5 Tools to Stop Emotional Eating!



  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Hi Beverly! I journal about what triggers my mindless eating and I keep my little notebook on the table. There are a few things I can usually tell will be hard to avoid, they are stressers surrounding meals, noises and unavoidable things. It seems that all I have to do is be aware of how those things cause me to start eating faster or feel deprived, worried, angry and this ( just observing how I'm affected ) in itself can sometimes bring back a calmness so that I can pause and breathe or just stop eating until I get calmed down. I was surprised at how this awareness set me in a more stable place mentally and is helped a lot.

    I'm also happy to see more people writing posts in the EE group.
    Thanks :)
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Mindful. Will be my word of the day.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Thanks vivian! good to reread this again. :)
  • jennrissa
    jennrissa Posts: 42 Member
    I really like this. I need to work on meditating more. I get too anxious and mind starts going all over the place.
  • Gracedtimes2
    Gracedtimes2 Posts: 38 Member
    Vivian, Love this... thanks.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    My problem lately has been that a whole lot of stuff is happening in my life over which I have no control. So I slip onto overeating instead of accepting the situations as being out of my hands. Today I have begun to work on the acceptance and realized I don't need control, I need inner peace. If I'm ok with everybody and everything around me, I don't need to escape into overeating. A small start but I'm grateful for the consciousness of this, its a beginning.
  • Spacemarine101
    Spacemarine101 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for the list, it's very helpful. Triggers are definitely hardest to overcome.
  • mekaerwin1
    mekaerwin1 Posts: 17 Member
    Peppermint candy helps me when I'm wanting something sweet after I finish my meal.
  • christalbwise
    christalbwise Posts: 1 Member
    I've used peppermint oil to help fend of seeet cravings during the day. Try it and it doesn't use up your carbs
  • mekaerwin1
    mekaerwin1 Posts: 17 Member
    @christalbwise Do you just sniff it?
  • lisaleebryan
    lisaleebryan Posts: 4 Member
    I stumbled upon this post yesterday. So helpful. I had just eaten a bunch of Boom Chicka Pop, so yummy, but I can't just eat a portion and then polish off the bag. I decided, after reading this thread, to stop when I am craving and wanting to eat junk, stop and think about what I am feeling. Am I happy, sad, bored, tired, stressed? Why am I feeling this? Then I made a goal to write down the feeling and my theory about why I am feeling that way. Then, I will reason through and not resort to candy or Boom Chicka Pop...(my main weakness--candy and any sugar).
    Today, I packed tons of veggies for work. I am feeling a bit hungry and bored and a bit sad. Nothing cherry tomatoes won't help;)

    Fingers crossed!
  • poodletopper
    poodletopper Posts: 2 Member
    I really liked the ideas on doing something I enjoy instead of eating. I'm trying to learn violin at age 75,
    only for my enjoyment, not to play for anyone. (am a piano teacher). I could do this when I start wanting to snack.
  • 19mm62
    19mm62 Posts: 1 Member
    Great post. I printed it out and will keep a copy posted at work, at home and in my purse. So well written. Thanks.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    I read a very good book: The Diet Trap - Judith Beck. This really helped me zero in "what" my issues are and how to deal with them. Very good.
  • Mary90Mary
    Mary90Mary Posts: 59 Member
    Anyone that have any tips for angriness? Just realized it's one of my triggers.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Be Happy. <3:)
  • Tiggy_sportsgirl
    Tiggy_sportsgirl Posts: 10 Member
    So glad to be in the same boat. We're certainly not alone thats for sure
  • Gracedtimes2
    Gracedtimes2 Posts: 38 Member
    The more I acedmically research and learn about this topic, I can't help to understand that for many, including myself, "emotional" overeating is tied to brain chemistry. Interesting.
  • Kellielvsfam
    Kellielvsfam Posts: 31 Member
    Hopefully,someone will reply to this.Anyone else get up and mindlessly eat in the middle of the night?I will wake up,when something i have been eating ,falls to the floor,or i start to choke.Sometimes i'm aware of what i'm doing but not always the case.