Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Yes I'm really glad did had decided to take care of her weight, take some classes and chat with me more than usual. I think she has an online boyfriend... Or boyfriend. He seems to be encouraging her. I take it he's in California. No idea the dets there, she's not open to sharing. Tomorrow is her birthday and he's sent her an iPhone (used) as she needs a new phone. I won't buy one for her. I'd just be enabling her. 24 tomorrow, work for what you want.

    Unrelated vent.
    Our oldest male cat is on thin ice. He's dd's childhood pet and she's very attached to him. I'm ready for him to go. Guess it'll be another vet visit asking for meds for him. He's attacking my "baby" cat that decided to hang outside when monster showed up. They are fine together now. I'd like to Kevorkian the old male. And I caught him peeing on a couch blanket yesterday. He's outside. With a bowl of food. Hell if I'm letting him back in ever. So I'm up at 430 having had to diffuse one such attack and slept horribly. I'm a light sleeper so dh up reading wakes me. (Nap today). Baby monster is 4.5 months old, he gets neutered next week. He's a gem. I'd hoped the old male was responding to the possibility of male hormones, but baby monster is still such a baby, no male aggression or such behavior. Vet visit. Maybe I can Xanax the old cat.

    Food? I don't know. Dh got a loaded tater yesterday at my request. I ate half of it and gave the rest to the dogs. I'm tired. My leg hurts, (aches). Cat tacos maybe?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,045 Member
    edited May 2019
    @rheddmobile I would have taken my dinner to go too! But, I love the new description of noisy!

    @shanaber I hope your eye is okay. I sometimes have the same issue with breakfast. If I don't work (I'm a substitute teacher at a daycare.) I will sometimes not have breakfast until after 10 am. Usually when I do that, I'll have a snack for lunch and then have dinner about 3 or 4. Seems to work for me. But, I see how you can't do that if you are at work. I have faith that you will figure out what works for you.

    @Elise4270 That's why I'm a dog person. LOL Good luck figuring out how to control monster. Hopefully the vet will have some ideas for you.

    On a nutritional note, I lost almost 3 pounds last week. My body decided to finally jump off of the plateau it's been on for a while. It was a little lower yesterday, but I had pizza for lunch. Today won't be a good day either, as I am going to go to my nephew's graduation from college and a party after where I'm sure I'll eat way too much food that isn't good for me. Still, I'm happy with how things are going. 16 pounds to go to my goal weight of 135.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Wow @quilteryoyo ! 3 pounds! Nice!

    I got a nap. Now I'm lazy. All cats are outside playing nicely with each other. Swear the old male has a brain tumor or something. He's just unpredictable. He can be that way outside.

    Dh is put of coffee creamer and corn chips so he's gone shopping alone. I just can't bring myself to gimp around Walmart. So, he'll probably bring home junk.

    More brain study today. I thought brains were boring, just fatty blobs. But they are pretty cool actually (thanks to YouTube).
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,403 Member
    3 lbs is a great drop @quilteryoyo!
    Saw the ophthalmologist yesterday. I have this weird optic nerve thing that looks like glaucoma but isn't at least not yet. I was sure the pain in my eye and blurred vision was related to something going awry with that. But nope - I have an infection that is putting enough pressure on my eye to change its shape causing the pain and blurriness. On a z-pack and eye drops. Hoping the z-pack doesn't cause me stomach issues now or for the race next Saturday.

    @Elise4270 - I bet that older cat is marking because of your baby monster. That is one reason I don't have cats... that and DH is very allergic. He also doesn't like cats. DD had one once that shredded the side and back of DH's recliner when we went on vacation. Neighbor was taking care of the cat and we got delayed a day on our return. Guess she (cat) knew it had to be DH's fault even though it was a weather related delay 🤣 We have not had a cat since.

    @quilteryoyo - I am no longer working (retired now for a year!) so I have no excuse for not getting out early enough to have breakfast at a reasonable time. Well, other than I am not really a morning person and can't get up and out now that I don't have to any longer. Soon it will be too hot though and I will have no choice but to get up and out the door earlier!

    This week with taper I am going to work on it. Up and out for a short run and then breakfast! Today though I am going to run a longish run. Finally making carnitas in the IP for dinner, a turkey wrap for lunch and yogurt for breakfast - at least that is my plan. DH went to get donuts again...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,403 Member
    mmmm - I love apple chips!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    New weight loss strategy: spend 15 minutes slicing and 2.5 hours baking every time I want chips. Also, make them out of apples with nothing added except cinnamon.


    Those look delicious! A mandoline would help with the slicing - just be sure to get one with a hand guard.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,045 Member
    Thanks all, but I think I celebrated a little too soon. I had way too much salty food yesterday and, poof, just like that, I gained 3.2 pounds! I know it will go away this week, at least I hope it does, since it should be mostly water retention. It is still frustrating to me how easy it is to put the weight on and how hard it is to take it off and keep it off. Today is another day of not eating the best. My Aunt's church has a fundraiser the first Sunday of every month - lunch - so we always go to support. Again, there is way too much salt in the food and I can't seem to resist the yummy homemade desserts. Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I WILL do better next week!!!

    @Elise4270 I think the brain is so interesting. I had a class on pattern recognition when I was in the Air Force. We studied a lot about how the brain perceives things and how those connections can be damaged. Very interesting indeed.

    @shanaber Glad your eye issue wasn't worse. Hope the medicines help it to heal quickly. I'm not really a morning person either, so I completely understand.

    @MegaMooseEsq Those apple chips look delicious.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2019
    @rheddmobile what temp and how long do you bake the apples? I love baked apples.

    Today's dd's birthday. So I had cake, steak, and a tater.

    I think seasonal allergies got me. I was running a low grade fever most of the day, until I gave in and took some Tylenol. I shut the house up and have the AC on to help.

    I'm taking a study break today. I've filled my days with so much brain, I dream of brain. Which is exactly what I want. So, fingers crossed I ace the final tomorrow.

    I got out of the house today for the first time in 6 days. I was a little peeved at dh for expecting me to break my streak. Suppose it was all fine. Our priest bikes and runs, I told him I wanted to do the HHH* with him some day. He seemed cheery over it. I wonder how one becomes that person that embraces everyone and can find a way to connect with random folks. It couldn't be an act, right? it's his job. Why chose a job you'd hate (and can't um, have relations-most men live for those)? I told dh I'm socially broken and just embrace it. He said thats a cop-out. Suppose I can put that on the list of things to improve upon (at the bottom, on the back page).

    My leg hurts.
    Hip really feel like labrum. I broke down today and cried about it just as I was telling dh about it, as we pulled up to church. Thankfully, there was an older guy facing the raised flower bed with his hand in his pocket and back turned to me. It looked like he was relieving himself. Can't get worked up over what if when men pee at the church flower/urinal.

    So that's my wah wah update.

    *HHH Is hotter-n-hell hundred. 100 mile bike race/ride in Texas in August.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,045 Member
    @Elise4270 Nothing wrong with a good cry every now and then. When I let the tears flow, I almost always instantly feel a lot better. It just helps release all of those pent up feelings that need to go. Good luck on your brain test! I'm sure you are going to do great!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo. My hip is less grumpy today and I feel like I let something bother me that was unwarranted. Oh the joys of being female.

    Today’s food? I’m avoiding the left over cake. I’ll probably make some tostadas or the thin ribeye with a vegetable, think there’s asparagus still. It’ll be pickled I think. Dd had a giant jar of pickles and laid it down after opening it, it leaked and the entire fridge smells like pickles. Could be worse.

    Last minute studying today. Nothing ever really sticks the day of an exam but I’m hoping since I’ve over studied, it’ll put more pieces together, add a layer. I’m stalling.

    I can walk with one crutch fairly well. I thought maybe after finals I could add some long slow walking with the crutch. It’s tedious, but I have some cabin fever.

    Ok, come here brain book...
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    New weight loss strategy: spend 15 minutes slicing and 2.5 hours baking every time I want chips. Also, make them out of apples with nothing added except cinnamon.


    Those look delicious! A mandoline would help with the slicing - just be sure to get one with a hand guard.

    Oh, you better believe I bought a mandolin first! My husband had been wanting to get one anyhow, so it worked out.

    @Elise4270: I baked those at 220 for about an hour per side. Easy peasy!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ate so much cake today. I just celebrated standing on one leg and had cake. Then felt good about brain final —> cake. Now I want easy to grab sugar, more cake. I better watch it or my next doc visit will be “maybe lose a bit and the hip won’t hurt so much”.

    Psych exam tomorrow. I should have an a weather or not I take it. So... no pressure. I should celebrate by swimming or baking apples or something other than sugar. Dang American culture. Baking apples sounds amazing btw. Ohh if I do a Walmart order now, I can grab it after dropping the baby monster off to be neutered and cook apples while I do the psych exam. Perfect.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2019
    94. Hehe. Ahhh I’m happy. Never to late to teach and old dog new tricks.

    And ordered apples and a mandolin. Ready to rock tomorrow
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    .... prior to the picture above.... my only experience with baking + apples = sugar.... so using those words as a “something other than sugar” doesn’t really compute.... and now I just want apple betty.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,045 Member
    Congratulations @Elise4270 !!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,403 Member
    Yay @elise4270! 94 on your brain exam? Are these online or do you have to go to class to take the exams? I am sure you will do great on your Psych exam too whether you need it or not. You're making me want to go take some classes again. Hmmm maybe a Spanish class - it would definitely be useful.
    @sarahthes - are you back??? I hope so - missed seeing your posts here and in the Challenge!

    I have had actually a couple of good days of eating... I am tapering for my HM this Saturday so trying to eat a few more carbs which never seems to be an issue. End result though has been that while my carbs are up (still not as high as the nutritionist wants but getting closer) my protein has not dropped so I am getting lots of both. Interestingly other than Saturday night/Sunday morning I have not been feeling hungry. After my long (too long) run on Saturday I wasn't hungry but after dinner I was starving, had a Yasso bar which barely took the edge off. Got up in the morning and was still starving.
    I realized yesterday that my brother's birthday is Wednesday so I decided I would make some of the cookies he loved when we were growing up. Made my own ginger cookies for the 1st time in forever and they are really good! DH who doesn't really like any cookie that doesn't include chocolate thought they were delicious. I allowed myself just one and had no interest in cookie dough. Today I will make snickerdoodles and oatmeal cookies and most all will be sent off to him and a few to my daughter.