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Cathartic Thread For Injured Runners, er support for managing injuries. ;-)



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @eleanorhawkins I find the elliptical causes me lower back and hip pain. I'm assuming it's due to my height. Probably I could adjust something but the ones at the Rec centre are ancient so maybe not.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have the same issues as @eleanorhawkins on the elliptical - once I get going I am ok but my feet either come off the track at some point because my legs are too short or I try to jam my foot so that it is wedged and doesn't come off and that is awkward and uncomfortable. I usually end up not going fast enough to have much of a cardio workout and get bored trying to get there.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I went to a different fitness center tonight. It had three different elliptical machines and I hated all of them. Still better than treadmill and spinning though. One was so bad I had to change after only 5 minutes due to hip pain.

    I'll be going back to the first fitness center tomorrow. That machine was awesome.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    **sigh** Haven't run for a week now, reached the climbing the walls and bouncing off the ceiling stage. My calves and outer thighs are sporting lovely blue bruises from the evil woman's caresses but at least I don't scream now until I press them firmly. Friday I couldn't even wear trousers 😂
    Paranoid about regaining weight and failing dismally at sticking to my pathetic maintenance calories. Did an upper body dumbbell workout last night and tried to stick a couple of jacknife and weighted bridges on the end. Dumb idea, knees are sore again today. Meant to be going for a birthday hike tomorrow, expect that will worsen it too. So fed up with this, I just want to run! Also stupidly I feel like it's a really pathetic reason not to be able to run too, I know I wouldn't but my brain keeps telling me I'd feel better about being injured if it was something impressive like a broken something. Crazy, I know. The stuff my brain gets up to without its running therapy 😂
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ugh. My scale says my weight is up 4 pounds. Time to get back to counting calories.

    @eleanorhawkins hang in there!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @eleanorhawkins - don't, don't, don't wish for something broken! It takes SO much longer to heal and is no fun! I was honestly wishing for a nerve issue, something that could be treated with a cortisone shot or something. Guess that is why I was so willing to accept my GPs analysis that it wasn't a stress fracture so I could keep running...
    You might look at the youtube videos that @7lenny7 recommended. They are for a hurt foot but you might be able to modify them to do what you can without hurting your knees. Her name is Caroline Jordan if you want to search for her on youtube.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I did another 30 min interval run with lots of walking and stops for Hobbes the Vizsla. My foot was fine. Later today when we were running errands my foot started hurting, hurting even when I was just sitting. I put the boot back on just to give it more support and am hoping I haven't over done it. I won't run on it again until Friday at the earliest and hoping by then it will be happy again.

    To make things worse Hobbes the Vizsla was attacked today by a sweet pit bull. She was a cutie and the two of them seemed to hit it off (sniffing all over, tails wagging) until Hobbes wanted to play (play bow position) and she attacked. Literally scared the crap out of him. She grabbed his ear but fortunately didn't rip it. It is however sore with a hematoma and he is definitely traumatized and I feel terrible. I was sick to my stomach all the rest of the way home. He loves everyone and all other dogs but I think we will just steer clear from here on out. :disappointed:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @eleanorhawkins - just for you :)
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @eleanorhawkins - just for you :)

    Yes! We went for a walk up through the woods this afternoon (don't tell the evil physio!) and I wanted to cry cause the last time I was there I played Titanic down the dirt track and had to decide whether I could vault the gate at the bottom if I failed to stop in time. Today, after taking 30 minutes to walk the mile and a half or so up to the top, my backside and legs ache. Yeah, don't think that March HM is feasible. **sigh** 😂🙄😂
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @shanaber so sorry to hear about Hobbes getting attacked! I can just imagine how confused he must have been. He seems like such a sweet dog he was probably in shock. Poor pup! :(

    I hope your foot is feeling better!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Thanks @7lenny7! We spent most of the day snuggled up on the couch. Tomorrow we are going to take him back to doggie daycare just so he can interact with other socialized, friendly pups. I don't want him to think if he tries to play he will get jumped and he loves playing with the dogs there. I will let them know what happened though in case there is any adverse reaction. Good news - his ear seems to be fine now.

    My foot is feeling weird off and on uncomfortable - not sore exactly, kind of a burning/stinging sensation. Whatever I am going to rest it until Friday and try another run if it is feeling ok. We have another agility trial this weekend and I will need to run with Hobbes so hopefully it will be fine.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm running every third day pretty regularly at this point, between 3.5 and 6 miles. I got to run up a mountain last Sunday and it felt awesome. Not sure there will be a non-muddy trail to run this weekend, so might opt for some road miles.

    PT for hip is going awesome. Still working out some SI joint kinks.

    Holiday eating was a real *kitten* show.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Got out for a 5 mile walk today. Very slowly and we stopped half way for a picnic, so the physio can't get too mad about it (I hope). Pretty much accepted there will be no March HM for me but I'm mourning the bling. It was so pretty 😥
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Another 6 mile trail run on Saturday with no additional aggravation. Hip is solid. SI joint is unchanged. This is my first week switching to PT only once per week--been going 2x per week since October!

    I will get an adjustable sit/stand desk at work within the next two weeks which will help with some of the SI aggravation. I wish I knew the secret to make it stop being so wonky.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @fitoverfortymom - that is great news about the run with no aggravation! Does the PT have any advice on what is causing the SI to be so unhappy?

    I ran on Friday - maybe a bit longer than I should have but there was lots of walking. I am trying to keep it under 3 miles and we went 3.65 so not terrible. My foot was fine, maybe a bit achy afterwards but not painful. I was on my feet all weekend - over 16K steps each day and I 'ran' Hobbes on his trial runs. It is running but short and with lots of stops and turns. Each run only lasts less than a minute and it was on lumpy packed dirt again. My foot was achy again both days by the end of the day but recovered nicely and feels fine this morning. I see the sports ortho next week so I am looking forward to what he has to say.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @shanaber ithat sounds like progress to me!

    TEN more days. It's hard to believe my next run is finally in reach. My last run was 79 days ago.

    I'm greatly encouraged by my fitness level. Saturday I did 100 minutes of cardio and tonight did 90. I was going to go go 120 tonight but I learned the painful lesson that nipple chafe happens indoors too.

    I still get a little bit of pain where my initial rupture occurred but the site of the repair is fine. Paranoid me thinks that it could be the next tendon over about to burst. If it's gets worse with running I'll see my doc.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @fitoverfortymom - that is great news about the run with no aggravation! Does the PT have any advice on what is causing the SI to be so unhappy?

    I tend to use my back to overcompensate for the instability in my hips and generally have not had a strong core. I think my SI has been wonky for a long time. Plus, when I fell and injured my hip, there was probably some SI aggravation that happened then, too. The MRI didn't show anything specific there, but any pain I have now is almost exclusively in the SI joint.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Isn't it amazing (and frustrating sometimes) how interconnected everything is? Too bad we can't just get everything to line up properly and stay that way so there is no extra pressure on any one area and no overcompensating for one issue that results in another!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Saw the physio for another round of torture yesterday (which included electrocution this time! well ok 'electrostimulation'... whatever, she made leg twitch while she beat the other up lol) and she gave me permission to "try a tiny bit of very slow 'trotting' this week, as if I was starting from the beginning again." This is very good news, especially as I actually did the first day of C210k the day before but didn't dare tell her about that! However, today is not going to be day 2 as she left my lower legs all bruised and bashed up again! Tomorrow, hopefully!
    She recommended calf raises off the edge of a step too to try and stretch them out more, then quickly added in an instruction to stop if they make anything hurt. Was about to ask if she thinks I would do anything knowing it hurt, then realised that's probably the entire reason I'm having to see her!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Calf raises are no joke but so good for your legs! If you want muscular, curvy calves do them every day! I am not able to do them right now but I love how them make my calves look, oh and it is good for the running too 😅
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @shanaber I'm supposed to do single legged calf raises on the stairs for the rest of my life...
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    @shanaber I'm supposed to do single legged calf raises on the stairs for the rest of my life...

    you know, just reading that made me wince!

    Stupidly, now I have the green light to go and try to run a little bit I'm kind of scared to do so in case it hurts again. Dumb, cause I did so (albeit so slow I was almost going backwards) on the dreadmill on Monday afternoon, but hey who ever said my brain didn't come up with some crazy dumb thoughts? Part of me is desperate to hit the road, but another part is anxious about it. Still sore today (and even more bruised!) from yesterday's physio session, will see how the legs feel tomorrow.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Lo and behold I came up with a million reasons to stay indoors on the treadmill this morning. Cold, dark and windy outside, lots of work to do afterwards, worried about legs hurting and having to walk home on them as opposed to just stopping.... and most of all my favourite reason to have a treadmill at home: it allows me to walk or run without having to attempt to make myself resemble a human being first so as not to scare anyone!
    Truth is though that I was just worried about it hurting, but it didn't really. Calves are still feeling super tight though, and my compression socks weren't very comfortable over the bruising. Still, the second day of week 1 of C25k was successfully completed. It seems like hard work, which is crazy, I ran a half marathon a month ago ffs! I will try to do day 3 outdoors at the weekend and hopefully that will feel easier than the dreadmill.
    See physio again on Monday afternoon, but no matter what she gives me permission for I'm in no particular hurry to get back to really long distances now (I pulled out of the HM I had signed up for in March to stop myself getting overexcited again!) so will follow the programme for a few weeks at least before moving on to something more focused on distance as opposed to time.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Not as many miles as I wanted and the miles I did do were much slower, but I made an attempt to run with my doggo this morning. I was worried I wouldn't have enough time to do my run and walk her before work (my son starting HS has us leaving the house about 20 minutes earlier than last year, which doesn't seem like a lot of impact, but seems like a lot of lost time in the morning chaos).

    She did great. She's a greyhound, so more built for speed than endurance, but no one seems to have told her that. She's just happy to be with me. A few stops for some good sniffs.

    I get a standing desk converter next week for the office, because my biggest pain trigger at this point is having to sit all day for work. Yesterday I felt pretty wonky after work, but I took a few ibuprofen when I got home and did a good course of my PT exercises and woke up pain free, which is always a good indicator. Progress is slow, but I really am feeling better a little each day. I have to be super mindful of how I'm feeling and rest when I need to rather than trying to run through it, but I'm more and more optimistic that I can avoid surgery and complete a 50k this year.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Today my ankle hurts :(. I've also been slacking on my PT exercises so time to stop doing that...

    My assigned run is 2-4km, so I'll stick to 2km and baby it a bit. I had planned to go right down the middle and do 3km.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Finally plucked up the courage to get outside for a baby run this morning. It felt SO good to be out running again, even if I did swear at that annoying voice on the C210k app every time she told me to 'start walking now'. I have promised though that I will take this slowly and recover properly, so what the lady says is what I do. At least next week's intervals will allow me 90 seconds at a time :-) The legs feel ok, still not 100% but certainly no actual pain. I'm going to stretch and do my calf raises faithfully from now on, promise! Now for breakfast, and to pray the knees don't start to hurt when they cool down....
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    9 miles today (posting this literally everywhere I am on the Internet) and don't seem to have aggravated my hip!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I ran tonight!!

    First time in 86 days...not that I'm counting. 3.5 miles around the 'hood. It felt tough, but it felt awesome too. No real pain to speak of. Things are looking up.

    YAY!!!!! Congratulations!!!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    @7lenny7 woohoo awesome stuff!
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