Lets lose ten pounds together! Especially around the waistline and tummy area



  • HannahJWorden
    HannahJWorden Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here but I'm looking for accountability so I'm down to post my weight weekly. I'm currently at 141.8 (my scale isn't super accurate, I'm planning on buying a new one) and my goal is 120. My biggest struggle is staying consistent with calorie counting. I always want to just skip it for a day and eat whatever I want :/
  • marlymarly
    marlymarly Posts: 29 Member
    4/6 134
    4/11 132.8
    Been walking to work a few days this week.
  • Sashslay
    Sashslay Posts: 136 Member

    Mind if I join the accountability crew? Currently on 138lb and would like to be 127lb :)
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,823 Member
    krea4 wrote: »
    I'm rubbish at logging and keeping under the calorie total. I'm going to try to track and be under budget for more than half of April!

    So far I'm 4:11 success day vs pass days. I now have 14 days to turn that around!

    03.01: 138.5
    04.01: 136.7
    04.06: 134.9
    04.16: 136.1

    Need to be dedicated over the next 2 weeks to logging everything and being under budget!

  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,823 Member
    How you all doing?
    Just hanging in (like me) or achieving goals?
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Nice to see a group where people don't seem to think you're anorexic if you weigh under 120 lbs.
    I weigh 111 lbs and would like to lose 6 more. That would put me in the range I maintained most of my adult life before I went on antidepressants 13 years ago. I've lost 2.5 lbs in the last 30 days (24 in the last 18 months). sooo close.
  • jessflair
    jessflair Posts: 3 Member
    New to this group, wanted to drop in and say hi, today starts my low sugar and macro balance meal plan, wish me luck! currently walking around 131lbs, would like to slim down to 125 and then tone up from there.
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    Nice to see a group where people don't seem to think you're anorexic if you weigh under 120 lbs.
    Love that! We all deserve to be whatever we view as the best version of ourselves. I don't judge what someone else wants and I really don't need anyone telling me what I should look like. In my case, I eat a very healthy, sustainable diet and have for years. I've decided I would like to be a bit thinner and that's a slow process because I wasn't overeating to begin with and because I am not interested in really dieting, but rather just making some rather small changes that will keep my weight a bit lower than it has been. The perspective is just so different for someone who has experienced obesity, I think. I occasionally read a recipe post and think, "OMG. I wouldn't eat that meal on a wild splurge!" and it's a "diet" meal. It's not wrong -- just different.
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    Second day in a row where I'm at my goal weight -- so I guess it's real! I'm starting to add a few starches (potatoes and more sweet potatoes) to my meals, a little more fruit. I have not been hungry in ages, but I have craved things that feel a bit more "solid," so now I'll be slowly adding some of those foods in. It's an odd feeling saying, "This is right where I want to be!" I haven't felt that way in a few years. :smile:
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,823 Member
    krea4 wrote: »
    krea4 wrote: »
    I'm rubbish at logging and keeping under the calorie total. I'm going to try to track and be under budget for more than half of April!

    So far I'm 4:11 success day vs pass days. I now have 14 days to turn that around!

    03.01: 138.5
    04.01: 136.7
    04.06: 134.9
    04.16: 136.1

    Need to be dedicated over the next 2 weeks to logging everything and being under budget!

    I joined the ultimate accountability challenge this month and it has really helped me stay more focused when it comes to food and tracking
    success vs pass days 🙂

    03.01: 138.5
    04.01: 136.7
    04.06: 134.9
    04.16: 136.1
    04.28: 134.7
  • lawmomathome
    lawmomathome Posts: 751 Member
    Ok ya'll, I'm new here but you are just what I need. I'm over 50, 5'5" and 153lbs. I am about as sedentary as it is possible to be because I home school my two teenagers and sit ...all...day...long. To make it worse they snack all day long and I snack right along with them. I need to get back to 135lbs. It would be fun to be slimmer than that but I'm not certain it's realistic (yet). I have started walking 60 mins 6 days a week and strength training 2 days. Just started tracking and I am all over the place on calories. Some days way too many, some way too few. Ugh!
  • clynds
    clynds Posts: 41 Member
    This is the group for me!

    I am quite active... but been snacking way too much. It would be so nice to shed a bit of fluff to actually see the muscles I've been trying to build over the winter.

    I'm a good cheerleader. Please add me and we can work on this together!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    lbride wrote: »
    Okay, can we agree that MFP was really not designed for people looking to lose less than 10 pounds? I was just informed that, if I continued to eat as I did today, in five weeks I would weigh 111 pounds! Umm... no. At least I hope not!

    Agreed, whatever algorithm they use cannot be accurate.

    I've been wondering about this!! I'd be so very happy if I actually got close to where the silly app says I will be, I know darn good and well that there's no way - it's just wishful thinking.
  • Jayme101
    Jayme101 Posts: 49 Member
    I need accountability. I am retiring this year after 30 years of teaching and want to start it fit and healthy. I'm with the wine and after dinner snacking crowd. Goals: No unhealthy/process food snacking at night and bye bye wine (for awhile) :).

    5/12: 145.8
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,823 Member
    01 March: 138.5
    01 April: 136.7
    01 May: 134.3

    I do a lot of cardio (over 6 hours a week). So I have just started Les Mills Bodypump to help incorporate some strength training. Hopefully it will help to shed the pot belly!
  • lawmomathome
    lawmomathome Posts: 751 Member
    I had a terrible weekend of stress eating. Good news is that even though my consumption went through the ceiling I stuck to my exercise plan. Fortunately, THE SCALE, did not register as much as I thought it would on Monday. I am hoping this means that all this exercise is actually bumping my metabolism up a little bit.
  • RestinPFunk
    RestinPFunk Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in, need to get back in shape for the summer. I want to go from 122 -- 112 (I'm 5'2"). I initially went from 145--> 115 last year but it's crept back up. I know I can do it, just looking for discipline! Open to having some new friends for accountability
  • FitnessLoveHealth
    FitnessLoveHealth Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all,

    I’m now128.8 lbs lost 9.2 lbs. looking to lose 14 lbs. would love a group of accountability friends . I eat healthy and exercise mostly , but sometimes snack and full off the wagon. I’ve given up drink for a while too .

    Love this group!

    Best wishes
  • Makeyourdreamshappen
    Makeyourdreamshappen Posts: 48 Member
    Weight loss from now till Memorial Day (Goal 130 lbs)
    Starting Weight: 134.8 lbs
    4/16/19 134.2 lbs
    4/22/19 134 lbs
    4/29/19 133
    5/6/19 On Vacation
    5/13/19 133lbs
    5/18/19 132 lbs (Logging in early because going to busy later)

    Soooo I went to Disneyland and took advantage of all of the shiny mickey mouse shaped treats that they had because when in Rome but I walked around the park for 8 hours!!! We were there for 5 days. The weight is slowly coming off ^^ I'd rather it slowly come off than not at all. On Memorial day I will be running in a marathon! I will be ending this challenge with my first marathon <3 Thank you everyone for the support!

  • CieAilZai
    CieAilZai Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! New here. I'm 5'2" and 172 (down from 180 just 3 weeks ago!) And think this a great group for accountability.
    Weight loss from now until the end of Summer 8/20 (Goal 140)
    Starting Weight: 172

    I plan to continue switch day fasting, Intermittent fasting, and some variation of low carb, paleo, vegetarian, & vegan dieting. I plan to make this a way of life for eating, as my body type & macro needs kind of dictates this.
  • CieAilZai
    CieAilZai Posts: 7 Member
    I still need to lose some belly fat and I want to tone my legs and butt ^^ Weight training! I go on instagram and find workouts there. Big help! My upper abs are toned but where my belly button is stubborn fat refuses to go away -.- And it is HOT here in Northern California. I'd like to wear some crop tops to cool off! Hopefully I will be brave enough to wear them this year. I do have stretch marks and loose skin from my second pregnancy.


    Can you share some of the instagram pages you go to for workouts?
  • lesockie
    lesockie Posts: 79 Member
    Add me! Let's lose together! I just posted pics and starting weight on my profile, so go check it out and keep me accountable. I have more than 10 lbs to lose :( Probably have at least 10 pounds to lose in the belly (even though I know you can't spot lose).
  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    Hello all, just back from four very busy months with practically no training and absent eating. Ready to get back into the groove! I don't own a scale, I just go by my appearance and measurements but I'd say I have 9 pounds to loose (I'm 5'7). I plan on just getting back to a consistent routine (HIIT x2, weightlifting x3 per week) and mindful eating (with treats along the way to not make me feel deprived).

    @CieAilZai whenever I need workout inspiration personally I like @natacha.oceane for HIIT and creative workouts, or @whitneyysimmons for good machine circuits. They're both great!
  • carylamodia
    carylamodia Posts: 60 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here, and I'm also just starting again to lose weight.

    SW: 154 lbs
    CW: 146 lbs
    GW: 115-120 lbs

    I'm 21 & 5'3

    Feel free to add me 😊
  • AbiMartel207
    AbiMartel207 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey guys,

    I'm new here too.

    Been going it alone thus far but as I live with my three sons and my partner who seem to all eat as they please without consequence(!), a little support, encouragement and accountability would probably do me wonders.

    I'm 36 - 5'4'' and currently 137lbs (having just shed 5lb).

    The target this summer is 130lb.

    I am an office worker and a complete foodie!

    Feel free to add me.
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,823 Member
    01 March: 138.5
    01 April: 136.7
    01 May: 134.3
    01 June: 135.0

    Up and down the same couple of pounds in May. June's aim is to be much more consistent and dedicated to making healthy food choices.
  • tvm1970
    tvm1970 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi all,

    I’m only 48 but menopause has knocked me to the ground and added an extra 15lbs to my frame in 12mths. It’s time to get back to the person I was before it took hold of my hormones and my appetite!

    I’m 115lbs looking get to 105lb and once there possibly 102lbs.

    My goals are to be more consistent with my food, exercise and attitude.

  • superfood75
    superfood75 Posts: 294 Member
    Hello! Im trying to lose my last 10lbs. Have you tried Intermittent fasting? I do 16/8. I will fast 16 hrs and have 8 hr window to eat. I skip breakfast and I eat lunch, snack, and dinner. I have lost 10 lbs doing this since January. I work out while Im fasted. I need to be more consistent and I know it works.Hope it will work for you. ☺
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    Hey guys! I haven't been around because I met (I actually exceeded) my goal and there hasn't been a lot to say. Then I went through a very stressful two weeks and ate EVERYTHING I could lay my hands on. I bounced up a few pounds and said, "Enough of that!" Now I'm pretty much exactly where I should be and the thing I learned was that there was NOTHING really pleasurable about bingeing out. I was not eating good food or fun food or even eating when I was hungry. I was eating when I was not the least bit hungry, trying to relieve stress! How dumb is that?

    I am going to deal with stress in better ways. If anyone is looking for any tips, I really have only two: I exercise in a way that I enjoy so I miss it if I don't do it every day and I EAT VEGETABLES! You literally cannot get fat on vegetables and there is so much variety. I cook them ahead of time so I can make a stirfry in minutes. (You should see my fridge, it is full of glass containers of vegetables!) I throw in beans for protein. Beans are amazing!

    Best wishes to everyone on meeting your goals. It really is fantastic to feel I can wear anything again. Life is good!