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  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat You're welcome! I appreciate the response.

    Have you heard about the job you interviewed for yet? Yeah I don't blame you for wanting to utilize your expertise - hopefully you are able to find something part time or a volunteer position when the time comes.

    It really is hard to believe he's already almost 10 months old! That's great that you got some good pictures! =)
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Gah. Work stress is the worst! Sorry you gals are both struggling with it. It's really hard too, making decisions about whether to stay or go. Right now, I'm struggling to get through every single work day. :disappointed: But one new employee quit. (He's a baby who's never worked a real job for long.) Then another. (she needed a job closer to her house since she has no transportation). Another is about to become scarce as school lets out so she can watch her kids. Another just started pastoring a new church. I'm working longer hours again while we look for job candidates. Hope we can get some good ones before the week of music festival heck where our staff is split in two locations.

    @puffbrat I'm not sure what your profession is, but...Have you tried your local county extension agency/office? Ours always seems to need help. They do a lot with Virginia Tech to monitor water quality, take soil samples, advise farmers, count bird nests, etc. I know a lot of people who also volunteer with the Museum of Natural History. Then a lot of people I know also volunteer at nearby state parks, or with the natural trail system. We live in an area with tons of that. Even if you don't end up doing it for a living, it might be nice to get out of the house some over the summer for that? Anyway, very exciting about baby Leo starting to get up and at'm. The pics sound great!

    @WifiresGettingFit Hope your shift gets changed soon! And that you find the right house in the right spot for you. It seems like the housing market is bouncing back right now. We're looking for a house for my brother, and it's hard to find the right thing. Hope you can get more rest soon!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2018
    @Alioth Work stress really is a *kitten*. I hope you guys find some reliable people soon! Sounds like a lot is falling on you and that's never good.

    I ended up leaving work early on Tuesday and took today off as well. I feel mostly human again so it was definitely needed but I hate missing work so I really can't say it was all that relaxing. We've sort of switched gears with the house hunting and have decided to get a house that's for right now instead of our forever home. We just need something that is closer and something that gets us out of this apartment building because at the moment that's more pressing than finding the perfect house because it just doesn't seem to exist in the market yet. Anything that'll make my life less stressful I'm all for it. We meet with our realtor on Saturday so hopefully we get the ball rolling. Now to just get through the next two days.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,958 Member
    edited May 2018
    @WifiresGettingFit house hunting sure can be stressful! I hope you're able to have some fun with it though! Good luck with it!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie I'm trying to keep it as positive and stress free as possible but my hopes aren't high since I helped my parents with the process of getting their house so I know what the future will entail - in any case I'll take the stress now to have less stress later on. Thank you for the luck! =)
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi ladies,

    can you believe it is already heading towards the end of May? Hopefully everyone is starting to get some nicer weather, I know Michigan finally is (with exception of so much rain lately, but the sun has been shining and temps have warmed up!).

    Sounds like everyone has lots going on, @VeryKatie good luck w/house hunting, its good you have had experience by proxy of your parents so you know what to expect - the unexpected is always toughest for me in any situation!

    @Alioth - sorry to hear about all of the work junk, i'll be sending you good vibes & hope for a batch of new employees who plan to stick around!

    I just returned from a bus trip to Kentucky; it was pretty fun, but who knew riding on a bus all weekend could be so exhausting, lol.

    During the next month/two as I wait for testing and the follow up procedures, I am re-focusing on my health and eating. I think I have let it kind of slip to the back burner being so concerned/focused on baby making that I just didn't put effort into that. I am calling it our blessing in disguise that we have had a delay. My end goal is probably right around 30-maybe 40# to lose; but for now, id really like to work on dropping at least the 12# I gained after stopping my migraine meds so that way if we do get pregnant, I am at least back to semi baseline at a comfortable weight.

    Ive had a lot of time to recover after my initial, emotional response to finding out we'd have to stop Clomid for this month; and I am staying positive and feeling good, focusing on my health has given me something to distract me and for now, I am ok with that.

    Spring & summer are usually filled with lots of traveling, plans & events, and this summer is no exception! I am counting down until our Anniversary Trip to Grenada at the end of June!

    --Does anyone have fun plans for this summer?

    Have a great week!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2018
    @RhiannonaBecks I can't believe it's almost June, time flies. We are getting a lot of rain here but there has been some nice days as well. I'm in western PA. I was to the point near the end of April and early May that I was just glad it wasn't snow but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tired of the rain now. haha but the bright side is it's very green out and I find it calming. haha

    I'm glad to read that you are able to find some positives in what was a tough situation. How are you doing now? I do hope you are doing well and though it's a while away from now I hope you both enjoy the trip at the end of June!

    As for my plans for the Summer, I have a family vacation at the beginning of August. I'm looking forward to it but not getting excited just yet because it still feels pretty far away.

    Hope you and everyone else is having a great weekend!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 812 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit good luck with the house hunting. I hope it’s going well now that you’ve changed gears!
    @RhiannonBecks glad you’ve found the silver lining around having to wait a bit! Your travel plans sound great!

    Our RV summer is going really well. I’m currently on my way to Providence from San Francisco for a friend’s bachelorette party while Kris and the dogs hang with family in Napa. I’m looking forward to the party but I’d be lying if I didn’t mention I’m looking forward to its being over. About a week before we found out we were moving across the country I asked her sister if I could lead the planning effort and it’s definitely been a bit of a weight on my shoulders on our trip so far.

    We’ve been really active but I’ve been eating/drinking so much so far that it’s completely canceled out. We’ve been to 6 or 7 National Parks out west and the weather has been spectacular so far. Two weeks and not a drop of rain that I can recall. We aren’t even really tired of each other yet!

    As far as TTC goes, I just got my period so last month was another bust. We agreed to not really try on the trip, which is a good thing because we’ve been spectacularly dirty for long periods of time. I wish it would just work out on its own though. I’m tired of trying to get pregnant and the break is really nice. My last two cycles were almost the exact same length so I’m very happy to have some regularity after having some crazy wonky cycles in the past.

    Hope everyone else has some time for some summer fun!! Miss you girls!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @pezhed It is not but I appreciate that. We haven't seen anymore houses since the last atrocious three. There hasn't been much on the market since either. I'm hoping it opens up a bit here soon. Hopefully you enjoy the party but that it also goes fast so it can be over. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and travel safe! Also yay for regularity in your cycles! I'm sure the break will do you both good!

    I think it's probably time I do an update of my own.

    I lost about 4 pounds in May. On Monday my uncle passed away and yesterday I quit my job. That about covers it. I'm taking it easy for just a bit and will start applying to jobs next week. We just couldn't do the schedule anymore. I was also having panic attacks or something thereof (also close to my cycle so maybe hormones were playing a role) and so Monday I had to leave early well not even early I reported off before my shift even started. It had happened one time previously last month (also near my cycle) where I get emotional and can't get myself together so Andrew would have to take me home. I know I mentioned it before but just to show how crappy our schedule was I've put it below:


    645: Andrew wakes up
    700: I wake up
    7:30: We leave the house
    8:30: Get to the office building
    9:00: Andrew starts his shift


    12:30: I start my shift
    6:00: Andrew's shift ends
    9:00: My shift ends (but usually not until 9:15 - 9:30 on average with the the latest being 9:45 p.m. depending on calls in the queue; this was likely going to be a lot later come August according to one of the meetings we had with a mention of 10:30 p.m.)
    10:30 p.m. get home (depending on when my shift was finished though but it's an hour commute home) then eat, shower and bed with maybe 15-30 minutes of laptop time which was mostly just keeping up with emails and messages on Facebook and logging on MFP

    I haven't been around much because of this and weekends were of course filled with everything we couldn't do during the week which was...well everything so it was like we were never getting a break or any downtime and really any time together and after nearly 3 months, I had enough and so we talked it out and decided that it best I just quit. I wanted to give notice but I seriously questioned whether I could do it for two more weeks and then I decided that I didn't want to risk it since Andrew couldn't keep leaving work to take me home so I just opted to quit without notice.

    There was also some crappy things going on at work and they even added some more rules while I was away (during the time I reported off those two days) and it just reiterated to me that I made the right decision. I'm seriously hoping the next job is at least bearable. I'll take bearable. I'm hoping there is such a thing as a job that I don't dread out there. This job had me missing my last job and if I went into details about that job you would understand why that is such a big deal.

    In any case, I think that's enough of my rambling. I hope everyone is having a great week. Let me know how things are going in your world!

  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Soo, I dropped my laptop and broke the screen in 4 places. It's unusable. Until I get it fixed, it's hard for me to get online. And I might have to choose between that and a new fridge. Booo! Also, I'm struggling with a lot of anxiety, depression and mood swings caused by hormones. Seriously, I'm shocked by how bad I've felt (and how giddy depending on the day). But the midwives told me the extreme mood swings are a sign that I'm getting close to the end of pregnancy. My poor husband and coworkers who have to put up with me...

    Other than that, I'm keeping my weight pretty much under control, just gaining a pound a week. Gonna try to keep it under that skeery number--200 lbs. But I think by mid July, there's a good chance I'll cross over it. I did manage to get in a short walk outdoors last night. Over the weekend, we went to the lake and swam for hours. Heavenly! Can't wait to go back. But, I keep forgetting to log my exercise. :D

    @WifiresGettingFit I'm sorry for your loss. Sorry it's been such a tough time on you. Seems like you did the right thing quitting though. Panic attacks are no good at all. And seriously, one does need to see one's husband from time to time. How's the house hunting/job hunting going though?

    @pezhed Your trip sounds fantastic! How was the bachelorette party? Where are you off to next?

    @RhiannonBecks Spain! Sounds lovely! Let us know how your trip goes. And it's good to hear you're doing so well while facing these challenges.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth That sucks about your laptop and that you're dealing with a lot of hormonal issues. Yay for walking and swimming, sounds like the time in/near the water was much needed!

    Thank you, both house hunting and job hunting are not really going very far. There still aren't any houses we've liked enough to go see or are in the area that we want and job hunting, just blah in that regard.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit Bummer. Hope something turns up for you soon! Thanks for the encouragement.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth thank you :)
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone,

    It has been a very long time since I have seriously been on MFP. This last year especially has been pretty much the best and worst of my life.

    My husband and I had a baby boy, Thomas, he is five months old, adorable, happy, healthy and a great sleeper.

    When I was about 28 weeks along, my daughter, Rebecca, who was 6 years old passed away unexpectedly in her sleep. It was rough, it still is so tough and I honestly have let things get bad with food.

    My husband is a great source of comfort and strength for me. He is very involved with our baby and we both realize we need to be healthier for Tommy, each other and ourselves.

    So I am going to be trying to recommit myself because I know this can work! We don't plan to have any more children but I remember liking this group a lot.

    The breastfeeding hunger is insane though, how do you deal with it?
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @NatashaLP2014 I'm glad to see a post from you, it certainly has been a long time. Congratulations on your baby boy and I'm incredibly sorry to hear about your daughter. I just can't imagine losing a child, it's devastating.

    I didn't check before opening the thread to see if you already signed up but we (still) do a monthly spreadsheet if you'd be interested in tracking that way. In any case, we're glad to have you back!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @NatashaLP2014 Hi, nice to meet you. Very sorry for your loss.

    Mrr, so feeling proud of myself. Twice this week we have gone out and walked around the track at night with baby. I' still pretty tired and sore but it felt good to get out and do some kind of exercise.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm in to my 9th week now... things have been going pretty good considering but I've had MAJOR difficulties with food choices. I am almost completely off vegetables, the thought of them alone makes me sick. They have lost all appeal which is awful! I tried eating a salad last night and it was the closest I've come to being sick this whole time. I also have a very hard time with meat. Needless to say, I'm not very happy with my diet. I feel pretty disappointed in myself but I honestly just can't stomach a lot of things. I feel like a terrible mama and hope I'm not hurting babe... I'm trying my best but I just can't get things down :(
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @girlalmighty08 Don't be hard on yourself, it isn't uncommon to have aversions during pregnancy and that sounds like what you are dealing with. Eat what you can keep down, you're doing fine.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,958 Member
    edited July 2018
    @girlalmighty08 yup I couldn't eat raw veggies my whole last pregnancy because they caused heartburn! You can try cutting them up small and cooking them into the other food. Especially ones like spinach that get really soft and almost disappear. Or switch to fruit for now! Baby will be fine, baby is still very small and can get what it needs from you even if all you ate were potatoes for a little while (how do potatoes and sweet potatoes feel for you)? But a lot of nutrients are still available in whole grains, lentils and dairy/dairy alternatives and meat alternatives. Food aversions change as you continue too so just cuz you dont like veg now doesn't mean you wont later.

    Have you looked at the website called Kellymom.com yet? That site has really good info and often put my fears to rest for things revolving around diet and baby sleep etc. Its a well reputed website.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 812 Member
    @girlalmighty08 I’m coming up on 7 weeks and feel exactly the same about veggies. I’ve pretty much been on cheese and carbs since last week. I know it’s not super healthy but I’m cutting myself a lot of slack while feeling nauseous and overwhelmed by food choices.