


  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith Congratulations!!! What a great mothers day gift! Glad everything worked out and that you are both doing well! =)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Congratulations @SheilAnneSmith!!! What a wonderful Mothers Day gift <3 I'm sorry labor and delivery didn't go as planned, but glad you hear you are both doing well. You are awesome for getting so far using only nitrous oxide! Enjoy your new baby girl.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith OMG! Congratulations! Happy Mother's Day!!!!! So glad you and baby are doing well, even if plan A had to be scrapped. Have a nice restful recovery! <3
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith congratulations on your darling baby!!! Did I miss her name? Happy mother's day haha. You will never forget your first Mother's Day!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Oh man... So... aparently trying for a baby can be really, really different the second time around. I found out I will need to go back to work a month early today, if I want to keep my pay top up from my current maternity leave! Have to be back at work for 6 months if I want to keep the money... And I guess I only have 9 months till my next maternity leave :o

    I have to admit I didn't think there was any chance at all I could be pregnant this month! We didn't take precautions but I also did things to make it slightly less likely (cleaned up right away, only did it once in the fertile window).

    I hope you don't mind me sharing here.

    Our timing was a little off. We were going to start trying hard next cycle. So now the baby will be due during the busiest time of the year for Chris. He is a bit worried that, by missing work at that time, his favourite projects will be permanently given to other people. And I literally just last week verified that my return date was August 14. Now I have to change it to earlier and hope people don't figure it out! Because talking about pregnancy at work was so annoying so I was hoping to hide it as long as I could. I think I will play it off as a misunderstanding between me and the daycare we found. I'll say we had signed up for August 1 but I didn't realize they want us to pay starting July 2. Think that'll keep my boss more in the dark? Or I could go with the "we have to fund our basement renos" (Which I guess need to be complete before January!)?
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @VeryKatie Congratulations! Even if it means you've got to wiggle your plans around a little now, I hope that all falls into place.

    Her name is Andrena Lois. We are totally in love! We've made it through 3 nights home now, last night was the toughest so far. We had a busy day with follow up appointments and such in town, so I did too much and was hurting and exhausted when she refused to sleep and wanted to nurse constantly 12pm-4am.

    I want to put together a birth story/recap of emotions together to share, but will take some time to type up...I hope you all don't mind if I share. Mainly though I want to type it up and put it with my baby stuff so I remember all the details I know I'll soon forget.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith Wow that is an absolutely beautiful name! Is it not shocking how much you love them!? I would love to hear your birth story :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Congratulations! I literally just posted a fingers crossed for you in the TTC thread! haha Guess you didn't need it =P Of course we don't mind you sharing, that's what the group is for! I think playing it off as a misunderstanding with the daycare sounds like a good plan! (I feel like the basement idea may just open you up for too many questions if you have particularly nosy coworkers.)

    @SheilAnneSmith That is such a beautiful name! I look forward to reading the birth story/recap! (Of course we don't mind if you share, it's what the group is for!) I hope today has been a little easier on you after such a rough day yesterday.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @VeryKatie I think that's a great plan you're putting together. Good luck trying and hope all goes smoothly! I'm struggling at work right now. I have 2 months until baby comes (probably) and can barely make it through 6 hours of work including a meltdown at hour 4. :( But if I leave now, there's no good replacement for me. I feel so stuck! And my attitude sucks!

    @SheilAnneSmith That's a lovely name. I like it. Can't wait to hear your birth story. Sorry you've been having a hard time. Hope you get some proper rest soon!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @VeryKatie So last night in our second prenatal class (neonatal care), we finally got to breastfeeding. There was a lot of good advice. Also, a lot of encouragement as the midwives feel that the first two weeks of breastfeeding/early motherhood are terribly hard on one. And they also talked about how they can help, as well as how to stay saneish through the whole process, how to test out your breast pump, different feeding holds, etc.

    I also found out that a detailed table is sent home with the new parents. For the first weeks, we're supposed to record every feed, how long from each breast, every diaper's contents and what time of day they happen, baby's body temperature every couple hours, and breathing rate per minute, etc. Which I had no idea newborn's body temperatures fluctuate so much, or that their breathing patterns are so different from an adult. And they talked follow up visits, neonatal massage, cradle cap, cord care, bathing, what do with vernix, delayed cord clamping, placenta options all that good stuff.

    Apparently if I leave my placenta behind (I don't want it anyway) it gets donated to a search and rescue dog training organization. They freeze it and bury it and train the dogs to search for the scent of human blood at different stages of decay. Kind of a weird thought, but donating to science sounds a lot better than eating it!

    And we also practiced stretching techniques to relieve back pain and adjust baby's position with one of the on staff doulas. It kinda weirded my husband out to have a woman stare at us and give instructions while we stretched together. But I'm really happy a doula will be provided during labor as part of the package, even if I'm not a fan of yoga balls. Lol.

    The first class, last week, was all about labor and delivery. I felt last night's class was way more useful. I'm glad Josh came too, as I'm going to have trouble remembering it all. A lot of other topics were brought up.

    And, in other news, the kitchen is almost painted. The floor guy can't come until June 25. I hope baby stays put until after the floor and cabinets are in! We are going to have to finish from the ceiling down. The sink keeps falling apart and having to be duct taped together. So I'm sad to have to wait another month before we can put in the new sink, but whatever. I'm also worried about putting off setting up the nursery until after the floor is done. I don't want it all covered in sawdust after all, but it would be nice to unpack the crib or car seat or something.

    This Saturday is my MIL's baby shower for us. I'm properly terrified of the whole ordeal. Haha. We had my family's baby shower already at the church with no power. I ended up doing a lot of the work for it myself as flash flooding (our area made the news for something!) made baby shower day extremely dramatic. A lot of people couldn't come as they were trying to pump water out of their homes and clean up. But the group that did come out was fantastic, and made it really fun.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Hey ladies, sorry I’ve been MIA. Just checking in though and saw some exciting updates!!

    @VeryKatie congrats on the pregnancy!! I’m obviously jealous but happy for you. I’m sure you’ll be able to sort out the work scheduling.
    @SheilAnneSmith congrats on your baby girl!! Beautiful name! I read your story on the other thread and I’m sorry it’s been so difficult. Hopefully she’s continued to gain.
    @Alioth I hope you can get through the remodel before baby arrives! Sounds like stressful timing!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    edited June 2018
    @VeryKatie >__<; Oh yeah, CONGRATS! I misread your earlier posts and thought you were trying, not that you were already at 7 weeks. Haha.
    @pezhed tks!
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    Well ladies, after a few weeks of waiting, two negative HPTs, and a missed period... we got confirmation yesterday: I'm expecting!

    I must have taken the first couple HPTs a bit too early. I'm kind of anxious and freaking out because after I got the second negative I got quite tipsy with some girlfriends who were visiting from out of town on the weekend. I always promised myself I would never drink if there was a possibility of being pregnant, and now I'm wishing I would have just taken another test or waited a few more days. :(

    Anyways, like I said, it's still very early days but I can't believe it's actually happening!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited June 2018
    @girlalmighty08 congratulations! Try not to worry too much, the embryo is still being nurished by the yolk sack, as the placenta has only just started developing. Chances are you were still not sharing blood supply at all. So when do you think you would be due??

    I went to a place called Babymoon today to pay for a non-medical ultrasound. We saw our little baby and a heartbeat of 170 bpm! Nice and strong!! So... I just finished emailing my boss and HR about me having to end my mat leave early. I'm going back to work on July 12 for exactly 6 months haha. I said it was because we found daycare for July 2 so they don't know I'm pregnant. Hoping to keep it under wraps at work as long as possible. I bought lots of bubble tops haha.

    I also think I'll tell people my due date is 1-2 weeks later than it actually is so that I have the freedom of booking vacation in my last month of work (my boss denied all my requests last time), before I file for my maternity leave. I want to use up my vacation since I will likely be a SAHM after baby 2.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    @VeryKatie That’s what I’ve been reading but there’s still a part of me that’s riddled with guilt... I will try my best to work through it though :) If all goes well my estimated due dates is February 17th, 2019. First doctors appointment isn’t until July 10th so we will know more then!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @girlalmighty08 Congratulations! How awesome! And yeah, try not to worry too much. It's gonna be great.
    @VeryKatie Sounds like a plan. And that's great about the ultrasound! So much fun!
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Hi All,

    I’m back after a long break. Was on this board while TTC for several months. I really enjoyed the support here and was losing weight, but not getting pregnant, and beginning to get a bit obsessed. I took a few months off from MFP (gaining 20 lbs in the process - yikes!), but did finally get pregnant in December 2017 (not sure the weight had anything to do with it - think it was just a question of needing more time - 15 cycles in total until we were lucky).

    Now back at almost 28 weeks pregnant as my weight gain is spiraling out of control and need to get on top of it!

    I’ve enjoyed catching up on how things are with you all - slowly working my way through a backlog of unread posts.

    This group really helped me stay grounded when TTC so looking forward to checking in more regularly from now on.

    Good luck to those still trying, and to those who are pregnant (some for the second time, I see!)

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited June 2018
    @samlovesthesnow Congratulations Sam!! Do you know what you're having? Have you guys talked about names? Anyway, Glad to see you back! I look forward to seeing (more) post from you =)
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit Thanks Kayla! It’s a wee boy. We completely disagree on names (both want something Scottish but I like traditional and husband likes very unusual) so still in limbo!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @samlovesthesnow You're welcome! Oh, a boy! How exciting! I'm sure you guys will find one you can agree on or a compromise of sorts, will you share what you've chosen or the names you're thinking of or are you going to wait until he is born?