January 2019!! Monthly Challenge



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Excuse me for being pedantic, but shouldn't the last weigh-in be February 2nd? That way we include the results from every day of the month in the differences?

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    Tuesday 01/01 145.1 (lost some of the holiday weight 👍🏼)
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31. for those who want to finish the month!
  • mmajm1214
    mmajm1214 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! New member here trying this diet thing for the 2937257th time hoping it will work this time 😩 lol. How do I add myself to the Challange?
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    9/24-Keto SW-206.8lbs
    Last Goal- 180 by 12/31/18-Met 12/9/18!!!
    Next Goal- 160 by 5/31/2019

    Tuesday 1/1- 175.4
    Sunday 1/6-
    Sunday 1/13
    Sunday 1/20
    Sunday- 1/27
    Thursday 1/31
  • mmajm1214
    mmajm1214 Posts: 2 Member
    Goal Weight: 150lbs !
    Tuesday 1/1 : 275lbs
    Sunday 1/6
    Sunday 1/13
    Sunday 1/20
    Sunday- 1/27
    Thursday 1/31
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I'd love to get in on this challenge.
    I typically weigh in on Monday mornings, is that an issue?
  • Tuesday 01/01 337.6 lbs

    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27

    Thursday 01/31
  • basharath127
    basharath127 Posts: 4 Member
    Tuesday 01/01 236 lbs

    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Everyone! I’m restarting Keto today after a 6 month break. I would like to lose about 25-30 lbs however my main goal is to increase energy levels and overall well-being. I have some food sensitivities which and Keto really helped virtually eliminate all those discomforts previously! Looking forward to getting to know others better!

    Tuesday 01/01 -156 lbs
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31
  • GFC781
    GFC781 Posts: 17 Member
    Tuesday 01/01 175 lbs
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31 165> Goal
  • Luannelizabeth
    Luannelizabeth Posts: 51 Member
    OK, I'm on the spreadsheet! I weigh 177. I was planning to start keto today, but need to do some food shopping. But I am starting intermittent fasting, 16/8. It may be better to stagger getting started with each of these anyway, sort of ease into it.

    I'm at work now so can't stay long, but I plan to read your posts later and tell you a bit about myself.

    Have a great day!
  • VeronicaMarie27
    VeronicaMarie27 Posts: 40 Member
    I’ve been back and forth with keto lately ever since my wedding in April! I lost so much weight and it was so simple that first time! I’ve been back on and off a few times, but never quite committing as hard as I did before the wedding. Well, now it’s time again! I have been over-indulging enough lately! Time to get back on track!

    SW: 175 (Oct 2018); 166 (Jan 2019)
    GW: 145

    01/01- 166 lbs
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    I'm restarting KETO and IF after a 2 week holiday break, and I'm in for the January challenge.

    SW: 196.5
    GW: 160 (by mid-May 2019)

    01/01 - 196.5

    On another note - anyone's stomach get really grumbly (and sometimes LOUD and grumbly)? Dietdoctor.com says drink more water. If I do, I may float down the hall. Any suggestions or thoughts?
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    edited January 2019
    I started keto yesterday, after a holiday "break" in eating and up some lbs.
    As an aside, so hard to get in the fat for me and am focusing on some lower carb veggies but even the low carb ones seem to have more carbs than I would have though.

    SW: 135
    Short term GW - 130 by Feb 1
    GW: 126 - by March 31

    01/01 - 135
    01/02 - 134

    Felt REALLY bad yesterday (headache), but today so far so good.
  • catherineogden
    catherineogden Posts: 4 Member
    I just started Keto! Hoping for 20lbs!! Looking for any assistance!!
    SW: 173
    GW: 150

    1/1: 173
    1/2: 169
    goal day——2/3:
  • sbking88
    sbking88 Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting Keto for the first time.
    SW: 216
    GW: 146

    Tuesday 01/01 -216.3 lbs
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31
  • ragsmccaul
    ragsmccaul Posts: 6 Member
    I've only done this for "peak week" comp prep and am looking forward to a 30-day challenge!
    SW: 134
    GW: 120
    Wednesday 01/02 134.4 lbs
  • kgreen82
    kgreen82 Posts: 3 Member
    Sunday is my regular weigh in day, so I'm totally up for the challenge.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited January 2019
    Started Keto: May 9, 2018
    Starting weight: 210.4
    Lowest Weight this Year (2018): 183.8
    (Loss of 25” and 26.6 Lbs!)

    Achieved goals so far:
    See 185 by 10/19 - SUCCESS!
    Lose 25 Lbs - SUCCESS! 10/18
    Keep Lost weight OFF during this Holiday Season - Result pending
    See 179 before Valentine’s Day (or at least before March 2019)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145

    I’m back from vacation and ready to get back on the keto wagon! (Oh keto how I have missed you! I promise to not cheat again for a VERY long time!!!)

    I want to start the year by working towards Valentine’s Day!

    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31
  • kabamalam
    kabamalam Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, I am brand new to Keto. I officially began keto today, as yesterday I fasted, and the day before.. well..
    ANy help and advice is appreciated as I am just finding my feet.
  • oceanchelle808
    oceanchelle808 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone! I started keto and intermittent fasting January 1st! Day 2 nearly on the books am feeling great so far as flu... have done before but did not stick with it this time WILL be different. My starting weight is 230, my goal weight is 150.

    Tuesday 01/01 - 230
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31

    Happy New Year All!!!!

  • Ladi3_DmC
    Ladi3_DmC Posts: 3 Member
    Tried Keto for the first time in June 2018. Had a lot of ups and downs but I'm ready to do this right. My plan is to IF and track and no cheats faithfully. Day 2 so far so good.
    Tuesday 1/1- 223
    Sunday 1/6
    Sunday 1/13
    Sunday 1/20
    Sunday 1/27
    Thursday 1/31
  • chambe3906
    chambe3906 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there,
    I’m new to keto and am ready to shed the pounds after my 4th child just turned 1. I’m the most I’ve ever weighed while not pregnant and have to make a change. No more excuses; let’s do this!

    Tuesday 01/01 201 lbs
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31
  • db19732018
    db19732018 Posts: 49 Member
    I was having a rough December with Christmas parties and crazy drinking, lol. I got it under control the last week, but I had still creeped back up to 268 :# Now, I'm three full days of kind of strict keto, and I dropped down to 258. That's the lowest I've been since 2008! Trust the process, my friends! Sometimes you don't see drops, get discouraged, and cheat more than you should. It's natural! Keto has saved my life. I totally believe that! I can't wait to see what this year has in store for all of us! <3<3<3
    Started in April or May?
    SW 294
    CW 258
    Tuesday 01/01 - 258
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31

  • Kiki_StartingOver
    Kiki_StartingOver Posts: 43 Member
    Hello all! I am giving Keto a try because I am at an all time high (258 lbs) and the doctor recommends Keto for my PCOS. I can't wait to read everyone's insights and results! Happy New Year!

    SW: 258.8
    CW: 256
    GW (for now): 200
    GW (end): 150

    Other Goals:
    In 100 days, lose 20 pounds
    Weight 200 before the end of the year!

    Wednesday 01/02 -258.8 lbs
    Sunday 01/06
    Sunday 01/13
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    Yesterday I finally had surgery to repair the damage caused by my dislocated shoulder softball injury back on July 2, 2018. This is going throw a monkey wrench into my plan to reboot my keto discipline right away for 2019. Several surgery obstacles stand in my way to get and stay on the keto wagon.

    First, I need to take narcotics for pain as I’m a pain wimp. Last time I had surgery I got off from narcotics in less than 2 weeks. I plan to do the same this time, but until I do, I know they will give me a serious case of $#@&amp; for brains. Not a good scenario for keto discipline???

    Second, I am the keto cook in my household. I will have to teach my already overburdened wife to be my souse chef, as prepping is out of the question for 6 weeks. Chopping, shredding and various other two-fisted operations are prohibited for recovery.

    Third, and perhaps most important, is my tendency to make/use anything for an excuse to deviate from what I know I need to do. I am the King of, “I’ll start tomorrow”. That is where I need your help on this forum. This group has been a huge part of the keto success I’ve managed to gain despite my lack of self- discipline.

    Today marks 365 days (One Year), I’ve logged onto MFP and viewed this Monthly Challenge. The advice, support and encouragement I’ve received here has helped me regain my physical/mental health. I am confident that in 2019, with the help of my Monthly Challenge Friends, I will approach and achieve many of my personal fitness goals. So, just like you did last year, hold me accountable, give me your sound council and cheer me on. I will try to do the same for you. I <3 keto.

  • arialb122
    arialb122 Posts: 34 Member
    My MD put me on Keto right before Thanksgiving for auto-immune disease. I've had some bumps over the holidays and ready to get back to strict keto. A little weight loss would be great, too!

    SW 11/18 - 182
    Goal - 140

    01/01 170.2