Are there any girls that look like or want to look like models?



  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    edited June 2017
    Yeah, sardelsa is right. Lacking nutritions also could lead to loose skin, if you dont eat enough vitamins and fat. Loose skin is not that cool even on a model figure. But... Dont want to do the I know it better talk. haha Plainpixel, you know best what you are doing. Worst case scenario you will have some bad experience not to repeat in the future or you will reap only benefits.

    I am sticking to 1200 net on workout days and 1200 total on non wdays, just because otherways I will kill someone with all the stress right now. :smiley: If I feel my job and studying is lacking, I will do even 1500 net. I gave one year to myself to transform completely including professional bleaching, growing out the healthiest hair possible and acheaving the figure of my current dreams. No matter how long it takes, I will acheave it! haha :smiley:
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    @dubstepvideobody, @GoldenEye_ , @VictoriaTuel, @plainpixxel, @wellnesschaser - thank you all for your kind words. That pic was taken before I joined MFP and was about 10lbs heavier. Well, only 6 or so now. I went from 111 to 97, then back up to 104. I was 95 for most of my life, but with age (I could be most of you gal's mom), I can't seem to pull that off anymore. My fat storage pattern has changed too much and my top half looks skeletal that low.

    @dubstepvideobody - I had to laugh at the woo button comment. Also, those measurements you posted of what you used to look like are crazy! You must have been so tiny!

    @wellnesschaser - I love collar bones and shoulders. I think can make a woman look both elegant and strong.

    @sardelsa, I don't know how you do it either with a baby that doesn't sleep much. My youngest son has always had sleep issues and would wake up 4-5 times a night and not let me leave his room for an hour at a time until he was 4 or so. I was a total zombie. He still has a lot of nighttime anxiety and fear of the dark at 13. He blocks all doors (closet, bathroom, entry) with laundry hampers/waste baskets, etc. and has the dogs sleep with him and STILL keeps a light on.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Oh dubstep when you said hair, you reminded me, I am actually getting my hair coloured on Friday (first time in a long time!) I have a whole balayage thing going on but it got way too dark so I want to lighten it up.

    I really love Lily's hair, she keeps it dark but it still has highlights.. pretty much what I have going on right now but way nicer! haha


  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @sardelsa @dubstepvideobody I usually hit all my
    Nutrient goals because i eat a lot of pea protein, take vitamins and supplements. I have a nutritionist that I see about four days a week to make sure I'm getting everything I need it's just upping the calories that's hard. I may try to add more grains. Breads and rices. I may try to eat read meat too. My doctor thinks it's because I
    Do so much cardio and ballet conditioning. In a week I usually run 30-35 miles. Maybe more. Ballet keeps my legs strong and muscular but since i support my weight on my
    Toes my body try's to keep me lighter. I wonder if I should cut back on cardio and just focus on flexibility and strength training. Maybe also making a bunch of meals on the weekend to eat during the week will help. If sardelsa can keep it up with her adorable little ones I can make time to eat better and cook more. There is honestly no excuse lol.

    Thanks so much. @sardelsa I may hit you up for time management tips. I can't tell you how amazing it is you do so much.
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @mom23mangos I'm sorry to hear about your little one. Do you know what's causing his anxiety or is it just a chemical disorder? My parents used to let me listen to music or left my
    Favorite show on while I slept so I felt safe with my favorite characters. Maybe one of those glowing projecting lamps would help? I'm sure with all the support you are giving him he will be better soon.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Aww @mom23mangos that is really tough for sure!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited June 2017
    @plainpixxel, he has a whole host of neurological issues. Tourettes, OCD, ADHD, anxiety (of course they are all somewhat related), learning disabilities as well as abandonment issues. Even though we adopted him young(~1yr), he had already been abandoned by his primary caregivers twice. It's making the teen years quite fun as you can imagine! :s

    Edit - he used to like going to sleep to the TV, but the psychoneurologist nixed that.
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @plainpixxel, he has a whole host of neurological issues. Tourettes, OCD, ADHD, anxiety (of course they are all somewhat related), learning disabilities as well as abandonment issues. Even though we adopted him young(~1yr), he had already been abandoned by his primary caregivers twice. It's making the teen years quite fun as you can imagine! :s

    Edit - he used to like going to sleep to the TV, but the psychoneurologist nixed that.

    Oh my gosh. That really is a critical period for a child. I wasn't aware he was adopted. You are doing a great job. I'm
    Sure it will get better. I understand why the doctor got rid of the TV though. It's a crutch that can cause insomnia and other issues so I get it.

    I can't wait until im stable enough to adopt little ones to give them a better life.
  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    I generally eat 1500 total calories now, but it was closer to 1200 when I was trying to lose more. I go running about 3 times a week, and do body weight exercises 4-5 times a week, because I don't always have the ability to get to a gym. @sardelsa and @mom23mangos now I feel like I definitely don't have any excuse when I don't want to workout! I hope your kids are easier to deal with than I was as a teenager!

    I'm a vegetarian, so I'm always worrying about not getting enough protein - I've read some places that you're supposed to be eating 1 gm per lb of body weight, but I'm never even close to that - how much protein do y'all eat to make sure you don't lose muscle tone?
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    @mom23mangos, just wanted to say I really admire you - parenting a child with special needs is so draining, and I'm impressed.
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    @mom23mangos, just wanted to say I really admire you - parenting a child with special needs is so draining, and I'm impressed.

    I want to do the same. I'm so glad you two have found each other! I bet he'll grow up to be a wonderful person with you as his mom.
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @GoldenEye_ @mom23mangos @sardelsa @dubstepvideobody @wellnesschaser @VictoriaTuel @JeepHair77

    Sorry to steer the conversation in a different direction but I wanted you guy's insight on a few things. So I'm leaving for my vacation to Washington State on Friday morning and I'm super excited. I calculated what my maintenance calorie consumption would be with my nutritionist and I'll change my goals in MyFitnesspal on Friday but I was wondering how you guys kept track of calories when you are on vacation. Vacation means eating out a lot and I'll be trying wine for the first time and I know that has a lot of calories in it. How do you guys track what you eat? Especially when not all restaurants provide nutritional information? Is it rude to ask? Should I just eyeball it?
    I don't mind eating over my goals but I'd like to still have an idea of what I'm putting in my body. Eating over a goal is one thing but I don't want to do something crazy and eat like 2000 calories in one meal (Which has happened to me at Cheesecake factory but honestly I didn't regret it lol) Any tips and tricks? I'd really appreciate it.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Me personally..I never track my food on vacation.. and besides walking and swimming etc.. I don't workout. I drink and eat a lot too.. I mean I don't go crazy but I don't restrict either. I went away for a week a few years ago.. I actually looked better by the end! Just pay attention to your portions, pick your favourite foods not all the foods, pick one meal to indulge in, have a very light breakfast or skip it altogether to save calories for the rest of the day, keep active, don't drink too much and you should be fine. When you come home you may have some water weight to lose but it comes off in no time. Oh enjoy your trip and your wine for the first time! I first tried wine when I was a kid, but my father is Italian so that is normal for us haha!
  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    I always at least try to track what I'm eating even when I'm traveling - but my "vacations" are almost always visiting family, so I generally have a fair amount of control over all but one of my meals per day. When I'm going out, I try to look at the menu first, so I can get an idea of what healthier options might be or pick out something that I really want to eat and plan around that. I always assume there's a lot more oil and salt in restaurant food than in what I cook, so I factor that in to the calorie count. I generally don't ask the restaurant, because if it's not on the menu, the staff usually doesn't know either.

    I just went on vacation and had one large meal per day where I ate whatever I want, but outside of that only ate healthier snacks. I didn't gain any weight because we also walked everywhere, and it was nice to not worry so much about what I was eating. As long as you don't go out to eat for every meal, you should be fine!

    Also, if you're going to be drinking wine for the first time, you'll probably want to keep track of that anyway. For some reason wine gets me much drunker than any other equivalent amount of alcohol, so I always have to be more careful when I'm drinking it.
  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    edited June 2017
    I am paleoish for a lot of years, so even on a vacation I try the local salads, bbq and fruit. :D I mostly walk A lOT when I am with my boyfriend and burn around 2500 just with walking so even if I eat some junk here and there (steal some fries from his dinner or some chips from his snack as I would never buy it myself) it is mostly in the maintainance range. Evenevery sunday we walk hours together so this saves me.
    In your case you can always make sexy suggestions to him like: fruit salad in bed (this is our weekend ritual actually) for breakfast and then some sorbet ice that has so little calories through the day (strawberry has 63 in a ball) and only eat a bigger dinner to fit into cals. Try cappucino or better soy cappucino to tame cravings though the day.
    And regarding how do you count: just eat one big thing a day and 2 snacks. And better no cheesecakes. stick to things that are easy to count like chicken with veggies or some rice -if its in a restaurant eat the half or max 2/3 of it and dont do desserts other than one bite. or you can have only a big chunk of cheesecake for dessert, no chicken, no veggies just sugar. If you can survive eating 1000 calories total and burning 700... you can also survive a weekend. I also think that even if you eat total 2000 cals it could be your maintanance cos people move more on vacation. Or just a bit of a kickstarting metabolism, you already eat way too low cals net to keep it burning forever :D

    Regarding alkohol i cant give any suggestions because even on a party i only stick to water or orange juice, my bf also. Just dont drink. Eat a cake instead :D

    Oh I just read you will be trying for the first time. So try one glass and enojoy.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    We're actually going on vacation next week, too, and I've been thinking about this.

    MOSTLY, I don't like to track too carefully or worry about it much when I'm on vacation. But this time - jeez, I'm so damned close to what I've been working for, and if I put on 3 pounds on vacation, taking them back off is ridiculously hard. Plus, I've got occasionally-visible abs now, and this is a beach vacation and I want them to pop, dammit! If I drink alcohol every night, those abs will be hidden by day 2.

    So... I'm no help. I'm probably going to be more relaxed on this trip, but I'm not turning it all the way off. One thing that helps is that on a beach vacation, I can sort of err on the side of seafood for most meals (high-protein, low-cal) and I'll probably limit myself to one glass of wine every evening. One of the friends we're going with is a hard-core crossfitter, so I think there's a good possibility that he'll be out on the beach doing some crazy-*kitten* workout every morning. I might try to join him.

    On the wine... I actually do much better with wine than with other drinks, because I can have one glass and sip it slowly and it's really not hard to STICK with just one glass. Whereas if I get a cocktail, I'll probably have 3. :smile:
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I think @JeepHair77 has some good suggestions. I honestly haven't tracked since last August. I tend to try to stick to more sensible choices for meals (seafood, lean meats, veggies), while leaving my carbs for chocolate and chips. LOL I did go on a couple of short trips when losing weight last year and just ended up not logging, eating sensibly most of the time and splurging when I felt like it. And like @dubstepvideobody said, I'm usually walking so much it doesn't really matter. Then I came back and just got back on track. I'm really trying to view this as I have a lifetime to remain healthy and in shape, so I want to be able to enjoy myself as well. I don't drink alcohol, so no help on that one either. Sorry.

    Also, it's sometimes hard when you are with other people, but I'd say don't eat if you aren't hungry. If I'm busy on vacation, sometimes I won't think to eat or be hungry until mid-afternoon.
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @sardelsa @dubstepvideobody @VictoriaTuel @JeepHair77 @mom23mangos

    Thank you all SO much. It's really helpful and I think I've got a good game plan together.
    I think the best tips are the ones that are the most simple. I definitely struggle with eating when I'm not hungry when I go out with friends. I feel rude getting a table and not ordering anything. What I think I will do if that happens is just take a walk on the beach while everyone eats and catch up with them later.

    I'm just a huge sucker for breakfast food. I was born in Swansea, Wales in the UK and we have tons of bread and other carb-ish stuff for breakfast and that's usually were I fall off the band wagon so I'll watch that carefully.

    I'm really nervous about trying alcohol for the first time. I've never really had any desire to drink. Water was always cheaper (except in Europe) so I might not have any at all. My boyfriend just got this really expensive wine from his parents and he wants to share it with me. It kinda freaks me out lol. I like being in control of my body. Being intoxicated sounds weird lol.

    Again I can't thank you ladies enough. I can't wait to show you some great picture when I get back!
  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    Breakfast food is so good, I completely understand the struggle - I made cinnamon rolls for Easter breakfast and definitely ate more of them than I should have, but do not regret it at all.

    Splitting a nice bottle of wine with multiple people shouldn't really get you intoxicated, and your boyfriend can look out for you if you're really worried! You can also just have a small glass or sip first because you might not even like the taste, even if it is a fancy expensive wine. I was at a wine tasting and a Dean bought a really expensive dessert wine, but it was just too sweet for me and I couldn't finish even my little glass - I had to give it to a friend.

    Your vacation sounds like it's going to be awesome regardless of what you end up eating/drinking; I hope you have a great time!!
  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    edited June 2017
    I think you should relax, being relaxed about food is much sexier than counting every single calorie and feeling intoxicated after a glass of wine... If you ask me you need to cheat a bit and get out of control to see if you really have control when you are not in the comfort of your home weighting every paprika and carrot and burning calories like hell. The real control is to not eat out of emotion or some kind of non hunger related thing and to be able to enojoy. yeah,food is also a socializer, but control is also to find the way in the situation to tame hunger, not lose your diet standards too much, break the rules a bit just ro not forget how nice it feels to have a bit of ....(insert) and so on. After acheaving the Gigi body you will have to eat a lot more food net, so take the vacation as an exam for maintainance.

    Wow I should stop behaving like mother. :D I am having my period maybe thats why haha