Are there any girls that look like or want to look like models?



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited October 2017
    Ehhh... not sure I agree with all that (for myself) but you defintely are entiled to reach your goals! My current BMI is 20..but my goal is 22 or more (with the same or similar bodyfat%).. I don't really pay attention to BMI to be honest. I've been 18.8 and I looked absolutely awful.. I never want to go back there. Having muscle, not having back problems, being able to squat down, pick up my great grandchildren, climb stairs, be active and hopefully still lift will be my goals as I age :)
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you all for the congrats! I ran it faster than I thought because I was trying to keep up with a guy in front of me so that I didn't get lost lol

    Is anyone else making/meeting/exceeding goals this week? I'm going out if town this weekend and have a holiday party tomorrow at work, so I'm definitely gonna overeat a bit, but Sunday I'll get back on track!

    @VictoriaTuel I know I'm late on the congrats but that's amazing you did your first 5k!!!! What an accomplishment.

    I've been AWOL for so long with the moving, new job, car accident and everything but it's so great to see all the great conversations and motivations in this tread. I gotta get back into it.

    The transition from college to adult has been soooo stressful but thankfully my diet didn't suffer and I've been exercising regularly. Somehow I regained 2lbs though. I'm currently trying to switch up my workout routine to fit my new life but I'm worried about the structure. I don't have my nutritionist close anymore and I don't want to do anything unhealthy. Does anyone know if there is such thing as working out too early? I'm trying to squeeze in workouts at 4-5am. It doesn't feel bad but I definitely don't work out as hard as I usually do.

    Also I need stress tips because Holy Cow Do I hate my new job and it's stressful. Also a littler dangerous. Should I take a yoga class or something. I feel awful because I'm literally living for the weekends now.
  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    Thanks @plainpixxel! Also, how did you get into a car accident?!?!!

    I don't think there's any wrong time to workout unless it's detracting from other aspects of your life. 4-5am would be suuuupperr early for me (I always go after work), but I know some people who only workout in the morning. And if you've generally been working out later in the day, it might take some time to adjust to the new morning time, but the intensity will probably pick up once you're more used to it.

    I'm sorry your job is stressful and you don't like it - what are you doing that's dangerous? When I'm stressed, I like to do things for other people - it makes me feel better to have made someone else happy/brightened their day, and if you bring in food or such, then you can control the nutrition counts! I'm also sometimes an extrovert, so I'll try out something new with friends because often stress leads to feeling stuck, and then you can feel like you're breaking free from your routine a bit. I also like exercising when I'm stressed, which is part of why I work out after work - it's a nice segway to going home.
  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    @plainpixxel it's a merit that you transitioned so well! I graduated last year and managed to keep up the gym routine and nutritious eating too. I picked up a job that looked great on my cv but I was super stressed, exploited by a lazy & unfair boss and I ended up quitting after 6 months. I stopped being a happy person and it was affecting my relationships with my boyfriend, friends and family as I was always jumpy and sour. I realized the job wasn't worth it. I don't know about your job as it may be you need to adapt to it, feel more comfortable doing it...but carefully balance the pros and cons after some months to see if you should waste more time in it or move on. I mean I'm still looking for a job that suits me (while I do odd jobs) but I'm in a couple of selection processes that are for jobs waaay better for me and my future.
    Yoga, swimming, going out in nature and laughing over a couple of drinks with friends are the best antidotes.
    I hope the car accident wasn't too serious and you are recovering quickly!
  • AliceS261
    AliceS261 Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2017
    I'm actually normal and i'm not fat, but i would like to have a model body.. i actually kind of dream about being a model one day but
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you for the insight. I'm already getting better at working out super early. I'm sure it will take time to adjust. I got in a car accident the second day I started my new job. An elderly man hit me. It wasn't a bad wreck, slow and I wasn't moving. It just scared me and I needed to get a new car afterwards. I don't get much support from my family so that was a new and hard process to do while working. I'm a process engineer for a manufacturing plant. That jobs has some typical dangers associated with it but the place I work at is full of holes on many things including safety. It will be okay I think. I'm learning a lot here it's just all about adjustments. I'm managing my stress through exercise and I've started writing letters and making carepackages for my friends. Hopefully that helps.

    @xelsoo I'm hanging in here at my new job. I'm trying to hold it at least a year but I'm already looking for something new. I already marked on my calendar when I can hand over that letter of resignation. I know what I want to do with my life. Just gotta work harder to get there.

    @AliceS261 that's great you have goals like that and have some dreams. If you work hard and pace yourself you can reach your fitness goals no matter what!

    @sardelsa how's your working out going? You always motivate me.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited November 2017
    @plainpixxel - apply for Mary KAY!!!! Best company ever to work for. OSHA STAR worksite. They just opened a brand new manufacturing facility. The guys in Process Engineering are wonderful. Most have been there 30+ years.

    They paid for my undergraduate and graduate degrees, Helped pay for the adoption of our son, you get yearly bonuses on top of up to 15% profit sharing. The people you work with are like family. The hardest thing I ever did was leaving that company to move closer to family.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @plainpixxel I'm sorry you are having a hard time, hopefully things get better soon.

    And thank you, I am doing well.. working out is good but hard, I swear I have constant glute/leg DOMS over here... I am kind of pushing myself a little harder than usual (without overtraining) so I hope I am in the sweet spot :)
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @mom23mangos Wow! What a great tip! I'll really look into that. Do you know where their new manufacturing site is located? My current job has a less than Stella osha record and everyone really hates it here. Idk I only thought conditions this bad only existed in movies. I really don't know what to do. I'll definitely be looking into Mary Kay.

    @sardelsa I'm sure you'll be fine. I've just recently started rolling out after my workouts to help with DOMS and that's a good send. I'm still adjusting to the morning work outs though. The new kickboxing class I've signed up for is really interesting. It's at that chain called 9-round. It's actually a pretty cool concept. Does that exist anywhere else? Has anyone else tried it?

  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited November 2017
    @plainpixxel - it's in Lewisville, TX. Just up the road from the old one in Dallas proper. Safety is HUGE and I mean HUGE at MK. So much so I was almost afraid to report an incident and break our record. But my hand did end up being broken, so I didn't have much choice. Totally a freak accident in the bathroom of all places. Hydrolic door hinge seal broke and the door slammed on my hand. But out on the floor, safety is lived and breathed.

    Oh, and did I mention the best benefit? Free makeup!

    Oh, and I didn't pay a dime for health benefits for my entire family for 11 years.
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    edited November 2017
    @mom23mangos Thanks so much for the tip!
    I really appreciate it.

    So I'm dying to know what's everyone doing for the holidays? @VictoriaTuel @sardelsa @xelsoo ??? Big plans?
  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    I'm going to be hanging out with my family all holidays, which will definitely involve too much food and too little exercise. I'm the only vegetarian though, so that definitely helps with portions. It's also only 3-4 days over Thanksgiving, so I can't do that much damage right?
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    ^^same! I have been a vegetarian for 13 years. At first it was really easy to not eat much of anything because I simply couldn't... but now everyone is so nice and figured out how to make things I CAN eat! lol I appreciate the gesture but I kind of miss the days where I could pass on everything.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @plainpixxel well our Thanksgiving was last month, it was 3 days of huge eats..yumm... then Christmas just spending time with family. Christmas Eve is a huge Italian seafood dinner at my parents's, Christmas Day will be at my ILs and Boxing Day with my mom's side (Polish eats). It is pretty epic. Last year I actually lost weight though because of the change of routine.. so I have to make sure I stay on top this year :D

    what about you?
  • bosswitch
    bosswitch Posts: 19 Member
    I'm hoping I can join this party! All throughout uni I lived a healthy lifestyle and my figure was very modelesque. After graduating, I moved from a temperate climate to the frozen tundra (it's winter here 8 months of the year). The new location, adjusting to a desk job and the associated lifestyle have caused me to gain 35 lbs! So I'm looking to get back into my VS shape so I'll have the self-confidence and self-esteem that I had back in the day. This is a cornerstone for me because if I'm not confident in myself then making progress in other areas of my life is so much harder
  • bosswitch
    bosswitch Posts: 19 Member
    @plainpixxel sound just like I did when I first started my job! Im a project eng working at an industrial site and I really hate the job but I'm still here 3 years later because the golden handcuffs are real lol. What keeps me grounded is being fulfilled by my activities outside of work. I hope you're able to find happiness in your current job or another.

    I have tried 9round in the past, but I didn't enjoy it. I found the the workouts were not intense enough for me, so I opted to continue with my solo gym workouts.
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    edited November 2017
    @sardelsa I'm so jealous!!! That sounds amazing. Are you English? Only my English side of the family of the family does Boxing Day. I'd get so fat if we did an Italian seafood dinner for Christmas. I wouldn't regret it. That sound so exciting. You should upload pictures of the food you eat. Oh wait if your thanksgiving was last month you must be from Canada

    @DananaNanas it's always a struggle when your family discovers how to make food that pleases veg heads. I'm not sure how I'm gonna handle thanksgiving. I may just be super strict with myself and that be my spoil day. I'm going to Boston to visit my boyfriends family.

    @VictoriaTuel being the only veg head is hard. I know it's bad of me but on special occasions I'm usually pretty lax. I'll eat seafood and baked chicken. How long have you been totally meat free? I really want to get there some day

    @bosswitch it's great you've made goals to get back in shape. I'm trying really hard. It to let those changes happen to me. It's tough. So far I haven't gained any weight but the job is taking a toll on me. I definitely don't want to be here in a year. I'm usually so wiped from my job when I get home all I can do is crawl into my bed and go to sleep. Also the plant I work at is so far from the living areas I have an hour+ commute everyday. So I don't have much time
    For other opportunities other than working out and going to bed. Weekends I go see my boyfriend but I doubt I can do this forever. I'm trying hard to keep my debt down so I can just look for a new jobs in the upcoming fall. I also am getting a masters degree. It's just such a struggle. And 9Round has its ups and downs for me. It's a break from my traditional cardio and the changing workouts keeps my body doing new things. I'm going see if I like it until January. If it's not doing much for me I'll go back to my basic gym workouts

  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    @plainpixxel haven't eaten meat in about 5 years now - I think at this point if I just randomly added it back in, I'd get sick. I never particularly like chicken and I hated turkey, so Thanksgiving isn't a struggle for me, but I imagine one day maybe I would taste seafood again. I'm mainly vegetarian for environmental reasons, so it would be about knowing where the food came from than for me, but honestly I don't know if I have it in me to eat meat again now.

    I also have a fairly new job and am trying to get into a good exercising rhythm, but I got super lucky as there's a gym right by my office that I joined. I also joined/am planning to join multiple sports leagues, so I can be social and get my sweat on at the same time! Like you, I'm super tired after working and then working out, so I'm trying not to neglect my long distance friends, but sometimes I'll forget to reply to people for over a week. :/ it's definitely hard to balance everything, so I plan trips to visit people so I make sure I get in quality time with them. I'm super impressed by all Y'all that manage to work, workout, have a family, and do well in all of them! You're definitely goals for my future!
  • TheBestICanBe73
    TheBestICanBe73 Posts: 3 Member
    This is exactly my goal. Although a shorter version (I'm 5ft 3). I currently weigh 130lbs and would rather weigh 120lbs and be more toned and lean than I currently am. Injury and life hassles have gotten in the way but I need to get back on track. Hopefully we can help each other. Right now I'm recovering from a sickness bug and have spent the day eating carbs, tomorrow is a new day and I start again.