TEAM: Gutbusters (April)



  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 600 Member
    Username: Stimpy56
    Week: April WK 3
    Weigh day: Thursday
    Previous week: 236.0
    Current weight: 237.0

    Just getting over the stomach bug (which has been going around work) and getting back on track at the gym and eating habits.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @parinzz, you entered your weight on the wrong team thread, but when I found you on the spreadsheet, I put it in for you.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Happy weigh-in day to: @alydanbeads. @ocnldy. @szymanskicolleen. @typeitdaily.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    parinzz wrote: »
    Username: parinzz
    Week: April Week 1
    Previous Weight: 140.0
    Current Weight: 140.0

    @parinzz. Thank you for posting.

    It's easy enough to get into the wrong thread. Especially since till last week there had been little discussion here. I am trying to correct that.
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @parinzz, you entered your weight on the wrong team thread, but when I found you on the spreadsheet, I put it in for you.

    @HASWLRS. Thank you.

  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    edited April 2018
    I usually have “bad days” when my willpower is just exhausted. I’m an introverted teacher, and some days I feel emotionally pummeled by questions, emails, conversations, and communication in general. A couple of days out of the month, I purposefully relax to maintenance calories to give my willpower a rest. I think it’s healthier this way because I come back with a stronger, refreshed commitment. It prevents me from giving up. I think of it as a little vacation.

    Sticking to maintenance keeps me from feeling guilty, and it prevents me from trying to “make up” for the lost days.
  • sunderland_mich93
    sunderland_mich93 Posts: 57 Member
    If I have a rough day, it isn’t normally a huge deal to me. Now, a rough week or so, (which I am currently in) is a different situation. I usually just try to remind myself how good I feel after I work out, and how far I have come since I started.

    This is the longest I have ever been able to make it, because I usually get sick whenever I would try before and that would COMPLETELY slaughter my goal. I don’t normally have a problem getting to the gym or being active. My struggle is getting the motivation to go the very FIRST and SECOND time.

    However, I have noticed that I am less inclined to go to the gym if I have to stop home first. So, I pack my gym bag in the morning before work, take it with me, and bypass the stop at my house if I get released from work at a decent time. If I don’t, I have to stop and take care of the kiddos
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Username: aeloine
    Last week: 221.8
    Current: 220.2 on Wednesday and 219 on Thursday! I've dipped below 220 3/5 days this week!!!
  • szymanskicolleen
    szymanskicolleen Posts: 29 Member
    Previous: 143
    Today: 142
    Went to1/2 body pump class and on the elliptical now.
    Tracking but forgetting to add any extras at the end of the day.
    Happy Friday!
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    Username: alydanbeads
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 138.0
    Current weight: 138.4
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Username: typeitdaily
    Weigh in week: 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 242.6
    Todays Weight: 241.2
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    Username: aeloine
    Last week: 221.8
    Current: 220.2 on Wednesday and 219 on Thursday! I've dipped below 220 3/5 days this week!!!

    @aeloine. Well done. The weight is what it is. Pretty sure next week it will record on Wednesday below 220.

    Seems like you have now found what works for you. Just keep doing it.

  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    April 20
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 6km in 45 mins (hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Again got out in daylight.

    New cat, Cleo, is now free to roam the house. The older cat, Fi, is the Alpha and asserts dominance (but not hostility), but Cleo has taken the Beta role and will readily give ground. Plenty of room and attention for both.

    FPV race tomorrow (good weather forecast (yay!)), then afternoon tea with friends.

    Looking forward to the weekend.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for April 20 is sit-ups or crunches (abs day - be sure to use a mat or towel for cushioning - )

    2 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)

    The reason for only 2 sets for this exercise is that it ideally should be balanced with back strengthening exercises (which plank variants provide).
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    April 19:

    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes

    Managed to get in all my steps without leaving the house. It felt harder than just going for a walk, but I didn't want to have to interact with people and I did want to watch TV. I also took a long nap.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Previous: 143
    Today: 142
    Went to1/2 body pump class and on the elliptical now.
    Tracking but forgetting to add any extras at the end of the day.
    Happy Friday!

    @szymanskicolleen. Good result for the week. It is as hard for someone at 143 to lose 1 lbs as someone at 220 to lose 2. What is your goal weight? You must be close.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Fantastic hearing about people strategies to let go of past mistakes. This is a key to progress (ie. learn from the past, but do not let it control your future).

    Question for the day. Do people find that "Motion creates Emotion"?

    I find I feel so much better if I do some activity than if I procrastinate and do none. If I feel down, I walk, even if it is only 5 minutes (I can usually find 5 minutes). I find it clears my mind and lifts my mood and I can find reasons to do what I need to do.
  • HSM2673
    HSM2673 Posts: 48 Member
    This week has been challenging for me, my grandmother passed away yesterday and haven’t been working out or eating well. (Bingeing on lots of carbs). Leaving out of town tomorrow for the funeral, staying in a hotel & eating out. The only good things is that while I was packing my suitcase I found a belt that shows wear and the NSV of the difference where I before & now. This will motivate me to get back on track.
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    April 18, 19 & 20
    Exercised?: No, injured
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    My suspicions about the Tuesday class were right! Totally threw my back out, could barely get out of bed on Wednesday (no excuse not to check in every day here, sorry!), but managed a 3km walk today. I knew I should have eased up and not trusted that the instructor knew what she was doing was right for everyone.

    Great NSV today: called a bridal shop that I visited in September to arrange another appointment and hopefully find "the dress". She asked if I wanted to try the same one I liked last time, which I do but asked if they have a smaller size as I've lost nearly 40lbs since then. She said that every bride to be says they'll tone up/lose weight but it was rare to hear of such a transformation.

    Out for the fiancé's birthday tomorrow with lunch at Sky Garden as the highlight, am determined to enjoy it but within my allowance!

    Re "Motion creates Emotion" - 100% agree! I find going for a walk or a run allows me to reflect on my immediate and future life goals, anything from chores to the 10 year plan. I love it for that.
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    @HSM2673 condolences on your loss. Hold on to those fantastic NSVs and your health and fitness will maintain through thick and thin.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I don't seem to get the endorphins other people get. When I was depressed, I would drag myself on long walks through the woods, to no avail. And sometimes walking gives me too much time to fret about whatever was bothering me in the first place. More intense exercises can be more distracting, at least. I do get a little buzz from getting better at things, so that helps.

    However, tonight we are going out dancing. That will do the trick for me 9 times out of 10, especially if my husband is feeling the groove and will dance with me. Also, playing in the pool. I am not a great swimmer, but let me splash around for awhile and I am like a happy child.

    I am thinking of joining a gym. There is one nearby with yoga, Zumba and aqua fit classes: all of my favorites. And it is right on the bike path, so easy to get to. And I might splurge on swim classes if I am already a member.
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    Username: emmclean
    Weigh in week: 3
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 197
    Today's Weight: 196
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