Check In



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 Thank you Kirstie! <3

    The first day went well, it was a lot of information to process but so far everyone is nice and it seems like a positive environment. I was glad when the day was over though because it was mentally exhausting. I'm ready for bed and it's not even 7:30. haha
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good luck Kayla!

    Wait I'm a day or 2 late lol. Good luck for your first week!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit I hope your first day went well! Let us know!

    I didn’t plan well for the week at all but I’m trying not to be too hard on myself. Between DST and only having a two day week this week it’s been kind of a weird one. I’m back to my March starting weight, though, sadly. I’m heading to VA tomorrow for Kris’s interview at Virginia Tech! I’m so excited to see what happens! Hope you’re all having a good week.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie haha thank you! =)

    @pezhed The first day went well, it was a lot of information to process but so far everyone is nice and it seems like a positive environment. Now with the second day under my belt, the training is still mentally draining - it's just information overload so I don't have much interest when I get home besides having dinner and sleeping. haha but it does seem to be getting easier each day so that's something. I hope you have a safe trip and good luck to your husband! I hope it goes well, let us know! =)
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Kayla, the first week is always a blur and so draining. Meeting new people, learning the process and policies. I hire and on board people as part of my job and it's equally exhausting to us, haha! I work for a small company though, so it's only a few times a year- it's not an ongoing thing that I do. You've made it halfway, hang in there!

    Amanda-safe travels to my state and my old stomping grounds! Chris went to VT, and I went to Radford University. Blacksburg is a gorgeous and wonderful place, I love it there. Good luck to Kris at his interview!
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Ladies, It's been a while, I have been popping in here and there to read a few bits & pieces of posts but couldn't really muster anything up to post.

    After my last post a few weeks ago, things kind of spiraled down fast. Unfortunately, now looking back, I think I had some pretty bad side effects to a new medicine I am taking for Migraine control, and I experienced some really bad/scary depression for about 2 weeks that I have never had before. I didn't know what was really occurring until I was so far into it. Needless to say, after feeling quite helpless tbh, my husband noticing my behavior and reaching out to my doctor, she did say that around 2 weeks ish, people that do experience side effects typically do see those taper off. So I rode it out and right around day, I think, 13-14?....each day more mental clarity, less of a fog and I started to slowly come out of it. I have always struggled w/anxiety, but this was an entirely different beast.

    It was definitely a learning lesson though I think for not only myself, but also for my husband, to be able to notice signs of this ( I have this fear of post partum depression, even though I should probably focus on the fact we cant get pregnant first? lol) Regardless though. I am in SUCH a better place now. It has been right about a week and I am laughing again, starting to get my normal appetite back, and not crying everyday just because I am alive.

    So, expect long weekly, check in posts from me again ;)

    I hope everyone is doing well, - I briefly scanned the posts while I was out, but I haven't had a chance to catch up on everyone, I hope to do so throughout the week.

    Hugs & love.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Rhiannon I'm so sorry to hear you were having such a hard time <3 so glad that things are getting better for you, definitely have your husband monitor your moods and discuss with your doctor often.

    This process is so anxiety making, take care of yourself. Glad you're back :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 I managed to hang in there, thank you! =) I'm certainly glad it's the weekend though. haha How are you feeling?

    @RhiannonBecks I'm sorry you had a rough time but I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and in a better place! I look forward to seeing your long post again, I missed them and was actually wondering where you were! Hugs and love back!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hey, guys. I'm poking my head back in to see how everyone's doing. Just read allllll the posts I missed. No way I can reply to everyone.
    @WifiresGettingFit Congrats on your new job!
    @pezhed How was your trip to VA Tech? I live in Martinsville--about 2 hours south of Covington. I have visited Covington I think on a Civil War battlefield tour and camped there years ago? if you wanna shoot me a facebook friend request so we can get in touch sometime. (Or anybody else here for that matter.) I don't use facebook a bunch though, so i'm slow to respond.
    @Kirstie155 Hope your search for answers continues positively! Keep us updated.
    @RhiannonBecks Sorry you've had such a hard time. I hope this migraine med evens out totally for you, or you find something else.

    So, things have been pretty good here. I might update in the pregnancy forum so I don't sidetrack too much. But basically, I have not been active. I get to the gym ever so often (like once every two weeks. Lol). I still have some morning sickness and throwing up (in the evenings). Waiting for a crew of contractors to show up at the house right now. They are going to demo the kitchen and knock out walls! Woohoo! I just got a new over the range microwave off Lowe's scratch and dent section, and a new sink and faucet. Trying to pick out some Mexican tile. Anyway, gonna be crazy with all the renovation stuff. Wish me luck!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth Thank you! =) I'm glad to hear things have been pretty good on your end. It sucks that you're still dealing with morning sickness, how far along are you now? Good luck on the home renovation! Are you taking before and afters? If so, I'd love to see them! =)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Today was my first day with the 12:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. shift. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It helps that I'm not staring at the clock every few minutes, there's no time. I was supposed to get on the phones today but it was busier than expected so they left me on live chat. Funny thing was that from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. I was the only one on live chat. They didn't know I was on live chat and so I didn't know that it was supposed to close at 8 p.m. My queue was 39. haha I should be on the phones tomorrow so we'll see how it goes.

    I hope everyone had a good start to their week!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Kirstie155 that's so cool that you went to Radford and Chris went to VT! It's such a beautiful area that seems to have a lot to offer! I'm excited for next steps in that regard.
    @RhiannonBecks I'm so sorry you've been having a tough time. Those are terrible side effects. Glad to hear you're coming out of it though!
    @Alioth I can't imagine renovating while pregnant. That sounds terrible. And yes, like Kayla said, please post pictures! I added you on Facebook! (as you know haha)
    @WifiresGettingFit glad you are settling in nicely at your job. Sounds busy enough to make time fly! Keeping busy is a good thing.

    The interview was really good and we're pretty optimistic about the job. It wouldn't start until August so we're thinking if he gets it we may take the summer off from both of our jobs and travel domestically. Not sure through what means yet but we'll look into it more seriously if he gets an offer.

    Unfortunately I think the stress of the unknown is causing performance issues so I'm not very hopeful for this cycle even though I'm about to ovulate. That is a bummer since I was much more hopeful than I was previously due to my apparent cycle regulation. Ah well. At least I'll have another cycle of data.

    I just started tracking again today after a week-ish off. Hope I can keep up a streak for a while.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Hi ladies! For the thousandth time, I'm back checking in on all of you. I've missed so much there is no way I'll be able to respond to everything but I will still catch up.

    The last 2 months at work have been horrendous for me. My stress level has been through the roof causing me to be out sick several days in February and having to do a bunch of tests at the doctor to make sure something else wasn't going on. I've several meltdowns at home and one at work which was super embarrassing. Morale in general is terrible and a lot of people who have worked here 20+ years are saying things have never been this bad before. I have started casually looking for a new job and applied for a couple which is also stressful. My diet is crap right now. I think the only reason I haven't regained more weight is because sometimes I'm too nauseous or tired from stress to eat. I also haven't been exercising except walking the dog 2 mornings a week. Last night I had trouble sleeping because my whole body was so tight and sore from lack of exercise and stretching. I'm mentally checking out at work which is really terrible but I think it is opening the door for me to be happier and get my eating and exercising back on track. Right now I basically just take things one day at a time.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @pezhed Keeping busy is definitely a good thing - I like when time flies by. haha Has your husband heard anything yet?

    @puffbrat I hope things get better for you! I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time!!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @puffbrat So sorry work has been so stressful! I hope you can find a different job quickly. Jobs become so toxic when overall morale is low!

    KRIS GOT THE JOB! We're not sure of the full offer yet--he'll learn more on Wednesday--but as far as we know we're moving to Blacksburg this summer. It's going to be hard to not just walk out of my job, haha. But I have to keep my give-a-hoot intact for a little while longer. I haven't decided when the best time to leave would be. Kris's spring semester is over at the beginning of May, and if we're going to travel, which we both really want to do, I should be done around the same time. We just have to figure out logistics for that. There are so many decisions to make, like do we sell both houses or sell one house and keep renting the other, do we buy there immediately or rent for a while to get a feel for it? Do we buy an RV now for our great American road trip (we went and looked at one yesterday!)? Lots to figure out and then lots to do. I've never moved more than a studio apartment across the country, and I've never moved with another human ever. It's all very intimidating but very exciting. Have a great week everyone!

    PS - I went to the gym for the first time in forever this morning and of course forgot my bra for work! So I'm sitting at my desk with mildly stinky uniboob. Hope I don't have many meetings today!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    @pezhed That's so exciting!! It's sounds like a figure out but all good things. Definitely leave time for your road trip if you two can afford it. Great job going to the gym but bummer about the bra. I hate when I do things like that.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    So last Sunday I started my last pack of birth control pills. This has been our plan all along, but for some reason I still felt the need to sit down with my partner and re-confirm that we were still full steam again. I'm a bit of an anxious over-thinker (which sucks), so I always have the need to "double-check" things. My partner on the other hand... he's cool as a cucumber.

    Conversation went as I should have known it would... baby-making commences at the end of April! lol.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Omg Amanda! That's so great you're gonna love Blacksburg! Hiking the Cascades is a must, floating down the New River, downtown hosts Steppin Out every year-it's an awesome street fair. Cabo fish taco is the best restaurant, have the Rasta Pasta for me! Oh I'm so excited for you, and really want to live vicariously though you, can you tell?! :D:D I loooove Blacksburg! I want to retire to the New River Valley one day!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @girlalmighty08 Exciting! Hooray for the end of birth control and the start of babymaking!
    @Kirstie155 Lol. Maybe you should visit, or we should all have some sort of meet up out there sometime in the fall.
    @pezhed Congrats! Hope all the packing and moving goes smoothly this summer. Hmm, imho, buying a house out here is a lot cheaper and easier than renting. But houses out here are generally sort of old and decrepit, even if they are cheap. Also, moving with another human is WAY easier than moving by yourself. Still stressful, but not as overwhelming.
    @puffbrat sorry it's been so hard on you! that work stress sounds awful.
    @WifiresGettingFit That's funny about your 1st day at the new job. I guess there's always a learning curve no matter what. Good luck! Also, tomorrow I'm hitting 24 weeks. I've got 1 more month before I hit 3rd trimester.

    Ahaha. So my kitchen right now... 1/3rd walls gone, tile floor ripped out, holes in the floor, holes in the ceiling raining down insulation, cabinets pulled out, sawdust and plaster dust everywhere. We just added some huge beams to prop up the 2nd story. Cuz when we pulled out some walls, the ceiling sank 4 inches in a week! The mess is making us a bit crazy, and messing with allergies. But I'm excited. We found wood floor under the tile that we can grind and refinish. Electrician came yesterday. He's gonna update the wiring to make it safer, and add new runs for lighting, appliances, and extra outlets. I got a paddle fan, which I've always wanted for the kitchen. All the new stuff is still sitting in boxes in the living room like Christmas waiting to happen. It's gonna be a race to finish it by July.

    The biggest worry is paying for it all--the cabinets in particular. We're borrowing money from my parents that we'll want to pay back. But I'm considering a home equity loan. The only problem is that since the IRS deleted my husband's tax files, we don't have the proper paperwork to submit for a loan. It's been about a year of working with the IRS to fix their mistake. I've had it up to here with them!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @pezhed That's so exciting about your husband getting the job! Sounds like lots of decisions definitely but it all sounds so exciting too! How are things going now?

    @girlalmighty08 I can definitely relate to being an over-thinker, you aren't alone! Happy babymaking month! (did I just say that? Yes, yes I did. hahaha)

    @Alioth Oh yes, there is definitely still a learning curve. haha and I'm three weeks in about to start my fourth. One of the supervisors even said that he's been there around 5 years I think and he is still learning something new every day. At least I'll never be bored. haha Thank you for the luck! It's definitely getting easier and my schedule has become more of a routine, I still think I'm in a bit of a transition phase with some things but we just started meal planning in hopes of cutting down on the eating out so here's hoping it works out this week. haha Happy 24 Weeks! How are you feeling? I honestly can't even imagine (which I probably have said this before) being pregnant while renovations are going on. I hope it's a smooth process and not too stressful though I imagine with the chaos and things there are bound to be some stress. I'm sure the time will fly and it'll all be done in no time though! .....they deleted his tax files? I mean how does that even happen! I don't blame you for your frustration, it sounds like a mess!