces himself to train, if he still feels badly for his next session, THEN he'll skip it because he knows it's a legit reason.

    Rest up, feel better, and then get after it when you've bounced back.
  • natruallycurious
    natruallycurious Posts: 359 Member
    New to this thread, but I finished week six last night and should be starting week seven tomorrow or Saturday (might wait till Saturday because we are travelling out of town and think it would be fun to explore our new surroundings and run there instead)! I ran my first 5k at a very slow pace during week 5 of the program (right under 40 minutes), and am signed up for a four mile race at the end of April! I hope to work on my pace after I finish the program!
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    Week 7 underway as of this morning. Also had an appointment with my orthopedist about a hyperextended elbow and I'm cleared to lift weights. Think I'll be waiting 2 more weeks until C25K is done before I start trying to run and squat.

    Brans, have you been pretty sedentary? If so, did you begin with a week or two of walking before you started your program? Regardless of your answers, good job. You can *kitten* do this.

    Wanda, I DO see what you did there. ;)
  • agrima27
    agrima27 Posts: 13 Member
    Week 7 is done! I am still not hitting the 2.5 miles while I run, but I am running more and going further with each run. When I started this my mile was 18 mins, I hit 13:50 for my 2nd mile today! I will be working on stamina after the 2nd mile because I struggle for the last few minutes begging my headset to say begin cool down. Next week will be challenging!
  • TyFit1908
    TyFit1908 Posts: 29 Member
    Week 2, day 1 in the books. This is my 4th time doing c25k, but more challenging this time around. Didn't help that my gps clunked out. I was injured in a car accident last June. Didn't run at all until last week. I guess you have to restart somewhere
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    You are doing GREAT, people! Keep pushing on and when you graduate I hope we see more of you over on the Bridge to 10K board. It is kind of lonely over there!