TEAM: Run Track Minds (May)



  • germaine_yee
    germaine_yee Posts: 299 Member
    Username: germaine_yee
    Week: Friday May Week 1
    PW = 125.00 lb
    CW= 125.00 lb
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @JamieD328 ~ I just found this flavor tonight!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Here is a gum that tastes and feels like candy because it has a juicy inside. Love it!

    @MaelynMayhem, I don't trust myself (yet) to have a bag of chocolate in my house. Kudos to you!!

    @JamieD328 ~ the first flavor.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    ajaia2001 wrote: »
    User Name: ajaia2001
    Weigh in week: May - wk1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 172.2
    Current Weight: 171.1

    Well I thought it would be more but I'll take even the smallest of losses, much better than gaining!!

    yes!!! Another pound gone!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Okay three topics of discussion to help out our teammates:
    • What tricks or tips do you have for when you are craving candy?
    • What do you use for aromatherapy, or to stimulate the smell sense?
    • What are some responses when someone says, "You’re losing weight. You look ill."

    Comment on any one or all three. Some of you may have great experiences or also need help in one of these areas. OR this will help prepare you for when you do experience one of these situations. Thanks for contributing.

    For the candy, I allow myself a measured portion of it (you can check my diary). I have, right now, a small bag of Hershey Kisses I am slowly working my way through a few kisses up to two servings at a time. But that's it. When I eat the candy the bag stays in the kitchen away from me. I count out my candy and leave the room with it. I also eat it slowly to enjoy it longer to help kill the craving versus eating it so fast I'm still craving it when I'm done.

    Responses to "You're losing weight. You look ill."

    "Those things aren't related."
    "My body is not your concern."
    "And you are the master of all judges of body types since when?"
    "Sorry you don't approve of my changes, but I didn't change for you."

    Thanks for your input. Love the responses.
    Like I said earlier, I don't trust myself with chocolate in the house. My protein no bake fakes seem to do the trick.
    Hope you're having a good day.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    jwall309 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Thursday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under 1301/1390
    Exercise: No
    Water: Definitely not enough, got diet dr. pepper from the grocery store so i've been drinking that
    Day: It was a tough day emotionally. Had some tense moments with BF and had difficult family news today. I am an emotional eater. Luckily last night BF and I had pre-purchased tickets to see Avengers (which is 3 hours long) so I was stuck in a theater from 7 pm to 10 pm without access to food (we didn't buy any movie snacks) so I was able to get through the night without stress eating. Hard to call it a victory, cause I'm still struggling a bit with the family stuff, but it is in the grand scheme of things. I can't do anything or go anywhere to help the family stuff, so I'm thankful I have a girls night planned for tonight to hopefully take my mind of things.

    Darn emotions!! Sorry to hear family stuff going on. Do your best. I had an almost moment with hubby tonight. Which is about what happened last weekend, too. So I took a longer drive home. And at store walked slowly and in hardware aisles to get in more steps. Distraction. Then before dinner.... drank my tea. Reviewed my diary for dinner plans. Adjusted, then ate.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Username: germaine_yee
    Week: Friday May Week 1
    PW = 125.00 lb
    CW= 125.00 lb

    Yeah no gain!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    jwall309 wrote: »

    I absolutely love Jayone Sticky Rice Rollers. If its more a sweet tooth, than a craving for candy specifically, I definitely recommend them. They are 40 cals a piece for a pretty sizeable roll. Its similar in texture to a rice cake but its slightly sweetened and in my opinion better than a rice cake cause its actual puffed rice stuck together with honey? or something like that.

    NEVER heard of these. I may have to investigate.

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Okay three topics of discussion to help out our teammates:
    • What do you use for aromatherapy, or to stimulate the smell sense?

    Today I noticed at the store decorative jars that had scented beads in them.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Friday 5/03
    Track: Yes! Every calorie, every bit, every sip; and hit diary complete.
    Calories: 1600 allowed / 1192 consumed
    8+ water: 10 cups
    Daily Goals:
    • Morning Affirmations
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise 30-60 minutes/day: 40m: 10m walk x2, 20m walk
    • Night Routine:
      ~Change clothes & Attitude
      ~Wash face / Brush Hair
      ~Hot tea
      ~One snack after dinner - NO SNACK! Yesssss!!
      ~Brush teeth, Gum, “Kitchen Closed!”

  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Friday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: a little over my allotment
    Exercise: leg day
    Goal/Day: tiring day at work, but came home had a nice dinner, then a drink with some peanuts by the fire. Nice and relaxing.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    jupdyke wrote: »
    Daily Post (Friday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: a little over my allotment
    Exercise: leg day
    Goal/Day: tiring day at work, but came home had a nice dinner, then a drink with some peanuts by the fire. Nice and relaxing.

    Yeah!! so relaxing... 🔥 enjoy.

  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post - Friday (5/3)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under; Limit: 1500/Actual: 1287
    Water: 28 cups
    Exercise: Zombies, Run! (Aftermath, 29 minutes; Back Once Again, 41 minutes - walked additional to reach an hour); Pump Challenge (25 minutes)
    Day: My cat attacked me early this morning because I wouldn't get out of bed; so I put him on the floor and he cried. I then went back to sleep. I took too long of a bath and missed breakfast and ended up munching on a doughnut instead of what I usually have. I went ahead and went to my groups. When I met with my CSS I told her about how the voices have started up again. And that it felt like there were bugs in my skull digging at my brain making me twitchy. We tried to get a closer appointment with my psychiatrist, and in a way we succeeded, we got one a week closer, but it's still four weeks out from now, just no longer five. The tactile hallucination took a few hours to go away. So still battling on. I was going to do some Yoga, but I am getting too tired and still have some dishes to do before bed.
  • lovethyneighbor
    lovethyneighbor Posts: 304 Member
    edited May 2019
    Weigh in week: 5/3/19 wk1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 208.4
    Todays Weight: 208.6
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Friday 5/3
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no

    I traveled all day and am finally home. Was 1000 calories under today; too tired to even eat, which is unusual for a chow hound like me. Tomorrow I will aim to rehydrate and have some good nutritious food!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    I am so thankful for this safe place to share. And that you also feel comfortable to share. Part of us learning the right lifestyle to lose the weight and to keep it off is to work through what triggers us and to work through those triggers. In my household, we have two addicts and one of them is also compulsive. I’m the food addict and my hubby is a compulsive person who is an alcoholic. Our addictions have hurt ourselves, our individual health, our emotional bond, and has lessened our quality time together. It’s not easy, but we are both trying. When I am doing good with my choices and am disciplined, he seems to be more on board with trying harder. I’m the emotional and mental rock in the family. But he still has work to do in wanting to do this for himself.
    With all that said I do have two positive statements:
    1. Yesterday afternoon, he set off one of my “triggers.” My immediate reaction was anger. And that is what spun me out of control for the last two weekends. But because I journaled about both situations, I recognized it faster. I said some positive affirmations: “This is NOT my problem. He can not put his addiction on me. He has to want to quit for himself.” Then. my third thought was, how can I take my time getting home and also get in some exercise AND then control my emotions at the grocery store to not grab emotional junk food. I slowly walked to my car pondering my choices. Then remembered the one store had Cinco de Mayo items on sale. I slowly drove there enjoying the sun, windows down taking in the fresh spring air, and some music on the radio. Then at the store, I walked all the extra aisles (especially hardware & such) and turned it into grocery shopping vs just going for him. That worked! I found a new gum to try, Trident Splash-Strawberry w/ lime and felt in control, not my emotions. Phew!! Exercise sure is the key, isn’t it!? Even if it’s a stroll. I felt the emotions, then worked through them with a little self-talk and some affirmations, then exercised them out.
    2. WRT his health, he has quit smoking for 5 years! Yeah!! So we celebrate Cinco de Mayo as it’s that is his anniversary. And we both love tacos!
    Again, thank you for the safe place to share.

    @MaelynMayhem ~ more 🤗 hugs 🤗 coming your way. For all that you have going on, you sure do well at getting in enough calories without overeating, exercising a lot, and drinking water. You need to remember that. On those days when it’s hard to let everything else take over, I’m sure it’s that much harder. With a marker, I put a big smile on my calendar :D on the days that I have made good choices w/calories and exercise. So that on the days that I didn’t do so good, it’s easy to remind myself that I CAN do it! And that makes me feel better about myself. Perhaps seeing those smiling faces looking back at me is a little high. Sure wish I could do more than send you words. 👭 Hang in there. One day at a time. Keep distracting yourself with good exercise, water, more exercise, and stimulating your senses. Lots of 🤗 hugs.
    @lovethyneighbor ~ If you are anything like me, you got on and off the scale a few times in hopes that it would read differently. But it is what it is and onto a new week of working just a little harder to see a loss next week. I started this challenge with a 1# gain, so I kicked myself in the butt. I believe it worked. Tomorrow is my weigh-in day. Keep at it. You can do it. 👭 WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER!!
    @skullsandskeletons ~ Yeah. You safely arrived home. Staying hydrated is so hard. It's hard to drink all that we would and find a bathroom when we need it. 🚰 Here's to water!! 🥤
    It’s the weekend, everyone!! Let’s remember that we are in a challenge as a teammate and also to better ourselves!
    Let’s do this TEAM…

    The three elements of what it takes to be successful at weight-loss and keeping it off are:
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    I’m preparing our team's mini-challenge V.I.C.T.O.R.Y post for May- Week #1. There is no shaming or pointing fingers here!! But, I was one of the few that gained. And I gained the most -1lb. in the first week of May's challenge. So, I am sending out an extra little challenge for EVERYONE. Of course, it’s optional. But, as captain, I feel the need to be the biggest cheerleader that I can possibly be. Let’s turn that corner to make it a loss over the next few weeks! AND keep going with those wonderful losses!
    Here’s the support challenge:
    1. For those of us that stayed the same or gained can you do one of the three (or all):
      1. Exercise 5-10 minutes more each day?
      2. Increase your water by 1-2 8oz. glasses per day?
      3. Eat 100 less calories per day?
    2. For those of you that loss. Can you please help us!?
      1. What was one thing that really worked for you in Week #1 of this challenge?
      2. Or what is something that you do to keep you on track and focused?

      If you care to share on weigh-in day, please also reference the support challenge. Maybe it will be a good moment of reflection, as well as support for one another.
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    @johicks thanks for sharing your struggle and victory. You inspire me! With regard to your most recent post on the next mini-challenge, my weekly weigh-in is Monday, so I will know whether I lost or gained then. I peeked at the scale this morning and it was 2 pounds less, but as you know I hardly ate yesterday and was dehydrated.
  • ala155
    ala155 Posts: 53 Member
    Username ala155
    Weigh in week 1
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 136.2
    CW 136.0
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    @johicks I loved your post today. You're so honest which I think in turn helps others, including me to feel comfortable enough to share our day to day thank you for sharing!

    Today has been a good day. Its my daughters first sleep over. She's had three friends over today, overnight and into tomorrow. We're taking them to Greenwich where they'll go to see the cutty sark, a ship that is now a museum. We're also going to the planetarium so plenty of walking tomorrow I think.

    4/5 Saturday
    Calories - tracked yes under 1100/1500
    Exercise - 8000 steps which is great given that I've been lying flat for 2 weeks at least. I'm starting to feel better but taking it slowly so I don't have another set back.
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