August Goals - Daily Check In



  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    8/1: weight 153.5, stayed under calorie goal so far, so crushed goal #2! 😎 ate dinner past 9pm though just bc I wasn’t hungry until later. Lifted heavy yesterday so did a nice 30 minute walk today with my doggo.
  • allyronk9214
    allyronk9214 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm starting a new set of goals for myself to get my *kitten* back in shape and to actually keep with my exercise!

    SW: 140lbs
    GW: 120lbs

    Goal #1: exercise 2-3x a week
    Goal #2: track my calories for the month
    Goal #3: drink more water!!

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  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm already on a daily thread under Challenges. So, I'll check in here weekly.

    SW: 74.6 kg
    GW: 72 kg

    Goal #1: Bike to work 2 times a week - a total of 66 km a day with an electric bike
    Goal #2: Stay around my goal calories, regardless of extra exercise
    Goal #3: Prep for homework days

  • CaityGracie67
    CaityGracie67 Posts: 64 Member
    Female 20y
    166cm / 5"5
    SW: 61kg / 135lb
    GW1: 58kg / 127lb
    GW2: 55kg / 121lb

    Goal #1: Stop eating/snacking after dinner or when I'm not hungry (substitute with a cup of tea if I need)
    Goal #2: Exercise daily - I will be doing Chloe Ting's Ab challenge as well as walking daily and attending the gym when I can
    Goal #3: Make healthier food choices (choosing vege/fruit and also choosing smaller portions of the more classical 'unhealthy foods')

    1/8 - 60.7kg - Y Y ~
    2/8 - 60.8kg - I started drinking more water so I'm assuming that's why the scale went up even though my count was low yesterday. But I went over my calorie count today which was super disappointing :( , but I stopped myself from giving in and snacking/eating extra! Proud of myself for acknowledging that I didn't need to make the day worse and give into my cravings. I'm making a change!! Exercised as per usual and chose a salad and a piece of carrot cake for lunch, so probs need to work more on eating healthier oops
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 39
    Band: 34
    Waist: 29
    Hips 38.5

    Beach vacation from the 7th-12th - won't weigh in or check in much during that time, but I do plan to be very active with exercise and keep food within reason.

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 7 real push ups
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4:(I had to add 1 more). Stay consistent on Push Up Challenge group. First Day will be August 5th.

    8/1 - 145.8 - rode my colt before work. Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch. Stayed under cal allowance & NO alcohol (or chips & salsa)
    8/2 - 146.4 -
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    SW: 109.4
    BF: 21.6%
    GW by end of August: 107
    GW final: 105
    GBF final: 20%

    Goal #1: OTF 3x week
    Goal #2: Lower body fat to 20%
    Goal #3: Reduce/eliminate alcohol consumption for month of August (me too!!!)

    8/1 109.4/21.6%
    8/2 110 / 21.4%

    It keeps going up! What's going on?! I was under and burned over 550 cals at OTF last night...
    It might be the stress. I had to go get my daughter at camp again yesterday due to her outburst. They won't take her back if she does it again... And I have 10K this Sunday. I haven't done distance lately and I have a Twilight party tonight, Farewell party tomorrow and a birthday party on Sunday. How am I going to get through this?! Bit overwhelmed :'(
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    edited August 2019
    SW: 109.4
    BF: 21.6%
    GW by end of August: 107
    GW final: 105
    GBF final: 20%

    Goal #1: OTF 3x week
    Goal #2: Lower body fat to 20%
    Goal #3: Reduce/eliminate alcohol consumption for month of August (me too!!!)

    8/1 109.4/21.6%
    8/2 110 / 21.4%

    It keeps going up! What's going on?! I was under and burned over 550 cals at OTF last night...
    It might be the stress. I had to go get my daughter at camp again yesterday due to her outburst. They won't take her back if she does it again... And I have 10K this Sunday. I haven't done distance lately and I have a Twilight party tonight, Farewell party tomorrow and a birthday party on Sunday. How am I going to get through this?! Bit overwhelmed :'(

    Take a deep breathe and tackle one thing at a time. I'm shooting for the 'best I can do under the circumstances' rather than perfection. 6.5 hour road time after work tonight - spend sat/sun helping at a memorial event for a family member - it's going to be long days on my feet. Probably get home around 10-11ish sunday night (dreading that drive) and back at it. I've decided I can sleep when I'm old and just do one thing at a time..just one. I almost cried last night feeling overwhelmed with it all. You'll get thru it.
  • tvm1970
    tvm1970 Posts: 163 Member
    edited August 2019
    SW: 50.9kg/112lb
    August GW: 49kg/108lb
    Ultimate GW: 47kg/103lb

    Goal #1: Lights out and electronics off by 10pm on work nights
    Goal #2: Weekly meal planning and prep Saturdays
    Goal #3: Run x 4 Strength train x 5 per week

    1/8 - 50.9kg/112lb
    2/8 - 50.8kg/112lb

    I saw my physio today and she vetoed running and gym for another week (I’ve hurt my lower back) 😕 So for the next week my goal #3 is Run/Walk x 4 and Steady stationary cycle 1hr x 5 🙃
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    End of August GW:140
    Real GW:135ish (I would like to stay between 140 and 135)

    Goal #1:at the end of August my work is doing a body composition test and I would like to get the points for being in the healthy range of body fat.

    Goal #2: less “cheat meals” on the weekends, I really struggle there.

    Goal #3: just really try to eliminate that extra unhealthy snack just because I’m bored. Biggest weakness!!

    1/8 -149.2, let’s do this!
    2/8 - 147.4. Did another Insanity workout this morning, feeling super sore after this one tho.
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    SW: 157 lbs
    GW: 152 lbs

    Goal #1: Stick with my new strength training plan (3x a week for abs, arms, legs for a total of 9 strength training sessions a week).
    Goal #2: Run 3x a week.
    Goal #3: Stick to my 18/6 intermittent fasting

    1/8 - Started new strength training plans (core and lower body), 3+ mile run (2nd one this week) and kept my IF timing and macro ratios in line!
    2/8 - Did upper body strength training and have a 6 mile hike planned for tonight!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    I won't be in here daily, but I still like the check in threads, so will just set mine up for weekly. I track my weight most days, and then do weekly averages (for my own reference) but will just enter my "that day" weight here.

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 151
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging a min of 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    7/31/19: 151.0

  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 168lbs
    GW: 160lbs

    Goal #1: exercise in some shape or form twice a week.
    Goal #2: stay under my calorie goals 6 days a week. (My birthday doesn't count right?lol)
    Goal #3: get some proper sleep.

    1/8 -Today went well calories are under, just back from spin class, gonna have dinner and a nice bubbly bath.
    2/8- Under my calories today, legs are sore from spin yesterday. didn't sleep very well but thats nothing new.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 39
    Band: 34
    Waist: 29
    Hips 38.5

    Beach vacation from the 7th-12th - won't weigh in or check in much during that time, but I do plan to be very active with exercise and keep food within reason.

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 7 real push ups
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4:(I had to add 1 more). Stay consistent on Push Up Challenge group. First Day will be August 5th.

    8/1 - 145.8 - rode my colt before work. Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch. Stayed under cal allowance & NO alcohol (or chips & salsa)
    8/2 - 146.4 - Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch - NO alcohol - staring down a 6.5 hour drive so the reality is that I'll likely go over a bit on calories. Next 2 days I'll be on my feet working. Everyone have a fabulous wknd & I'll be back on Monday!
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 505 Member
    I would love to join in next week when I return home from visiting and caring for my mother, this is a wonderful idea and look forward to being involved. Also having access to my food and weight scale.
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Goal #1: movement every day
    Goal #2: track food intake every day up until vacation
    Goal #3: try to live in moderation during vacation - not restrict but not let myself get out of control

    1/8 - 141.1. Did a 45 min RPM class and a 25 min walk with my dog this morning before work. Have tracked everything I've eaten so far today. Very stressful work day here, trying to keep snacking at a minimum to stay at my calorie goal.

    2/8 - 141.8. UGH. I had a late dinner with a friend, she made a meal from Blue Apron and it was delicious but higher in calories and sodium than I usually eat. I'm really hoping the uptick is due to the late time I ate and sodium and that it drops off soon. Today is my rest day from the gym but my goal is to take a long walk, and track all my food again.

    3/8 - 141.1. Yesterday went well. Plan for today is to not go crazy since it’s a weekend. Will take a long walk with the dog, go to the gym, try to get some chores done at home, and enjoy a date night with my husband tonight and try to moderate my food intake at dinner.
  • CaityGracie67
    CaityGracie67 Posts: 64 Member
    Female 20y
    166cm / 5"5
    SW: 61kg / 135lb
    GW1: 58kg / 127lb
    GW2: 55kg / 121lb

    Goal #1: Stop eating/snacking after dinner or when I'm not hungry (substitute with a cup of tea if I need)
    Goal #2: Exercise daily - I will be doing Chloe Ting's Ab challenge as well as walking daily and attending the gym when I can
    Goal #3: Make healthier food choices (choosing vege/fruit and also choosing smaller portions of the more classical 'unhealthy foods')

    1/8 - 60.7kg - Really excited to start, and it's so lovely to see how many people are wanting to join in! Today was pretty good. I bought a cookie at lunch (not very healthy) and totally regretted it, but otherwise I was pretty healthy and stuck to my calorie counts. Also currently enjoying my tea instead of snacking which I'm really proud of! Would have been so easy to give in as I'm pretty exhausted but yay for tea! :)
    2/8 - 60.8kg - I started drinking more water so I'm assuming that's why the scale went up even though my count was low yesterday. But I went over my calorie count today which was super disappointing :( , but I stopped myself from giving in and snacking/eating extra! Proud of myself for acknowledging that I didn't need to make the day worse and give into my cravings. I'm making a change!! Exercised as per usual and chose a salad and a piece of carrot cake for lunch, so probs need to work more on eating healthier oops
    3/8 - 61.1kg - bad day, feeling very discouraged & upset. But hopefully tomorrow will be better
  • tvm1970
    tvm1970 Posts: 163 Member
    SW: 50.9kg/112lb
    August GW: 49kg/108lb
    Ultimate GW: 47kg/103lb

    Goal #1: Lights out and electronics off by 10pm on work nights
    Goal #2: Weekly meal planning and prep Saturdays
    Goal #3: Run x 4 Strength train x 5 per week

    1/8 - 50.9kg/112lb
    2/8 - 50.8kg/112lb I saw my physio today and she vetoed running and gym for another week (I’ve hurt my lower back) 😕 So for the next week my goal #3 is Run/Walk x 4 and Steady stationary cycle 1hr x 5 🙃
    3/8 - 50.8kg/112lbs An hour on the bike, ate within calories but over on carbs 😣
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    End of August GW:140
    Real GW:135ish (I would like to stay between 140 and 135)

    Goal #1:at the end of August my work is doing a body composition test and I would like to get the points for being in the healthy range of body fat.

    Goal #2: less “cheat meals” on the weekends, I really struggle there.

    Goal #3: just really try to eliminate that extra unhealthy snack just because I’m bored. Biggest weakness!!

    1/8 -149.2, let’s do this!
    2/8 - 147.4. Did another Insanity workout this morning, feeling super sore after this one tho.
    3/8 - 147.4 again, not complaining. Going to take a rest day my body is definitely in need. Going to a ballgame tonight so I’ll be eating unhealthy but you still gotta live life.
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 168lbs
    GW: 160lbs

    Goal #1: exercise in some shape or form twice a week.
    Goal #2: stay under my calorie goals 6 days a week. (My birthday doesn't count right?lol)
    Goal #3: get some proper sleep.

    1/8 -Today went well calories are under, just back from spin class, gonna have dinner and a nice bubbly bath.
    2/8- Under my calories today, legs are sore from spin yesterday. didn't sleep very well but thats nothing new.
    3/8-today is cheat day and I top it off I'm not feeling very well. I only went 136 calories over so not the best cheat day ever lol. I def haven't moved enough or drank enough water. infant I spent several hours lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself. but I bought some new gym clothes online so still winning lol.