Introduce Yourself!

JimmyJam019 Posts: 50 Member
Tell us

1. How long you have been fasting
2. What questions do you have?


  • mistyjazz929
    mistyjazz929 Posts: 10 Member
    I haven't started yet but I want to try. However there are so many ways to do it how do you know which one to choose?

    Also before I started on MFP I would only eat one meal a day at dinner time and snacked afterwards and I was gaining weight. The doctor said I had put my body in starvation mode which caused my metabolism to slow down. So since that was sort of an intermittent fast obviously that didn't work for me. So how does intermittent fasting help you to lose weight??? I really need help on this please.
  • JimmyJam019
    JimmyJam019 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Misty. One form of fasting is the omad diet or also called one meal a day diet. It is something that I have done for years. I follow the 4 ones rule. One meal, one beverage, one hour, and one plate. I don't do any snacking with this diet. I have found it to be the best and easiest diet I have ever done. Some forms of intermittent fasting include every other day, etc. I think you have to find what works best for you and your body, but the one meal a day diet has worked wonders for me.
  • mistyjazz929
    mistyjazz929 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Misty. One form of fasting is the omad diet or also called one meal a day diet. It is something that I have done for years. I follow the 4 ones rule. One meal, one beverage, one hour, and one plate. I don't do any snacking with this diet. I have found it to be the best and easiest diet I have ever done. Some forms of intermittent fasting include every other day, etc. I think you have to find what works best for you and your body, but the one meal a day diet has worked wonders for me.

    Thanks @ JimmyJam019. Can I ask how many calories do you eat per meal?

  • JimmyJam019
    JimmyJam019 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Misty. One form of fasting is the omad diet or also called one meal a day diet. It is something that I have done for years. I follow the 4 ones rule. One meal, one beverage, one hour, and one plate. I don't do any snacking with this diet. I have found it to be the best and easiest diet I have ever done. Some forms of intermittent fasting include every other day, etc. I think you have to find what works best for you and your body, but the one meal a day diet has worked wonders for me.

    Thanks @ JimmyJam019. Can I ask how many calories do you eat per meal?


    I usually eat at least 1200 calories minimum. Sometimes I go over this, but it doesn't seem to affect my weight loss. That's one of the things I love about the diet. I don't have to worry about keeping track of calories. I usually try to eat a vegetable and a fruit with my meal as well.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Hello. I just started IF last week. I have been trying the 5:2 plan. I lost a pound last week, but nothing so far this week. I checked measurements and no changes there either. The only difference is that I started going to the gym every day during the week since last Wednesday. I eat 1500 calories on my high days and try to stay around 500 on my low days. Can anyone recommend what I might be doing wrong? Or should I try the 16 hour fast instead?
  • JimmyJam019
    JimmyJam019 Posts: 50 Member
    justjenny wrote: »
    Hello. I just started IF last week. I have been trying the 5:2 plan. I lost a pound last week, but nothing so far this week. I checked measurements and no changes there either. The only difference is that I started going to the gym every day during the week since last Wednesday. I eat 1500 calories on my high days and try to stay around 500 on my low days. Can anyone recommend what I might be doing wrong? Or should I try the 16 hour fast instead?

    Hi Jenny. I would try to do a 16 hour fast instead and see what kind of results you have with that. I would also maybe try and incorporate more high protein and superfoods in your meals.
  • Hollyejt
    Hollyejt Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm late 40's and tall, looking to loose about 50-60lb total. I've been studying about CR and IF and Keto plans for a while and have mixed and matched with some success in the past, but something intense came along in my life and I didn't stick with it. The results were never consistent though. A couple weeks ago I saw a client whom I hadn't seen in months had lost a significant amount of weight and she told me about a nutritionist she's been seeing. He said that he's guessing (having done the labs etc yet) that I'm insulin resistant and put me on a 16/8 IF with a specific meal plan for those 6 hours low Keto'ish.

    I'll admit I've substituted a few things over the first few days (had a tooth removed and couldn't chew some things, but they were healthy subs). I'm just a little surprised that I'm almost a week in and although I feel pretty good (headaches aside) and feel "thinner" and have been dropping water and drinking a ton of it too, but I'm not loosing any weight and nearly nothing in inches. Note: once I start a plan I can usually loose about 5lb (water) and up to 7 inches on my waist the first week.

    I'm not concerned yet as I'm guessing its called "resistant" for a reason, but just surprised that I can reduce calories, reduce feeding time by that much and not really see the needle move at all.

    Overall, this has been one of the easiest plans to follow and stick to, and I like how I feel mentally and energy wise. Prior, I felt like I went into a food coma with every meal no matter how healthy, so this is a step in the right direction.

    Anyway, glad this group is here. Anyone else have insulin resistance and if so, how long did it take for you to start loosing and did you have to switch it up (ie have cheat days, or carb cycle) to keep your body thrown off so you could start loosing again?
  • martinez827
    martinez827 Posts: 9 Member
    I just realized that I have been practicing IF almost all my life. I've always skipped breakfast and usually eat my first meal around 11:30 a.m. or noon. I started Crossfit 3 years ago and started incorporating breakfast into my daily routine along with trying to eat 6 small meals a day but only saw an increase in weight. I know with Crossfit I'm gaining muscle and that's great but the inches haven't come off, the clothes do not fit any better and the number on the scale continues to climb. This week was the first time I heard about IF and I'm making a conscious effort with it. I know that I always feel better and lighter skipping breakfast and it's easier to keep within my calorie goal. I think it's important to listen to your body and find what works best for you. I'm looking forward to seeing how this works for me and to meeting new people on the same journey and sharing stories and tips!
  • Benburrell0808
    Benburrell0808 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I've been fasting now since last Friday (May 19th) on a 16:8 IF plan. My feasting hours are typically from 11AM to 7PM (however today I had to adjust to a 12AM to 8PM window). I feel as though I have reaped the benefits thus far. I have lost approximately 6 pounds with the loss from yesterday being the most significant of about 2 lbs. I'm also noticing a lot more mental clarity throughout the day as well as feeling more energetic and somewhat more light on my feet.

    The 11-7 fasting window really fits my schedule well when considering convenience and family demands. I do have some questions concerning exercise timing and type. For the past two months I have been going to the gym in the mornings at 6AM and lifting weights three times a week. Typically I would eat a protein packed healthy breakfast afterwards to aid in muscle recovery. Now I don't eat anything until my feasting window opens up (typically 4 hours after I finish my workout). I haven't necessarily noticed any changes in my strength so i'm not too concerned with losing muscle mass, but was curious in the long term what I should expect to see differently in muscle development now that i'm not feeding my body immediately afterwards.

    I also run after work daily for half an hour and since starting IF I have noticed feeling significantly more energized leading up to the run.

    I guess my main questions, from reading through this group's different threads relate to the types of workouts i'm doing and their timing in my fasting/feasting windows. It seems most people say to do cardio in the fasting period and lift weights in the feasting period for optimal muscle growth. Unfortunately I can't rearrange my day for this due to time constraints; so should I be worried about muscle decomposition or maybe just slower muscle growth?

    Thanks guys!
  • catherineh1027
    catherineh1027 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, everyone, I'm interested in starting 16:8 IF. I began introducing myself to it this week and truly starting tomorrow. I'm looking forward to reading your experiences and I hope this will assist me with weight loss, increased insulin sensitivity and energy, as well as better control of food cravings. ❤️
  • JimmyJam019
    JimmyJam019 Posts: 50 Member
    I want to welcome all our new members! I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences as we all continue to learn about fasting!
  • Benburrell0808
    Benburrell0808 Posts: 7 Member
    I want to welcome all our new members! I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences as we all continue to learn about fasting!

    Thanks Jimmy, any thoughts on my questions above?

  • lissa11263
    lissa11263 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I'm Melissa. I just started IF 3 days ago. I intended to do Eat Stop Eat but decided to try 16:8 and see how I do fasting for that long first. I might begin adding to my fast incrementally. So far so good but man, I really have some strong carb cravings (I had those before IF as well).

    I have looked at so many sites and used so many calculators to try to figure out an accurate calorie deficit. Eat Stop Eat suggested at my height I would need 1750 to maintain my current weight (but this doesn't take into account other factors used by the calculators). Most calculators have it much higher than that. Any recommendations or experiences you can share about how your calorie deficit would be helpful.
  • I heard about intermittent fasting on a podcast one evening last week as I was driving home from dance. It made so much​ sense to me that I skipped my usual post - workout snack and didn't eat again until 11 am the next morning. I'm doing 16/8, 11 am - 7 pm and I love it! It's so much easier to stay within my calorie goals with this added structure, plus yesterday on Memorial Day I didn't track my food at all and my weight was great this morning. :). I'm very happy to have found this method! Also, I have tons of energy in the morning before I break my fast, which I was not expecting!
  • cjv73
    cjv73 Posts: 240 Member
    I've just spent the last hour reading about IF, and now I'm planning to start with 16:8 IF tomorrow. Too late to start today, as I've already had breakfast. :smile: I know that this will be totally do-able for me though, as I often can go long periods without eating when I'm busy, gardening, or whatever. Plus, I'm on Saxenda which really suppresses my appetite. Excited to see what IF can do for me! I am a 43yo female with 85-95 pounds to lose.
  • lissa11263
    lissa11263 Posts: 8 Member
    Just an update. 5 days in and I think it's going great! I've been doing 16:8 with a feeding window from 2 PM to 10 PM. Yesterday I fasted for 19.5 hours and it didn't bother me a bit. I'll admit I slept a bunch so that probably helped.

    Today was my first day back at work since I started and no problems. I brought a couple hard boiled eggs, sugar snap peas and a granola bar and ate about 2:30 after a nice walk. I'm still working on cutting out sweets, they are my downfall. At least I'm keeping it in check to some degree. Cookies at work today and I didn't touch them. :p

    I weighed myself this morning and maintained my lowest weight so I think that's a good sign. Typically when I weigh mid week I'm over by a couple pounds but for some reason, when weighing day rolls around I'm back down. I'm hoping this means that when I weigh in on Sat I'll have lost some weight. I still need to take my measurements so I don't have to rely on weight alone to judge my progress.

    As far as exercise goes I have been walking 20 - 30 minutes at work daily and I'm in the community a lot during the day so I walk a little then too. Over the holiday weekend I decided to do a beginner body weight workout. I did it on Sun. and my quads are still sore but I can walk down the steps without grimacing and moaning. I haven't done any resistance exercise since but I'm still working on getting into a routine. I might stick to resistance bands and the weight bench for a while. Obviously my heavy body is too much for me. LOL.

    How's everyone else doing?