TEAM: The Slimsons (November)



  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Mexiconona 11/26
    Tracking yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise yes
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    I am trying to muster up some will power! Where can you find it?
  • cmteach4
    cmteach4 Posts: 226 Member
    edited November 2018
    AB0215 wrote: »
    cmteach4 wrote: »
    Correction !! I just went over my calories by 150 after my report above! Been a rough week!

    @cmteach4 I'm finding that I was so careful for so long during competition prep that right now I'm finding it really hard to get that groove back. I don't necessarily need to lose more weight right now, other than I'm ready to finally get rid of that belly (the last part I want to get rid of) and that's hurting my motivation so much. I really need to have a better plan and a reason for doing it so I stay on track, maybe you need the same. I actually made a Healthy Wage (something I did last year to help my motivation) and sadly, I've already made the bet, already lost the 30 lbs I set out to and I'm not supposed to be done with that until end of January so now I'm finding myself in the boat of not wanting to work so hard and that's not really a good place for me to be.
    Maybe it's time for us to both think about why we started doing this in the first place and get back into it. We CAN do this!

    Youare probably righ, Ashley! I have read recommendations that say you should go on maintenance after you have been “dieting” and losing for 6 months. I am at that point right now, but wonder why do that? I definitely don’t want to go gaining my weight back as I did last time I lost 75 lbs. I am at 43 or so now and want to get back to 75. Do you know anything about the stopping for a while after 6 months?

    I also find once I have some things like pie and homemade rolls I struggle to stay on my healthy eating plan as the cravings come right back! It amazes me how hard it is to establish new habits, but how easy to fall back into old ones! :s:o>:)
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)
    Track: no
    Calories: not sure
    Exercise: none
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited November 2018
    cmteach4 wrote: »

    Youare probably righ, Ashley! I have read recommendations that say you should go on maintenance after you have been “dieting” and losing for 6 months. I am at that point right now, but wonder why do that? I definitely don’t want to go gaining my weight back as I did last time I lost 75 lbs. I am at 43 or so now and want to get back to 75. Do you know anything about the stopping for a while after 6 months?

    I also find once I have some things like pie and homemade rolls I struggle to stay on my healthy eating plan as the cravings come right back! It amazes me how hard it is to establish new habits, but how easy to fall back into old ones! :s:o>:)

    @cmteach4 There has been some research lately to suggest that eating at a caloric deficit for so long is hard on the body and that eating at maintenance for a while could help your body to reach that happy point again and level out your hormones and other things, but I don't necessarily know how much merit to that there is, it's soft of a new idea, not that new ideas are necessarily bad. Another thing is that sometimes it's mentally taxing too and in that respect, I did intentionally take last week off and try to stay the same for the week, eating more, and just trying to feel fuller, not that I felt bad or anything before, but I did sort of put my body through hell with eating low calories and training hard. What I found is that I sort of lost that momentum and it's been so much harder to get back into it, and it wasn't until today that I really felt encouraged to get really start trying again. I'm finally losing my water weight that I gained last weekend eating carbs *gasp* so that's a step in the right direction, and so I think it might be a personal choice, but I'm not sure that it's a choice I'll be making again until I'm a lot closer to my goal since it has really been so hard to get back to what I was doing.

    As for those cravings, it's mostly because sugar is addictive! Sugar has the same response as like drugs on the brain, once you have it, you gotta have more! It's really one of the major reasons I went keto and cut sugar. not only do I feel better, but I almost never want those things that tend to be everyone's downfall. And if I want them, I just make sugar free and flour free versions, I've found that if you look hard enough, there's pretty much a way to make it "diet friendly" and I've sort of become the expert of making things sugar free, all of my family and friends ask me for recipes...

    Our society today doesn't really make it easy for people to avoid sugar. I watched a documentary once on why people are getting fatter despite exercising so hard. This documentary suggested that it's in the way our food is processed and presented. They point back to the 60's-80's when someone decided that fat was bad, well they started removing fat from food so we'd eat less of it and thus become "less fat" but what they found was that made food taste terrible so they started trying to make food taste better and added sugar...which is not only addictive but basically for most people, empty calories...and in turn started people down the path of eating a lot of sugar, without even realizing it. The real problem is, fat isn't bad, it's a necessary part of the diet. Fats support cell growth. We actually don't need carbs (not that there is anything wrong with carbs really, it's an energy source), our bodies are designed to use the stored fat we have in the absence of carbs and this process is called ketosis. Everyone will use this process to burn stored fat whether or not you are on a ketogenic diet or not. Mostly this happens at night when you've been fasted for a while, so really, you lose the most weight when we're sleeping, crazy right?!
    Those on a ketogenic diet just use fat for energy all the time, instead of glucose for energy, which in turn means we're always burning fat, but when we're fasted, we're using the stored fat from our bodies instead of dietary fat.

    Okay, didn't really think that response would turn out to be so long, but it's still good info!

    I guess basically, the way I feel about it is you should listen to your body, if you are feeling okay, I think it's a good time to continue, if you're feeling down, lack of energy, having some other crazy side effects, then it might be time to pull back and re-feed a bit. But these would be more long term side effects rather than daily...
    A trick I use daily is drinking water when I think I might be hungry, if water satisfies me, I'm not hungry! If water doesn't help and I can feel my day heading downhill, like starting to get a headache, more irritable, etc, then I believe that I'm starting to actually get hungry and that's when I eat. Everyone's tells might be different, if that makes sense at all.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    mexiconona wrote: »
    I am trying to muster up some will power! Where can you find it?

    @mexiconona Dig deep, it's there. You just have to want your goals more than what's right in front of you! Remember what's important and what's at stake when you're staring down something delicious that you really want to eat! If you eat that, it's going to put you farther away from your goals, which is leading you down the dark path in the wrong direction!
  • cmteach4
    cmteach4 Posts: 226 Member
    @AB0215 Thanks for all the useful info and taking the time! I have read the different scenarios and get so annoyed when one “expert” says one thing and the another disagrees and says the opposite. As if it isn’t hard enough! Ha ha! Definitely I think everyone agrees sugar is BAD! And if I abstained I definitely would be better off! Knowing and practicing are two different things! Ha ha! Thanks again for your support and encouragement! Oh and no, I am not feeling ill effects at all from my eating plan. It is not very restrictive calorie wise and I actually feel great. I just have trouble now and then saying no to a special dessert or favorite past yummy! I will straighten back out here shortly!
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    cmteach4 wrote: »
    @AB0215 Thanks for all the useful info and taking the time! I have read the different scenarios and get so annoyed when one “expert” says one thing and the another disagrees and says the opposite. As if it isn’t hard enough! Ha ha! Definitely I think everyone agrees sugar is BAD! And if I abstained I definitely would be better off! Knowing and practicing are two different things! Ha ha! Thanks again for your support and encouragement! Oh and no, I am not feeling ill effects at all from my eating plan. It is not very restrictive calorie wise and I actually feel great. I just have trouble now and then saying no to a special dessert or favorite past yummy! I will straighten back out here shortly!

    Is all sugar "bad" or just processed sugar? Most of my sugar these days comes from pears, grapes, and cantaloupe. That's where I get most of my carbs too.

    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Username: Gjaholy33
    November Week 4
    Weigh in Monday
    Track: yes
    Calories: yes under
    Exercise: will do something today
    So glad the scale is working in my favor sorry but I did not reach home until 415am this morning after a 6 hr delay with Amtrak

    WOW!! You lost 7lbs over thanksgiving ---- that is fantastic! Congrats!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    Daily post: Tuesday, November 27 (feel'n ancient :s:D )

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, Body Pump & Arc trainer

    I'm eating surf'n'turf and cake tonight for my bday--- probably looking at a gain this week again between thanksgiving and my and my son's bdays---- I feel your pain Ashley, Nona & Chris... getting back on track this time of year is tough.

    Big congrats to those who were able to stay on course throughout the holiday!! Inspiring for sure!!

    PS: I took some progress gym picts this morning--- I'll post later (those will hopefully become my next "before" picts.
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    Username: CindyJNC1963

    Week: November Week 4

    PW =(250.7)

    Total loss for November: 11.5 lbs

    I seem to be a little stuck at 249 but that's ok....I fully expected plateau points coming into this thing. I see my primary care doctor tomorrow for the first time in a year. She has been bugging me to lose weight for awhile now. I'm interested to see what my labs show now that I'm eating a low fat/low sugar diet.

    You're doing great! 11.5 pounds in one month is great progress! Congratulations!
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    Username: CindyJNC1963

    Week: November Week 4

    PW =(250.7)

    Total loss for November: 11.5 lbs

    I seem to be a little stuck at 249 but that's ok....I fully expected plateau points coming into this thing. I see my primary care doctor tomorrow for the first time in a year. She has been bugging me to lose weight for awhile now. I'm interested to see what my labs show now that I'm eating a low fat/low sugar diet.

    You're doing great! 11.5 pounds in one month is great progress! Congratulations!

  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Not intentionally yesterday.

    Comments: I didn't have a scale or computer with me during the weekend so I couldn't weigh in but I'm still on track over all. Hope you all had a good weekend! Going to stay on track for the rest of the week.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member

    Attached my progress pic below :) ..... and my bday cake :D
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    cmteach4 wrote: »
    @AB0215 Thanks for all the useful info and taking the time! I have read the different scenarios and get so annoyed when one “expert” says one thing and the another disagrees and says the opposite. As if it isn’t hard enough! Ha ha! Definitely I think everyone agrees sugar is BAD! And if I abstained I definitely would be better off! Knowing and practicing are two different things! Ha ha! Thanks again for your support and encouragement! Oh and no, I am not feeling ill effects at all from my eating plan. It is not very restrictive calorie wise and I actually feel great. I just have trouble now and then saying no to a special dessert or favorite past yummy! I will straighten back out here shortly!

    Is all sugar "bad" or just processed sugar? Most of my sugar these days comes from pears, grapes, and cantaloupe. That's where I get most of my carbs too.

    @CindyJNC1963 That really depends on your goals I think.
    My goals are 0 sugar, and since I'm keto, I tend to only eat a serving of berries as they're super low in sugar, maybe one a day because for me, all sugar does the same thing in my body, spikes my insulin and kicks me out of ketosis at a certain point, so that's why I don't.
    I would say that if you're not doing a low carb or keto diet, then fruit is your best bet for sugar..but it just depends on your goals...but definitely watch any added sugar, you will want sugar from natural sources like fruits....not from processed foods if you're eating carbs/fruit...fruits are good (not fruit juices) they contain fiber which helps your body process the sugar differently than just sugar by itself, there's a more scientific reason that I can't think of right now, but that's why fruits are ok, but not if you're keto!
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    cmteach4 wrote: »
    @AB0215 Thanks for all the useful info and taking the time! I have read the different scenarios and get so annoyed when one “expert” says one thing and the another disagrees and says the opposite. As if it isn’t hard enough! Ha ha! Definitely I think everyone agrees sugar is BAD! And if I abstained I definitely would be better off! Knowing and practicing are two different things! Ha ha! Thanks again for your support and encouragement! Oh and no, I am not feeling ill effects at all from my eating plan. It is not very restrictive calorie wise and I actually feel great. I just have trouble now and then saying no to a special dessert or favorite past yummy! I will straighten back out here shortly!

    Is all sugar "bad" or just processed sugar? Most of my sugar these days comes from pears, grapes, and cantaloupe. That's where I get most of my carbs too.

    @CindyJNC1963 That really depends on your goals I think.
    My goals are 0 sugar, and since I'm keto, I tend to only eat a serving of berries as they're super low in sugar, maybe one a day because for me, all sugar does the same thing in my body, spikes my insulin and kicks me out of ketosis at a certain point, so that's why I don't.
    I would say that if you're not doing a low carb or keto diet, then fruit is your best bet for sugar..but it just depends on your goals...but definitely watch any added sugar, you will want sugar from natural sources like fruits....not from processed foods if you're eating carbs/fruit...fruits are good (not fruit juices) they contain fiber which helps your body process the sugar differently than just sugar by itself, there's a more scientific reason that I can't think of right now, but that's why fruits are ok, but not if you're keto!

    That's interesting. I had no idea that you couldn't have sugar on a keto plan. My doctor recommended a low carb (<90) + high protein (>100) 1350 calorie a day plan. I eat very, very little processed sugar....just what I get from fruits. So, I think sugar is ok as I don't go over 60g a day.
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Daily Post November 27

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes.
    Exercise: yes, many short walks at work today (total of 6500 steps)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @SLIMn2016 Awesome pics! And that cake looks amazing, like it's not actually a cake!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, OMAD
    Exercise:Yes, 41 mins weight training, 20 mins treadmill

    Comments: I had a good day, going to go to bed, before I get hungry lol.
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