March Challenge!!



  • mirelazurbageanu
    mirelazurbageanu Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am new to keto. I started Feb 27th. I want to participate at this challenge. How can I have access to the spreadsheet you are talking about? Thanks.

    Feb 28th - 91.5 kg
    March 4th
    March 11th
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @mhernandez0502 Welcome, all you need to do is post your weight here every Sunday! You can also add it to the Monthly Challenge spreadsheet, sometimes there is difficulty accessing it but if you can't just let NikkiJRM know by posting here and she will link you in. Good luck!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @ceemray4962 welcome to the March Challenge!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @mirelazurbageanu Hi if you can't access the link from the Monthly Challenge link just post here for Nikki and she will pick it up and send you a link to use. Welcome by the way!
  • sandyh1414
    sandyh1414 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in... I am on my computer but still don't see the spreadsheet.

    Thursday 03/01 164 lbs aiming for 10 lbs this month...

    March 04
    March 11
    March 18
    March 25
    March 31

    Anyone out there want to friend me I could use all the help I can get. ;)
  • burnsdanielle
    burnsdanielle Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Hope to lose 10 lbs this month. I have pcos with insulin resistance so it doesn't come off very quickly for me so fingers crossed!

    March 1st: 231.5

    March 4th
    March 11th
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @sandyh1414 it's in the Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet which is in the announcements, the same section as this Challenge before the discussions section. If you open that the first post should have the link, if it doesn't open let @NikkiJRM know by posting here. She will pick it up and send you how to access the link as it sometimes doesn't work, something to do with MFP. Also you can just post here as well, lots of us do both also we use this link to generally chat and comment. Welcome!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @burnsdanielle Welcome and you know the tortoise won the race, right!! Also sticking to Keto will very much reduce the insulin resistance as you will stop burning carbs and start burning fat both eaten and body! A lot of women use it for pcos and it's issues. Good luck!
  • kimberlykrystal7
    kimberlykrystal7 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning.
    I’m new to this community and I want to start the keto diet. Is it to late to start the challenge with you all?
  • wwwcandicecom
    wwwcandicecom Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2018
    Kicking off my journey with this challenge
    March 1st: 193.6
    Sunday 03/04
    Sunday 03/11
    Sunday 03/18
    Sunday 03/25
    Saturday 03/31
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @kimberlykrystal7 of course it's not too late! Just post your weight tomorrow, Sunday and off you go!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @wwwcandicecom welcome!
  • 2018shauna
    2018shauna Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi everyone. Can I please join? I’ve only recently come across Keto as I am hypothyroid and cannot seem to stop gaining weight. I’ve been doing lots of research on what’s foods I need to get in my next shop. I’m vegetarian though so I’m at a bit of a loss for protein alternatives to meat. I’ve 15 lbs to loose.
  • caras12
    caras12 Posts: 13 Member
    I restarted keto the middle of January at 213 pounds after seeing pictures from a recent Disney trip, I started keto in 2016 and lost 65 pounds stopped, gained 10 in 2017...ok 2018 let’s go! I’m excited for this challenge, hope I’m doing this right, do we post on each day our updates weight?
    By the end of March my goal is to be 189!

    Feb 28th - 194
    March 4th
    March 11th
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @2018shauna of course you can join! Also protein alternatives to meat: eggs, cheese (fish if you eat them) tofu, cream, quorn, soya meatless products, just watch anything premade as they add lots of other stuff, you are better starting with the base ingredients and making your meals yourself, that goes for us all not just vegetarians! Also have some nuts but watch the amounts if you are like me and can eat a pack without noticing! There's plenty of advice about and check the stickies and the internet and diet doctor as well. Welcome and good luck.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @caras12 Yup, that's pretty much it! Nothing complicated just post your weight weekly on Sunday (or about then, whenever is convenient for you: we ain't that strict!) Also there is a Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet in the announcements where you found this as well. You can add your name there and your weight weekly too. Sometimes it doesn't work at first if this is the case for you then just post on this thread and @NikkiJMR will send you a link, it's an MFP problem not the spreadsheet. Enjoy!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    So at last, an actual weight loss and NOT just from what I'd gained on holidays!

    25th February 159.8
    4th March 156.0

    This is actually the lightest I've been in years and exactly 28lbs or 2 stone down from 24th September when I thought enough is enough. We won't discuss how much quicker this would have been if I had never fallen off the wagon but at least what we all know is: climb back on again! Oh and lets not forget I have a gin night on Tuesday coming, gin cocktails and paired food...........and I have to say I will go up again as I'm not willing not to break out occasionally, the trick being trying to make it just occasionally! B)
  • 2018shauna
    2018shauna Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the tips! :)

    my weight today (my starting weight) is 120.6 lbs
    Hope to loose 7lbs this month.

    Ps couldn’t find the spreadsheet.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    Here we go March. Weighed in at 172.0 today. I’m hoping to lose 5 pounds in March so a 2.8 pound loss is a good start. This will be the first month I consider myself fully keto adapted (9 weeks). Honestly, I almost feel like I was cheating the first thirty pounds were so easy to lose. I loved eating good food, never feeling hunger and feeling great. I’ve never experienced that in the last 40 some years of my yoyo weight loss journey.

    This Keto feels different. I think I can keep this up? One thing that is helping me keep up is this month at a time thread. I’ve been inspired by so many of your stories and ideas. I doubt if I ever would have discovered things like Air Fried Chicken Wings, or OMAD or Dragon Flags without this thread. The one month at a time also fits with my short attention span.

    Here’s to March! By the way, for those who care, I did one pull up, held a plank position for 1 minute and watched a video on how to do a Dragon Flag. The video may be as close as I ever get to doing a Dragon Flag. I <3 keto, eating fat and this thread.

  • shizzlebeef
    shizzlebeef Posts: 26 Member
    SW 256.5 1/04/2018
    I’m hoping to be around the 218-220 (or less) range by the end of this month! Fasting and OMAD have definitely helped. Original first goal was 220. Second goal 200. Third goal perhaps 180. Let’s do this!

    3/04/2018 226 lbs