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  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. MITM, I so enjoyed your post. I have said before and will say again that these communications by fellow Crackers have given me so much pleasure and it does not matter when you or others post; it is completely understandable that work or family responsibilities can put posting on the back burner at times. I am also pleased if my posts are enjoyed which adds to the benefit that I get from doing them as it seems that keeping current here is a way to help me keep my focus on my health and weight struggles. It is particularly nice, MITM, that you have taken to Beck- the points you raised in your last post are great to have brought up. I'm trying to keep Beck as an aid and not just think I've read it again and can lay it aside. Your account of the donut incident rings so true to me- that being able to be set off, as you say, is such a baffling phenomenon but at least you are nipping it in the bud- yeah you! it is also interesting to me how much our weather patterns are similar. Today was 18C again but a change is coming tomorrow with -1C and possible flurries by the afternoon. Today I noticed a few little crocuses (croci ?) in bloom too, right against the foundation of the house- almost unheard of until recently. Also when I was walking Nellie I saw a robin sitting on a rooftop- he will get a rude awakening in the next few days. I also was at my stable today and heard the distinct sound of red-winged blackbirds, an early returning from the south bird but again not this early. I was able to take advantage of the warm weather to do a bike ride. The increase in exercise this week has made me feel better so I want to find some indoor exercises to do as it turns colder again. Take good care of yourselves all.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    It has been warm enough (5C) today that I was able to take Nellie for two walks and did a short bike ride (only 20 minutes) but I can feel some unused muscles have been engaged.
    This morning I saw a flock of tundra swans flying overhead, headed for the Arctic. It is amazing how far they travel. Tundra swans are white and easily distinguished from the Canada goose; they also have different sound which I could hear. On the ground, the little chipmunk was out today too.
    I was pleased this morning to have lost between 1 1/2 and 2 pounds in the past week. I think the increased exercise is helping and hopefully the diet too.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Last day of Feb already and the weather continues very mild. My brother dropped in today after school. He lives in the country and makes maple syrup as a hobby. He told me this unseasonably warm weather is not good for syrup production. What is needed are warm days, not 18C though, and very cool nights.
    Nellie and I walked twice today- she is really liking this weather.
    Thursday, both my book club and my writing group meet- one is in the afternoon and one in the evening. I prefer of course when they are on different days.
    I have spent a lot of time recently revising one of my short stories. It is much different from the kind of stories I usually write since it ventures into the horror genre. It started as an exercise we did as part of our group meeting but I became interested in it and decided to try to polish it up. It is amazing how much time you can spent on a 2500 word story but I really enjoy trying to find just the right word or way of expressing my thoughts. At book club on Thursday, we will not discuss a book but a DVD- apparently this is because a lot of members go to Florida in Feb. when there is no meeting and want something easy to prepare for. Later in March, however, it will be back to serious reading with a classic- Wuthering Heights.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    Well I'm still struggling... the scales dared to go up AGAIN when really they should have shown that pound last week when I stayed the same... Beck had to remind me AGAIN

    'The more you focus on your mistakes, the worse you feel. The more you give yourself credit for all the great things you're doing, the better you feel, the more momentum you build and the easier it gets to continue doing well. Make a commitment to CREDIT.'

    So as of the 1st March, new start and no chocolate in the house!

    Congratulations Bracken on your weight loss, I'm so pleased for you and it is well deserved with the amount of exercise and effort you are putting in. Here the weather is changeable by the day, one day we walked in pouring rain, the next in glorious sunshine, followed by snow overnight... Today as I wasn't walking I made myself salsacise. Did you see that Bob Harper 'From the Biggest Loser' had a heart attack whilst working out at the gym? I read his Mother died from a heart condition.

    I've been reading lots lately as I've had to read my daughter's EPQ - a mini dissertation which she has written on "What was the main reason for Oskar Schindler saving his Jewish workforce in comparison to Amon Goth murdering individuals." Hope your own, make believe horror went down well Bracken!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Slightly annoyed to realise I missed logging in yesterday and so have broken my 40 day run of log-ins. I'll blame the weather which has turned bitterly cold the past two days and now the ground is well covered with snow. More of the same expected tomorrow. I wonder where the robin is that I saw in my back yard on Tues/Wednesday.
    The writing group went well. One of the members has extensive experience with website setups as part of her professional life; she is designing and setting up a site for the group on which to post writings. I did not really envision that when this started and I must say I am a bit nervous about putting my work out there. I originally thought that sharing writing with a group of like minded individuals was a good step if you were thinking of entering a writing contest. I find this a bit scary and feel there will be some pressure to routinely have something to update one's postings. Most of the other members do not seem to have these concerns or at least have not voiced them. The evening reading club went well. There was no meeting in Feb. as several people typically go to Florida. For the same reason, a book was not assigned. Instead we did a dvd, "Eye in the Sky" which I had previously not seen but am very glad now to have seen it. If you have not seen it, Helen Mirren plays a central role and does a terrific job. It is a bleak movie about the use of a drones on the fight against Al Shebab (sp?)in Kenya and raises all sorts of political and moral issues about the modern waging of war. The character development of the many different people involved was excellent and we had no problem discussing it for the two hours. Of course, it was very easy to relate to on-going events today.
    Keep up your good fight, MITM. Your quote from Beck is a good one. I did see about Bob Harper. His death raised a lot of discussion. I heart about about his family genetics but also heard comments about risks from extreme exercise by which is meant truly extreme like doing iron man competitions. I am sure you daughter would have done a good job on her dissertation and reading it would be instructive.
    Hope all Crackers are well. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Well Bracken I'm slightly confused as on my news feed you have logged in for 45 days and that was 13 hours ago so were you mistaken about breaking your run? And secondly you put that Bob Harper had died - I thought he just had a heart attack but was recovering?

    Your writing group sounds rather interesting - why don't you write under a pseudonym to take off some of the pressure? Talking of books have you by any chance got 'The Four Day Win' in your extensive library of dieting books?! I'm tempted to buy it, to read during my 3 week potato free break in the UK!

    Sadly I am still struggling... last night I could so easily have ate, just for the sheer sake of eating! However I stopped and went in search of some Beck inspiration and found this quote:-

    'If you think, "It's okay to eat because I just need to feel better NOW," remind yourself:"While it may be true that I need to feel better, it's not true that I need to eat to feel better. There are other things I can do to help myself feel better that won't cause me to take in extra calories and gain weight. Besides, if I eat to feel better now, the only thing I'll be doing is signing myself up to feel badly later - when I feel guilty about what I've eaten, when I've reinforced bad habits, and when I've gained weight. Do something else that will help me feel better now and later."

    So I made myself go and salsacise for 15 minutes and it did the trick - the moment passed and I felt better for the exercise...

    This morning I got out my little book of measurements and weights over the years and discovered it's been a whole year since I last posted in it. That in itself tells me I must have been happy with my weight and measurements for the past year which maybe I've lost sight off. I am currently 2.2 pounds off my target weight and 1/2" larger all over but I'm no longer doing Jillian exercises or daily Rosemary salsacising. However in the past week I have done 3 sessions now of Rosemary and there really is no reason why I can't fit 15 minutes of her into my day so that is my aim for the next 10 days until I depart.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. MITM, I am as confused as you about the 45 days. I was sure I had missed one.
    Perhaps one is excused for a day after so many consecutive ones!! I definitely was wrong about Bob Harper- he is recovering but I might have confused it with his mother who died of heart disease as he commented on the genetics in his family.
    It is possible to write under a pseudonym but we were told that it might make our writing less credible for publication should that (perhaps unlikely) condition arise. The other factor is that the other members are going with their names so I felt some pressure to do so too. I had thought of going by my first initial and middle name which might still be an option.
    I have not heard of the Four Day Win but will definitely search out information on it.
    MITM, your accounts of how you struggle and your coping strategies are really inspiring to me. The quote from Beck, as usual, is a good one and her arguments are so clear and logical that even if one ignores them at one time, I find they still worm their way into ones thinking and help at many others. The business about giving into an impulse or a craving being a tool for only reinforcing bad habits is something that has really stuck with me. I think exercise is one of the best coping strategies too.
    I was really pleased on Monday to find I had dropped 3 pounds. The scale had been stuck for so long before these past two weeks that when I saw the drop I had trouble reading the scale!
    That loss is very unusual for me in a week and is probably in part because I had 2 days of quite intense gastro distress when I ate much less than usual; however, the other five days required considerable diligence and compliance to my plans so I did work for that loss.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I am finding the return to extreme cold here very frustrating. Temps of -14C with the winds which are very high. It is so cold I can only let Nellie out for about 20 minutes at a time. My brother was here for a nice visit this morning; he brought his chocolate Labrador
    Retriever with him and Nellie had a bit of a romp outdoors with her. My brother and his family are flying to Arizona tomorrow morning as they will be on a school holiday, here known as March Break. They are off to see our sister there. So far there has not been much snow with this cold although squalls and significant snow has been forecast. I hope there is nothing overnight as they drive to Detroit in the morning to catch their plane, almost a 3 hour drive. As usual, I will worry about them!
    One of my short pieces of writing is now on our group website and a second short piece has been sent to the woman who is so ably managing the site. I cannot believe the amount of time I spent revising and polishing those pieces but when it is put up for public display it makes one very self-critical. I have a third ready to send but the group decided to put two a month per person so I am happy to have one in hand.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hello Ladies,a quick pop in from me as I landed last night and don't know which way is up yet! I am hoping to sit down later when I feel a bit more with it and catch up on the posts with a lovely cup of tea. I hope this post finds you all well xxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    BM, very glad to see that you have arrived safe and sound back 'home' and look forward to hearing about your trip home.
    Well, I am sure I have now broken my 50 day log-in run as I definitely did not log-in yesterday although I tried. I was not home; in fact I had not been home since Monday morning (when I did log in) but was away until this afternoon. We have had such appalling weather, especially for March. Huge winds, low temps (-18C yesterday) and snow squalls. Yesterday major snow was predicted, influenced by the even worse weather in the Eastern US. The amount of snow could have been worse but I felt so dragged down by it all that I booked a room for Monday/ Tuesday in a hotel in the nearby city, just to get away (really only a few miles!!) Because it is a school break here and because I did this last minute, the hotel I wanted was fully booked so I had to settle for a less desirable one. Still it served the purpose and had a decent swimming pool. I don't swim but Monday my sister brought her youngest daughter who is an excellent competitive swimmer and she had a very good time so I was pleased to do that for her. Also I was able to take Nellie to the hotel which was a good trial. She has been to a boarding kennel but this was different of course. She did really well- her toilet behaviour is impeccable and she gave only a couple of barks so it is nice to know that if I wanted to take her further afield she should be fine. Still quite nasty today and predicted so until the weekend. The birds had eaten all the extra food I left for them so they, I suppose, were pleased to see my return.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    Welcome back BM - hope you had a great trip. Bracken - so sorry to hear about the appalling weather you are experiencing, I did see it mentioned on the news and I was thinking of you and how you would be coping. I did not for a moment imagine you checking into a hotel - good for you!! Well sadly I have no time to linger as I'm off to the UK tomorrow and I really should be in bed as I have to get up in 4 hours time!! However I just wanted to let you know and I will be in touch.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    The weather here is still up and down though not as bad as last week- at least no snow. But last night and today are very cold again and an extreme cold alert was issued. It is very sunny today which is some consolation and since the weekend, I have heard a lot of birdsong, especially in the morning when I first let Nellie out. That is one of the great joys of spring to me after the dreadful silence of winter.
    Tomorrow evening I have my book club meeting. We are doing Wuthering Heights. I still have my university copy complete with some notations and some excellent critical commentaries included. I was amazed at how much I had forgotten the novel and have enjoyed reading it again.However, it was quite slow going especially with the sections written in dialect. It is really a remarkable book and amazing to me that the author could have written such an intricate and original book given her constricted life at Haworth. I feel I have not really done it justice with just one reading but am looking forward to our group's discussion.
    BM, I hope you have recovered from your recent trip- such a long journey.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Thank you both for the welcome home, much appreciated. My apologies for being absent, I have had the obligatory chest infection, plus I had to have a minor op on Wednesday which as is usual for me a bit more of a problem than it appeared it initially would be due to my bleeding excessively. To cap it all, I landed, had two days with my lovely OH and he had to fly to Norway. So he is not here to help me out with changing dressings etc so I am having to take two taxis Everyday to the GP's for dressing change.

    Anyhow.... enough of my troubles. Bracken, I thought your idea of checking into a hotel was wonderful and so lovely you could take Nellie too! I sincerely hope your weather is kinder to you both from now on xx You have reminded me of when we had lived here a while and our first apartment had no bath in either bathroom. I really enjoy a soak in the bath with a good book and missed it so much I checked us into a hotel for a couple of nights and had 5 wonderful baths there :)

    MITM hope you're having a great time with your family in the U.K. Safe return journey to you xx

    I am going to get myself ready now for the quite painful journey to the GP so will wish you a happy weekend both, wherever you are and whatever you are doing!

    Take care, BM xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. BM, I hope you are now well on the road to recovery. You do have such struggles with your health and it must be difficult being in another land and your husband having to fly away to business. That says to me that you are really very brave.
    Yesterday after such a long winter layoff, I finally got back on my horse! He was wonderfully well behaved. I did mainly walking and a small trot but it is a start. He is in quite good shape from the young girl at the stable riding him. I've said that I am reluctant to have someone else riding him but I've been able to observe and she seems very considerate about not overworking him. This is usually an issue with young riders I have seen before. She has also not mentioned jumping him which is good as I am not keen to have him jumped. I just hope she easily realises that as I am able to do more, she will not be able to ride him as much as she has been doing. However, she/her family have not paid for anything (and boarding a horse
    is very expensive) so it is not like this was a shared board situation and I'll definitely let her ride when I cannot.
    A milder dull day here so I must try and get some jobs done, either indoors or outdoors.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Yay! This trip to the UK I am able to log into my account on my Father's tablet which on previous visits, for whatever reason it wouldn't allow me but there's no way I'm able to type on that mini screen! However the daughter is giving me 5 minutes on her laptop!

    BM I too hope that you are on a speedy road to recovery and that OH returns soon. Bracken how lovely to hear that you have been back on your horse.

    Well I'm all over the show here eating things I would not dream of scoffing at home! I ate so many hot cross buns which I absolutely love during my first week.... Fortunately we don't have them in Austria nor do we have 25g packets of crisps in a bargain 14 packet bag. Thank goodness! I'm safest with one family size bag 175g, shared with my husband equally once a week. I'm not safe with 14 individual bag lurking in the store cupboard I cannot be trusted!

    Anyway been there, done that and not buying anymore of either. Had a major wobble, went up at one point to 9.11 - heaviest weight in a year, came to my senses again and have been sensible ever since. I'm currently giving advice to the daughter to stop stressing about her all important A-level exams in 11 weeks time and concentrate on the mocks this week first. So I'm now telling myself to stop panicking about Easter fast approaching (and chocolate!) and just get through the next 12 days in the UK first!

    On a positive note I'm walking LOTS - pounding the city streets, to shop for groceries daily, not a mountain in sight but since it's 23 degrees at the moment at home and muck spreading season, just as well!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Enjoyed your UK post MITM and hope the rest of your trip has gone well. Your hot cross buns anecdote reminds me of helping my grandmother make them so many years ago. I don't think I have had them since the ones of my grandmother. I remember liking them
    though they were not a favourite food. It's funny how different foods appeal to different people. I do remember that they were very good when just out of the oven and still warm.
    Our weather continues to be up and down and so I have tried to use the good days to get some yard work done. Monday was very nice and I worked for many hours in the yard, raking
    leaves and picking up twigs and branches- so many pieces from all the high winds. Tuesday it poured rain so no garden work but today was quite nice so again more raking and picking up.
    Yesterday I took advantage of the bad weather to get some other jobs done- I went to the water garden store to pick up some rubber cement to do a bit of patch work on the pond. As I was also near a large garden centre, I stopped in. There was not much in the way of plants yet but there were pots of beautiful pansies. I like them so much as they are our earliest flowers for pots. So I have bought one all ready planted bowl of mixed colours for my front door steps and several packs to be planted. That was partly what I did today so now I have several pots of pansies. I like to get them early as they do better here when it is cooler. I also have a lot of stiff muscles from this work!
    Sunday I was at the stable and was told the most shocking news which I had not heard as I do not always listen to the local station. There was a terrible barn fire on Thursday at the stable of a family with whom I am well acquainted. (The riding community here is small enough that
    everyone involved with horses pretty well knows or knows of everyone else.) The fire was at 3 a.m during a violent thunderstorm and it sounds as if lightening may have been the cause.
    Five horses perished in the fire, despite the valiant attempt of the husband to go into the smoky stable. He was able to open the doors of the stalls but the horses were too terrified to leave; he could not get out the way he came in and suffered injury making a narrow escape. His wife was able to rescue one horse before smoke got to one end of the stable. It was heart breaking to hear about. Fire has always been something that haunts me especially as when I was a child (about 9) my family suffered a barn fire in which we lost cows and pigs. To make things worse, I was told that the family whose stable burned have had some postings on Facebook claiming they probably started the fire for insurance purposes. Can you imagine how cruel that is to have to read. It is very hard in such circumstances to know what to say but I did write a card of condolence.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh Bracken, this is heartbreaking. my thoughts and prayers are with you and that poor, poor family. I say "shame on you" to the horrible, despicable, evil people who are writing such deplorable things. I despise Facebook/twitter etc and think the world is a poorer, sadder place for them. They seems to cause far more problems than is worth it. I hope the husbands injuries heal soon, he sounds a dedicated, loving person to put his own life on the line for his horses. An absolutely heartbreaking event for all concerned.

    I apologise for my absence, my wound is taking longer than anticipated to heal. apart from that my eldest son and 7 year old Grandson are with us for a 2 week holiday. so that is keeping us very busy!

    MITM, I am always reminded at Easter of the wonderful wreathe you hang on your door. I have searched John Lewis avidly since seeing yours, but have never seen one as nice.

    If I don't have time before Easter I wish you both a happy time with family and pets. It"s not particularly celebrated here, but I do keep to it's traditions in our house.

    Take care, BM xxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Just a quick pop-in but nice to hear from you, BM, but sorry your recovery is taking longer than expected. how lovely it must be to have your son and grandson. I hope you enjoy every minute of it. I can not remember the wreath of MITM that is referred to but would be interested to have it described.
    Very unseasonably mild here all of a sudden so am hustling to get more gardening jobs done as rain also comes with this mild weather. I am very sore this pm as today I tackled the dreaded pond cleaning! Thankfully I was able to complete the worst part- pumped out the pond, raked out the many sodden leaves in it, and hosed it down so it is basically clean. Now i must wait for a couple of consecutive sunny days as it needs some touch up work with the rubber cement product. The warm weather has brought along some cheery daffodils and narcissus and the tips of many hostas are poking through along with a couple of my woodland
    plants, the may apples and the bloodroot.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    To all Crackers wherever you may be, my good wishes are sent to you for a Happy Easter.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers - I'm back!

    Well this time last week I spent the night in London with my Mother as it was my birthday. We were staying opposite the Shard, across on the other side of the river - fantastic view of it and the weather was brilliant. Went to the theater to see 'Stepping Out' (which the film was based on) which was excellent and then the following morning we visited Kensington Palace to see the Princess Diana exhibition on her dresses which were stunning. Up close (behind glass) they were so small and dainty, not in height obviously! And the 'white' garden planted specially this year as it's 20 years ago she died was simply beautiful. We also spotted the Duke of Kent coming out of the Palace, totally alone, who no one recognized except my Mother and me! Needless to say I ate total rubbish from start to finish and I'm just grateful it was only a 1.4 pound gain this week but fortunately we shopped until we dropped so did over 20,000 steps each day.

    Arrived back in Austria with the daughter on Monday. Although the husband picked us up at the airport because of our luggage (daughter had all her college books for revision), as we were in Salzburg he wanted to take the opportunity to get a new coffee machine as ours had died during my absence, I have been praying for this day! But when you have been up since 3am... so we still didn't get home until very late. However we eventually found one that made coffee as the husband wanted with whole coffee beans and as it cost an arm and a leg, it will be our 28th wedding anniversary gift to ourselves (which is tomorrow), he gets good coffee and I get to look at something that is pleasing to the eye as the old one was a huge, commercial machine, bright red which did not fit in with the kitchen colour scheme and was so ugly - 18 years living here I have put up with it!

    I haven't had time to post as it has taken me 4 days to clean the house from top to bottom and tidy my front garden. The husband whilst I was away cleared the basement floor and dug over the vegetable plot and started planting up but just closed his eyes very tightly to the inch of dust and cobwebs gathering everywhere inside of the house - men!

    I've now a house full of Austrian family and having not had chocolate in almost 40 days - I feel quite ill! I made my birthday cake belatedly, dark chocolate and smothered it in little chocolate eggs and may now never be able to face another chocolate egg again!! Next weigh in will not be fun however it is Easter! BM - like most things in my life, my Easter wreath (Bracken - in my profile photo!) is 18 years old and I've never seen another since. I have a tree a metre high, made of the same coloured eggs clustered which I bought at the same time, standing in the hallway.

    Frightful news about the stable Bracken - it seems to be the latest thing you can post the most horrible comments online. What is the matter with people? BM - how lovely for you to have family staying, I hope it helps speed up your recovery. Well ladies I will wish you both a peaceful and happy Easter.

    Be good! Any progress?

    P.S. I had a lovely birthday text message from LMV she has been in Australia for 6 weeks and hopes to join us again soon to shift her excess baggage!