WAIST AWAYS - April 2019



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    Foodie Friday.

    Inspired by @Perla4686 - I'm also hitting the salads these days, especially for lunch. All winter I have soup. Now the sun is getting stronger, I feel like salads.

    Here is a good way to use up broccoli stems and other good stuff. It's kind of a slaw, and keeps well even once dressed. This is my homemade version of one of those super expensive "sweet kale salad" kits.

    chop / grate
    brussels sprouts (really, really fine shreds - they're actually good raw!)
    broccoli stems (peel and chop fine or grate)
    red cabbage or radiccio or something red
    carrot if you want, or other root veg
    sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, crunchy stuff
    dried cranberries

    Dressing - I make a yogurty version of poppy seed dressing. Drain the yogurt in a fine strainer so it isn't too thin, or use greek. Mix in some vinegar (your choice), poppy seeds, a bit of sugar or other sweetener (concentrated orange juice is good), and other flavours you might like (onion, dill, etc.). If you don't like the yogurt version, mayonnaise is good. I just can't eat it.

    Dress the salad a good 15 minutes before eating so it has a chance to soften things up a bit. Yum. Throw on some protein if you want - chickpeas are my go-to.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member


    Fat2Fit Buddy Program

    We will be resuming the Fat2Fit buddy program. Please use the link below to access the BUDDY REQUEST page.


    Enter your request and a buddy will be assigned to you. We will begin pairing buddies on Monday, April 8.
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 837 Member
    Username: leni1us
    April, Week 1
    Weigh in Day, Friday
    PW: 163.0
    CW: 162.6

    My vacation has definitely set me back a ways. I really want to get to 155 by months's end. That's just 7 lbs.. I think I'd doing everything right but the weight either climbs a pound, creeps down .5 pound or stays put. My calories are under or at goal everyday and I'm exercising 2 - 3 times a week. I know my water intake is dismal (24 to 32 oz a day). Can water really make THAT much of a difference? It feels like two steps forward, one step back. I don't seem to be making much progress. I think I need to do something differently - I guess, increasing my water would be one.

    Step Count 4/4 - 10,704
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    Foodie Friday… Today I woke up feeling great. Although I didn’t log food yesterday, I did manage to stay away from wine and ate normal sized portions. Yay me. Dinner out tonight. So the plan for Foodie Friday is to preview the restaurant’s menu and pre-log, measure and record ALL calories all day, stay within my calorie limit and enjoy every tasty bite.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    Username: leni1us
    April, Week 1
    Weigh in Day, Friday
    PW: 163.0
    CW: 162.6

    My vacation has definitely set me back a ways. I really want to get to 155 by months's end. That's just 7 lbs.. I think I'd doing everything right but the weight either climbs a pound, creeps down .5 pound or stays put. My calories are under or at goal everyday and I'm exercising 2 - 3 times a week. I know my water intake is dismal (24 to 32 oz a day). Can water really make THAT much of a difference? It feels like two steps forward, one step back. I don't seem to be making much progress. I think I need to do something differently - I guess, increasing my water would be one.

    Step Count 4/4 - 10,704

    I was surprised too, but water CAN make a big difference. NON-caffeinated herbal teas count as "water" (can't have had caffeine in it originally, so DE-caff tea or coffee, green tea etc do NOT count as "water' but can still be good for you overall)

    I like to steep fresh mint leaves in hot water - very refreshing and actually good hot OR cooled to room temp or over ice.

    I have mint planted in flowerboxes (it will take over the entire garden, yard, possibly neighborhood if planted in the ground ... ) but in the off-season I get it from the Fresh Herb section of the grocery store.
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Username: martinesther88
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 159.8
    CW: 160.8

    I haven't been drinking enough water and eating to many carbs and sweets, so im going to change my eating habits. My goal is to be in the 140's by May 19th (our 6th year anniversary), and if i work hard i would love to be 154 or lower by the end of the month. That would put me at the top end of a healthy bmi. 😊
  • AmyRobF
    AmyRobF Posts: 97 Member
    PW 212
    CW 212
    My scale hasn’t moved. 🥺

    However, I can tell a slight difference in the way my clothes fit! I wish it would show he scale so it would show on our totals! I’m still working hard and will continue to!
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    @BmcC9 Thank you for the good advice. 😊 i have already drank 8 cups of water today because i am carrying a bottle with me at all times now. I really enjoy walking and have been doing some walking with Leslie Sanson (i think it was you who interduced me to her). Last week i only did a workout with Leslie twice and i had been doing it everyday. So im going to make sure i do it everyday because i feel great after i workout. 😁 Thank you for the motivation and keeping me in check!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,468 Member
    My IGM has been giving me hell this week with chips at work. Don't buy them or have them at home. (It may be the forbidden item factor) I've been filling up with fiber & vegetables which didn't work obviously. Going to bring in cooked eggs with some kind of fat on them next week. Noticed last night after having chicken tikka for dinner that I was good for the rest of the evening.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    Username: leni1us
    April, Week 1
    Weigh in Day, Friday
    PW: 163.0
    CW: 162.6

    My vacation has definitely set me back a ways. I really want to get to 155 by months's end. That's just 7 lbs.. I think I'd doing everything right but the weight either climbs a pound, creeps down .5 pound or stays put. My calories are under or at goal everyday and I'm exercising 2 - 3 times a week. I know my water intake is dismal (24 to 32 oz a day). Can water really make THAT much of a difference? It feels like two steps forward, one step back. I don't seem to be making much progress. I think I need to do something differently - I guess, increasing my water would be one.

    Step Count 4/4 - 10,704

    It is all a grand experiment on yourself. I found that every time I eat grains, especially flour, I put on weight immediately, no matter if the total calories are under. I can eat plenty of carbs from vegetables, legumes (beans) or fruit, but grains and I do not mix well. I still eat them sometimes, but I know that they have an immediate stalling effect.

    For some people it is grains, for some it might be something else. I did the somewhat painful but really revealing Whole 30 experiment. I can NOT eat that much animal protein, not ever. But the experiment of eliminating all dairy, grains, legumes, sugars, alcohol and only eating protein, fats (except trans) and vegetables for 30 days and then re-introducing things one at a time really showed me several things. First, that it was WAY too much animal protein and that set my digestion into a real tizzy. Second, that the most important thing for me to re-introduce first was legumes. Third, that grains were NOT making me feel well at all. That surprised me. When I re-introduced grains, and they were healthy whole grains, my heart rate went way up for at least an hour every time I ate them. And I held more weight whenever I ate them. So even though I really hated the month on whole 30, I learned a lot. Since then, I continue to eat fish and yogurt (non-fat that I make myself) as my only animal proteins. I avoid grain most of the time. I eat more legumes and love them to pieces. About 80 percent of every plate is vegetables. I eat fruit every day as well, but not as much. I eat much less fat than the trendy diets, but still feel I get a satisfying amount of it.

    So keep experimenting. When you gain or do not lose, you have learned something. Track everything and see what works and what doesn't. Feel your heart rate, survey your digestion, and see how things change. Your tastes will change too - even though there are some terrible nose-dives from time to time along the way! You are starting to ask the right questions. Start with water but don't stop there.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    The BUDDY PROGRAM is back!

    If you sign up, you get paired with a buddy from another team. You match in some way based on information you provide. You can then share more private information by text, email, or whatever you like - and you encourage each other to keep accountable and motivated.


    Check it out and sign up if you want to:

  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,971 Member
    April : Step challenge
    4/5. -14,806
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    I actually hit 135.1 on Monday! And have been nicely bobbing between 135.4 and 135.9 all week. I think we can consider Transition to Maintenance - Wk 1 a success!

    do you want to record a weigh-in for today?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    My IGM has been giving me hell this week with chips at work. Don't buy them or have them at home. (It may be the forbidden item factor) I've been filling up with fiber & vegetables which didn't work obviously. Going to bring in cooked eggs with some kind of fat on them next week. Noticed last night after having chicken tikka for dinner that I was good for the rest of the evening.

    it could be that protein will work better than fibrous carbs. Keep experimenting till you find what gives you that sense of fullness. Having eggs + toast for breakfast most work morings and air-popped popcorn (in place of anyting chip-like) worked for me - but everyonw's IGM is a little bit different.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    (cheer squad)

    PW: 135.8
    CW: 135.4

    (final entry on page 7 ... the followup you quoted happened to start a new page, which made it less obvious)
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