
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I'm glad you came clean with him....If you had had an issue, it would have been hard to get help up there at night... Hope you feel better soon!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Thanks Gail. I’ve been feeling more like myself since I got eleven hours of sleep the other night. I don’t know what’s going on with me. Anyway...we did a 5.5 mile hike today up to a bald in North Carolina. It was a pretty moderate hike until the very last push to the top. I’ll attach a photo. It was a 360 degree view! Gorgeous! Tomorrow is a laid back day and then Tuesday is a ten mile hike. Wednesday is a shorter hike and some relaxing swimming. All in all, a nice vacation. I still feel bad about canceling the overnight though.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    oh wowwwwwwwwww Suzy gorgeous pic!! i'm sorry i missed your post when you were feeling like crap and not wanting to do the overnight - but im glad too you told hubby how you felt - even if it did feel to you like you kicked his puppy! Sometimes we do have to say that we need something - oftentimes we put everyone else first and if you werent feeling it, you would have been miserable and that would have ruined the experience for both of you. By being honest, you both got to enjoy the lovely hike itself, so it was a win win for both!

    I cancelled my leave and have been working midnights all week, hence why i've been MIA.. finsihed this morning and heading for bed for a few hours = will type more later but wanted a quick check in to say sorry i missed some of the stuff going on with everyone ... :/
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm sorry I missed your post, Suzy. It does sound like you did the right thing by cancelling. It always impresses me how much you do on your outings, and so I think you know when it seems to much for you at that point. I have made the mistake in the past of trying to push and push through tiredness, and just making things worse. Maybe another time you well feel more like doing it, or maybe you just get more out of the day hikes than overnighters. Anyway, I'm glad you've felt able to continue and that you feel more like yourself! Amazing view in your picture! Sleeping for eleven hours seems like a sign that your body needed some rest and recovery.

    I hope you're OK, Snooozie! I'm just catching up and you said you were off to bed and would write more later, and that was three days ago! I imagine you are just busy, with lots to get on with after the shift work.

    I've been quite distracted, and as I've mentioned before, have taken my eye off the ball in terms of diet and so on. I have been gaining weight, and I am stunned at how quickly the weight goes on, if I don't keep in control. It's shocking. I have no excuse. Anyway, I'm not going to give up! Making lots of healthy soups at the moment, in the hope that they will fill me up!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’ve taken my eye off the diet ball, too. I think when I’m doing all this hiking I feel like I can eat what I want...which is very dangerous. I weigh in tomorrow morning after a week of eating, drinking and hiking. I’m expecting pretty bad news. However, I completed a 12.5 mile hike up and over a pretty steep trail and then back again! We had to scramble over fallen trees and boulders and even ran across some bear scat that was pretty fresh. :# We also hiked up a bald in North Carolina where we had that beautiful view. Like you all have told me before...it’s not all about the number on the scale. I’m feeling pretty good about my physical shape and ability. I’m hoping the fatigue I’ve experienced a couple times is over. I’ve got to make note of when it happens so I can see if maybe I’m not getting enough protein or something right before.

    I’m picking up the nieces from the airport tonight and we’re heading back to the mountains tomorrow for girl’s weekend at the wineries. I’m looking forward to it but I’m also pretty exhausted. It will be a good time though....no hiking for a few days!!!

    Have a great weekend Hatters!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    well crap i just lost my whole post.. im sitting in the dark on my laptop and thot i hit the backspace key... but apparnetly i missed.. so i'll just say sorry i wasnt back before now.. nites messed me up and i've been tired and cranky and my feet are still hurting weirdly.. when i walk and the sides and toe parts hurt even when not.. i played pickleball with no problem .. but they just.. hurt... but anyway - my point being suzy i agree with you that our overall physical ability is far more important right now than weight - and im not just saying that because i too took my eye off the weight loss ball.. but because lately all my parts seems to be able to do less (just overall i mean... in my head i think i'm still 40 or something lol.. but im starting to realize i am NOT and i have to get moving more and keep the parts going as long as possible.. so the fact you are able to do all that fab hiking suzy shows your physical ability is great - and honestly thats far more important than a few extra pounds in my opnion..

    also the bear poop would have freaked me out if it was fresh.. cause that means bear was nearby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gak!!! i hope you have a lovely time with the girls weekend at the wineries.. a new reward to chill and enjoy time with the girls and a bit of wine after all the hiking!!

    Vail - i can totally relate.. i dont wanna get on the scale. i have been eating non stop.. not all crap, some good stuff but its like i cant seem to get enuf to eat.. but i am not hungry its just i want to eat.... and eat...
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Hey there Hatters- I've been gone toooo long from MFP and you all, and it has caught up with me for sure!!! For some reason MFP says that I have logged on for the last 182 days when I actually just logged back on this week, so not sure what that is about. At any rate, it's time for me to go back to the drawing board for sure.
    This last year and a half has been quite the journey. Losing my mother took an emotional toll on me which affected me physically as well. I'm doing much better with it now after a little over a year, but dang, here we go again. My father was diagnosed this past December with Stage 4 colon cancer that has metastasized to his liver. He was given two to six months. He is on month 4, and is declining rapidly.
    Luckily, life has its ups to go with the downs, and I have had joy as well. My son Alex got engaged to his girlfriend Sarah last October, and we set the wedding date for October 2019. Sarah's mother passed away a few years ago, and was divorced from her father, so I landed the role of mother of the groom and bride, so my husband and I took on the role of planning and hosting the wedding. Then this past December, we all got a surprise......can you guess? That's right, I am going to be a grandmother! So we moved the wedding up to this past March 2 which gave me about 2 months to put it all together! I managed to do it, and it was absolutely wonderful. Most everyone who was dear to me was there from all around the country to join in the celebration. And I am absolutely thrilled to be a grandmother, and have moved on to obsessing about all this new baby stuff (yes, I am guilty of OCD, too lol)
    Some other fun "ups" are that I scored free tickets to Maui, so Bob and I will be heading there in just a couple of weeks- Yay! We are also going to my college friend's daughter's wedding in Santa Fe , NM end of June, so I will get to spend even more time with several of my college friends without having to worry about any of the wedding details :D
    Throughout all of this, I have totally neglected watching what I put into my mouth, plus my hip bursitis's gotten so painful, so the only exercise I like-walking and hiking- has been off limits. The scale is reflecting all of my waywardness, and I am frustrated that even my larger clothing is too small, and I just keep gaining. So, I have decided no more excuses. Back to tracking and doing better with what goes in my mouth. I realize how far off track I have gotten when I think about all the things I need to change and improve. I am going to have to prioritize and take a few steps at a time, and one of my first steps I chose was to start tracking and get back in touch with you all- glad to see you are still here and hanging in there!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    a few photos for your viewing pleasure :-)

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited May 2019
    And last but not least- here is Baby Benji at 25 weeks doing a yoga pose bending his legs up over his tummy :)

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    What wonderful news! The wedding looks beautiful - well, done you for organising all that! It must have been lovely for your daughter-in-law to have you as mother of the bride too. I take it Benji isn't here yet? Are they living near you?

    I'm sorry to hear about your father, especially after losing your mother so recently. You must have been going through all sorts of emotions over the past few months. I hope you enjoy your trips and get some relaxation time, and that the bursitis improves - what a nuisance to have something that interferes so much with exercise, and I'm sure is painful on top of everthing else. No wonder your weight control has been difficult. Welcome back! It's lovely to hear from you :smile:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks Vail for your kind words and support!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Congratulations on the beautiful wedding, the new daughter in law, the expected grand baby and the trip!!! Wow!!! You’ve been busy and so blessed!

    I’m so sorry to hear about your dad and your health issues. I think it would have been a miracle if you didn’t put on some weight. The whole weight loss thing goes on the back burner when you have such big events and issues.

    Just do what you can. Start with small manageable goals. You still have a lot going on so don’t be so hard on yourself. Have a fantastic time in Maui!!!

    We’re all so glad to see you back here and love the photos!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Nice to see you Susan! Very glad everything ended up working out with the wedding plans and imagine you are beyond excited over the grandbaby and the upcoming trips - lovely pics.

    Suzy - are you back from the winery with the neices? how was it?? hopefully lots of WINE and R&R - and no hiking or bear scat!!

    Vail - how goes the battle?? I've been making slightly better choices but still on a feeding frenzy :(

    Gail - everything good in your world???

    I've been doing some overtime this week and one more double shift tomorrow then back to normal so will sneak in from work to see how everyones doing!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Back from the girl’s gone wild wine weekend. OMG....soooo much wine and food but even more laughter and wonderful memories! I’m not going to weigh until Friday and will just work hard to undo the damage until then. Today was a recovery day... I did absolutely nothing and ate what I wanted. I’m so exhausted from the week of hiking and the weekend of wine! Tomorrow will be a renewed start. I have three weeks until we leave for Europe for two weeks. I’m beginning to feel like I’m never home.

    Double shifts don’t sound like any fun. I hope that’s over soon so you can get back to your lake walks and pickle ball.

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks Suzy and Snoozie for your kind words and support !
    Suzy- sounds like you had tons of fun with your girls gone wild wine weekend . I find times like that good for the soul :-)
    Snooozie- sounds like you are due for a girls gone wild weekend yourself ! Glad things will be back to normal soon . Am I correct that you had a doc visit recently? If so, hope the results were encouraging.

    How r things with you Gail and Vail ?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Recorded a 2.5 pound gain this week. I guess that’s to be expected after all the wine. I’m actually surprised it’s not more.

    How is everyone doing? We’ve all been kind of quiet lately. I need to have our motto tattooed on the hand I use to eat with. :D

    I’m determined to lose a few pounds in the next two weeks to get ready for my trip to Europe. Hopefully I’ll be so busy enjoying our trip that I won’t eat too much.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Having the motto tattooed on your eating hand - oh, that is so funny! But I have to admit, I did start wondering, what if I wrote it on my eating hand just in the evening when I'm at home? Would it stop me? Lol! I think I'd probably pretend I didn't see it! But seriously, the idea of having a reminder like that every time I think of eating something sounds like it might actually be helpful. I might even try it. Maybe I can get a sticker or something to put on my hand as a reminder. I know you were joking, but ...

    Congratulations on the 2.5lb - I allow 2lb for normal fluctuation, so it doesn't sound too much. Worth it for such a lovely weekend!

    Oh, Susan, I meant to say, I love the flowers at the wedding. I don't think I've seen anything like that, with the sunflowers. So bright and joyous!

    I've been trying to get back on track - last time I posted that I'd gained, and I've been working on it. Not really hard enough, so just kind of fluctuating at the moment, with a slight downward trend. But I'm really struggling with my joints and know that I really have to get some weight off them before they wear out - it's not a question of vanity. And I've been reluctant to go on any more hikes because I don't know if I can keep up, and I'm sure getting rid of some weight would help - less to haul up those hills! So that made me think if my weight is stopping me doing something, it's a problem. So yes. Off to get my eating hand tattooed! Just kidding!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    lol love the idea of the tattoo... altho i may try the large sticky note on the table or wall first!

    Vail im struggling right now too... my feet have been very sore for some weird reason i honestly dont know why; when i saw my doc a few weeks ago it was just one foot but now both so im also being less active than i should.. weirdly they dont hurt when i walk .. but if i stand or walk barefoot around the house.. ow.. anyway i can relate with the joint stuff in hands and feet - the conundrum of not wanting to move more cause it hurts vs moving more to improve the ows!

    Suzy - a big push on water and a day or two of cutting back a wee bit and those couple of pounds will be gone in a heartbeat.. ! I cannot believe how soon you leave for Europe; remind me again where you're heading?? (i could scroll back and check actually)... but i cannot WAIT to hear everythinggggggggggg... and hopefully see pics!!!!!

    We've nailed down the flights and locations and hotels/air bnbs/accomodations in each place.. now it'll be a question of what we wanna do everywhere and the transportation ... but we have a bit of time to work on that! we HAVE decided to have a down day to just wander and explore some areas so will keep u updated down the road..

    i just finished a wicked set of dayshifts and am working on figuring out my retirement date this year.. right now i'm working around the beginning of sept - fingers crossed lol!!

    have a great day all... i have a short gig at the LAC this afternoon - bring on munchkin dance season ha ( im still new enuf at this gig to enjoy seeing all the little ones in their costumes still... but admit watching them doing the "gumby" moves and flips and what not makes me feel even older some days!!... ha

    looking forward to spring coming at some point too!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    “Looking forward to spring coming?!” Wow. I could not live up north. We’re already gearing up to start complaining about the heat. Lol!

    I’m sorry y’all are having joint pain issues. It’s hell getting old. I also know that I need to take the weight off these old knees in order to lessen the pain but I haven’t managed to achieve that...yet. I have been using CBD cream after hiking for the ache/pain/inflammation in my knees. Some days it works better than others.

    My husband and I are going with our daughter and her husband to Europe for two weeks. We’re starting out in Amsterdam with a couple days in Brugge (Belgium) then flying to Dublin and renting a car to drive west then north in Ireland. I’m hoping for a laid back, enjoyable trip. I’m trying not to overplan everything but have a route and hotels reserved for our Ireland drive. We lived in Amsterdam for two years when my daughter was 9 to 11. She wants to see it all as an adult and we’re looking forward to walking down memory lane.

    Enjoy the munchkins, Snoozie. I loved those days when my daughter danced. The little ones are so adorable. And congratulations on the upcoming retirement!!! How exciting!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's!!

    Susan, so good to see you post, but sorry for all the pain and heartache you have had. Wishing the best for your dad, it must be so hard for you all...hugs and prayers sent. But so awesome to have a little one on the way! What a beautiful couple!! The wedding pics are wonderful, like Vail, I think the flowers were the prettiest I have seen....and that dress, fabulous!! She is a beautiful young lady.

    All these wonderful vacations you are all going on or have gone on are wonderful. I am envious! lol I know there will be pictures!

    Suzy, I laughed at the "motto tattooed on your hand".
    It sounds like me, I write a message...." Don't overeat at Supper!! "on some masking tape at work sometimes and put it on my left hand ....hoping it would work! lol .....never thought about tattooing it! I know you are so excited about the upcoming vacation! Glad you had a great girls weekend, I know it must have been fun!!

    I am staying steady at my weight for the moment.....hopefully I can drop 15 more lbs by end of year...it would be so cool to be in one-derland after 29 years!! lol I feel like it is doable this year! And I am not usually that confident.

    The new job, at same place, is totally consuming of my time, I have no free areas to send out a post, I hardly have time for breaks....one day I was so tired and at the end of the day I realized I had not stopped to take a 30 min. lunch break! But the day goes by like a lightening flash. I am thinking of taking the second shift hours .... I hate early rising...I think it will be better going in at 1:00 off at 9:30. I will miss seeing my little baby girl, but it may be a good transition into when they move into their home.....if that happens in the next 5 years!!! lol

    He's Still painting walls ...did I mention that Young Son is perfectionist!....hmmm... wonder where he picked that up from.. guilty as charged...on projects I like, that is!

    Vail, sorry to hear about the joint problems. mine are better, since I am not consuming so many man- made products....breads, sugars.... I know you follow that already, though. hope you feel better soon.

    Suzanne, I know you can't wait for the trip. It will be awesome.... can't wait to see pics! Glad you will have some down days to do what ever looks good! Retirement is just around the corner! how wonderful for you. I am looking at 7 at least....if I wait and don't take early. I tell Hubby that I am working until one of us passes on , so one of us ay least can enjoy that insurance $$$ I have been paying on!! : )

    Suzy, I have already uttered those dreaded words just this week!! IT IS SO HOTTT!! especially with all the rain we have been getting down here...how do you spell HUMID & MUGGY with a side of HOTT!!! lol

    I have the baby's today, Mom is getting sick and wanted to nip it in the bud, by going to the Doctor, so she won't miss school.....plus I think they wanted to eat out for her first mother's day, and thought It might be awkward not taking me... hahaha.. I would have not have had a problem with it. I secretly enjoy keeping the babies.....can't let them know that.

    ok...gotta' go check on littlest one, she is sleeping on the bed ,with pillows all around her, but I am still nervous about it..
    Happy day to you all,