


  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    sorry to hear that Katie! How is the rest of your pregnancy going? Getting close!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @Kirstie yeah I'm about 35 weeks along now, I can't believe it...
    Pregnancy is going ok. Bending over is hard now lol. But I had a bit of a scare on Monday. From 7:00 - 9:30 the baby only moved 3 times, and very gently. So I was so scared something was wrong. I had juice and an apple and then the baby started moving more. Plus had my GP check the heartbeat (I was going there for a toe problem I've been having) and things were okay. But this little baby did make me worry.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Wow Katie, that is scary! Glad you and baby are doing well and at 35 weeks, wow! Time for another bump pic :)

    Hoping this will be my first and last month sitting out ttc..trying again at the end of this month!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    It's always scary when they move less, I think it happens more frequently from memory as they run out of room. So good to get checked though, hope you can relax a bit now :)

    I'm 4.5/5 weeks so would love to join this lovely thread officially! Still doesn't feel real...
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    @1fit_mamma Congratulations! Fantastic news!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    1fit_mamma wrote: »
    I'm 4.5/5 weeks so would love to join this lovely thread officially! Still doesn't feel real...

    !!!!! Congrats @1fit_mamma :)

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited May 2017
    @1fit_mamma yay congrats on your pregnancy!!! It still doesn't feel real for me either hahahah. I'm convinced I'm just going to be pregnant forever. Because... well I've never had a baby so it's probably not changing lol (that's how my brain is thinking, it's just like - "yup, gettin' chubbeh... but life won't change")
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    AHHH @1fit_mamma congratulations!!!!

    @VeryKatie your post made me actually LOL.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @1fit_mamma Congratulations how exciting!!!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks lovely ladies! Haha @VeryKatie totally get that!!

    One question I have (again my memory is shocking from first time around)...despite eating every 3-4 hours until I'm full, I feel like my metabolism has ramped up because I've lost another 1-2lb this week and haven't really been calorie counting. I'm eating way more than I usually would too. I guess I should track again and focus on achieving maintenance plus a bit more, but I'm still 20ish pounds overweight so don't really feel like I need to be overeating? Definitely don't want to lose weight at the moment though, any tips would be appreciated!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    It's really hard to switch from weight loss to maintenance/gain in the space of 1-2 weeks, my body just isn't used to it!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @1fit_mamma Congratulations!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited May 2017
    @1fit_mamma chances are your TDEE is simply higher than you thought, especially if you've never tracked during maintenance. MPF give notoriously low TDEEs. So I wouldn't say that your metabolism has ramped up. Usually you burn about 4-5% extra calories in the first trimester but due to fatigue your activity decreases your calories by 4-5% meaning it all balances out. Now, if you're not tired, you might need more calories.

    I suggest adding more to your daily intake until you get to the point where you are maintaining.

    In other words, MFP is having a calculation error, but your body will know what to do with the right number of calories!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    edited May 2017
    Thanks @VeryKatie, I totally agree with the TDEE- the only reason I blamed my metabolism was because in the past if I had a week eating like I did I definitely wouldn't have lost weight, but I'm sure there are other ways ways to explain that.

    Prior to pregnant I was using the MFP sedentary setting for weight loss, and it synced to my Fitbit so would eat back most of my calories as I new MFP underestimated calories needed.

    Now I have it set to sedentary but maintenance, and will try and eat back all of my Fitbit calories. Obviously if still losing weight I'll eat a few more calories. It's still really hard to eat almost double to what I was previously when losing weight (not psychologically, literally hard to fit that much food in), but I'll do my best lol. Trying not to stress about it too much, so strategy is to see the net calories on the sheet continue to go upwards.

    Thanks for the advice Katie, and yes the fatigue hit me like a bulldozer yesterday...can't wait for second trimester! How are you going? Sooooo close now!
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    @1fit_mamma Congrats!! I'm at 12 weeks this week, so you aren't too far behind me! I felt the same way that you did after I first found out (how can I eat this much food every day?!) but then the nausea and food aversions hit and I was basically living on simple carbs for a few weeks. I'm feeling much better now and I actually want vegetables again, not just pizza all the time :)

    I've now had 3 ultrasounds, the 3rd being at the hospital with better quality equipment so that a radiologist can review my scans to check out the ovarian cyst that was found during my first scan. Fortunately it is staying the same size and not growing, but I need to check back with my doctor on the "official" results. The good part is that we've been able to see our little nugget 3 times and its just so overwhelming to see a little human moving around in there!

    We announced to our families this past weekend so it feels nice to finally have it out in the world. My husband's family is already overwhelming me, which I knew that they would, so I'm trying to relax and not think too much about it.

    @VeryKatie I hope you are doing well in the home stretch!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @jennamae102 Yay for the cyst staying the same, hopefully the official news from your doctor is good! Keep us updated! How is your husband's family overwhelming you? Tell them to knock it off! haha
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit haha well within 5 minutes of them finding out we're expecting, my MIL tells me that she just knew something was up because of how crappy I had been looking lately. Those weren't her exact words, she had to pause multiple times and never found the right thing to say, but that is exactly what she meant. Then she proceeds to tell me about a co-worker of hers who's son was born premature and (for some reason....) she and my SIL were the first people at the hospital and held the baby before the mother did! So she was like "just imagine how we'll be with your baby hahaha!" I told my husband later in the day that they are in for a rude awakening when they find out I don't want anyone at the hospital!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @jennamae102 grace isn't her thing huh? ha! I so want to see the look on her face when she finds out you don't want anyone at the hospital! Take a picture! hahahah =P
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @jennamae102 She sounds about like how my mother-in-law was, she didn't quite have a good enough filter on her thoughts. We cringed in public quite often as she had a voice that seemed to cut through even the noisiest environments. "So and so doesn't look good" or "So and so got fat" *cringe* I didn't know her before she was late 70's, but my understanding is that it wasn't just her age, she'd always been that way.

    Good luck with it going forward, I hope you can find space to not let her stress you out!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited May 2017
    Just a quick update and then I will be back to comment on people's stuff (I hate typing stuff out on my phone but I'm too lazy to walk over to the computer lol)

    Set up our room for the baby! Feeling MUCH more prepared now. I'm almost done packing the hospital bag too.

    Umm can't get my phone to post a picture. Sheesh. Am I 50 years old?