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  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    PW 141
    CW 142
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Happy to still be at goal weight
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I did not get a walk in yesterday as we had thunderstorms all day long. Today looks better weather wise. We are going to look at a new truck for hubby. Sharing one vehicle can be a pain at times and I am surprised he lasted this long without a truck. He crashed the last one almost two years ago. We might take the boat out on the lake tomorrow.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    aaaaahhhhh... home sweet home. What a nightmare of a trip with the flight mishaps. I couldn't get into my groove and just ate crap instead. My flight leaving Harrisburg yesterday morning was delayed and I almost missed my connection in Detroit. But I am home and so happy although I miss my husband big time. I was so pooped last night and felt like I had all of about 3 brain cells left LOL. My weight is up this morning but that's not unexpected. I always retain water when I fly. Not sure it will be down much by tomorrow's weigh in tho. While on the plane I binge listened to PNP and now Corrine's voice is stuck in my head... not sure that's a good thing LOL. I planned my week while still in Pennsylvania so rather than taking a day or two to recoup, I returned straight to my routine this time as soon as I hit the ground. Its hot, dry and windy here in Montana. Need to get a few things done early this morning and then I look forward to catching up on posts later today.

    Take care everyone!! Happy Wednesday!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    edited July 2019
    check in for Tuesday
    Food: not good choices but probably under
    water: over 64 oz
    Exercise: PT for 30 min and a 30 min walk
    Steps: 10,306

    I am just in a bad mood since PT and Idk why. I guess I was hoping for a little more reassurance that this will work. I don't mind working hard if it is going to help. I also am in more pain now than before I went. Ugh! I guess the rain didn't help either. I have a bunch of family coming at 1 for a bay day and cook out. It is beautiful out so it should be fun but I have a lot to do before then. Got to run, hope everyone enjoys their day. Hopefully I will be less cranky later...

    @kirsten11872 Have fun in Vegas!
    @ljdanny Oh no! Hope you are feeling better today!
    @lennoncpa How nice of you to foster dogs! Post a pic!
    @amsandos Try to figure out what you can do differently. Maybe make a plan for when times get stressful?
    @Zumba_Luvah Well Hello there!! Happy to see you are back! I will get you in for next month! How have things been going? What weigh in day would you like?
    @phoebe112476 It is amazing how you have so much going on in your life and you are still losing. You really have made this a lifestyle change. Hope all goes smoothly with the closing on the house and that you get called off for Jury duty!
    @Mrsbell8well Nice! You are still in your goal range. You also have made this a way of life!
    @pacsnc6 We had more rain than storms yesterday but it was miserable. Good luck truck shopping! Hope the weather is nice and you can get out on the lake tomorrow.
    @nstephenson01 I was wondering how you would do leaving yesterday in the crappy weather. I am glad you are home safe and sound.
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    Food: Logged and over
    Water: enough
    Exercise: 30 min walk + 30 min elliptical
    Steps: 7685

    I forgot to check in for Monday, but the day was OK. Yet on Tuesday I messed up a little. I was very inactive and didn't log my food regularly. Didn't have any sugar, but had some popcorn and half a can of beer before bed. On the bright side I wasn't too much over my goal and manage tho catch up 2 hours of work.

    I have 2 walks planned for today and I'll try to attend a Zumba class this evening. I hope I'll manage to go, but it depends on so many things. I'm not even sure if the class is not in Summer vacation.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 431 Member

    Things are going alright, except for the fact that I gained 3 pounds and am now at 200. I'll stick with Saturday weigh in. I now have internet at camp so I'll be able to update on here now. Thanks for letting me rejoin!
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    User is Barbb1557
    Week 4
    PW 250
    CW 249.8
    Loss .2

  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone. I seem to be back on my “eating great all day and snacking at night” routine. I know it isn’t healthy to eat right before bed so I have several reasons to want to stop doing it!! Besides the fact that it puts the Kibosh on any weight loss plans! So frustrating. Have a great day everyone.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day: Saturday-but weighing in early
    Previous weight:164.4
    Current weight:161.0
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all! Hope you are all doing well! I’m getting ready to head to Vegas today. Heading to the airport in 3 hours!😁

    I’m very happy with my early weigh-in, down over 3 pounds since Saturday! I’m feeling great, been on track with my food & exercise!

    Have a great day & week! Touch base with everyone when I get back! I’ll try to post some pics! 😊👍🏻
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    check in for Tuesday
    Food: Logged and under, full of healthy nutritious foods
    Water: lots
    Exercise: 2 walks, 15 mins butt and legs, plank challenge
    Steps: 10,632

    Would have walked more, but it was very hot +30 C. I know it is not much compared to most of you guys down south, but up here it doesn't get too hot and we are not used to it. So I went for my second walk at 10pm :).
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Struck out on the truck deal. Sometimes their advertising is so misleading, they only wanted to give us half the advertised discount even with a cash deal! Maybe next time we'll strike the right deal.
    We drove from Durham to Sanford - a 1 hour ride that took us almost two because we missed the turn off the highway - and went to Cracker Barrel for lunch. May not need to have much at suppertime. Got home about 30 minutes ago and I feel wiped out! Waiting for the car salesperson to figure out a deal is so boring. I feel like I need a nap!

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,115 Member
    Still not feeling well. Have not exercised since Sunday. I did make it through work though. My poor son can't catch a break, he now has c diff. He has been in and out of the er the last few weeks. They said that he's lucky they finally caught it. You think they would have caught it before. Hopefully things start going his way soon. I'm so ready for vacation, can't wait for next Friday.
  • McKay85
    McKay85 Posts: 60 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday: I logged my food but did not workout. I spent most of the day out visiting a friend and meeting who I think will be my new counselor. It was a great meeting, but man was it exhausting!
    I'm slept a little better last night, too. Some low-fi jazzy hip hop really soothed my brain and allowed me to sleep a good 6ish hours. I am hoping I sleep well and peacefully tonight.
    Hope you all are having a good Wednesday!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food: cookies, ughhh
    Water: what water
    Exercise: Read my self help book instead
    Steps: 7171

    yesterday was my going away party at work. it started at 10 and lasted till 4:45. all my wonderful clients paraded in and out of my office. hugs, tears, sweet wishes, and tons of cookies. all the little ole folks thought cookies were the answer to my leaving. they helped dull my emotions. i wanted to cry and i did a few times but for the most part i kept a brave strong face. this is a good move for me, i'd say. this is right. this is a positive move in my career. i felt so sad but like always i put on the brave face and continued on. i will never forget these kind folks. they made an unbearable job bearable. but i couldn't stay for them, i had to do what was best for me. i am going to miss the small town and the close knit community but i will not miss the long days with nothing to do. i have been quite emotional lately and my food choices have shown it. my eating disorder is worse than it has ever been. and my weigh in this week shows it. i am good at that brave strong face. no one knows my pain. i put on my mask every day and trudge thru. no more.... i am taking off the mask. i am done hiding. i am done waiting. i am taking control of my life. i want to feel better so badly and that is half my problem. i need to feel better right now. no more waiting.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    i have read thru everyone's posts and i am finally caught up. now i am not going to go thru and comment on everyones since i have been gone. but know that i have read them and i am here. now today is day one.... it is one day. i can do this for one day.

    what i will do today
    10k steps
    60 oz water
    take my vitamins and medicine
    complete the last appts at my old job and finish up any last minute work
    eat on plan
    take Mack for a walk in the woods

    ohhh yea, i picked the first zucchini out of the garden this morning. let the season begin.
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