TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (June)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215 or Craig @craigo3154 .


  • MrsBrooks0913
    MrsBrooks0913 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone,
    This is my first challenge, I am 33 years old and have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. Since 2013 my weight has just ballooned I am currently 278. I am hoping this challenge will give me the boost I need to really be serious about changing the way I eat.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • txmaryk99
    txmaryk99 Posts: 120 Member
    Working on the building blocks to a healthier me.

    Wednesday 23
    Tracking: yes
    calories: yes
    exercise: yes 2 walks with Brandy ( the poopy dog) She is learning to walk on a leash, or should I say run. Her tiny legs just fly.

    Thursday 24
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes 2 walks with the poopy dog. I figure she will get the walking on the leash about the same time I figure out this challenge. :D
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello new friends,

    I am 36, married with one kittie. I work in the beer industry - so you can imagine a good starting place with weight struggles. Yes free beer and bar food are in my face a lot. This year I have really focused on how to say no to those temptations.
    I have struggled and roller-coastered with weight my whole adult life, usually lingering around 250-260. This past Xmas I weighed in at 275.5 and decided that was enough.
    Since January I have lost 22.6 lbs. But for the past month I have been stuck. I am hoping this kickstarts the next phase for me.
    I am not on any specific type of diet. I just have learned to eat healthier, stuck with the gym (3 times a week) and allowed only once a week where I have alcohol and a “cheat meal”. Granted there were about 3 off weeks in the past 5 months, but that is a huge step compared to the way I used to be.

    I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Username: erikNJ
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Starting Weight: 252.9
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello, team The Big Butt Theory! Welcome to June and a special welcome to the newcomers. Thank you for introducing yourselves to the apologies for being a little late to the party!!

    Hi, my name is Lisa and I have been with this team since October and in a leadership role since December. I am your captain for May. I am 52, a Canadian living in Southern Ontario, married 26 years and have two grown sons. One is done school, living at home and working at the family business. The other is still in school, but completing his degree in Germany.

    I did really well with this challenge until Christmas, then I completely fell off the rails. April was a good month, but May was not!! I am hoping to turn it around, once and for all, in June!!
    Being involved with this group helps to at least keep my head above water when I am struggling!!

    A little about this runs Sunday to Saturday. Post your weigh-in on this thread on your chosen weigh-in day. If you need to miss a weigh-in, let me know. If you forget to post a weigh-in, post as soon as you remember, up until Saturday evening. (I'd say Saturday at midnight, EDT, but I am not up that late!) Please post a weight even if you have gained. There is no judgement here, only support, and it happens to all of us at some point!! If you miss two weigh-ins, you will be removed from the month and will have to re-register for the next month if you wish to continue.

    Yes, this is a weight loss challenge, but I would like you to think of it more as a support group. Sometimes, you can do all the right things, but the scale just doesn't move. If you have taken measurements you will be able to see that you are making progress, just not contributing to the team's weight loss. But we don't want you to despair, or leave, if this happens, thus the focus on the "support" aspect!

    We are all here for the same lose weight and get healthy. Some days will go better than others....weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, after all!! But with the support of this team, and some hard work, we can all make it to the finish line!

    Have a great June, everyone!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning, team TBBT. The June challenge officially starts tomorrow, Sunday May 27th. I thought I'd give you some more information so that you can be ready to jump in with both feet! Within the main weight loss challenge we have another optional, but highly recommended, challenge. It is called the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge, or the Mini Challenge. It is based on another MFP challenge group by the same name, or UAC.

    The way it works is simple:

    1. Log everything you eat that has calories in MFP.
    2. Stay inside your allotted daily calorie budget.
    3. Do at least 20 minutes of activity daily. This could be anything that gets you off the couch and being active: run, walk, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.
    4. Report each day on this thread (something to the effect of logged food: yes, under calories: yes, exercise: yes, and a brief description is nice)

    You get one free pass day a week (went over calories, could not log food, rest day, etc.) At the end of the week, if you have managed to be "accountable" for at least 6 of 7 days, you will be recognized on this thread as being in the Winner's Circle!

    This strategy works for weight loss because it is based on CI<CO. When calories in are less than calories out, you stay inside your allotted daily calorie budget, and you will lose weight! And exercise is just good for you, plus it will burn calories and help with the calories out portion of the equation!

    What's great about this challenge is that it works for everyone, as long as you are honest with yourself. There are no dietary restrictions, so you can eat whatever you like, and follow whatever plan you like. Your own daily calorie budget is set by you and MFP and you choose your own exercise and intensity of exercise! Plus it is a practice that can be carried beyond weight loss into maintenance! If you are having a bad week, a new week and a fresh start is just around the corner!

    Consistency and new habits have been shown to be the keys to long term successful weight loss. Why not make the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge your new habit, that you do consistently!!

    Week #1 for the Mini Challenge starts Sunday, May 27th!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    ****I forgot to say, when you post your accountability, please put the date, or day of the week, to which you are referring. We are all in different time zones, and some people post in the evening for that day, and others post the next morning, so it gets confusing trying to decipher without a day or date. Thanks!!!****
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Wow! We have been assigned many new team mates this month!!! I guess they figured our team was too small!! I would like to welcome @txmaryk99, @stephhk30, @MrsBrooks0913, and @erikNJ! Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourselves to the team. Hopefully we will all be able to motivate and inspire each other to reach our goals!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    The following new team mates have yet to make their way over to this team thread. Please do so shortly so we can extend a proper welcome and start getting to know one another, and of course, start crushing our goals!!!

    @TooMuchChocolate88, @RubesTheListingAgent, @Kittu125, @monkeymintaka, @LMT2017, @talonsangel and @jamiewilldo.

    Welcome to you all!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    txmaryk99 wrote: »
    Working on the building blocks to a healthier me.

    Wednesday 23
    Tracking: yes
    calories: yes
    exercise: yes 2 walks with Brandy ( the poopy dog) She is learning to walk on a leash, or should I say run. Her tiny legs just fly.

    Thursday 24
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes 2 walks with the poopy dog. I figure she will get the walking on the leash about the same time I figure out this challenge. :D

    Look at you, getting a jump on the Mini Challenge!! Great accountability!!! Looks like walking your tiny, poopy dog is going to be a great source of exercise!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Hello new friends,

    I am 36, married with one kittie. I work in the beer industry - so you can imagine a good starting place with weight struggles. Yes free beer and bar food are in my face a lot. This year I have really focused on how to say no to those temptations.
    I have struggled and roller-coastered with weight my whole adult life, usually lingering around 250-260. This past Xmas I weighed in at 275.5 and decided that was enough.
    Since January I have lost 22.6 lbs. But for the past month I have been stuck. I am hoping this kickstarts the next phase for me.
    I am not on any specific type of diet. I just have learned to eat healthier, stuck with the gym (3 times a week) and allowed only once a week where I have alcohol and a “cheat meal”. Granted there were about 3 off weeks in the past 5 months, but that is a huge step compared to the way I used to be.

    I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Username: erikNJ
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Starting Weight: 252.9

    Congratulations, Erik, on losing 22.6 pounds since January!!! You may be stuck right now, but don't lose sight of how far you have come!! Allowing yourself a "cheat meal" each week, so you can have that beer and bar food that you are exposed to all week, sounds like a good strategy! You never want to feel deprived!! (Love your cat...looks huge in the picture!)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    txmaryk99 wrote: »
    Hope I am doing this right. New to this challenge and looking forward to meeting everyone and getting some great motivation.

    I like to say I am living my retirement while I am still working. I am an RN of 35 years and take care of the tiny babies. My grandkids call them my "work grandbabies" Love my job but haven't been doing much of it the last few months.

    I had a stroke last fall and was off work for 6 months and now back but not getting much work due to low census.

    I need to discard the weight I gained while immobile and the weight I needed to discard before getting sick.

    Ready to find the healthy me so I can truly retire and see the world with my wonderful hubby and crazy puppy dog ( affectionately called the "poopy dog")

    So happy to hear that you have recovered completely from your stroke!! Yes, now it's time to get healthy so you can enjoy your retirement!!
  • katevt78
    katevt78 Posts: 248 Member
    Hello to the group! My name is Kate. I just turned 40 and celebrated that by losing 100 pounds! I am about 14 pounds from my goal weight right now.
    I have a 4 year old Chocolate lab and the two of us walk or run every day. Throughout this journey I have eliminated a lot of processed foods and try to eat primarily fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
    I’ve been a part of this group since I think December. This is a great group with the best leader. Welcome to all new members!
  • aprilcanrun
    aprilcanrun Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've been sick the last few days, Sonora good I checked mfp tonight, because I didn't realize the challenge starts tomorrow!!

    My name is April, I like in the UK and a couple of years ago I managed to lose about 60 without really trying - because I fell onto running, joined a running club and started training for half marathons. My eating wasn't 100% healthy and I only logged every now and then,but I managed to lose a bunch of weight.

    Then I met my now know that thing that happens, when you just want to spend all your time together and watch movies and eat junk food and go out to dinner. Before I even realised I had put 20 pounds back on. Two years later I've put the entire 60 pounds back that I lost.

    I've started running again with the c25k program, and I'm trying to eat healthier. I did it once before - I can do it again!

    I think this challenge is just what I need to kick me in the butt!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    katevt78 wrote: »
    Hello to the group! My name is Kate. I just turned 40 and celebrated that by losing 100 pounds! I am about 14 pounds from my goal weight right now.
    I have a 4 year old Chocolate lab and the two of us walk or run every day. Throughout this journey I have eliminated a lot of processed foods and try to eat primarily fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
    I’ve been a part of this group since I think December. This is a great group with the best leader. Welcome to all new members!

    Congrats on the 100 lbs!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    I know we start the accountability challenge tomorrow but I want to get a jump start for myself.

    Saturday 26
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: nothing really pushing myself today but we were out running errands so probably around an hour of leisurely walking

    Tomorrow will be a challenge - the family Memorial Day BBQ. There will be lots of exercise via lots of swimming and a wiffle ball game. But healthy food options will be close to non-existent. This may have to be my one free pass day, as much as I hate to start that way.
  • katevt78
    katevt78 Posts: 248 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    katevt78 wrote: »
    Hello to the group! My name is Kate. I just turned 40 and celebrated that by losing 100 pounds! I am about 14 pounds from my goal weight right now.
    I have a 4 year old Chocolate lab and the two of us walk or run every day. Throughout this journey I have eliminated a lot of processed foods and try to eat primarily fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
    I’ve been a part of this group since I think December. This is a great group with the best leader. Welcome to all new members!

    Congrats on the 100 lbs!

    Thank you!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've been sick the last few days, Sonora good I checked mfp tonight, because I didn't realize the challenge starts tomorrow!!

    My name is April, I like in the UK and a couple of years ago I managed to lose about 60 without really trying - because I fell onto running, joined a running club and started training for half marathons. My eating wasn't 100% healthy and I only logged every now and then,but I managed to lose a bunch of weight.

    Then I met my now know that thing that happens, when you just want to spend all your time together and watch movies and eat junk food and go out to dinner. Before I even realised I had put 20 pounds back on. Two years later I've put the entire 60 pounds back that I lost.

    I've started running again with the c25k program, and I'm trying to eat healthier. I did it once before - I can do it again!

    I think this challenge is just what I need to kick me in the butt!

    I hope you are feeling better! Love your've done it once before so you can do it again!! How far into the c25k are you?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    I know we start the accountability challenge tomorrow but I want to get a jump start for myself.

    Saturday 26
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: nothing really pushing myself today but we were out running errands so probably around an hour of leisurely walking

    Tomorrow will be a challenge - the family Memorial Day BBQ. There will be lots of exercise via lots of swimming and a wiffle ball game. But healthy food options will be close to non-existent. This may have to be my one free pass day, as much as I hate to start that way.

    Great job on jumping right in! A lot of you will have Memorial Day is what it is!!!
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