WAIST AWAYS - March 2019



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member

    @Bear479 , your picture-pair sure show the above in action!

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Seems I bought a Leslie Sansone mp4 player preloaded with 21 songs chosen for a pace where "3 songs = 1 mile when you stay on beat", and includes 3 pre-loaded work-out videos using those same songs (the *.amv files listed above) This is gonna be great once the warm weather comes and I can take the long, fast stride out-of-doors.

    And I finally bought "access to the online dance-based dynamic core exercise program" last night. Love it already.

    The dvd backup will mean I can take it to the room with no computer but more space (and cooler) as needed for more advanced work.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    The 5.5 W's Wednesdays

    Pick a W ... any W .... Who / What / When / Where / Why / hoW (the 0.5 one) and tell us something.

    Why it took me so long to order the site-based (as opposed to downloadable) core exercise program. It's probably a combination generational thing and not living a "smart-phone / app based" lifestyle (don't even own a personal "dumbphone cell"). The idea of paying for something intangible just didn't want to take root. Now I am glad I did (while still staying away from "enrolling for just $7 / month, you get access to all this other stuff and daily tips emailed to you!")
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    Username: Offitgoes
    Weigh In Week 1
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 178.6
    CW: 177
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    W for Wednesday.

    I'll go with WHO today. Two among many:

    My son. He is 22. He is one of those perfect human specimens who could be an underwear model. He has always been active and strong (yes, one of those childhoods...), and SO physically gifted he never once went to the emergency room because of this. When I started losing weight and getting in shape it was partly to keep up with him - he was in his early teens, and had been making sweet, funny, and all-too-true comments about the size of me. He would grab me around the hips and say HAM, in a really funny way. I never felt he was insulting me, and when I started getting serious about exercise, he was my gym buddy for a whole summer. He didn't say much directly, but he was just there for me, with me, and he was kind of proud. We showed each other exercises we thought were effective, and spotted each other if something didn't look quite right. We laughed a lot. Now he still gives me cheeky little reminders if a couple of pounds start showing up where they shouldn't. Weirdly enough, it helps a lot!

    My teammates. Yes - YOU. Being an active part of a team here or anywhere, especially when I get to know some of your stories, ideas, concerns, struggles, triumphs, and grit. I hear your voices in my head when heading for a lazy choice, another handful of food I don't need, or general slacking off. You stand outside my shower and won't let me in if I have not earned it through exercise. You guard my fridge and pantry, and go grocery shopping with me. Thanks. You are amazing.
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Who and why- i want to become healthier to be a good example for my little sisters they looked up to me a lot growing up, especially my youngest. Im trying to get her more active and eat better. That way she feels better about herself to. So working on myself first goal is to be back to a healthy bmi. I had a baby dec 2018 and still trying to lose the baby weight. Thank you all for your motivation and support! 😊
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Forgot to mention my brother is getting married march 31st so i would like to be in the 150's for that. 😁
  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    Why weds - well a somewhat vain why is I'm going to Italy in may for my birthday (getting close to 40 here) and I want to wear sundresses and look and feel fabulous. I wont be at goal by then but I hope to be closer.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »
    Feb was crap, I did not make weight loss happen. March will be different. I intend to see a lower # at the beginning of April. No more mental resignation.

    What did you find the most difficult? What can we help you "strategize for success" about?

    Start small with one habit at a time - and swap in something you can see yourself sustaining long-term. That can be different for everyone in totality, but there will be more than enough common ground that we can make suggestions that might spark ideas for you re adapting to suit you.

    My difficulties are with portion control and control in general. I'm exercising, eating healthy, getting to sleep early, but ie eating ice cream at work and all the pastries sent over by my neighbor. (I try to avoid sugar) My mind thinks one thing at the start of the day and my hand reaches out and I eat it.

    WHY/WHO Here's some: A bunch of health reasons, most recent a hip replacement at Thanksgiving, and wt loss would help out the other, now painful side. My daughter has gained the last couple years and I want her to see me change for the better. My eldest son (out of state) is getting married in Oct, so the ex & his wife will be there & I want to look great.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Why? My big why has everything to do with wanting to continue doing what I like to do for as long as possible. At 74 it was really important to stop taking things for granted. I am so very lucky to not be plagued with age-related issues and nit on any meds. Hiwe've. To assume this would continue without making some changes would have been more than just naive. So, here I am, 50 pounds lighter and feeling better than I have in a long time. The challenge niw is to not backslide into old ways.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    My why is because my Husband is always asking me to go on a trip, I think he would take me anywhere I wanted to go but I can't, not at this weight. When I can walk without pain, I'm all in. He says we will only be in our 50's for a short time and the older we get the harder it will be to go away. I agree but not just ready yet.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,767 Member
    I was at my goal until last March and gained weight due steroids twice last year, now it is hard to lose the weight again. I will keep fighting until I lose the weight.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    @MrsBeckiC1 this is your team.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,767 Member
    March 1---8,337
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    4th- 9,770
    5th- 10,508
    6th- 10,808
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    3/6 - 10,214
  • BeckiCrock
    BeckiCrock Posts: 19 Member
    Hey guys I’m a little behind, work, mum life lol have I missed anything? And is there anything I should have done by now? Thank you x
  • BeckiCrock
    BeckiCrock Posts: 19 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Yooo-Hooooo! Calling @MissBeckiC1

    We missed you Sunday!

    Please let us know your Week 1 weigh-in.
    (If you would prefer a different Weekly Weigh-In day than Sunday going forward, just let me know)

    Hey @BMcC9 sorry I’m trying to catch up lol I stayed the same this week... (birthday cake 😳😬) back on track now and hoping for a good loss this week x
  • nicolajw00
    nicolajw00 Posts: 5 Member

    jugar wrote: »

    Weigh-ins are overdue for:

    Please post your updates here asap! Thanks :)

    Due tomorrow (Wednesday)

    Tally ho!

    It’s my first weigh in. I’m really pleased I’ve gone down 2lbs and my weight is no longer going up. I’m not sure of the format that you want the weigh ins. Is this right?
    Week 1: 234lbs
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