

  • dee_toronto
    dee_toronto Posts: 65 Member
    Tuesday check-in
    Calories: under
    Water: still under
    Exercise: 6800 steps and 40 mins kickboxing
    Tomorrow: keep on exercising and avoid bingeing on junk food
  • dee_toronto
    dee_toronto Posts: 65 Member
    @BoldBerry : have you tried taking a warm bath with epsom salt? I find it helps with muscle pain. Hope the pain passes soon!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Tuesday check-in

    Well, this was not a good day for me. I didn't track anything and I quite honestly don't know if close to my calorie goal, over, or well over. No exercise - ended up being an unplanned rest day. After a really awful night's sleep, I finally acknowledged to myself that I'm having an issue with my shoulder. I got an appointment with the doctor this evening, and she diagnosed as bursitis. Honestly it's been going on for months, possibly started last summer when I hyperextended at the ropes course, but got noticeably worse last week. So no lifting or swimming for at least a couple of weeks, possibly longer depending on what PT says. So I'll be running more, and hoping that my IT band doesn't flare up. I don't handle injuries well. I've gained about 20 pounds over the last few years, pretty much all during periods of injury.

    Yep, I opened a bottle of wine tonight.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Tuesday check in:
    Calories under
    Water : a bit over a gallon
    Exercise : 15436 steps (which includes a 3 mike run) and weight lifting
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    Tuesday check-in

    Well, this was not a good day for me. I didn't track anything and I quite honestly don't know if close to my calorie goal, over, or well over. No exercise - ended up being an unplanned rest day. After a really awful night's sleep, I finally acknowledged to myself that I'm having an issue with my shoulder. I got an appointment with the doctor this evening, and she diagnosed as bursitis. Honestly it's been going on for months, possibly started last summer when I hyperextended at the ropes course, but got noticeably worse last week. So no lifting or swimming for at least a couple of weeks, possibly longer depending on what PT says. So I'll be running more, and hoping that my IT band doesn't flare up. I don't handle injuries well. I've gained about 20 pounds over the last few years, pretty much all during periods of injury.

    Yep, I opened a bottle of wine tonight.

    I have heard bursitis is so painful!

    Give yourself a couple of days to deal with the injury, come up with some options and keep on track with your plan. It’s 2019 and this year and this injury is going to be different! I know its easy for me to say but I have to say it because we are all here to support one another. You can do this!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Tuesday Check In

    Calories: if I am over its not by much but I am still anxious about my weigh in tomorrow. I don’t know why but I am just am
    Exercise: nothing formal
    Water: okay

    Here’s how I did on my Goals for today:
    1. Plan my food after I finish my check in✅
    2. Drink one more thing of water at work (the thing is a big Starbucks reusable drinking cup I got in Maui)❌
    3. Go to my chiropractor appointment (my self care for the day)✅
    4. Get 1000 more steps in tomorrow than I did today❌

    Not as great of a day as I was hoping for!! Lets try it again:

    1. Plan my food in the morning
    2 Drink one thing of Starbucks water
    3. Treadmill workout in the evening
    4. Get 1000 more steps that I did yesterday and today
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »
    Hey steppers, it looks to me like we are short two competitors in the Step Challenge. I just looked at the spreadsheet, and some teams have 12 members, but we only have 10 listed on the January sheet. I'm not sure who is heading this up, but thought I'd bring it to the attention of the group.

    Anybody want to join the step challenge this month? We need two more...
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    tess5036 wrote: »
    Kres567 wrote: »
    Sunday check in

    Exercise-4 mile run

    My PF is flaring up-going to keep my activity down for the week

    Mine has been bad too since starting these treadmill workouts. I bought some new her cushions yesterday so will try the treadmill tonight and see if they help. But maybe I am aggravating it?? I don’t know - still trying to figure it out.

    Have you tried freezing a small bottle of water and then rolling your foot over it several times a day. It doesn't cure it but it does help

    Ohhh. PF = plantar fasciitis. I had been wondering.

    So, I had to deal with plantar fasciitis, and it does not bother me any more. I did daily stretching and changed the way I slept in order to make sure I was not flattening out my foot at night.

    I have heard that the Strassburg Sock is a really useful aid to use while sleeping. Amazon carries them for about $40.

    One more general thought -- be careful about compensating. If it is bad enough to cause you to carry yourself unevenly, consider slowing down enough that you can consciously carry yourself normally, so as to avoid other potential injuries.

    I have heard that ultrasound treatments and laser treatments work well if you can find those services.
    Weigh in week:  Week 2
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Weight: 220.3
    Todays Weight: 220.2

    Well, it's going to be a long year if I only manage to lose 0.1 a week. :D:p:#

    I’m telling’ll come. Have faith. Have you been on WW Connect at all? I just saw a woman there who lost around 100 pounds I think it was who said she gained the first week.
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Kres567 wrote: »
    Tuesday Check In

    Calories: if I am over its not by much but I am still anxious about my weigh in tomorrow. I don’t know why but I am just am
    Exercise: nothing formal
    Water: okay

    Here’s how I did on my Goals for today:
    1. Plan my food after I finish my check in✅
    2. Drink one more thing of water at work (the thing is a big Starbucks reusable drinking cup I got in Maui)❌
    3. Go to my chiropractor appointment (my self care for the day)✅
    4. Get 1000 more steps in tomorrow than I did today❌

    Not as great of a day as I was hoping for!! Lets try it again:

    1. Plan my food in the morning
    2 Drink one thing of Starbucks water
    3. Treadmill workout in the evening
    4. Get 1000 more steps that I did yesterday and today

    The important thing is that you try again. Won’t always be perfect. You have inspired me with your list.

    I’ll jump back in the step challenge if you don’t get any other takers. I’m not stepping a lot but something is better than nothing.
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Tuesday check in....

    Calories might have been over some. Wasn’t sure how accurate I was with my beef stroganoff. Man it was delicious. 😁
    Water: Still struggling getting 100 oz a day but working on it.
    Exercise: Squeezed a short workout this morning (cardio with some chest/shoulders/arms) in case I couldn’t get one in tonight. Good thing I did because tonight was a write off. Still managed 12,000 steps.
    Goal for tomorrow: Better planning and tracking. 100 oz of water, Lower body strength training. Can’t wait for weigh in day. Pretty sure a lot of the Christmas weight is gone.
  • Jaybo37
    Jaybo37 Posts: 103 Member
    Bit late for my check in as I fell asleep early last night (bliss!)

    Cals: a little under
    Water: around 2.5 litres
    Exercise: 13,446

    Was pretty achy after my yoga on Monday and also got a rubbish sleep which was disappointing (thought yoga would immediately make zen & peaceful, some chance haha)

    @tess5036 your weight loss is going so well! Whatever you’re doing is working a treat, have you much more to go? Can’t remember your ultimate goal
  • pjmfitforme
    pjmfitforme Posts: 161 Member
    Tuesday check in

    Calories-on track
    Exercise-45 minute spin class

    My PF is flaring up-going to keep my activity down for the week.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,824 Member
    Tuesday check-in
    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: 9910 step
    Tomorrow: keep on exercising
    was sick yesterday I ate to much sugar at breakfast whick my liver cannot handle. So i could not eat all day. just drank lots of water and walked. Feeling alot better today
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Kres567 wrote: »
    UTMom81 wrote: »
    Hey steppers, it looks to me like we are short two competitors in the Step Challenge. I just looked at the spreadsheet, and some teams have 12 members, but we only have 10 listed on the January sheet. I'm not sure who is heading this up, but thought I'd bring it to the attention of the group.

    Anybody want to join the step challenge this month? We need two more...

    If you still need steppers just holler.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    I’m telling’ll come. Have faith. Have you been on WW Connect at all? I just saw a woman there who lost around 100 pounds I think it was who said she gained the first week. [/quote]

    I do go on Connect and I like it. I really love transformation Tuesday. So motivating! I'm keeping the faith! :)

    Wednesday Check in
    Calories are under and I know because I tried not counting calories for a week and just WW points and it drove me nuts not knowing. So, I'm just going to be a double tracker. :D
    Water is over
    Exercise was 40 minutes on the treadmill

    My goal for tomorrow is to try to get in a little more exercise. I'm really wanting to start using my hand weights.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Calories - under
    Water - slightly better
    Exercise - 6 mile run + kickboxing class
    I was at a training for work, and got home slightly earlier than normal, which meant extra daylight for running

    PT eval Friday
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Calories - under
    Water - slightly under
    Exercise - 11,000 steps
    No weights today
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Wednesday Check-In
    Calories: under
    Water: struggle bus
    Exercise: hiked 2.2 miles/currently at 10431 steps for the day
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