Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @elize7 - My suggestion would be to purchase items that don't appeal to you. Surely there are a type of peanuts that don't appeal to you as much? Or other nut?

    Another way to handle it would be to buy a decadent keto indulgence to promise yourself during that same time frame....

    Yet another option would be to treat that food as if it were a drug. You would NEVER expect an alcoholic to allow alcohol into the house under the guise of it being "for visitors," would you??? I agree that "out" is an entirely different setting, but in your own house, you are not required to buy your trigger foods. There are literally dozens of hostess/guest friendly snacks and options. How many folks feel indulged and decadent eating the foods you consider normal with your ketogenic diet??? I think you are assuming expectation on the part of your guests. You can get individually packaged servings (airplane peanuts, anyone?). Anything to make them less accessible.

    You would not expect a recovering meth addict to sit around a meth den just so he can visit with friends, would you?

    Sugar is a dopamine trigger. The perfect storm of fatty, sweet, and salty sets of a literally chemical response in your brain. Overwhelming compulsions that feel and mostly are nearly impossible to avoid - and definitely impossible to avoid with a row of triggers right in front of you. Willpower is FINITE, and it WILL fail you. Period. Get determined and use that to fuel you.

    Willpower alone will not the war win....
  • CorineSilva
    CorineSilva Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2017
  • CorineSilva
    CorineSilva Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2017
    DAY 2
    CARB ~17
    PROTIEN ~14

    Improvement....I'm not there yet but I'll keep trying. ;)
  • 150Tonya
    150Tonya Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Tonya. I'm new to ketogenics but it's working. I struggle to stay at 20 grams of carbs or less. Sometimes I am up but usually I'm down. I've lost a little over 18 lbs in a month. I would love to hear about your progress, what you're eating, any set backs and health benefits!
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Tomorrow I start my first day of no carbs for a week. Going to be a big challenge since I pretty much live on carbs. Bread, rice, potato, noodles.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Good luck!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    edited July 2017
    Woah - Awesome progress!

    I'm having one of those days where I just want to shout from the rooftops about how great keto is! I've been so stoked all day about how my body feels, How energetic I feel, what yummy foods I'm eating, and I peeked at the scale and see a great loss - I can't wait for my Friday weigh in (I only report weekly) :)

    Wishing you all a fab day too!
  • tracieibarra30
    tracieibarra30 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi My name is Tracie. I am new to my fitness pal and to keto. I am in my third week and finally getting comfortable with planning etc....or so I thought LOL...HELP...L
    ooking for advice/experienced opinion...
    I thought I was doing so well today. However, according to my fitness pal, as of right now I still have this remaining for my macros:
    409 calories
    9 fat
    81 protein
    1500 sodium
    58 sugars (?)
    1350 goal - 940 food - 351 exercise(biked 10 miles) = 589 net (no weight loss)
    I stand corrected...after my (short) workout I have the following: 760 calories, 4 carbs, 30 fat. 116 protein, 1500 sodium, 60 sugars
    can anyone help me out with this? What do I need to do differently?
  • tracieibarra30
    tracieibarra30 Posts: 5 Member
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    The sugars is an anomaly. When you set your carbs low, you didn't lower your sugar. There is ZERO need for sugar, so you don't need to track that. Most of us track fiber so we can calculate net carbs on veggies.

    Everything is low. Your calories are scary low, if they are this low all the time. You create a deficit though calorie reduction or exercise, not both. Are you not starving? If this is a temporary low hunger glitch, you might be okay...but either way, long term you need to be eating much more!

    Your carbs are probably okay overall. Unless you have something against eggs, they are a good way to sneak in some more nutrition. They have about 0.42 carbs each, so every 2 have about 1 carb, and they pack a giant nutritional whammy!

    Protein is way way too low for someone exercising. Carbs are a limit. Protein is a minimum goal range. Fats only fill in to satiety.

    Your sodium is also very low. Most people have to replace the 5000 mg of sodium a day that you are dumping. If you are tired, have muscle fatigue, feel sick to your stomach, etc., that is ALL signs of low sodium...

    Does this help at all???
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    At a minimum, you should be aiming to hit that 1350. Especially if you don't want to eat back your workout calories. You will naturally have more hungry and less hungry days.... Deficit should be looked at on average. You don't want too great of a deficit. Your body will slow your metabolism to match your intake.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Tracie, Sorry, I forgot to tag you so you could see the response! @tracieibarra30
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Sidetracked for a few days. Wow. Luckily, I'm back at work the next few days and that seems to ground me. And I am raring to go on projects. Bit of a backslide over the weekend, but I'll tell ya, you just never know what's around the next corner. I'm hoping this is my only July disruption.
    Still feel like I'm going to get to my goal weight in plenty of time to meet my deadline, and am going to strive to maintain my self care standards at a higher than normal level.
    This is still, without a doubt, my priority regardless if who or what comes across my path.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    You pretty much hit it. More protein and more calories. Skip the bulletproof coffee, have three or four eggs and a couple slices of bacon. A little more calories, more protein, and it's just so much better. Learn to drink black coffee.

    Three ounces of meat is not a serving unless you are a vegetarian. 6-8 is a serving, and should be the minimum you look to eat. And half a cup of tuna? You're getting closer. What is that? Two cans. That's the minimum amount that I'll eat at a time.

    Snacks? Can I be honest? You don't need snacks. You need three reasonably sized meals that satiate you. If you are feeling the need for a snack, you're not eating enough at the meals.

    You should be aiming for at least the 1,350 calories mentioned above. With adequate protein and fats, you will still lose weight as rapidly as you can healthily lose it. I actually think the macro goals near the bottom of the page are reasonable for you. You can swap some of those 170 grams of protein out for more fat, but don't be afraid to hit 100+ grams a day.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Okay, day 1 was tough. I refined my No Carbs week to No Bad Carbs. Reasons being, I discovered a banana has 30 carbs! And a 1/2 cup of peas has 12. What?! So I resisted a person handing out strawberry tarts at work. And I made a great dinner of scrambled eggs with red pepper, salmon and onions. But I craved sugar... why?
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited July 2017
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    You pretty much hit it. More protein and more calories. Skip the bulletproof coffee, have three or four eggs and a couple slices of bacon. A little more calories, more protein, and it's just so much better. Learn to drink black coffee.

    Three ounces of meat is not a serving unless you are a vegetarian. 6-8 is a serving, and should be the minimum you look to eat. And half a cup of tuna? You're getting closer. What is that? Two cans. That's the minimum amount that I'll eat at a time.

    Snacks? Can I be honest? You don't need snacks. You need three reasonably sized meals that satiate you. If you are feeling the need for a snack, you're not eating enough at the meals.

    You should be aiming for at least the 1,350 calories mentioned above. With adequate protein and fats, you will still lose weight as rapidly as you can healthily lose it. I actually think the macro goals near the bottom of the page are reasonable for you. You can swap some of those 170 grams of protein out for more fat, but don't be afraid to hit 100+ grams a day.

    All good stuff! I needed to hear it too.

    ... just a few quick questions:

    Why no bullet proof coffee?

    6-8 oz of meat/meal?

    Is there an explanation why feeling the need to snack between meals is a bad thing? Sometimes I prefer to eat a little less at lunch to have room for an afternoon snack, it's an excuse to stop working and go for a break with co-workers. Even if I'm just eating a Simply-Free pepperette or a pickled egg. Is this a habit I should be making an effort to break if I'm still hitting my macros and calorie goal?