TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (March)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Well, I got my water in this week, which is something. The last three days it was only eight cups a day, the minimum, and I had to force that down! I really need to remember to start earlier in the day. Today I had two cups of water before my first cup of coffee....probably won't do that everyday, but it is a good habit if I could get into it!! How did everyone else do on drinking their water this week?
  • WhineThyme
    WhineThyme Posts: 959 Member
    Wednesday, March 21
    Logged: No
    Calories: No
    Exercise: No

    In my home office all day Wednesday. While I didn't accomplish much "MFP", I did finally get a lot done in the office that desperately needed to be accomplished and I did manage to cook the soup that I had planned for dinner. Also, finally slept better last night than the previous 2 nights. That should help me a lot today. :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Wednesday, March 21
    Logged: No
    Calories: No
    Exercise: No

    In my home office all day Wednesday. While I didn't accomplish much "MFP", I did finally get a lot done in the office that desperately needed to be accomplished and I did manage to cook the soup that I had planned for dinner. Also, finally slept better last night than the previous 2 nights. That should help me a lot today. :)

    I agree with you wholeheartedly!! If we get our house in order, there is less clutter to get in our way, both physically and mentally. The main reason I am looking forward to hosting Easter dinner at my house is the fact that I will have it all cleaned up and put away!!
  • dopey520
    dopey520 Posts: 40 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    dopey520 wrote: »
    Mini Challenge Wednesday, March 21st
    Logged Food: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes 2063/2180
    Exercise: Yes : 3 mile run in 43 minutes :)
    Water Intake: 72oz

    I had to convert to kilometres to put the time in perspective....4.82 k in 43 minutes. Well done!!!

    Wow never have thought about conversion on that, kinda got me excited that I can almost do a local 5k run in under 1 hour... My goal was to complete one by the end of the year but thanks to you doing to math I might do one next month :#
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    dopey520 wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    dopey520 wrote: »
    Mini Challenge Wednesday, March 21st
    Logged Food: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes 2063/2180
    Exercise: Yes : 3 mile run in 43 minutes :)
    Water Intake: 72oz

    I had to convert to kilometres to put the time in perspective....4.82 k in 43 minutes. Well done!!!

    Wow never have thought about conversion on that, kinda got me excited that I can almost do a local 5k run in under 1 hour... My goal was to complete one by the end of the year but thanks to you doing to math I might do one next month :#

    My pleasure, and it's a metric conversion calculator....can't take the math credit on that one!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Looking for my Thursday weigh-in crew: @135terry, @holly2e, @lesliemc87, @Nicoletime4me. Thanks, ladies!!
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    Tracked - Yep
    Caleries - Under
    Exercise - No
    Steps - 7.8k
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Little win today..
    Something made me angry today, instead of turning to food and eating my weight in crisps and chocolate - as I would do when angry/sad/any extreme emotion..
    I sat it out - Made myself think about WHY I am doing this.. How 1 hour (or whole evening) of stuffing my face with junk wouldnt make it better, it wouldnt fit what had annoyed me.. It would just set me back, making my journey to a healthier me take longer..

    So.. Today is a WIN.. I beat over 30 years of emotional eating for, I think - the first time ever..
    Actually thinking about it.. It's a BIG WIN..

    That is definitely a big win, Em!! We get into the habit of going straight for the comfort food and it is a hard habit to break. The fact that you were able to think about it and stop yourself is a huge NSV!! Well done!!

    Thank you..
    I'm still a bit amazed that I managed it, but I'm really greatful that I worked it out for myself..
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 186.7
    Current- 187
    Gained a little bit, sorry team BBT
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 307 Member
    Username: holly2e
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Date: March 22
    Previous- 134.3
    Current- 134.1

    I am hoping that tomorrow will be my day to feel good again. I am ready to be back in the routine and exercising again. I need to start logging again too, I have gotten out of the habit this past week.
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Exercised: yep
    Tracked: yep
    Under: yep
  • dopey520
    dopey520 Posts: 40 Member
    Mini Challenge Thursday, March 22nd
    Logged Food: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes 2166/2180
    Exercise: Yes : 2 hours of roller skating with my daughter (something I haven't been able to do in years) :)
    Water Intake: 83oz
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Username: Tracie_Lord
    Weigh-in week: March week 3
    Last week's weight: 239.50lbs
    Today's weight: 233.50lbs
    Weekly Loss 6.0lbs; 2.51%

    Antibiotics and steroids are kicking in so feeling better - proud to have stayed on tracked whilst being poorly :)
  • ladyj22
    ladyj22 Posts: 146 Member
  • Coheednkimbria
    Coheednkimbria Posts: 206 Member
    Username: Coheednkimbria
    Weigh in week: March Week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 155.4
    Todays Weight: 155
  • PlummerBecky
    PlummerBecky Posts: 47 Member
    weigh in 3/16: 186.8
    Weigh in 3/23 186.2

    Atleast going in the right direction this week
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 186.7
    Current- 187
    Gained a little bit, sorry team BBT

    Yeah, but only a little. Something is holding you back from really making a concerted effort at this. Figure out what it is and the why, then try to address it. (Yeah, I what I say and not what I do!! Hey, if I type this out often enough, maybe I'LL start doing what I am saying!!)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    holly2e wrote: »
    Username: holly2e
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Date: March 22
    Previous- 134.3
    Current- 134.1

    I am hoping that tomorrow will be my day to feel good again. I am ready to be back in the routine and exercising again. I need to start logging again too, I have gotten out of the habit this past week.

    You have weathered the illness storm. Just take it easy getting back into the exercise. You don't want to overdo it and then get injured or energy depleted. Yes, logging your food again will start to make you feel like your old self.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    dopey520 wrote: »
    Mini Challenge Thursday, March 22nd
    Logged Food: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes 2166/2180
    Exercise: Yes : 2 hours of roller skating with my daughter (something I haven't been able to do in years) :)
    Water Intake: 83oz

    What a great NSV....being able to spend quality time with your daughter doing something active that she enjoys and fully participating!!
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