August Accountability and Weigh-In



  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I've been easing into Intermittent Fasting and have been waiting until 2 in the afternoon to breathe my fast. Today, while rushing to an event, at 2 I was so famished and weak that I bought and wolfed down 3 candy bars in the terminal. And now on to the event.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Height: 5"3
    Heaviest weight: 154lbs
    Current weight: 134.7lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs
    July SW: 134.7lbs
    August SW: 133.3lbs
    August GW: 131lbs

    Aug 6:133.5lbs
    Aug 13:133.6lbs
    Aug 20:133.3lbs
    Aug 27:
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    I've done an early weigh in this week, I feel like I've done much better this week

    31/7 140lb
    5/8 137.2lb
    12/8 138lb
    18/8 136.4lb

  • WallyAmadeus
    WallyAmadeus Posts: 119 Member
    Height 5 ft 8
    SW: 147.8
    GW: 125 to 130
    August GW: 145

    8/5: 147.8
    8/14: 146.8
    8/20: 146

    What is making a difference: Not eating after dinner. Not only is my weight trending down, but I sleep more restfully and I wake up without the alarm clock. What also helps is that I do all my pre-bedtime ritual right after dinner. Dinner is at 7, bedtime is 10ish, so I'm still comfortably full at bedtime, but without that pre-sleep snack, my weight is finally coming down.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Lots of losses everyone, well done!

    @2tall4thisworld I'm glad our words helped! And well done on the drop, that's a good one!

    I feel like I am a bit stuck, struggling to get back in to things. Mind you, it is that time of the month and yesterday I was so crampy. We were out for dinner and when I normally am quite good at this particular restaurant (lots of sub 600 cal options), I had a pizza (hellooooo 1300 cals!). I then suggested (thanks to my PMT, I'm sure) that we have pudding, which in my case was a banana and chocolate calzone with ice cream and salted caramel sauce (helloooo 600+ cals!).

    I am continuing to log on weekdays. However, on Friday evening I fly out to see my parents for 5 days. I think I'll be slightly better there food wise, but I can't see myself logging anything. Mind you, my best friend has already suggested we go for a run together when I'm there, so I do intend to get two 5k runs in. And will probably go for one after work today too. But my eye is kind of off the ball for now. I've got this holiday, then it's my birthday early September followed by a BBQ with homebrew drinks at ours the weekend of the 9th. So I can be good on the days in between, but I cannot bring myself to calorie count on the 'fun' days. Right now it simply feels like I have to allow myself that bit of freedom and then properly focus again from the 11th of September.

    So yeah. I'm not being all bad, but the weight is stuck for a few weeks I think. See what my PT can do in terms of turning my training in to more weight stuff, like a challenge of some sort that I can aim for.

    I dunno. I'm going to keep logging here though (and start a September thread) because all of your updates and wise words help keep me in line.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    Height - 5' 3"
    SW - 127 (Feb 2017)
    GW - 110
    August SW - 119
    August GW - 115

    Aug 7: 116.6
    Aug 14: 115.8
    Aug 21: 116.0
    Aug 28:

    Feeling pretty bloated/icky/nauseous this week so wasn't anticipating a loss, and I was right. Not concerned about 0.2 lbs though.

    For now, I'm just trying to survive a few more weeks until my dr's appointment to switch to a better birth control pill that doesn't make me so sick (I believe some of you commented on my thread).
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs

    August 4th- 174.2lbs
    August 7th- 174.2lbs
    August 11th- 173.1lbs
    August 14th- 172.6lbs
    August 18th- 169.5 lbs
    August 21st- 168.2 lbs
    August 25th-
    August 28th-

    August Goal 169.5 (achieved on 8/18)

    Happy Monday Ladies! And for those of us in the U.S. Happy Solar Eclipse Day! The last time an eclipse traveled across the whole country was in 1918! Pretty cool stuff. :smiley:

    I took Saturday and Sunday off from my regular gym routine. I did however get a good climbing session in. I made really conscious eating choices this weekend and I'm happy about it! My goal is basically now just to stay in the 160s for the rest of the month. I don't want to fluctuate too high if I can help it. I do have a guy friend coming to town this week.... And I'm SUPER excited about it. I pick him up at the airport on Fridayyyyyyy. Nervous excitement is at an all time high right now.

    @rianneonamission i know what you mean about calorie counting on the "fun" days not being so fun! I hope you enjoy your time with your parents and of course your upcoming birthday!

    @WallyAmadeus i always love your posts! congrats on your loss! not eating after dinner really helps me too!

    @mrssunshine78 congrats girl!!!
  • krismet777
    krismet777 Posts: 2 Member
    Joining super late but better late than never!

    I'm 5'4" ...gained like 15 lbs after I started living again post seperation and divorce
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    krismet777 wrote: »
    Joining super late but better late than never!

    I'm 5'4" ...gained like 15 lbs after I started living again post seperation and divorce

    Welcome, it's never too late to join! You gained 15lbs of happiness I hope :). And now that you have found that happiness you can learn to be in charge of it!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Highest Weight: 220lbs.
    Start Weight: 212lbs
    Current weight: 141lbs.
    August Goal: Mini bulk to try and get back up to 142 at least.
    Ultimate Goal: 145lbs

    Last July weight: 141.8lbs.
    August 1st: 140.6lbs.
    August 8th: 140.2lbs.
    August 15th: 142.6lbs aka Shark Week.
    August 22nd: 141lbs

    Not sure if this is a true gain but we have upward mobility!

    I had a bad week. This is not the way I wanted to gain. For the most part, I don't stress eat anymore, definitely not in relation to myself, but if the situation calls for it, it can happen. Let's just say, trying to keep a very poorly man well enough to stay out of hospital by yourself while having your own stress (dental anxiety, mystery tummy pain, my bed broke) was a trying time indeed. My dad actually went into hospital yesterday, it was inevitable, he needed oxygen which he doesn't have, but I can say I tried my best to keep him at home. Speaking of the bed situation. I ordered my new bed as a single unit (as in double) and they tried to deliver me a double mattress...with a single base. How the eff does that work? What logic lets that leave the depo? I'm currently sleeping on my old mattress, which is Satan's cheese grater (you can feel every spring), on the floor like a hobo and I was not pleased to have that turn up at 7am this morning.

    So yeah, I am normally better behaved but I did in fact eat a takeout burger with burger sauce with disgustingly oily onion rings, fries, some of my brother's pizza one day, chocolate constantly, doritos and all kinds of nutritiously lacking foods for the last few days, as well as eating half a quiche one night. It was pretty indiscriminate. :lol: But it's like all things, your body pays for it. I feel very sick, not nauseous, but my skin doesn't feel right and my body feels sluggish. It's going to take a couple of days to get the crap out of my system but I'm definitely looking forward to getting back to normal. Right up until I have dinner out tonight, girls night Friday and a friend's dinner and drinks on Saturday. Honestly, I love food but this is too much. :lol:

    Never measure yourself by how you fall down, but how you get back up. I've always been scrappy so don't count me out yet! One last push for August, everybody. We got this. :heart:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I'm sorry @glassofroses, but Satan's cheese grater made me chuckle!

    Hope your dad is ok, first and foremost. You'll soon be on the healthy stuff again so don't worry too much. I know what you mean about the horrible greasy feeling you get from eating crappy foods.

    Fingers crossed they sort your bed out soon. Expect a double bed frame with a single mattress next through...
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission I did go back and laugh myself. It's the only way to describe the stupid thing. I refused to take the order and I'm going to call them when I can tomorrow to tell them not to bother sending anything else and I want my money back. I had it last time when I ordered my bed, I ended up with a (single) mattress I couldn't use in my hallway for two weeks while they figured out their heads from their butts to take it back. By that point I was so frustrated I was like 'shove the mattress I'll just pay for the frame'. Went to a completely different place and ordered something else. Also ended up with a tall, narrow 5 drawer bed side table thing as well. :lol: I'm such an impulse shopper. Although I do need the storage.

    My dad is on antibiotics and oxygen but won't be coming home tonight so we'll see how he goes. He has COPD which is why he's having such trouble but because of his other problems doctors have been constantly saying it's his kidneys, it's his heart the last 7-8 months that's giving him the breathing trouble when, shocker, it's his lungs.

    I'm going out for Greek tonight and Turkish on Saturday which I find to be relatively decent in terms of being able to get something that won't give me the greasy feels. It'll just be the pizza on Friday. I'm such a pizza hoarder. I love it. Pizza Hut Texan BBQ thin base pizza for life.
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 68.8kg
    SW: 63.8 kg (last June weigh in)
    GW: 63-65 kg

    08/01: 63.4 kg
    08/08: 63.4 kg
    08/15: 64 kg
    08/22: 63.7 kg

    So I've been doing a lot better food wise despite being stressed out about my move today and some family stuff that's been going on. I've definitely cut down on the fast food, and I've been doing better about eating less dairy.
    I start a training for my new position before school starts up again, so I'll have a whole new schedule to make and adjust to, but I'm excited! Finally going to start running again!
    @rianneonamission I totally understand about not logging food as much, especially when it's on fun days. It seems like your finding a balance though, keep it up!
    @glassofroses that sounds like such a stressful week! But it sounds like you made the best decisions you could.
    I cannot believe they made such a bad mix up with your bed!! I would rather sleep on the floor than satan's cheese grater lol
    @2tall4thisworld you are crushing your goals!! It really helps motivate me to see you going after them and knocking them out of the park! Ps: have fun with this new guy friend :tongue:

  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Pretty good response for August ending in a week or so. Lots of sites get really slow in the summertime.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @evergreenlake I have a mattress topper that mitigates most of the a**hattery. Plus my joints would never forgive me for sleeping on the floor. Who knows what I could dislocate. :wink: Really awesome job getting back on it. It can be really hard during and after a stressful time to not fall back into bad habits and clearly you rose above! :star:

    I feel like logging is something you have to do to start with, but once you get your bearings as to what contains what you can free wheel it a bit more. I always log an approx. if I go to a restaurant but it's more for my mental tally than anything else. Maybe it's just I'm boring and eat the same foods that I love?
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Yesterday's session with my PT just about wiped me out. But: An unexpected loss, albeit only 0.4lb.

    Feeling positive! Hopefully I can do pilates tonight and tomorrow, and get a run in tomorrow too.

    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 183lbs
    SW August: 168lbs (last July weigh in)
    Ultimate goal: Currently 160lbs but will revise when I get there.
    August goal: 166lbs (adjusted from 163lbs)
    Body fat goal for August: Sub 26.9%

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
    28th June: 170.6lbs - Body fat 27.6%
    5th July: 168.6lbs - Body fat 27.2%
    12th July: 167.6lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    19th July: 168.2lbs - Body fat 27.1%
    26th July: 168lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    2nd Aug: 166.8lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    9th Aug: 167.2lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    16th Aug: 169lbs - Body fat 27.2%
    23rd Aug: 168.6lbs - Body fat 27%
    31st Aug:

  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Ooh, I lost more than I thought: 0.6lb, so my weight is 168.4lbs today (I take a photo of the number). Woop! Had to nip to the supermarket during lunch and found myself walking a little taller. Maybe that means I'm back on track?
  • littlebuffbiddy
    littlebuffbiddy Posts: 63 Member
    Currently 112
    I don't really have a goal weight. Originally it was pre baby weight (115-118) which I have hit. Now I am more focused on losing body fat and gaining muscle. So if my weight drops or rises, but visually like my progress - cool.
    My leanest bf% was 17%. I just got back from a 2 1/2 week vaycay and its about 20% right now. I'd love to be 17% or even leaner.

    Right now I am still babying a shoulder injury. I just attempted yesterday some light lifting that uses my shoulder (not shoulder focused obviously) so just going to take the slow. Until I can get back on my 6 day split, I will be primarily doing legs and core with two cardio days. And whatever little back exercises I can throw in without causing detriment to my shoulder. (I MISS BENCH!!)

    Need more lady friends!
  • littlebuffbiddy
    littlebuffbiddy Posts: 63 Member
    I should add I started the month 111 before I left for vacation on Aug 3. Not sure body fat % probably 18-19%.
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    Height 5'10"
    SW: 186.4
    Aug 8: 177.2
    Aug 16: 179.8
    Aug 24: 176.4

    Hi again ladies. Another week has come and gone. I'm making a bit of progress finally. I was feeling really good this week and yesterday weighed in at 175.2 but on top of that, I just really felt good. I got dressed and my skirt felt loose and I thought I looked really slim, I was really having a good day with things.

    It happened to be our annual PD day at work, so we had breakfast and lunch provided to us and I was really conscious about what I was eating and made sure to go for a walk during the lunch break. But then, the drinking started. We had free beer and wine at work, and then I was told that a bunch of my coworkers were going out afterwards. I used to be really good at monitoring my drinking and drinking appropriately, but lately that's been lacking. I estimate I drank 1700 calories last night :o I ate quite a bit when we were out as well, but because I'd saved some calories and made sure to get some walking in, I could have still stayed within 100 calories of my goal, but the booze set me way off.

    I need to come up with a different strategy for alcohol. I can't just say I'm not drinking, because that's really unrealistic for me. But I feel like I need some kind of limit. The Canadian recommend guidelines are "no more than 10 drinks a week and no more than 3 drinks in one day". I feel like that's something I could stick to. If I tell myself I can't have any, I'll end up having one anyway and then since I already broke my rule, I'll just keep going. But saying no more than 3 a day and no more than 10 a week, I can still indulge, but I'll have a decent cut off point.

    I know that one day doesn't make you gain weight just like one day of healthy eating doesn't make you lose weight, but it's been pretty common for me to drink like that (and eat a lot more on those days) once a week and those type of habits are the ones that cause you to gain weight over time, or at least not be able to lose it. Without making a change in these behaviours, I'm not going to get where I want to be.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @KelseyRL If you know you're going to be drinking then maybe stick to lower calorie choices like prosecco and spirits? Depending on what you have it's roughly 80cals a glass/with a diet soda mixer.

    I only ever have one drink anyway and it's always a cider because that's what I like and it's a calorie bomb in comparison but if I ever have more than one I switch to prosecco or vodka/diet coke so I'm not making it too much worse.

    Congrats on your progress though. Not every habit can be broken overnight so don't beat yourself up too much. You're doing great. :star:
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks @glassofroses. I usually do drink lower calorie drinks, but at work they didn't have a proper bar, just canned beer and wine, and then after we went to a local brewery where the only choice is beer. I've always enjoyed craft beer and when it's local it's even better, but I've been sticking mostly to gin and soda because it's more manageable.

    I'm usually pretty good about things, but if I'm going to go completely crazy one day, it'll always involve alcohol. I want to make a change with it for not just my weight, but everything else too. If I have 2-3 drinks, the next day I feel fine. But today I feel gross. I don't want to workout, I just want to nap and be lazy. Big nights out like that effect more than just that night, they throw off my routine. It's a work in progress though. I've been thinking about drinking for a while now and it's something I feel I should make a change with. It'll come. It just takes time.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @KelseyRL You're aware of it now and I agree a 2-3 drink limit is always worth it as a life rule. Push comes to shove you can always say no to drinking at all on occasion. Some people find it uncomfortable because of the social expectation but I do it all the time and it's something that gets easier. People try it on because you not drinking makes them more uncomfortable about what they're drinking but you can't let that stop you. You don't exist to facilitate them, y'know?
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    Started Aug at 162, now weigh in at 157.5... I stalled for about 10 days where I didn't lose anything. I cheated some, but not enough to gain any weight back. I'm back on the bandwagon again. I think I will be at 155 before the month is out...
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all been gone for a bit! Just checking back in and it looks like everyone is doing really well! Congrats all! I've been eating better and got down to 156 but now around 158. Girls are out of school a few more days so hoping I can get back into a more regular routine at that time and things will start coming down more!

    SW August 163
    CW 158
    GW August 156
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs

    August 4th- 174.2lbs
    August 7th- 174.2lbs
    August 11th- 173.1lbs
    August 14th- 172.6lbs
    August 18th- 169.5 lbs
    August 21st- 168.2 lbs
    August 25th- 167.8 lbs
    August 28th-

    August Goal 169.5 (achieved on 8/18)

    Just wanted to get my post in real quick! Proud of my progress. But I need to eat more I know I'm just so busy lately! Also hottie Mac hottie is in town so I'm gonna have a uhhhhh fun weekend !! :) check in with you gals Monday!!!!
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    @KelseyRL I think it's a really great thing that you've recognized this habit and are trying to address it. Once you notice it, it's easier to make conscious decisions. I've been in similar situations so I've set a limit for myself based on how I know I will feel the next day. It changes over time too, but I think having a limit of 3 is a good goal to have!

    Its not my weigh in until Tuesday, but I am now at training on campus for my job and I have not found a scale yet to weigh myself so I have no idea where I am at.
    It's been an adjustment and I've noticed that my appetite has been fairly poor, hopefully that will change in the next week.
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    Height 5'7"
    SW 150lbs
    GW 122lbs-124lbs
    August GW 128lbs

    June Start: 144lbs
    June Finish: 141lbs
    July Start: 137lbs
    July Finish: 132lbs

    8/5: 131lbs
    8/12:131 lbs
    8/19: 129lbs
    8/26: 128

    Despite my knee injury preventing me from working out the way I want, I've been able to maintain my weight loss by eating extra careful... although I am afraid that I lost muscle and not fat because I do feel pudgier than normal. Either way, I am happy to be within 5 pounds of my goal weight! I am excited to get to working out hard soon, and am inspired by all the ladies on here! Happy end of August everyone!
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member

    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs

    August 4th- 174.2lbs
    August 7th- 174.2lbs
    August 11th- 173.1lbs
    August 14th- 172.6lbs
    August 18th- 169.5 lbs
    August 21st- 168.2 lbs
    August 25th- 167.8 lbs
    August 28th- 167.5 lbs

    August Goal 169.5 (achieved on 8/18)

    Wow!! @RMC1995 congrats to you for being so close to your goal weight!! And I'm glad you've been taking it easy on your injury. You're doing so well! :smile:

    Well I had a loooonnng weekend. Mom was in town, followed by hottie mc hottie! Woo!! I wasn't able to hit the gym but we climbed, and did a long hike! I also have been very aware of my portions this entire weekend. On Friday I didn't eat enough and i dropped to 166 and I knew that wasn't real loss. I was so hungry. But yesterday I had a normal day of eating and hydrating and I'm happy at 167.5! Looking forward to seeing you all in the September discussion. I'm happy to have made so many new friends!!
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 113.4
    August Goal weight: 113-118-I have a trip this month for two weeks so I am hoping that with my buffer I can be within my maintenance range again by the end of the month

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- average of 115 as I had a crazy 4th of July trip
    Start of august-115
    Aug 1-113.4
    Aug 8-110.2/ 111.6 by trend
    Aug 14-
    Aug 21-
    Aug 28-112.9
    Struggles: none really though I only hit the gym a few times on the vacation. Tried not to eat everything in sight. Not entirely successfull
    Successes: the weight loss buffer worked though I was too skinny before the trip. I only gained 3 lbs on holiday for two weeks in Italy.
    Upcoming week plan: I am back on horse today with my first work out since I got back. Scared and excited to get back into the gym. I am doing a 5 day cleanse of liquid dinner and breakfast and a carb free lunch. I start my training for the 1/2 marathon today. Glad to have a goal.

    Seems like a tumultuous august for everyone. Hugs to those who need them and a woot woot for the many sucesses. It's back to cold beans and porridge as my gramma says.