Introduce Yourself



  • yardprincess
    yardprincess Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Chris and I am just getting back to exercise and better eating - yea nutrition!! I am looking for some accountability and have set a goal to just MOVE everyday. I love to walk and running seems like the next step (no pun intended). I hope to run about 30 min a day on my treadmill or around the track (I live very close to the local high school track), not sure the distance that would be though. Best of luck everyone!
  • wegt2go
    wegt2go Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All. My name is Kirstin and I have been a runner since I was 12. Its always been my go to for exercise and stress and just needing to breathe. As I have aged, I have made less time for me and have stopped exercising altogether, something that isnt good for anyone. I am committed to getting back into the groove of things and here I am. I have run all distances up to and including marathons but struggle after 5 these days. I have 6 more half marathons I need to run this year so this is perfect timing.
  • richandmarieb
    richandmarieb Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all. Marie here. I'm retired, 63, and have only been running for a year. I have a 3d metatarsal fracture that is still healing after 4 months, probably because I don't have the sense to keep off it. I go up and down the scales more than Liberace. I'm talking 50 lb. swings. Right now I'm down, and I'm trying to keep it that way. I love running (actually, it's more of a jog). I don't do long distances, just 3 miles at a clip,on a good day. I tried for 4 once, that's when my metatarsal fractured. I have pretty bad osteoporosis, so I need to balance it all out. Nice to meet you all!
  • LadyBelle6000
    LadyBelle6000 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Danielle, 48 and working my way back to exercising daily. I am preparing for two 5K races - the Savannah Bridge in December and Charleston Bridge race in April 2019. I would rather run the Charleston race than walk so the work starts now!
  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Shana. I started the C25K program again yesterday. I completed it a few years ago but quit running for a while. I have been walking my dogs in the mornings, so I already have the time set aside.... now it's just a matter of picking up the pace a bit.
  • hikinggal11
    hikinggal11 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Tammy, I turned the big 5 O this year (yikes) and decided that I want to get into the best physical shape that I am capable of so that I can enjoy all of my favorite physical activities into my 80s and beyond. I was a runner up until I started acquiring osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease. I just sat on my ever expanding butt and felt sorry for myself. Last January I decided enough is enough and started eating right and exercising. I lost 80 pounds, started running, doing other cardo, and just started weight training. I am now able to run 10.3 minute mile and average about 5.7 miles 3-4 x a week.
    It is nice to meet all of you and am looking forward to making some friends!
  • runningjudy53
    runningjudy53 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Judy. I’m returning to running after being off for 10 months from an injury. I’m technically challenged but trying hard to get this. What is the strava and Facebook group names?
  • runningjudy53
    runningjudy53 Posts: 4 Member
    Need some help...
    I’m interested in joining the November challenge but confused on where to join to become invited.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Need some help...
    I’m interested in joining the November challenge but confused on where to join to become invited.

    Easy-peasy. Just show up here:

    Say what your goal is, and you're in.

    Note for anyone finding this later: The "Current and Past Challenges" thread in this group has links to all the historical monthly running challenge threads, up to the current one.
  • eli83santos
    eli83santos Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I’m Elizabeth from Houston TX
    I’m a full time engineer student working part time. With school working and being a single mom is hard to find motivation to exercise but I want to take up running. I want to challenge my self to start racing. I’m new to running and I’m excited to join this group and look forward to have a good time in this amazing community.I have a question, since I am not a runner what would your personal recommendation be? How many miles month? Thanks! 😌.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @eli83santos welcome! A common path for new runners is to follow a Couch-to-5K training guide. Just google C25K and you'll find plenty. Good luck.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,112 Member
    Hey! I'm Sarah from Houston, TX. I have run very short distances off and on for several years, but over the past year began to get more regular with my runs and started adding on some miles. Mostly this happened as I started losing weight, and I am now down 37 lbs. It's amazing how much easier running is minus the weight!!
    I always thought that if I could do a 5K, that was all the distance I wanted to do. But, of course now I'm training for my first 10K in February 2019 with a second goal to run my first half marathon later in the year. Now, it is becoming a meditative bit of time to myself and I always feel good after I run, even if the run itself was a slog. I may be slow but I caught the bug and I guess I can start calling myself a runner!
  • vmcgee1
    vmcgee1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Victoria I am a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competitor and travel between 8-12 times a year to compete in the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF).
    I am joining this blog because I would like to run more and I think having a running community may help keep me focused and engaged.
    I train Jiu-Jitsu 5-6 days a week, Judo 2x per wk and a full body circuit 1-2x per wk. My running goal is to run 3 miles 4x per week with one longer run when feasible. I am not an avid runner because Jiu-Jitsu is my primary focus. However, I would like to become faster and more consistent with running because I find it is extremely beneficial when competing and I want to cut down a weight class. When I run consistently I feel better conditioned; I feel faster and have confidence that I can push the pace more than any of my competitors.
    Any helpful tips, resources or advice is much appreciated! :)
    I look forward to joining in the next running challenge!
  • chench53
    chench53 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello, joining in for the accountability benefits. :)

    My name is Gerry, I am in southeastern Virginia, Tidewater area, and looking forward to getting back in. I see the couch to 5K link above, and I'm using my Fitbit also.

  • Zizatremor
    Zizatremor Posts: 9 Member
    I'm Ziza, use to run just because I enjoyed it for years. I got injured several years back and it ended my running. During the start of this year I was finally fed up with not being able to run. So I laced up and did several 5k's, a few 10k's and I have a half marathon in February and a full marathon in March. So much for "you can't..." Because gosh darn it I AM! 😜 Am I crazy? Probably... After all, I chose the sport that your sport uses for punishment. 🤣
  • LadyMcLeod08
    LadyMcLeod08 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, my name is Lauri. I used to run a lot -training like a monster to always go farther and faster. Now, my body has taught me the hard way too many times that I can't keep pushing it like that. But I LOVE RUNNING. I'd love the idea of a challenge that allows me to meet realistic goals. More so, I love the idea of being a part of a community, since most of my career and personal interests, and being a single mom, are all solo "sports".
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,112 Member
    Hello, my name is Lauri. I used to run a lot -training like a monster to always go farther and faster. Now, my body has taught me the hard way too many times that I can't keep pushing it like that. But I LOVE RUNNING. I'd love the idea of a challenge that allows me to meet realistic goals. More so, I love the idea of being a part of a community, since most of my career and personal interests, and being a single mom, are all solo "sports".

  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    Hi, my name is Lydia, I'm from Fort Worth, Texas. I used to run cross country in school and played soccer during the summers, but have been pretty sedentary since then. I picked up running again these past couple months and have nearly completed the C25K program. I'm trying to stay the course for 2019, and hopefully be able to work up to 10K runs.

    I'm super excited to join this group because I really want to stay consistent and hold myself accountable throughout the year!
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    Hi, I'm Jaclyn. I live in Dayton, OH. I did a lot of running when my child was little - was running half-marathons and am getting back into it now whilst doing cross-training. Also excited to join this group to stay motivated!
  • hallene
    hallene Posts: 79 Member
    Good morning 😊 New to group. I consider my self a “Fit Granny”. I live in Western Oregon. I hike and do interval walk/run on trails. My goals for 2019 : Reach and maintain goal weight, increase endurance ( 60 miles / month) and most importantly stay motivated. I am looking forward to this group’s support.