How are you getting on with C25K?



  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    That's it, I've finished. Week 9 went smoothly enough, for some reason I decided to do day one on Sunday after a late night cinema outing and popcorn binge and it was excrutiatingly hard, I had to take three 1 minute breaks but did manage to run the 30 minutes altogether. Then Tuesday and today I did the half hour without stopping, I found the first 15 are the hardest and my brain is constantly calculating and the voice in my head needs to shut up. Today's run went something like this:
    "3 minutes, that's 1 tenth done.....5 minutes, ok only have to do that 5 more times and I'll be done.... 8 minutes, well I guess if I'm really struggling I could break it into 3 ten minute runs with a minute walk in between..... 10 minutes, no come on you can do this, at least get to half way through then walk for a minute if you really need to...... 13 minutes, wow I'm almost half way there, I'm a runner! (even if I'm sweating so much it looks like someone chucked a bucket of water over my head)...... 15 minutes, you could take a quick break now, no hang on I've already managed half without stopping, nothing hurts or anything I can keep going..... 20 minutes, too late to stop now, it would make for uneven lengthed intervals and that wouldn't do, you'll just have to keep going..... 25 minutes, wow this half hour is lasting forever, come on almost done...... 27 minutes, God how long can 5 minutes take to pass???? One more song..... 28 minutes, you've been running for this long, surely 120 measly seconds isn't going to kill you.... 30 minutes OMG I really am a runner!"

    Although I may change I have pretty much decided for now to try and run for 30 minutes every other day for a couple of weeks and then go on to the 10k programme. One thing I would like to work on, and I believe the best way to do it is by increasing distance, is my time.... I may be a runner but I'm a bloody slow one thanks to my very short legs, to actually run 5k would take me 50 minutes at the moment. If not, well heck I'm still doing something on a regular basis I would never have believed I was capable of doing.
  • eponine1984
    eponine1984 Posts: 220 Member
    I had a few bad runs the past week - W5D3 was a challenge and I needed to take two 1-minute walking breaks. It was more mental than anything else. (I had a pipe burst in my house last week and everything is damaged. All 3 levels of my townhouse are torn apart by the water remediation team - at least there won't be mold! - but we have to coordinate our insurance with the HOA to get everything put back together). So my brain wasn't really in the game as far as running went, but I kept trying to power through. W6D1 was a little better, but it didn't feel as good as previous runs. W6D2 was finally a good run. I think I've been trying to go too fast and I finally acknowledged that it's okay to slow down. Once my husband gets home from work, I'll head to the gym for W6D3 - and I'll take it slow and steady.
  • eponine1984
    eponine1984 Posts: 220 Member
    I completed w6d3! I ran without stopping at 4.2 miles per hour. 4.5 is much too fast for me right now. There was a guy two treadmills over that was running at 8.4. I have to say, good for him. That's not a goal of mine. I'm super satisfied with myself and my run tonight.
  • eponine1984
    eponine1984 Posts: 220 Member
    W8D1 done! I dropped down to 4.0 from 4.2 and it's still really challenging but I'm wishing for death less.

    @eleanorhawkins I keep up the same kind of mental commentary.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    How is everyone getting on with their running, I am on a couple of weeks ban as done something to my back, so it's just walking and yoga for me at the moment, I need to vicariously live through others.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    I completed the program (in that I got to 30 minutes running, not that that's ANYWHERE near 5k due to my very short legs and turtle pace) a few weeks ago. Looked at the bridge to 10k program but decided jumping straight from 30 minutes to 40 minutes in intervals was too much of an increase to do straight away, so I'm currently doing my own little bridge between the two. This week I'm running 9, 8, 9 and 8 minutes with 1 minute walks in between, next I'll do 4 x 9 minutes and so on until I get to the 4 x 10 minutes. I'd rather increase slowly and avoid overdoing it, especially as running makes me HUNGRY and I'm still on a deficit.
  • eponine1984
    eponine1984 Posts: 220 Member
    I completed c25k a few weeks ago, but given that I run 15 minute miles, I wasn't close to a 5k. I started the bridge to 10K and then I majorly derailed. Life. Sigh. But I had a goal for myself of running a 5k in October and even though I didn't do an official race, I ran one on the treadmill yesterday. My sister ran virtually with me (she gave me a one mile head start and still finished before me) and kept up the encouraging text messages while I ran. I did it!

    I actually ran without stopping for 3.1 miles. It took me 46:26, but I did it! And now I find myself signed up for a turkey trot with my husband and some of his family on thanksgiving day!
  • DevonAndrew22
    DevonAndrew22 Posts: 4 Member
    Currently on week 3 day 3, I've been doing every day instead of taking breaks, except on weekends. When I start to struggle I'll tone it down a bit. Glad to be new in this group.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    I am back to it again, not done a lot of running the last couple of months as I was focusing on my strength training and then I had a sore back after foot landing funny on a hike, so I am starting on Week 4 again to ease back in slowly.

    Day 1 went fairly successfully, although it was hard to pace myself slower than normal.
  • chickennugger13
    chickennugger13 Posts: 22 Member
    Feeling pretty terrible. I just attempted day one of week four. I couldn't do it. I felt so bad quiting out earlier. It's the middle of a Saturday and I just ending up walking home.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Feeling pretty terrible. I just attempted day one of week four. I couldn't do it. I felt so bad quiting out earlier. It's the middle of a Saturday and I just ending up walking home.

    Don't feel bad, just remember even if you didn't finish you still did more than the ones that never got off their azzes! We all have bad runs sometimes, just tell yourself tomorrow will be better and let it go. There's nothing wrong with repeating days or weeks in the programme if and when you need to, I repeated at least three weeks and still finished it successfully eventually, just took me a little longer than some :-D
  • chickennugger13
    chickennugger13 Posts: 22 Member
    I went back to week 3 to try that run this morning as week 4 seems to need a bit more fitness. I don't understand what is wrong with me. I couldn't catch my breath after each run. It feels like it's getting harder
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    I went back to week 3 to try that run this morning as week 4 seems to need a bit more fitness. I don't understand what is wrong with me. I couldn't catch my breath after each run. It feels like it's getting harder


    Lets look at it this week to week

    Week 1 has you running 8 minutes per session
    2... 10 MPS
    3... 9 MPS
    4... 16 MPS
    5... 15/16/20
    6.... 18/20/25

    So you're essentially doubling your run volume from week 3-4. Which is a huge jump.... unfortunately, there's not a whole lot of workaround.

    You could try a 3.5 week with 12 MPS

    3m/90s X 4 rounds, but then you'd have to self time. instead of using the app.

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    I went back to week 3 to try that run this morning as week 4 seems to need a bit more fitness. I don't understand what is wrong with me. I couldn't catch my breath after each run. It feels like it's getting harder

    You are perhaps trying to go too fast too?
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    Was a little delayed in doing my Week 4 Day 3 run, as I was away in the UK, did it last night and got my third best PR for 1 mile, so pretty pleased with that :smile: Do need to slow down a bit though as I can see this causing me issues if I try and keep up the speed when I get into Week 6 again.
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I did week 5, day 3 today. I was pretty nervous about this one. I slowed my pace too much, I think, but I did complete and ran (slowly) the whole time.
  • chickennugger13
    chickennugger13 Posts: 22 Member
    Since I last posted I haven't run at all. I seem to have lost the will
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    Since I last posted I haven't run at all. I seem to have lost the will

    The hardest part is getting yourself back out the door, once you've done that it's easy.
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    Since I last posted I haven't run at all. I seem to have lost the will

    I vote you don't put too much pressure on yourself and just go out for fun. Maybe go for a walk but wear your running stuff just in case you fancy a little jog while you're there.

    About a month ago I ran 10 miles without too many problems (I walked for bits but not that much). Today however, I could barely cover 1 mile before stopping to walk. It's annoying, and I know it's all in my mind, but actually I don't really care - I was out enjoying the fresh air and I was doing what I could to get fitter. As long as I don't stop going out it'll eventually pay off.
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I did W7D1 today. I was really nervous about getting to this point, but it wasn't terrible. My pace is not great, but I'm getting through it. I did stop for a bit to snap a picture.

    I've been running on an easy-moderate hiking trail that is mostly uphill during the first half of the run. Starting this week, I plan to do one run a week on the concrete sidewalk around my neighborhood. I signed up for a 5k on New Year's (12:10a) that is on a mostly flat concrete trail, so figure I should try to get used to running on concrete.