January 2018 Challenge



  • Olubuzz
    Olubuzz Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Hope its not too late to join! New to Keto and looking for friends!

    1/2 - 256
  • mekeld
    mekeld Posts: 10 Member
    I’d love to join and commit. I’ve been keto since May 2017 but want to get back to tracking to keep things moving.
    SW-236. CW-215.4 GW-160
    01/01 - 215.4
  • VeronicaMarie27
    VeronicaMarie27 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone! I’ve been doing keto since 10/30, and so far have had really good results!!! I’ve lost over 15 lbs so far (also hooray I survived Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!)!!!!

    I’m still not sure if I’m going to keep this as a total lifestyle change, or just to get down to my goal weight! Howeverrrrr I have good motivation, because my wedding is coming up- April 28, 2018!

    Posting my food on MFP has really really helped hold me accountable! Feel free to friend request me on here, it totally helps when you see others completing their food journals, when they see you logging exercise, etc! Happy 2018!!!!!

    SW: 174 | CW: 158.5 | GW: 145
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    welcome back to the 'old' challengers and hello and welcome to the new! For anyone still looking at joining: it's never ever too late, just post your start weight and get started! <3
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    was keto for over 3 years and was at 12% body fat until some surgeries. I'd love to get back into it... dang it, my weakness is ice cream! Two years later...
    I want my lower abs back.
    here we go
  • travelmore86
    travelmore86 Posts: 2 Member
    I started today; so I'll jump in on the weekly weigh ins!

    Hoping this group will stay positive-as it seems SO many of the community boards become rude or often shame others :neutral:

  • k2626k
    k2626k Posts: 15 Member
    Happy New Year! Im new to all of this - mfp and keto. All advice welcome!
    Started keto exactly one week ago, and down 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldnt be more thrilled.
    Excited to join this group of like-minded people. Will join weigh-in next sunday.
  • TeeElleGee
    TeeElleGee Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I started Keto for 'realsies' yesterday. Already I'm struggling to hit my macros. GAH. It's like trying to solve a rubics cube, making proteins, fats, carbs and calories all line up! I have tried (and failed!) so many diets I'm not ready to tell anyone in real life what I'm doing (but strangers on the internet is okay :) !) Also, I'm trying hard not to beat myself up for ending the day with 27 carbs instead of 20. *sigh* I need a personal chef that's also a master mathematician to do all of my cooking and logging for me.

    I don't really have high hopes to lose weight, I have Hashimoto's and REALLY struggle to make the scale move (down, up is no problem!) and I feel like after all this time, my weight and I are really good friends, so it's not going anywhere. Frankly, any loss will be a bonus!

    Anyway, I would love to join this challange.

    CW - 270
    GW - 200 (to be adjusted once goal achieved)

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • dontbeafatty2014
    dontbeafatty2014 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm In!! I've done Keto on and off since September - when I'm full on I feel amazing and see the changes. When I stray back to the carbs I feel terrible (damn holidays get me!)

    Looking forward to feeling great again!!

    SW - 144
    GW - 120

    Want to also focus on daily fitness to transform my body!!

    Let's do this!! Woot Woot.
  • betsy0426
    betsy0426 Posts: 14 Member
    I’m in, I started my keto diet on Sunday!
    SW 175
    CW 173
    GW 130
    I am also nursing a five month old baby so I’m hoping that will help me really knock off these lbs! Pinterest has been a huge help to me with getting started and finding out what I can and cannot eat.
  • Llorraine11
    Llorraine11 Posts: 350 Member
    starting keto tomorrow ..I need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • babola123
    babola123 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! Did Keto about 4 years ago for realz, then did it 2 and 1 year ago. This time, I pledge to be fit by 50. I am going to stick with it, and will weigh in/measure for a starting point when I get home. Looking forward to this!
  • educkie2
    educkie2 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. I am new to Keto and to this group but more then willing to give support and learn new things to help this 70 year old body stay healthy! Good luck to all!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    kouts wrote: »
    Not a lot to lose but i cant seem to get this last bit off so im giving it a try also trying to get my A1C lower since I was told I was “pre-diabetes”

    12/31> 138
    Goal> 125

    @kouts - Feel free to put your A1C on here, too, as one of your targets, if you feel like it. I imagine many of us are in the same boat!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi to everyone new (and old of course!) lots of support and help here and @travelmore86 don't worry, only friendly advice and help allowed in any of the keto group announcements or discussions, everyone always very supportive. Also @TeeElleGee I think you will find that other people with this will say that Keto has helped, also no beating up of self allowed! Sometimes just staying the same weight is a bonus! Welcome again to all <3 Ps anyone who wants to start can post their weight any day! We just try for Sundays as it keeps us focused!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    HaideeJo13 wrote: »
    Happy New Year!!! Gonna start hitting the gym. My goals are going to be much smaller now. I'm nervous I will get discouraged once I start working out because the numbers are going to slow down. So I'm gonna take pictures to make sure I can still see a difference. I was 146 yesterday. My goal for the month is to get to 140. But if i start getting my butt back that will be achievement enough haha

    @HaideeJo13 - Measure with a set of "goal pants" if you don't want to take actual measurements, etc.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Goal Pant? They're called Sizin' Britches! :p
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Goal Pant? They're called Sizin' Britches! :p

    Yup, in the UK that sounds like pants you'd wear in Jail as we also spell 'Jail' as 'goal' but still pronounce it 'jail' what can I say...........
  • TheMerryMermaid
    TheMerryMermaid Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in too.
    I was feeling bummed about bailing on the Dec challenge half-way through last month- way too many obstacles. But I'm over it now.
    Feeling excited about this month and the prospects that a fresh new year brings!
    I'm working toward a 20lb loss by March 1!