


  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    182 on Saturday. Down 4 lb for the month... So averaging out right on plan.

    I did make some adjustments this month - started weighing some more foods, and bumped my workouts considerably. Last few weeks have been larger than usual drop, which helped get me back on plan.

    Not 100% sure if it's sustainable, as the end of last week saw my energy levels drop severely which led me to the decision to take 2 days @ maintenance and reduce exercise load.

    So now my next mission is to find balance.

    Going to stay generally on the current workout/food schedule for the next 2 weeks, but add 1 extra rest day in the middle.. see if that helps.

  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    @bwmalone Great month!

    I saw an energy drop about a month ago. Increased my carbs, especially the day before heavy weight sessions, and seems to have helped quite a bit. Extra rest should also help for recovery.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Thanks @loulamb7!

    I am still tweaking in my macros.. I have a pretty hard time with satiation if I put too much carbs in the diet, as they seem to go through me, leaving me hungry again.

    I haven't tried playing with the timing yet...Carb load before workout, protein after, etc. I used to do that way back in my competition days, but back then, cutting weight was NOT a factor into the equation (couldn't gain back then if my life depended on it, thanks to training). Back then, Carb loading was an easy and fun thing to do!

    I have been nervous to try going down that route yet since I am still battling being HUNGRY when I increase my workout load to >1000 cal/day, even when I eat back 50% of my exercise cals.

  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    Gentlemen, weight is a horrible health marker. If you want to lose weight, cut off a body part. No?

    I believe you are being too specific and missing a bigger picture for a lot of men here. For a man with 70% body at 5' 9" he could weigh himself and make a plan to drop 150 lbs. About a year or more later he could re-check and find he is now at 25% bodyfat at which point he could redefine his work toward body composition.
    I think you are speaking about edge cases and throwing out data that is a valuable tool (weight)
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day weekend. I'm slightly dreading end of month weigh in. I'll probably wait until June 3rd to report in. :#
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Monthly check in.

    Primary GW: 180 lb
    Secondary GW: 175 lb
    Tertiary Goal: Whatever I lose, to keep it off through the last months of the year!

    RED = gain for the week
    YELLOW = loss of less than 0.5 lbs for the week
    GREEN = loss of 0.5 lbs or more for the week

    SW: 205.5 | W10: 205.0 | W20: 194.6
    W1: 207.3 | W11: 204.0
    W2: 206.3 | W12: 202.5
    W3: 205.9 | W13: 200.7
    W4: 205.8 | W14: 199.9
    W5: 207.6 | W15: 199.1
    W6: 208.0 | W16: 198.0
    W7: 207.4 | W17: 196.5
    W8: 206.4 | W18: 195.1
    W9: 206.1 | W19: 195.3

    W21: 194.0

    Weekly deficit: 2,104 calories (an average of 301 cals per day)
    Expected week loss: 0.60 lbs
    Trend App loss: 0.6 lbs

    Monthly deficit: 13,012 calories (an average of 465 cals per day)
    Expected monthly loss: 3.72 lbs
    Trend App loss: 2.5 lbs

  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    264. Shocking, I know. :-\
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    I'm sitting at 177.5 as of 2 days ago during my weekly weigh in. Down 4.5 lb for the month. Basically right on track. I feel like the WL is slowing down the last few weeks though, so trying to stay focused.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Started May at 183.3 ended at 184.1, up .8

    Good news is that in mid-May I hit a lowest recorded weight of 180.8 and lowest recorded trend of 182.8.

    Goal for end of June is the same as May, 180 with BF% of 16.5.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    d_thomas02 wrote: »
    Seems I'm still underestimating my intake, or my FitBit is overestimating my TDEE, to the tune of 100 calories a day. Either way. I can work with that.

    Said this back at the end of April and noticed I had said nearly the exact same thing about a year ago.

    Been bothering me like an itch you can't scratch so decided to do something about it.

    Easiest thing to do was just add a food item called "Adjustment" (it is in the food database) for 100 calories to Breakfast as I almost always have the same thing everyday.

    My OCD is unhappy with me for making a change near the middle of a month rather than at the beginning but I told it to "forget about it".
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Last Sunday of the month blew by and I didn't even see it. So here are my results as of last Sunday.

    Primary GW: 180 lb
    Secondary GW: 175 lb
    Tertiary Goal: Whatever I lose, to keep it off through the last months of the year!

    RED = gain for the week
    YELLOW = loss of less than 0.5 lbs for the week
    GREEN = loss of 0.5 lbs or more for the week

    SW: 205.5 | W10: 205.0 | W20: 194.6
    W1: 207.3 | W11: 204.0 | W21: 194.0
    W2: 206.3 | W12: 202.5 | W22: 193.7
    W3: 205.9 | W13: 200.7 | W23: 193.4
    W4: 205.8 | W14: 199.9 | W24: 192.2
    W5: 207.6 | W15: 199.1
    W6: 208.0 | W16: 198.0
    W7: 207.4 | W17: 196.5
    W8: 206.4 | W18: 195.1
    W9: 206.1 | W19: 195.3

    W25: 191.4

    Weekly deficit: 1,200 calories (an average of 171 cals per day)
    Expected week loss: 0.34 lbs
    Trend App loss: 0.8 lbs

    Monthly deficit: 13,995 calories (an average of 500 cals per day)
    Expected monthly loss: 4.00 lbs
    Trend App loss: 2.6 lbs
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Did not even notice the last Sunday has passed.
    Weight as of yesterday was...264. Will weigh again on Sunday to confirm.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Started June @ 177.5 lb
    Started July @ 174

    Loss for June: 3.5 lb
    Reached a milestone of 24.9 BMI!

    A little under my goal of 4 lb.... Time to step up.
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Brett - breaking 25 BMI is outstanding! Keep it up!
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Started June at 184.1, ended at 185.8, up 1.7 lbs, ouch. Some of that is July 4th beer and food but still +2.5 lbs in the last 2 months.

    Almost same pattern as last year when I hit a low of 183 and then inched up to 191 by January.

    Good news is I lost .5" on my waist. Actually had to buy some 34 pants because 36s are to big.

    Goal for end of July is to get back to 183.

    Congrats to everyone's successes in the last month.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    @loulamb7, I struggled with the same pattern last year. Lost 33 lbs during the top half of the year (came within spitting distance of 180) and then gained most of it back during the bottom half. I'm determined to break that pattern this year.

    @bwmalone, at my current weight (191 lbs) I have a BMI of 27.4. I'd also have to be under 175 lbs to drop into a "normal" BMI range. A normal BMI is not really one of my goals but I do look at it.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @d_thomas02 I know in my head that BMI is just a number - but it's nice to know that next time I have to visit the Dr, he won't be mentioning my being "overweight". :smiley:

    My mirror and clothes show a much better picture as far as BF% goes.. I'm sporting upper abs, and my spare tire has retreated into love handles. Still a fair amount of work to do, but very happy with the progress.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten.

    Many people attribute this quote to Anthony Robbins and before him Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, and even Mark Twain. Regardless of the origin, what matters is the point it makes.

    If you want to change the end result, you need to change the way you do things. Something I need to keep in mind this next month.

    Primary GW: 180 lb
    Secondary GW: 175 lb
    Tertiary Goal: Whatever I lose, to keep it off through the last months of the year!

    RED = gain for the week
    YELLOW = loss of less than 0.5 lbs for the week
    GREEN = loss of 0.5 lbs or more for the week

    SW: 205.5 | W10: 205.0 | W20: 194.6
    W1: 207.3 | W11: 204.0 | W21: 194.0
    W2: 206.3 | W12: 202.5 | W22: 193.7
    W3: 205.9 | W13: 200.7 | W23: 193.4
    W4: 205.8 | W14: 199.9 | W24: 192.2
    W5: 207.6 | W15: 199.1 | W25: 191.4
    W6: 208.0 | W16: 198.0 | W26: 190.5
    W7: 207.4 | W17: 196.5 | W27: 191.1
    W8: 206.4 | W18: 195.1 | W28: 190.3
    W9: 206.1 | W19: 195.3 | W29: 191.4

    W30: 190.4

    Weekly deficit: 4,042 calories (an average of 577 cals per day)
    Expected week loss: 1.15 lbs
    Trend App loss: 1.0 lbs
    Monthly deficit: 4,692 calories (an average of 134 cals per day the last 35 days)
    Expected monthly loss: 1.34 lbs
    Trend App loss: 1.0 lbs

    Just bouncing between 190 and 191 all month long. Gotta change the way I'm doing some things.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @d_thomas02 Great tracking... looks like a small adjustment will get you back in the downward direction!

  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Started July with 174, ended it with 172... so 2# down for the month, but the last few weeks have been a complete stall.

    Goal weight is 150 for maintenance.

    I'm on day 2 of a "back to basics" on logging and exercise. Should help break the cycle.