

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    If anyone reads this, please cross your fingers for me. My doctor's appointment is in an hour. I'm extremely nervous. I cut it pretty close with my blood test appointment and I am really hoping that not only does he have the results, but that they're lower.

    Fingers crossed 🤞🏻Hope all goes well and you get good news.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    If anyone reads this, please cross your fingers for me. My doctor's appointment is in an hour. I'm extremely nervous. I cut it pretty close with my blood test appointment and I am really hoping that not only does he have the results, but that they're lower.

    Fingers crossed. Good luck.
    I had been meaning to ask... How is the air quality these days? Back to normal?
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    If anyone reads this, please cross your fingers for me. My doctor's appointment is in an hour. I'm extremely nervous. I cut it pretty close with my blood test appointment and I am really hoping that not only does he have the results, but that they're lower.

    Rooting for you! <3
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    @jugar -- Yes -- make the green challenge (I'm pledging 10 lbs this month!) from my current weight! Thanks!! BTW -- I sweat VERY purposefully -- I do power yoga in 95 degrees and I'm aiming for 5 x /week this month -- so far, I've gone 2 days in a row, AND we did a 10 mile bike ride last night -- with hills! Seriously, it's is because of the power yoga that I can make it up the hills -- many on the ride were jumping off and walking up. That used to be me! Move/sweat/use muscles EVERY SINGLE DAY! Cheers!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    If anyone reads this, please cross your fingers for me. My doctor's appointment is in an hour. I'm extremely nervous. I cut it pretty close with my blood test appointment and I am really hoping that not only does he have the results, but that they're lower.

    Virtual hugs and hand-holding all the way! Let us know the outcomes!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    All today's food-so-far logged (having the mandarin, but saving the rest of the usual afternoon snack for tomorrow) - and a place-holder for a single burg and REAL hamburg bun already entered. Still lots of pre-exercise calorie room to maneuver for potential BBQ dessert (with a tentative extra will-burn-through-intentional-exercise 100 cals over and above that if needs be for an extra-calorific dessert) . I just have to stay away from any chips ......

    I specify REAL hamburg bun, as we normally just stick our burgs between two slices of whole wheat bread ... which has a different nutritional break-down.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    It's so good to come in from a long day and read all your chat - I had to run DH to the hospital this morning for his 1st post-op appointment and to get the staples removed. Everything is looking good, and 2 more weeks in the dreaded "airplane" brace where his arm is held out to the side - it is pretty uncomfortable, but it is doing its job. Right now he's on the exercise bike right beside my computer table and he's really getting somewhere. No idea where! I think my sister's visit (she just left a little while ago) did him enormous good. She is an amazing massage therapist and I am always impressed with the kind of difference she can make. While she was working on him, my husband asked me to go find some handcuffs. I think he liked it :wink:

    So needless to say, between the drive, the lovely waiting room experience, and my sister's visit I did not sweat yet. BUT I want to watch an episode of something tonight and will only do it while cycling away on the exercise bike. It is a full hour episode, so I do 45 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes of strength to finish me off. I WILL get it done tonight! Garden work earlier was not bad, but not really intense enough.

    @juliemargaretkim - thanks for the quick answer! I'll put your pledge at 7.5 pounds for the month as calculated from your starting weight. That comes out to 10 pounds from your current weight and you'll be right down there at 121.9!

    @zlauerMom - you must be doing your FINEST happy dance! What a great story - I could picture you leaping across the table even if you didn't do it. We want pictures of your work, BTW. I am a ceramic bowl addict and have lots of lovely odd ones of all different styles. I would love to see what you do.

    @Terytha - we want to hear about your results too!

    Hugs to all of you! I'll catch up more later, or tomorrow. <3
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    HEADS UP! Wednesday Weigh-ins:


    Visualising lots of green.....
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    If anyone reads this, please cross your fingers for me. My doctor's appointment is in an hour. I'm extremely nervous. I cut it pretty close with my blood test appointment and I am really hoping that not only does he have the results, but that they're lower.

    Sending good thoughts your way.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Username @evangsimmons170
    Exercise minutes = 68
    Steps = 11,321
    Water (in oz) = 70

    Exercise minutes = 123
    Steps = 14,664
    Water (in oz) = 40

    Exercise minutes = 97
    Steps = 15,694
    Water (in oz) = 64
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Steps 7/2~8,220
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Good morning team!

    Well today is the day. Outpatient surgery scheduled in a few hours to repair the hematoma I’ve been struggling with for the past 10 weeks. I hope this is the end of struggling with this thing. Knowing my luck, other complications may arise lol. I will try to come in later today or tomorrow morning to let you all know how it went. Wish me luck team ❤️

    Wishing you the best of luck, thinking of you and sending hugs. Be well and take it easy!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,273 Member
    Username: fourathomej
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW: 148.8
    CW: 148.5
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,273 Member
    June 30 - 14302
    July 1 - 12871
    July 2 - 16522
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    @mari_moulin wishing you the best and a speedy, complete recovery. Rest easy for now. You’ll be up and running soon. Hugs 🤗
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