January 2019!! Monthly Challenge



  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    So I haven't been really doing the keto, just trying to increase fat and watch calories. Main reason that I wanted to do it was so that my muscles would "pop" out more (ie, to look more 'lean") for an event in a couple months. For anyone in my situation, what is the amount of time that you comitted to doing a program like keto before any event? few weeks? month? one week?

    Here's the (one day early) log in. (prob just a low water weight day, so taking it and logging it!)

    SW: 135
    Short term GW - 130 by Feb 1
    GW: 126 - by March 31

    01/01 - 135
    01/02 - 134
    01/06 - 133.5
    01/13 - 132
    01/20 - 130.5

  • AllSeasons66
    AllSeasons66 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there, I started my Keto journey today so I'm a newbie... would love to join :)
  • valleygirl74
    valleygirl74 Posts: 159 Member
    We think that you're awesome, chinatowninchina. Take the loss. You are doing great. And thank you for all of your efforts here. Much appreciated!
  • valleygirl74
    valleygirl74 Posts: 159 Member
    SW: 230 lbs (2015)
    GW: 140 lbs
    Shrt TG: 195 lbs.

    Tuesday 01/01. 221.2lbs
    Sunday 01/06 222
    Sunday 01/13 217.6
    Sunday 01/20 217
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31

    Must focus. Had been down two additional pounds earlier this week (yay) but they're baaaacckkk. Dagnabbit.
  • d_dc_lady
    d_dc_lady Posts: 121 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone :smile:

    My clothes are fitting better again and I feel so much more mental clarity, less anxiety, and better focused on my goals - not just my keto goals, but life in general. Eating well and taking care of ourselves really does pay off, and not just in pounds lost.

    Sunday 01/06: 165.2
    Sunday 01/13: 162.2 (-3.0)
    Sunday 01/20: 160.8 (-1.4)
    Sunday 01/27:
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Started Keto: May 9, 2018
    Starting weight: 210.4
    Lowest Weight this Year (2018): 183.8
    (Loss of 25” and 26.6 Lbs!)

    Achieved goals so far:
    See 185 by 10/19 - SUCCESS!
    Lose 25 Lbs - SUCCESS! 10/18
    Keep Lost weight OFF during this Holiday Season - Nope, I didn’t keep it all off, but I also didn’t gain it all back like last year, so I consider that a win!
    See 179 before Valentine’s Day (or at least before March 2019)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145

    I’m back from vacation and ready to get back on the keto wagon! (Oh keto how I have missed you! I promise to not cheat again for a VERY long time!!!)

    I want to start the year by working towards Valentine’s Day!

    Sunday 01/06 - 193.4 lbs - whoops! Vacation hurt more than I thought it would! But I know I’ve got some bloating left from the travel so hopefully next week I will see a big drop. :smile:
    Sunday 01/13 - 189.8 Now that’s more like it!!!
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    vacations are hard new foods different schedules
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    I thought I posted but don't see it so I'm going to do it again
    01/01 184.3
    01/07 181.7
    01/13 183.2
    01/20 182.0
    really focused on the next two for next weigh in.I made an adjustment to my protein I think I was eating too much come off of WW freestyle I need to rethink the protein
  • Larkspur94
    Larkspur94 Posts: 114 Member
    edited January 2019
    I'm female, age 25, 5' 5''
    Starting weight -154 (Sept 26th)
    Current weight -132
    Goal weight -around 119 (depends on image and haven't done any weights/resistance yet)

    Monday 12/24 - 131 (Morning of cheat time start, which lasted 9 days. More than planned as gifted a lot of chocolate and cider, so also had cheat meals each day. Didn't track after this day)

    Tuesday 01/02 - 139 (Went back on here and yep, 8lb gain. Mostly water but 2/3lb is fat as went overboard on kcals. I found I preferred keto alternatives in the end. Potatoes are so boring in any form. Rice, pasta and noodles also boring. Cauliflower mash and rice is so much better. Zoodles are great for noodles and spaghetti. Good keto recipe for other pasta. Bread I still enjoyed. Had toast with jam each day. Need to try keto bread recipe for toast. The overall feel of carbs and sugar though wasn't good. I felt crummy and towards the end my headaches were coming back, so was good to end before the migraines kicked in. I was also looking forward to healthy food again. <3)

    Sunday 01/06 - 136 (Water weight going down)

    Sunday 01/13 - 137 (Cheated on the 9th, my b-day, and for a couple days after. Water weight went back up, making weight 139 and I also struggled to go back. Had a keto day on 11th, tried making keto bread which failed and being that I spent hours on it I ate regular toast with jam from frustration. I got myself in the habit of snacking with the cheating so just felt hungry too much. Plain Weetabix in milk next night before managing to hold off any carby snacks other days. Those snacks still totalled to moderate low-carb though so wasn't too big a hit. )

    Sunday 01/20 -132 (I was 134 yesterday so wasn't expecting the 2 pound drop. May go up 1 tomorrow cause water, who knows. Getting better with the snacks, though did give in to having chicken and nuts last night which I'm logging in today's diary. Goal this week is not to snack at night, going to bed earlier would likely help. The cheating really messed up my eating habits, which were easy before.)

    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @shirli2018 that is awesome! who does clothing subscriptions? that is something i hadn't heard of before; but sounds awesome
  • CarolynRSB
    CarolynRSB Posts: 84 Member
    Start Date: 29 July 2018
    SW: 178
    GW: 138

    Sunday 01/06: 159.5
    Saturday 01/12: 158.5
    Saturday 01/19: 159.5
    Sunday 01/27:
    Thursday 01/31:

    I was a little off this week due to overeating during the snowstorms. I'm also using yesterday's number, as we had friends over for a nice dinner last night, and while it was keto-friendly, I for sure overate and drank. We did steak tartare and brie (bread was available, but I didn't have any) for appetizers, grilled chicken thighs with bacon fried brussels sprouts and cauliflower mash for the main course, then I had Halo Top ice cream for dessert (real ice cream and pie for others). The wine flowed!
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    I would like to make an official complaint about aging. Last week I was measured for a challenge at my gym entitled “Lean in 19”. One of the measurements was height. I was measured at 5’4.5”. The problem is I have operating under the illusion that I was 5’6” for all my adult life until yesterday.

    Not fair!!!!! I was having hard enough time keeping up with standards for being 5’6”. Now I must aim for goals as a 5’4.5” male angry old white guy. I think I’ll I will just claim that I’m not too fat, I’m just too short. Ha!

    I’m not really angry or looking for sympathy. I know that getting old is not for sissies. Each day/month/year brings a new challenge. So, I rescind my complaint about aging. I’m not yet ready to accept the alternative to aging. So, bring it on age. I’ve got a new perspective, one and a half inches shorter and 1.6 pounds lighter than last week.


    That's a legitimate complaint!!!!! Not fair
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    This week felt pretty good! I’m struggling with keeping my carbs low enough but getting enough calories even though I’m eating only keto friendly foods. Maybe I do need to start using some fat bombs? That said, I still feel better than ever, lots of energy and more mentally “sharp” than I’ve been for quite some time. Survived hubbies birthday party at our house Friday. Managed to avoid a lot of the carb heavy appies and cake... stuck to some veggies with queso dip and a couple of buffalo wings. Proud that I didn’t cave though the temptation was very strong!!

    SD: Jan 2,2019 / SW: 156lbs /GW: 130lbs

    Tuesday 01/01 -156 lbs
    Sunday 01/06 - 151lbs
    Sunday 01/13 - 149 lbs
    Sunday 01/20 - 148 lbs
    Sunday 01/27
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    @zanyterp I use Le Tote which has variety of brands and also infinite style by Ann Taylor that carries only Ann Taylor. There are others out there depends on style, size range and needs. And there are some for companies out there that do men clothing as well.
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    edited January 2019
    Third Sunday is back Folks!!

    SW - 114.7 kgs (252 Pounds)
    CW - 101.7 kgs (222 Pounds)
    GW - 70 kgs (155 Pounds)

    Sunday 01/06 - 106.7 kgs
    Sunday 01/13 - 101 Kgs
    Sunday 01/20 - 101.7 Kgs
    Sunday 01/27
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    9/24-Keto SW-206.8lbs
    Last Goal- 180 by 12/31/18-Met 12/9/18!!!
    Next Goal- 160 by 5/31/2019

    Tuesday 1/1- 175.4
    Sunday 1/6- 177.8
    Sunday 1/13- 173.8
    Sunday 1/20- 175.6

    Sunday- 1/27
    Thursday 1/31

    This month has not been good to me...
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    This week felt pretty good! I’m struggling with keeping my carbs low enough but getting enough calories even though I’m eating only keto friendly foods. Maybe I do need to start using some fat bombs?

    What macros are you trying to meet? When I had that issue, I had to start tracking by counting my protein, fat and carb grams and then the calories would take care of themselves. For example, my macros are: 100g Protein / 68g Fat / 20g Carbs (I'm doing a lower fat version of Keto) If I meet those macros, my calories should be right where they are supposed to be for weight loss and then I don't have to count calories.
    With that said, if I end up under in calories because I come under on fat, I am okay with that because that just gives me a greater calorie deficit to reach my goals. I always try to meet my protein goal though because that is going to keep me from losing muscle.
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I’m not really angry or looking for sympathy. I know that getting old is not for sissies. Each day/month/year brings a new challenge. So, I rescind my complaint about aging. I’m not yet ready to accept the alternative to aging.

    I agree that getting old is not for sissies. This weekend we watched family videos with our kids from 13 years ago. It is not fair what a decade can do!
    I am only 5'1" so I don't have any height to spare, so I am NOT happy about that part of aging!
    Your perspective is great....bring it on!
  • db19732018
    db19732018 Posts: 49 Member
    Tuesday 01/01 - 258 <3
    Sunday 01/06 - 263 :o
    Sunday 01/13 - 262 :)
    Sunday 01/20 - 264 :/
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31