October chatting



  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm sorry that it's so stressful for you when you see them, i hope when you do have to have those exams that you have someone very understanding

    My doctor believes my issues seem to be all pelvic muscle related.... and oddly enough there is a physiotherapist for that..... I cannot picture how this physiotherapy will work but I'm going to be seeing one in the very near future, if any of you lovely ladies are trying to picture how this physio will work and your doubled over laughing that's okay, I laughed so hard I couldn't breath...
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Visit to the cardiologist was a success. He says my heart is strong and I can proceed to work out as much and as hard as I desire. He did mention that if I lose weight I can reverse my diabetes. I thought that was an interesting statement coming from a cardiologist, but I will be sure to ask my diabetes team next time I see them. New motivator for me, for certain.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Because you are a type two, losing weight will make you be able to stop any medication you are on. And if you are newly diabetic and lose enough weight, you can 'reverse' it for a number of years.

    I have a close friend that was diagnosed T2D and right away went on a diet and lost 65lbs and was able to not have need any medication or even worry so much about the occasional splurge for five years! This is the kind of thing they mean when they call it reversed.

    As a T1D its 8 shots a day for me for the rest of my life, and since childhood.
  • mushymom
    mushymom Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all. I’m new to this site. Still trying to figure out how to post and such. I’ve got 225 lbs to lose and the task seems impossible. I’m just going to catch up on some of your posts, then add a bit about myself. But I’m happy to have found you and I’m gonna need your help. Thanks.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    hi, mushy! welcome!

    My advice would be don't focus on that end goal right now. I too started out needing to lose 220 lbs, and it can be very daunting to look up into the clouds where the goal is, knowing its not even in sight. Break it up into little mini, manageable goals that are more visible, and then just keep moving forward! I started out shooting for 5% of my weight off, then 10%, then shooting for the 300 lb mark. After 10 months, 100 lbs off is coming within view.

    Best of luck to you!
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome Mushy. Make sure you make some personal connections with people who will help to motivate you and hold you accountable. It is a tough journey, but more enjoyable when you have others walking the path with you.

    BTW, my weekend eating was terrible. I didn't eat at proper times, didn't eat proper meals and didn't log well. I feel crappy this morning (not because of guilt, but because of the quality of foods eaten have left me feeling draggy). I didn't sleep well and I am paying the price.

    Today is a new day. Goal for the remaining days until I weigh on Friday is to get back on track with logging meals.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi mushymom, welcome to our group, this journey is way easier with friends!
    I agree about the small goals, I break mine down in 10 lbs marks and just keep working on it!

    Ajewellmom: I feel you on the crappy foods, I have been making terrible choices as well and not logging and I have noticed in how I feel!

    This week I am focusing on planning ahead and logging and getting back into drinking water all the time.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I have decided that 2017 is just a poopy year, at least it was a fast poopy year!

    I am ready for the snow to come and blanket the streets, I love early winter where I live where snow is fresh but the air doesn't take your breath away yet.... it gets that cold here sometimes those days suck but November is usually pretty good.

    Shower and early bed for me tonight.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    I am ready for the snow to come and blanket the streets, I love early winter where I live where snow is fresh but the air doesn't take your breath away yet.... it gets that cold here sometimes those days suck but November is usually pretty good.

    You 'Peggers can keep that snow. Don't send it East because I don't want it. I have been loving our warm Ontario fall and would keep it until May if I could.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I'm with Hla, though I know we are vastly in the minority :) I like winter just fine and love snow. I find it so relaxing to be in a quiet room of an evening, lights low, with the heater running quietly in the background, snuggled up in a chair with a blanket while the snow softly falls outside my window on a blanket of white across the lawn. I even like the 12+ stuff occasionally, and since I now live in southern WV, we only get those kind of storms occasionally :)

    I can't take the heat - I handle cold much better than heat. Heat saps me of all energy, and humidity makes things even worse; I could never handle the deep south or Gulf Coast!

    I actually love all 4 seasons, and am very thankful I live in a location where we get such a variety seasonally. Usually by late July, I'm tired of summer; definitely by mid-August, and longing for the cooler, crisp and clean days of autumn, with frosty mornings and brilliant blue skies, colored leaves on the ground and trees, the flocks of geese heading south in the air, bon fires, and looking forward to end of year holidays and the first snow flurries around the corner. I don't mind it getting colder and moving into winter with cold days and brilliant white fields (when we get them; WV doesn't keep snow on the ground all year long), the warmth of soft sweaters and flannel shirts, and the silence of a snowy night. Christmas just isn't Christmas if its warm and wet (likes its been the last few years :frowning: )

    But by mid-February, I'm starting to get tired of winter and looking for the first signs of spring, and get excited on those mildly warm days, daffodils and tulips and crocus peaking through the snow, the return of the robins and the budding of trees and blooming of flowers, tilling up my gardens, cleaning up the yard - I even enjoy breaking out the lawn mower! I love spring and think it probably edges just a little past autumn as my favorite season.

    In fact, summer is my least favorite season. I love the flowers and the warmer weather of early summer, but I absolutely hate the heat and humidity of the late summer, the dust, the bugs, the blast of heat when opening the door of my truck parked in the sun, the sticky truck seats. It might be different if I didn't work all summer long with my job, but really, during late summer, I only enjoy the early mornings and late evenings, when it starts to cool off!

    But I know that I'm really the odd person out on that lol
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Summer is my least favourite too

    So about 18 months ago I applied to the bariatric weight loss program where I live, this program would get me the surgery covered under our provincial health care program at no cost to me. I could never afford to have it done privately, so I first had to get under 300 lbs to get under the max BMI, I did that 16 months ago, so I have been on this list now for so long.... I am starting their program in December, I have to go to an info session, then some classes, then some therapy and then I can have surgery. I am so excited even if I never get to eat a pizza again. I have struggled for so long to loose weight on my own, I think this might be what I really need to do.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ajewellmom wrote: »
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    I am ready for the snow to come and blanket the streets, I love early winter where I live where snow is fresh but the air doesn't take your breath away yet.... it gets that cold here sometimes those days suck but November is usually pretty good.

    You 'Peggers can keep that snow. Don't send it East because I don't want it. I have been loving our warm Ontario fall and would keep it until May if I could.

    What part of ON are you in?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Summer is my favorite, I hate winter with a passion. I can tolerate the cold but really REALLY hate snow and ice. I don't even care for it at Christmas.....
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member

    What part of ON are you in?

    I am in Guelph. It it a bit West of Toronto. I am all about the warmth and not a winter fan at all. Today I had to scrape the frost off my car and it made me instantly grumpy.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am in Niagara
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    No need to tell you where Guelph is, then.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Well we didn't get a lot of snow but it's sure been windy.... hopefully Halloween night is nice
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Anyone else interested in joining us for a points challenge for November?
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Oh yay November is just a few days away, I have got to start logging my food again, It really does make a difference
  • AprilTram
    AprilTram Posts: 50 Member
    Anyone else interested in joining us for a points challenge for November?

    What is a point Challenge ?