Daily check in



  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    All who checked in had a great Saturday!!!! You can finish off the weekend just as strong. I had a good morning of tennis with a strong and crafty opponent (cupcake). That was all the workout I could handle today. Enjoyed a Beach Boy tribute band tonight at the new pool here in SCW. Calorie count was good today but I did have a hot dog at the concert. Lots of sodium there. Trying to flush it out with lots of water. Wish I could still run but I don't think my knees would appreciate it so I'll limit my running to on the tennis court only.
    daily 4 weekly 25
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Heading out this afternoon to the Polish Club's dinner/dance. I know what the menu is so I tracked on the calorie counter what I was looking at today. Seems like a lot of sodium so I will have to watch portion size and drink more water. I am going to have to work calories off with lots of dancing. 1-2-3 polka and some line dancing!
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    edited September 2017
    Yikes, I gained weight but not to bad. I got my meals planned out today so I stuck within calorie budget. I plan on a good hours worth of cardio. Will update later how that went.
    I have been struggling on what to eat for breakfast something that's fast and healthy. Found some frozen special k quiche dishes not to bad. Better than cereal every morning.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Last week was been rough. Work was rough, I can't lift my right arm at all, and life in general has kicked my butt. But...I'm prepped for the week and I got more steps last week then I have for a while, so there's a bonus!! I'm determined to make next week a great one!!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello! This morning I jogged 4 miles, then walked my dog. I ate well most of the day. Saves up calories for the evening. Didn't eat great, but it could have been worse. Stuck to mostly protein and had a few small bites of cake. Just came in under goal barely. Glad I got exercise out of the way early. But it shouldn't always be an excuse to cheat later in the day, I need to tell myself.

    Reading posts throughout the last 3 week I am inspired by how people are determined to do better. We all know what we have to do, but it's hard, but we still try.

  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Dinner at the Club dance was really good and I think I did well with portions. Didn't feel hungry later so that along with breakfast was my only meal so therefore my calorie count was under. Yippey!! Planning meals ahead seems to work well so try to keep that up jorange and gigiqueen. I have to get some dental work done tomorrow so I may be eating soft foods or liquids only after. JELLO!
    daily 4, weekly 4
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    edited September 2017
    Checking in. Hey I blew it at Oktoberfest so my anticipated weight loss for weigh in was less than I expected. Still down one lbs. from last Monday. That made me happy. I'm no doctor but this is all making me feel better. Plan to eat healthier this week and add to workout to build stamina. Raiders v Redskins this week. Who will win???
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    What the heck!! I swear I posted yesterday and had awesome comments on all of you but, today it’s not there? I know I was tired but, I know/thought I hit enter, lol

    Check in – Day 22 Monday

    Played 2 hours of tennis doubles but got home and not feeling well. Will rest and see if I can complete P90X3 Isometrix later.
    Nutrtion: Will be good

    Day 4 – Weekly 7


    The Queen for the day is “Kbranch!” , you are a shining example of how and what to do for success, thank you for your excellent example!!!! Keep rocking it!!!


    Jorange – my scale always fluctuates too. You are doing everything you need to have it be lower at the end of each week, keep rock it girlfriend!

    Kathy – You are doing amazing and love the verity of exercise you get, keeps it fun!

    Giglqueen – Mamma said there be days/weeks like this, you’re prepping and moving so good for you, keep being strong!

    Kbranch – my Queen and running super star, what else needs to be said!

    Crazychicken – Nice job on the loss and I’m with you, eating better equals feeling better!

    Ladies don’t forget to tally your points to see if you can be Queen for the day!!!! Check in 1 pt, workout 1 pt, logged your food 1 pt, positive comment a previous post 1 pt, easy pieasy!

    Keep kicking butt!!!!

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm beat! Today I had a conference on the other side of town. Made very good choices. I was tired on my way home, so I bought a can of albacore, avocado and blueberries. That was my dinner. Thanks for the queen for a day, but not today!

    Week 4, day 2
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Monday Check In!! Today went awesome!! I walked around my building 8 times today in nasty heat and humidity, I stuck to my planned meals, and the dinner I made was simply amazing. Keto tastes goood!! Here's to a fantastic Tuesday!
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Forgot to give update for yesterday's cardio. It was good. They are starting to get easy.

    Today was a rest day. I had my weekly treat and still stayed under calorie budget.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Did my stretching this morning when I got up but that was it. Had a visit with the dentist and he said I had to take it easy. He extracted a tooth and it has to heal. Which also put me on soft foods. The campbell's soup I had tonight was way high in sodium. WOW! I'll have to try something else tomorrow. It will be another low key exertion day tomorrow also.
    gigiqueen - sounds like you had an awesome day today. Way to go and keep it up!
    Congrats again kbranch - I'm gonna follow in your footsteps some day.
    daily 3, weekly 7
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 23 Tuesday

    Early check in as I have tennis tonight.

    Complted P90X3 – Isometrix (yesterdays) & Dynamix for today. Will do a hardcore tennis drill tonight so workout day is great!

    Nutrition: Today will be a great day or I’m shooting my foot! :s Yesterday wasn’t the best of days and ended up falling back to old comfort foods. Working to hard to continue to mess up.

    Day 4 – week 10 (took a point away from yesterday, wasn’t a good food day)

    Kbranch – Let’s see you run here, you run there and you run a 5k, you should be beat! Good for you on sticking with healthy choices and that’s why you’re the Queen!

    Giglqueen – Love hearing you had an awesome day! Excellent pushing with your walks and sticking to your planned meals. You rock!

    Jorange – you are on a roll and getting stronger, it’s all good!

    Kathy – Take it easy as I know you’ll be back kicking butt on the courts again soon.

    Keep pushing forward ladies, you're all doing fantastic!!!! <3
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Today I stayed under calorie budget. Did 25 min of circuit training and a light walk. Planning my meals ahead of time really works.
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Man these past two days kicked my butt! Waiting at the car dealer for them to fix something they messed up last week. Threw off my week! I managed to eat decent. Chick filet twice, but one salad and the next day a wrap. My daughter had apps downtown today then running to get the car etc. trying to catch up on life at home, kids hw etc. I'm not exercising as much due to the business... I did play tennis yesterday. I hope to do my eliptical or a walk later, but my son has play tryouts and my daughter has cheer... the good news is I haven't snacked at all. I need to down some water and try to exercise. Hoping tomorrow is a calmer day!!! Thanks everyone!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Good evening. I had a super long day and I just didn't want to do anything, but I went for a 25 min walk tonight. I had to do something and it's all I had time and energy for. I had a decent day eating, my typical calories count of 1600-1700. Tomorrow back to the usual workout and food. I was at a conference which ended this afternoon at a resort in Paradise Valley. Glad to see folks toughing out week 4. It's been kinda stressful.

    Have a good night everyone.

    Week 4
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Didn't check in last night. I stayed with one of my mother's sick friends last night and took her to the doctor this morning. Didn't have a computer and I have no phone right now since mine went through a washing machine cycle. I was under my calorie count yesterday because I was still eating soft food like scrambled eggs, applesauce but I also didn't get any workout. This morning I started out with a McDonald egg and cheese biscuit but I'm back home now so hopefully I can eat better and get some exercise.
    Tues. daily 1, weekly 8
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In Wednesday September 20

    Week 3 day 3

    I slacked on checking in, but was staying active. I went to bed early the last couple of days, some crappy sleeping (hot cold hot cold) and when I lay too long on my side, my incision gets sore. Waking at 5am and bed by 8:30 lol
    I changed my eating from keto to calorie based since hubby is back home and he is not going to eat all the high fat/protein stuff I eat AND football season has started... CATHY REDSKINS RAIDERS! HTTR!!!!
    I'm setting my calorie goal to 1250 (still keeping carbs low), and not deducting what I burn (except on football Sunday).
    I'm also going to substitute a meal with a protein shake and we'll see how long that one lasts LOL
    @kbranch75 I did hit the one mile nonstop and I didn't have a heart attack! I had to laugh when it said 13 min mile. I remember my Navy days running 1.5 in 10 something..oh hell.
    My goal was 1/2, then 3/4, now 1 mile. I think I'll keep that for a few more days and then bump it a 1/4. I'm 1/5 of your daily run ;) I'm coming for you girlfriend :wink:

    @kathyNKCSD these phones are WAY TOO expensive to be washing them... Been paying mine off via verizon for the last 2 years! 2 more payments.

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2017
    Checking in. I wanted to do more cardio but my favorite machine in a particular spot at the gym kept resetting. I did do strength training and walking too. I ate under goal and doing okay. Been eating smaller portions, but I eat several small portions. Need to drink more water. I've been WAY over my protein goal, but keeping carbs low I don't know what to eat besides veggies.

    I just discovered the @ thing to find names!

    @MommaBeare you had me beat way back when. I ran the 1.5 mi in like 12-14 minutes. My best ever was 11 something. So I still run about the same, about a minute or two slower. I'm by no means a good runner. Never was.

    @intotennis still being that awesomely inspirational leader!

    @giglqueen thanks for all of the likes!
    @kathyNKCSD I hope you feel better soon so you can chow down!

    @lschreiber78 we'll wait to see what she had going on today, hopefully not as hectic.
    @jorange88 I hope your workout tweak works for you. It's all about what works for you for the long term.

    Week 4