TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (June)



  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    May 29
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    60 min yoga & meditation
    Step: 7197
    Water: 88oz

    May 30
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    60 min yoga & meditation
    3 mile hike
    Step: 16338
    Water: 88oz

    Will post Mt weight tonight before I eat
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member

    Also, @haswlrs, can I change my weigh in day to Fridays?

    @susanpiper57, your weigh-in day for the June Challenge is now Friday!

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    Hello everyone -
    I am not even sure where to begin. I am so glad to see I am NOT alone in the lose/regain/want to lose again journey. I am hoping that joining here will help me stay accountable. Not sure if I can do the tracking everyday but is something I will work toward making a habit/routine.

    A bit about me - I am mom to 3.. one grown (not flown), one in college (sports player so on the road a lot in the fall to watch) and one in high school (another sports player but alas has had some serious injuries that kept him down for almost 2 years) **part of the stress eating that helped me do that regain! We are one year out of cleared and though we were home free until this weekend when the injury bug reached out and grabbed him again so hoping for good news next two weeks as I have a second opinion scheduled even before he sees his regular doc (haha -- not playing this time if we can help it!) In addition, last fall my mom was fully and finally diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and I spent most of the fall traveling several hours to and from to see her in the hospital and her temporary nursing home. She is now (thankfully) 10 minutes away from me and I get to visit in my "normal outing" life. It is still hard as I am her "chosen one" that can do anything and sometimes the only one she will let shower/clean her up with ease. (not even dad, siblings or the nursing staff --- I drew the lucky straw!) Please don't take it as a complaint because I would never complain about being useful and doing whatever she needs to have done... it just makes it hard sometimes and again - another of those stress eating events that helped the regain! I have a gym membership and was gung ho on going until the tax season hit (and I started a PT job for the first time working in many many years **which turned into more like a FT job even though I made my own hours) so that ended mid April and it was about that time that I hurt my back and was down with that for 8 weeks. Yep - another stress eating event!

    So - enough about my excuses! So starting Monday (its Friday here now) I plan to jump back full force into the gym... along with getting back on my bike and taking in some trails now that the weather is warm (don't mind warm/hot - hate cold to bike in!) Hubby also informed me he wants to try to eat better / healthier so that is going to be a plus when I can wrap that around my grocery list and meal planning self! I have small short term goals like feeling better and fitting into some of last years shorts (so no new huge wardrobe needed to be purchased) I want to feel better and enjoy the summer. My first "bigger" goal is to get into ONEderland… once that happens, I really am going to try to NEVER leave there again!

    I did the Amazing Race challenges for years and loved the weekly need for accountability along with the different activities / challenges that I would have never thought to try. I am hoping to have that same feeling here and am looking forward to this journey with all of you..

    @sandkp, welcome! It's great to join up with you again in a challenge! This BL Challenge has a completely different feel to it from the AR Challenge of days past. This really is more of a support group, with weekly and end of month shout outs to those individuals who did well. I hope you will not be disappointed! That being said, if you, or anyone, would like to introduce physical or other kinds of weekly challenges into the mix I would be happy to oversee!

    Your paragraph of "excuses" (your word!) is very long, but you followed it up nicely with your plans on how to overcome.....the gym, the bike, the trails and you and your husband's joint desire to start eating better and healthier. Wishing you nothing but success on your journey!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Happy first of June, team The Big Butt Theory!! The June Challenge starts tomorrow....are you ready??!! It's time to come up with a plan for success...that means meal planning and exercise planning!! And the start of a new month is a great time to get rid of bad habits and begin introducing some better ones. Let's do it!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    ***I am reposting this from the May thread for the benefit of all the new team mates.

    I don't know why I have been so hesitant to share, but I am having a great week! Maybe it's because, recently, when I have had a good week, I was never able to follow it up. But it's June now....something about May being over (our longest and busiest month in our farm supply business) that makes me feel optimistic! I have logged my food and been under every day this week except Monday. And every day except Monday I have done some exercise in the form of walking. Monday was an interesting day. I went to a women's house to pick up some chickens that we "won" in a silent auction. I know her a bit from curling. She is about my age (it's hard to tell), but she does triathlons. And she and her husband farm, and she bakes every day and she's in great shape, and her updated farmhouse kitchen was gorgeous, and her property was idyllic, and I thought about how much I wanted to be like her. (Even though her property was very beautiful, I am still not convinced I want to live in the country!) The only difference between her and I is that she works hard everyday to have the life that she wants and I don't. Plain and simple. If I worked towards my goals I would achieve my goals!! It was like a light bulb went on and I could see my future. I've been happier this week than I have been in a long time. Hopefully I haven't jinxed it by saying it out loud, but I did want to share!!
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    The only difference between her and I is that she works hard everyday to have the life that she wants and I don't. Plain and simple. If I worked towards my goals I would achieve my goals!! It was like a light bulb went on and I could see my future. I've been happier this week than I have been in a long time. Hopefully I haven't jinxed it by saying it out loud, but I did want to share!!

    Finding people like you did is such a learning moment and a blessing. I am so happy for you! What a good week! I journal those moments and try to reflect on them when I fall down on my goals and habits. But yeah excellent way to both end May and begin June ❤️
  • ZuWainah
    ZuWainah Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning! I’m not really a big talker so this will be as simple as possible lol. I’ve tried every diet there’s to try, Some work some don’t. My problem has ALWAYS been maintaining my goal weight once I’ve reached it.

    What works best for me= portion control combo with calorie counts plus the bummer of getting up off the couches hahaha.

    You can follow me on fitnessPal

    Official weigh in= 216.8 as of today
    Short term weight goal= 180
    Long term weight goal= 140

    Peaked weight= 245
    This years peaked weight= 225
    Lowest weight= 120

  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    @ZuWainah we have similar stats.

    My heaviest weight ever was 245
    I started here at 234
    I am currently at 200.2
    My interim goal is 180
    My ultimate goal is 150.

    I have gotten close to 200 in the past but then there is some sort of mental block that I havent figured out yet and my weight will go back up. This time I an getting past that mental block and have started referring to it as taking bricks out of the wall that is stopping me.... one brick (pound) at a time.
  • ZuWainah
    ZuWainah Posts: 13 Member
    @swauters that’s so cool! What’s your height if you don’t mind? Have you ever reached your goal weight?
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    @ZuWainah I have struggled with weoght since 2nd grade and I am now 47 years old. My weight has been up and down and I have been at 150 3 tumes in my life, but havent been below 200 since 2001.

    I am 5'8 (used to be 5'9!) How tall are you?
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
    Hi all. I’m a New Yorker who now lives in rural ville🙃 joined mfp at 270lbs but now I’m 234.4🙏🏿 Goal weight is 199lbs. This team is everythang—so helpful to this health journey that I’m on. Welcome new folks and hi to the ole timers; let's rock June! 🌈
  • CaroDav73
    CaroDav73 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone
    Its 7.30pm on Sunday eve in the Uk and im sitting on the train here goes for my first log(hope its right)
    Weigh in:- 167 (found a boots pharmacist store with scales yipee nice find whilst im at work)
    Logged food:- yes
    Under calories:- yes,yes yes :) even walked past the chocolate aisle god knows how!
    Excercise 13750 steps and still counting
    Impressed myself manged to run up a flight of escalators running for the train.
    Go me!
  • ZuWainah
    ZuWainah Posts: 13 Member
    @swauters I’m only 5’3
  • ZuWainah
    ZuWainah Posts: 13 Member
    @swauters Maintaining your goal weight is a challenge for you as well? I can hit it, I just can’t keep it. The longest I’ve kept my weight off was about two years with about 20 lbs added or subtracted, and that was with me in the gym 3 times a day plus in between at home( Without exaggerating). The gym was my home base.
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