TEAM: Gutbusters (July)



  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    July 14
    Exercise: Sort of, counting sight-seeing walking for the morning and early afternoon
    Calories: No
    Tracked: Yes

    16th wedding anniversary! I'd been well under my calorie limits for July 12 & 13 to prepare for some treats we had planned for yesterday. Very modest breakfast, treats were enjoyed at lunchtime, dinner was back on track with the exception of some bread, so far back on track today. Our two boys had such fun the entire day telling random people that it was our anniversary. They're almost-6 and just-turned-4, and love a celebration. We told them it was like a birthday for getting married, so they were psyched and ready to celebrate the whole day. :smile:

  • LydiaKate1995
    LydiaKate1995 Posts: 10 Member
    Week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Last weeks weight: 305.5
    This week’s weight: 304
  • fatburner2018
    fatburner2018 Posts: 18 Member
    username: fatburner2018
    week: 3
    weigh in day: Sunday
    previous weigh: 187.2
    today's weight: 189.2

    sorry team I had a bad week
  • cjscoey
    cjscoey Posts: 57 Member
    July 13
    Exercise:yes walking

    July 14

    July 15
    Exercise:yes shopping and worked around house

  • jenfett1
    jenfett1 Posts: 157 Member
    username: jenfett1
    week: 3
    weigh in day: Sunday
    previous weigh: 298.1
    today's weight: 297.1

    This coming week I am hopeful...I have motivated my sister to start working out, so we are in this together.
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    July 14
    Exercise: 5k race
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes

    This was an exciting day because taco bell fit in my calories 😍

    July 15
    Exercise: Rest day
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes

    I am NOT looking forward to Thursday. Getting a wisdom tooth removed. I am really proud though because last time I had one removed I ate all the junk I could because I told myself it was all I could eat, but this time I have healthy soups, applesauce, yogurt, etc ready to go.
  • brunchowl
    brunchowl Posts: 44 Member
    A loss of 2.4 is great except when you recall that I gained 2.2 last week, oops! Oh well, at least it's headed back in the right direction.

    User ID: brunchowl
    Weigh in day: Monday
    July week 3
    Last week: 168.4
    This week: 166
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Username: mthomas0228
    Weigh in week: July Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 162.3
    Today's Weight: 159.6
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    July Week 3
    Previous: 188
    Current: 186.7

    I went over calories three days this past week by extreme amounts, but followed with days far under my calorie limit. With higher daily physical activity than I usually have, in addition to my regular exercise routine, I've managed to continue to lose, and my weight today is under my daily average from last week, so progress continues.

    All that said, I think I really shouldn't continue these high-low calorie cycles indefinitely. Does anyone know of research on how these cycles affect the body? What new horror am I inflicting on myself by doing this?
  • doverlyk
    doverlyk Posts: 15 Member
    Username: DoverlyK
    Weigh in week: July Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 235.4
    Today's Weight: 235.1
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    Username: eevang
    Weigh-in week: Week 3
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous week's weight: 173
    Current weight: 170

    This has been a good week. I’m starting to do more weight training to start focusing more on toning. I’m now at my second year of college weight.

    I’ve thought a lot about my ultimate weight goals, and I’ve decided to keep pushing full throttle (which for me is -1.3/week average) until I hit the normal weight range. After that point, I might slow it down a bit to start figuring out how to gently transition to maintenance.

    I’ve often wished the weight would come off faster. That I could wake up one day having lost 20 pounds over night. But I’m finding myself glad it takes so long to lose weight. Mentally adjusting to weight loss takes time.
  • yasiral
    yasiral Posts: 133 Member
    Username: yasiral
    Weigh day: Sunday
    Week 3
    SW: 233.9
    Last week weight: 228.6
    Cw: 226.4
  • cjscoey
    cjscoey Posts: 57 Member
    July 15
    Exercise: Yes Weights
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    July 16
    Exercise: Quick mile, back and biceps
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    July 16
    Exercised?: Yes. Walk 3km in 22 mins (North Sydney - lunch walk)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    In Sydney (again). So tired I went to bed at 7:30pm.

    July 17
    Exercised?: Yes. Walk 8+km in 60+ mins (3km in 22 at lunch, then 5+km over dinner).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Still tired and getting an early night.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for July 17 is dips ()

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 60% of the number you did in the first set (half, then another 10%), wait 2 mins
    • Third set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)

  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    Wife is down 5kg (11 lbs) in 5 weeks on changed eating habits. Her daily blood sugar readings are also well down (even on reduced insulin - hopefully soon to reduce further). So proud of her.

    @craigo3154 I was wondering how your wife was doing, after you had mentioned her plans previously. I'm glad she's doing well with her new eating habits. I've been glad that my husband has been improving his eating habits too -- the more of us making these changes for the better, the better for all of us, I think! (The more the merrier!) Pass on a Gutbusters hurrah for her as well!

    @LesIckaBod. Thank you. It seems that when one in the household is losing or maintaining weight, others start to do the same.

    Ever since I started losing (and now maintaining) weight, I have wanted her to do likewise, but was not going to push. She has known WHAT to do for a long time, but lacked the personal willpower to DO it. I do not know what the catalyst is for this start, but it has continued far longer than any previous initiative and it seems to be a formula that she can follow and be happy with for the rest of her life (which is the important bit).

    The difference to the morning blood sugar readings are a great incentive to continue. I support and take an interest (and maintain positive encouragement). She is finding food that is interesting for her to cook and is not feeling hungry even though eating way fewer calories per day than previous. The trick was WHERE the calories come from (fat, protein and non-processed carbohydrates (with fibre) are quite satiating).

    She is using MFP to track. :)

    I will pass on the harrah from Gutbusters.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    username: fatburner2018
    week: 3
    weigh in day: Sunday
    previous weigh: 187.2
    today's weight: 189.2

    sorry team I had a bad week

    @fatburner2018. You have had 2 excellent weeks previously. One bad reading does not undo all the good work. No need for apology.

    You are over 8lbs down for the month so far (>4%). This is an amazing effort.

    Forgive any mistakes and just get back on plan.

    With the rate you had been losing, even if you had a great week and kept to plan, a bounce is normal. Weight loss is never linear. You would have notices a size change (and this is more an indication than weight).

    You are doing great. Keep at it.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    brunchowl wrote: »
    A loss of 2.4 is great except when you recall that I gained 2.2 last week, oops! Oh well, at least it's headed back in the right direction.

    User ID: brunchowl
    Weigh in day: Monday
    July week 3
    Last week: 168.4
    This week: 166

    @brunchowl. Still lower than start weight for the month. Take wins where you can get them.

    By keeping on trying you are winning.
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    July 17
    Exercise: Yes
    Calories: No (sigh)
    Tracked: Yes

  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    July 17
    Exercise: 2 m run (fastest 2 miles ever!)
    Calories: I think so but not 100%. I had a burger and eclair at the fair tonight so I had to guess, but I had planned accordingly
    Tracked: As best I could
This discussion has been closed.