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TEAM: Run Track Minds (May)



  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    @MaelynMayhem ~ WRT to your fitness and tracking- you're doing great! 👏 So great!! YES! Friday appt. So happy for you. I hope you had a good slumber and the meds today work for you. 🤗 Keep doing your best.

    @ajaia2001~ Wow! Bootcamp and elliptical. Based on the times, you go after work? I am trying to move a little more at night. That is quite the commitment for a mom- GOOD FOR YOU!! 👊 :D You're making sure you get some me time!! So it’s been a few days of your new eating program, how do you feel?

    @jupdyke~ Hope all goes well for mom. Good for you for tracking!! Glad you’re able to get in some exercise before sitting time. 🤗 Your family is in my thoughts.

    @skullsandskeletons~ Wednesday 🗹 🗹 🗹 and done! 🙌 👊

    @Gustaaf85 ~ Nice loss!! 👊 And thanks for the head’s up about June challenge. Hope you have a great vacation!!

    @jwall309 ~ A loss!! 👏 So great!! Doesn’t matter how big or small. Our bodies somehow adjust to our weight loss. You are paying attention, being mindful, and tracking. The losses will continue to come, and overall you’re going in the right direction. They say that .5- 1# per week is the best way to lose and keep it off. WRT to change, instead of adjusting calories; think about what/how can you do for exercise daily for 10-15 minutes. I’m noticing that last week, I did more 10-minute chunks of exercise throughout the day and that seemed to work better than what I’m striving for this week. That’s something I’m playing with. And sometimes my exercise is merely dancing around - low cardio aerobic type exercise. Anyway…. All I know is you’re doing great! 👊 You got this!!

    Remember we are . . .
    The three elements of what it takes to be successful at weight-loss and keeping it off are:
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).

    @johicks Yeah I go after work, well really it's after picking my daughter up from school rushing home to change for class and getting her ready for Karate or track practice then on to bootcamp. The food plan is actually really good and filling. The only problem I have with it is the baked fish, I like my fish fried and with tartar sauce 😂
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 1 hr at bootcamp class/20 mins on
    elliptical machine.
    Goal/Day: Today was ok. These past 2 days of exercising has me tired so I'm going to lay down, hope all members had a good day.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post - Thursday (5/9)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under; Limit: 1500/Actual: 1260
    Exercise: Walked to and from Transitions
    Day: It was an interesting day. I went to Nutrition 101 and learned that unless a child is being medically supervised and is done growing they shouldn't be on a keto diet. We also learned about the importance of dairy in the diet today. Then my brother called and said he was on his way to pick me up just as I arrived home. I spent most of the day with him and my grandmother. We got some things accomplished there were some finances with my grandmother we had to sort out. I got my property taxes paid as well today. One less hurdle to getting my car relicensed. I'm still having symptoms. I told my brother about them. They are a tad worse today due to my snafu last night with dinner, but I did not repeat my mistake tonight. Tomorrow morning I see my doctor and donate the clothes that are too big for me. My brother has also lost weight, about 25 lbs. His wife, who had weight loss surgery has lost about the same as me.
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Thursday May 9
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: lots ofnwalking this morning.
    Day: Still in Florida. My mom had her 2nd day of surgery. She is in some pain, very swollen and bruised already. Glad she is on the road to recovery now. They ended up having to take her into surgery twice yesterday as they found more abnormal cancer cells and had to go deeper than anticipated. Today was the reconstructive surgery. Been a long 2 days for her. So glad we are here with her. I have been tracking and walking or running daily. I got stung on the foot yesterday, so my foot is super swollen and itchy. I probably won't be able to run tomorrow, but will definitely walk. Gonna make sure mom is doing well, then take the girls to the pool for a good part of the day tomorrow. Tomorrow is our last full day here.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    @johicks thank you for always being so encouraging. I am not always great about responding, but I have no computer and it's a bit of a chore doing this on my phone. Lol. You are inspiring!
  • Coffeeonice
    Coffeeonice Posts: 303 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 201.6
    CW: 200.6

    A lb off.

  • germaine_yee
    germaine_yee Posts: 299 Member
    Username: germaine_yee
    Week: Friday May Week 2
    PW = 125.00 lb
    CW= 124.12 lb
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Username: Fivepts
    Week 2, Friday
    PW: 147.4
    CW: 147
    It doesn't look like much but I have been shooting up this week and am happy to see this number again!
  • _Cece_x
    _Cece_x Posts: 53 Member
    Username: _cece_x
    Week 2 Friday 10 May
    PW: 233.5
    CW: 230
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday 5/09)
    Track: Day- yes, Night - No.
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: Yes
    8+ water: 10
    Daily Goals:
    • Morning Affirmations
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise goals 30-60 min/day, add resistance: 20m (=10m bike + 10m Glider)
    • One post-dinner snack: More.
    Major blahs. Sorry not so rah-rah; but, I’ll be back to myself when this ride is over. I just wanna sleep and these rainy grey days do not help!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @ajaia2001 ~ Again! 👏 Good for you for making that time for yourself to get to bootcamp! LOL Yes fish is hard to eat period. Two days of bootcamp AND 20 mins of elliptical. I can imagine you are tired. You’re doing great!
    @JamieD328 ~ Hope that nap 💤 did your body good. We have a Great Wolf Lodge near us. Hope you are able to track and get in some “fun” exerise. Do your best to be mindful. Have lots of fun!!
    @MaelynMayhem ~ Tracked, walked, and under. 👏 Great!! How exciting to be donating clothes!! I did that too the last time I weighed. And that helped me make sure that even though I gained, I wasn’t buying anything until I get back into what is already in my closet! And here I am slowly getting back into them. I hope their weightloss loss is also encouraging. It’s nice to have support in the family. Looking forward to Dr. report. HUGS.
    @skullsandskeletons~ Glad you are posting daily. K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Silly. Sometimes I need to remember this.
    @jupdyke ~ Thank you for the kind words and extra boost of support. Yes, responding on the phone can be very tedious. Hope mom is doing well and that you all enjoyed the pool. That’s some fun exercise!! Did you get in some laps? Safe travels home.
    @pratainua~ 👏 Great!! 1# bye bye!
    @germaine_yee ~ 👏 Great!! Going down, down, down!
    @Fivepts ~ 👏 Great!! No big losses required. A loss is a loss is a loss!! You keep working hard at taking care of yourelf, overall health!!
    @_cece_x ~ 👏 Great!! Nice loss!!
    @johicks… read this!
    Remember we are . . .
    The three elements of what it takes to be successful at weight-loss and keeping it off are:
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    I'm glad I found this bodyweight exercise post. I can do most of these even with my knee pains. I'll update you as to how it goes!!
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Daily post: 5/10
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Water: certainly not enough. Funny story, co-parent buys a new scale with functions I have never seen before. He programmed me in to show me what all it does, including showing how much of me is water. I choked when I read 33 percent... I redid it later on and found it was a higher number, but I really need to work on drinking much more.
    Exercise: 45 minutes with the kids Taekwondo instructor filling in. Tougher workout, oddly enough.
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under 1321 / 1390
    Exercise: No
    Water: Not enough, bought some more diet soda....i love that stuff. One of the things I'm not willing to give up
    Day: A pretty decent day. TOM is coming to an end and its starting to show on the scale and in my mood! Down even more from weigh-in day yesterday so going into the weekend on solid footing. I'm really focusing on tightening up my weekends, so will continue to focus on that this weekend. BF will be out of town and many friends are also out of town, so that should help with staying on track this weekend, but I need to learn how to maintain my social life and my weight loss journey. Still trying to figure that one out!

    @johicks You're right! I need to figure out how to incorporate more exercise into my routine. I've been using the excuse that my work schedule should be changing to something more conducive for incorporating the gym in July, but really I need to find a way to prioritize it regardless of my schedule. I'll try to think about that this weekend. My BF is also trying to live a more healthy lifestyle, and while he doesn't really track his weight to know how that has changed, his muscles are definitely getting bigger and more defined. And he hasn't even changed his eating habits drastically! I'm jealous, so I need to definitely focus on incorporating exercise in the coming months.
  • rachelgoff3716
    rachelgoff3716 Posts: 3 Member
    User Name: rachelgoff3716
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 161.4
    Current Weight: 162.3
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily post: Friday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: lots of walking
    Day: Hung out around the pool today and stayed around my parent's house today. Feeling bad about leaving my mom tomorrow, but glad she is on the road to recovery.
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