Daily check in



  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi ladies

    I have a tired and busy, long day at work so I really didn't do a workout other than walking my dog today, so I'm not going to count that. Sorry I couldn't get to see the Wednesday team tonight. Got home later than I expected.

    I ate over goal too, but if I did an okay workout I would have been under. As mentioned I usually eat 1500-1700 calories before subtracting exercise.

    Good to hear from Naomi and Jorange.
    Tomorrow will be a good day. I have food prepared and I'm going to get to bed early (8:30) so I can get a good workout in before work tomorrow.

    Good night ladies.

    Week 5
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    To all the tennis ladies: It sounds like you played some great tennis against a tough team. Way to go!

    Jorange88, it is great to hear from you again and that you got a physical job! Awesome!

    I played singles tonight - - and I won! More importantly, the team won overall! Best of all, I burned over 1200 calories through it all! I think I need to play some more singles. I bet I'd be skinny in no time...

    D 4, W 16.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Wonderful jorange. I know it's tough when you're working so hard. Keep up the good work.

    Ditto on great tennis results. Really proud of you.

    Also, when your tennis skirt starts to fall off that means you're doing something right, right?

    Funny the other day I typed a long check in and hit done instead of post. Well that was not the way it's to be done :).

    BAM - keep up the good work. You are my role model.

    Kathy- I know what you mean about healthy muffins.

    I've been feeling a little rebellious and ate candy and had a few beers during Raiders game. Trying to make up by doing a little more exercise.

    In logging in all the food and exercise over this past month I'm realizing that I was eating a LOT of food before with occasional tennis as my justification. No wonder I just kept gaining. Now the pounds are slowly coming off. Hopefully I can keep this up for a few months to get to my healthy weight and stay there.

    Thanks for this group. Let's all keep going.

  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm very inspired by all of you- rain, snow or storm- you eat healthy and take care of your bodies! Excellent job!

    I have been completely off the grid when it comes to posting on here and just finished catching up on the last post!

    Things I'm grateful for in these 30 days
    1. I lose body fat and some weight
    2. I started wearing a size 2 again
    3. Feeling more "on track" with my health
    4. Sheri for creating this group
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 32 Thursday

    Had a tennis clinic for 90 mins and we worked on quickening our reaction time so lots of moving. Completed P90X MMX, it's like Kick boxing on steroids.

    Nutrition: Great, cravings and appetite are down. Love that!

    Day 4 - Weekly 20

    jorange - No worries, you'll adjust and get right back into it. Focusing on the good food choice as you said will help. I drove for UPS a long time ago and lost a lot of weight just from all the running so the extra activity will help too. Keep pushing, you've got this!

    Naomisds - Congrats on your win, you will definitely burn a lot of calories playing singles! Keep rocking it!

    Crazychicken - yes, skirt falling off is all good, lol Logging food is one of the most powerful reality check's you'll get, so good for you to see where to adjust your nutrition. If you're working hard and doing well, you should "treat" yourself to something yummy! It keeps me from going crazy and helps me hold off until Sat (my treat meal)

    jperdomo - Welcome back, I know you had your hands full dealing with the hurricane, glad to see your back on track and feeling good! Excellent idea to post what your grateful to have in your life!

    PS: I'm grateful for Jperdomo, if she hadn't pushed "ME", I wouldn't have created this group. So thank you!!! I'm also grateful to feeling healthier, strong and I definitely have more energy. Last but not least, I'm grateful to have all on you on this challenge group to help support and motivate each other, you really do help me keep pushing!

    Thank you ladies! keep rocking it, you're all doing awesome! <3

  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Missed checking in yesterday. Where was I???? Today was a busy day. Usually I like it that way but I felt hungry all day and I was falling asleep after dinner tonight. I think I need an energy drink!!! Did tennis drills for 90 minutes this morning, went to a seminar on low vision aides (great store on 99th and Bell with lots of stuff), did some physical therapy on my left shoulder (getting old) and finished with 18 holes of golf. Love that some many of us are on the good road to weight loss and good nutrition. All the support from this group is really pushing us forward. And we're not even half way through yet!

    day 4, week 17

    jperdomo - size 2??? what is that? That is inspiring. Good to hear from you.
    naomi - I'll play singles with you. Glad to hear the foot must be better.
    intotennis - you're really kicking in on that P90X.
    crazychicken - hey try doing some type of exercise during the commercials and halftimes of your football games like sit-ups, jump robe, jumping jacks. I agree that logging food on this site has really opened up my eyes to what is going into my body.
    Looks like kbranch might have some competition for queen this week. Keep it up!
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Wow! Great to hear about all the hard work and good results from everyone! Let's all keep supporting each other as I think it is really helpful and motivating! Thank you, everyone!

    I played a 2+ hour doubles match tonight, ran around like a maniac, and burned over 1000 calories playing tennis for the second night in a row! I could get used to this kind of calorie burn! Anybody up for singles Friday night or Saturday morning? If so, text me. Oh, by the way, Sunny and I won our court and we won overall 4-1 in four third set tiebreakers! Whew!

    D 5, W 20.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in Day 33 - Friday

    Went hiking up a mountain, beautiful views! Ran out of day so didn't complete P90X3 but, I figure the hike is good enough, I moved and grooved up the mountain side, lol

    Nutrition: So far so good and will continue! Going out with my tennis teammates to see "Battle of the Sexes" and then dinner after. Should be a fun night and I will have my meal pre-planned to say within calories.

    Day 4 - Weekly 24

    kathy - Sounds like you had a busy day running. Maybe, pack a healthily snack so you don't miss to many meals, might of been why you were hungry. I agree size two is small but, remember we are all different heights, shapes and sizes; I'd look like I came from a concentration camp if I was a two, lol (so would you, lol) I think being healthy and feeling great is what's important.

    Naomisds - 2+ hours of tennis is awesome, what to burn it up! Congrats on the win! You're doing great, keep rock it my friend!

    Great job ladies, keep pushing forward! smile:

  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Awesome on getting a hike in and planning ahead for food to avoid temptation, Sheri!

    I had to work overtime unexpectedly today so I didn't get as much exercise as I planned on, but still got in around 30+ minutes. I have singles planned for the morning so tomorrow will be better.

    Keep fighting the good fight all you warriors!

    D 6, W 24.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Checking in late tonight do to having a great time out with friends tonight. Had a great time, good food, and a beer. I was very conscious of calories when making menu selection and was very satisfied with food. Didn't get a workout in today but I am looking forward to some good singles tomorrow morning.
    day 3, week 20
    naomi - you and others have inspired me that even on days when you are totally busy that you can always squeeze in at least 30 min. for a walk.
    It's the weekend everyone so stay strong and healthy!!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 34 Saturday

    Played over 2 hours of tennis singles, lot's of running & (laughing at myself) Very tough competitor! Completed P90X3 Incinerator, I thought we'd go back over the routine so didn't push myself until the end when I realized we were almost done, lol Pushing it next time!

    Nutrition: Good day

    Day 4 - Weekly 28

    Naomisds - Excellent job on getting in a workout even with unexpected overtime. Hope you enjoyed your singles!

    kathy - Super fun night and you did awesome controlling your nutrition choices!

    Keep pushing forward ladies, you're doing great!!!!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 24

    Best way to workout while having a great time this morning on the tennis court with a good friend and a competitor that pushes me forward. Said goodbye to another good tennis friend today unfortunately. Rocquie was also someone who loved the game of tennis, was competitive but also very honest and considerate and kind on the court. She was always kind and generous with her love and time to not only her family and friends but strangers in need. She is my hero!!! I hope to be more like her. So to everyone pushing forward, remember you are the best and enjoy every moment.
    Doing so much better on eating right since we started this group and I can see the nutritional breakdown of what I am eating. There was some great looking chocolate cake at Rocquie's celebration of like today that was actually easy to skip putting on my plate. That wouldn't of happened 4 weeks ago.
    Good to see crazychicken and naomi on the singles court this morning.
    Are we really starting our 5th week tomorrow?
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    It's great to hear that you two played so much singles and had such a fun time doing it, Kathy and Sheri! Way to get the calorie burn all while having a blast!

    Everyone who has not checked in for a while, please come back! I actually miss you as I look forward to seeing all your positive posts!

    I got quite a bit of exercise today and stayed well under my calorie goal so I am going to chalk it up as another good day. Looking forward to reading about more successes and to doubles and possibly some singles in the morning. Peace out, all!

    D 4, W 28. Am I the queen yet?
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member

    And the "Queen for the " Naomisds!!!!

    You've checking in daily, moved and grooved and had good/great nutrition! Thank you for your consistency and giving us and excellent example on how to kick butt!

    Enjoy the crown!

  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    New week new challenges. My exercising will be done at work tonight. The only challenge is eating right on this new shift.
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Checking in: October 1 Day 35

    Been out of town with the husband, doing his thing. Living in hotel, eating out, hitting their gyms, drinking with the Navy folks! Didn't gain a pound, didn't lose a pound, WHEW! Just at a stand still.
    This next week will be my big push to get to the next weight level. I'm going in!
    I am dying to get back into tennis, think I'll start their clinics or something. I'm tired of looking at myself in the mirror at the gym (on the treadmill)... I need sports!
    Bye bye potatoes <3 you were good while I slummed for the last week :( bye bye wine, until we meet again in 10 days!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello ladies,

    I haven't been too motivated this past week 5 days. Work has been stressful and it was hard to stay motivated. I haven't been eating well nor exercising. This week I'm not going to worry about it and will try to be consistent instead of killing myself and worry about eating. I'll just do what I always do.

    Saturday I went out of town and I stopped at the same Dunkin Donuts when I'm in Flagstaff. I ate the whole donut, enjoyed and deserved it. I told my mom that I cannot even think when was the last time I ate a whole donut in one sitting.

    Usually every 4-5 weeks I need a break both mentally and physically from working out and stressing about what I did or didn't eat. I'm not thrilled that over the last 5 weeks I haven't lost any weight. So I'm back on the wagon, have my food prepared and will start moderately out of the gate tomorrow.

    I'll pop in to let you know how it's going.

    Everyone deserves the crown. I'm glad it went to Naomi.

    Goodnight ladies
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Made it to the fitness center today to work out on the elliptical and made a pork tenderloin in the crock pot that was delicious.
    mommabeare - you have the best attitude and outlook. You're going to have a great week.
    congrats naomi!!!! Let's see if you can hold that title for 2 weeks in a row.
    I saw this quote in the paper today that I thought I would share: "Tomorrow might not come, and yesterday doesn't really matter that much. Let's just try to control today."

    day 4, week 4
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 35 Sunday

    Scheduled rest do so went to the driving range and worked on my game. When out with friends to Topgolf, it’s a type of driving range. Kind of like electronic darts but with golf balls, lots of fun!

    Nutrition: decent day, stayed under calories.

    Day 4 – weekly 4

    Kathy – it was a great day for tennis and I agree Rocquie was a wonderful lady. You have the same qualities as she does, you’re a very special lady yourself! Awesome job on skipping the cake, not sure I could pass up chocolate, so good for you!

    Naomisds – Congratulations my Queen!!!! Super job on continuing your consistency. I’m like you, I do enjoy reading everyone's post, it helps motivate me too. Keep rocking it, you’re doing awesome!

    Jorange – New challenges can be hard but, you’ve got this! Do as you have been and pre-plan those meals, that should help you stay on course.

    Mommabeare – Glad to hear from you & glad you enjoyed your time off. I have no doubt you’ll be rocking it out and hitting that next goal. Rock it!

    We are starting are 6th week so we are half way done!! Just think about all you have accomplished the past 6 weeks, pat yourself on your back for all the good you have done and then keep pushing hard! :):)

  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    I was able to stay under calorie budget yesterday . Yippee! Today once again no planned exercises. I get all my walking done at work. Congratulations Naomi for being crowned queen.