


  • littlegibbs62
    littlegibbs62 Posts: 756 Member
    It's never too late to get back to basics and re-take control of the castle! Never give up. Never abandon your post. We all have to be extra vigilant for the rest of our lives. I would go back to the doc and talk revision with him. Maybe part of the issue is that panniculectomy ONLY deals with the removal of overlapping belly and doesn't address the FUPA (Fat Upper Kitty Kat Area). He SHOULD have gone ahead and rec'd a tummy tuck with FUPA lipo.

    Also, if you remove a wad of empty fat cells, new studies show that when we re-gain weight and add new fat to empty cells, or generate new fat cells, they will grow above and below the area immediately adjacent to the removed old cells. That's how much our body wants to maintain our weight and homeostasis at our highest weight. ((hugs))

    Get back to it. You CAN do this!!! And I agree, support is the key to success (or at least one of them)! We all need community AND accountability and MFP is great at that!