

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Week 4
    Pw 188.2
    Cw 187.2
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Weight is still going down thank God. I haven't worked out this week. This has been a tough month, being on vacation for 2 weeks and then trying to get ready for school at work. We are also short staffed right now so I have been working late most days. For Sept I plan on checking in more and getting back in routine.
    @cyndiesstuff I hope everything works out well for you.
    @nstephenson01 nachos are my weakness especially with queso dip. My friends say I don't share very well when we order them, I just say they are not fast enough with the dip.
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    edited August 2019
    Week 4
    PW: 118.3
    CW: 119.5
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Hi there, team! Sorry for not being here lately. I'm feeling a bit better now. Still coughing a little and low on energy but I'm starting to recover. We're visiting the in-laws for 2-3 days, so I used their scale this morning and it always shows 1-2 lbs more than mine. Yet there's no point in fooling myself :) I tried to eat mostly healthy lately but didn't log my food. And yesterday I totally failed. It's always so hard when we visit Hubby's parents. His mother mostly cooks unhealthy food and serves big servings. But the bigger problem is that there is sweet and snacks everywhere. She doesn't like sweet very much so she always has lots of it left at home. I think I need to get back to daily planning, until I'm still in my maintenance zone.

    Here's my plan for today:
    • log my food and eat under my goal
    • log my water and stay hydrated
    • no sugar!!! (this one may be hard because we're planning to visit some family friends, and our host usually makes very delicious desserts)
    • at least 30 min of exercise
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Week 4
    PW: 141.8
    CW: 142.8
    This week I lost my motivation, too many other things happening and energy is low. I need to focus on me again and my health. I need to plan out week 5 better!
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    I’m on board with the suggestions! @nstephenson01 and @sleepymom5 and @Mrsbell8well - lets help each other and make September our best efforts. I do hope Cyndie is ok. Isn’t there a big storm hitting Florida soon?
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    @Moarrein oh no the in-laws! That is a particularly difficult challenge! Any chance they would be ok if you went around and hid all the goodies? Just kidding, depending on your family that may not go over so well.. I would blame it on the kids having too much sugar. You have a better approach in your post: to get your plan going. I will take yours as inspiration for me today!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sorry I didn't have time to get back on yesterday. We went out for Happy Hour and dinner with some friends and didn't get back until late. I have PT this am so I will catch up later.
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    @Julie8468, I went trough half of the day without sugar. We came to visit our friends and brought some of the sweet here as a gift. I'm sure my mother in law won't mind, because she is not into sweet. So far I'd say I'm doing great. There will be BBQ for dinner, but we also brought some zucchini so I'll have something healthy grilled beside all the meat :) Plus I'm staying away from alcohol so I hope I'll manage to stay on track. I still have no idea how to sneak in that exercise I had planned for today though ;)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Friday WI

    PW: 147
    CW: 147
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Happy Friday! I took today off work to make it a nice long weekend!

    Yesterday check in

    Food - right on plan
    Water - great
    Exercise - steps low as I didn’t have my walk at lunch. Went to the chiropractor instead 😁

    Long weekend plans include fixing a few things at our house, decluttering and a day trip! Maybe hiking at a state park.

    Have a wonderful Friday!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 139.0
    Today's weight: 138.6
    Weekly Steps: 71,725
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Friday everyonell

    Checking in. I weigh myself every day, any thoughts on whether this is a good or bad habit?
    Food was a little less than 1000 calories, I will make up for that today. I am going to see Hootie and the Bare Naked ladies in Hershey PA tonight. My group of friends are bringing some cocktails and I will not be drinking before the concert. However I may be spending the next two nights at my friends house which means lots of food and cheese, crackers, and mega wine and going to sleep at 4 in the morning. It will be a challenge but if I can weigh in on Wednesday at the same weight or less, it will be a huge VICTORY! Kayaking is planned for Saturday.

    @Moarrein Good for you avoiding alcohol! In laws can be tricky, mine passed away 30 years ago, but when we visited my husband turned in to a 15 year old and tried to quit smoking, being around him was like sand in your bathing suit:-) I would drink more to compensate. I wish you well and hope you feel better!
    Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @barbb1557 "like sand in your bathing suit" that whole story is hilarious. Sorry no time to post. TGIF!
    @Julie8468 thanks so much for your willingness to hang in there and support the team and El Capitan!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have been doing great with IF 16/8. I still don't log, but make good choices and smaller portions.
    Yesterday I started running intervals on treadmill again :). It felt good.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    I’m wishing everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend. The town I live in has a Peach Festival and I live right in town so I’ll be hanging out around the festivities.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Quick check in as my guests are arriving and I want to post this Lol! I did great yesterday. I actually tried IF and did well. I went from 7P to 12 Noon! I was in shock! I always feel nauseated in the morning if I don't eat right away and I actually didn't. I got a bike ride in, walked and got a lot done around the house. I also went to the beach with my sister in law who I love as much as a sister! Last night we went to happy hour and a very late dinner with our neighbors. I did well. I had fun, I drank within my plan and I made good choices and ate till satisfied. Wow! So nice to wake up with no regrets! Busy weekend but I will check in. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

    @nstephenson01 and @Mrsbell8well Thank you both for offering to help out. I think I will be ok if you do. I only see two issues. We need to have a challenge in week 4 (which doesn't need to be difficult) and I go away in October. Maybe when things settle down, she will come back. I do think she sincerely liked being part of this team.
    @nstephenson01 Maintaining is better than gaining! I hope you enjoy your trip to PA. The weather will be nicer this trip.
    @amytriesww I think it is great that you are being proactive and trying to fit a workout time in that you will actually stick with. I wouldn't be able to get up super early so I know that wouldn't work for me too. I wish I could though, I would love to have it over with Lol! Overall you really have been doing fantastic and just remembered that August was your first month with the team! I am so glad you are here!
    @Mrsbell8well I actually feel like I had a calling to be a nurse, from when I was a young child so I actually became what I wanted. I also wanted to be a Mom with a lot of kids and I did that too. Now I am at a cross roads and do not really want to do bedside nursing anymore and none of the non bedside stuff appeals to me. I actually thinking that I would like to be an Occupational Therapist but in PA they are going to require a doctorate soon and I really don't feel like going back to school that long...I could totally see you with a vegan bakery! I like the little trips you and Molly take. I think I am going to start planning some things on the weekend for Jim and I. I always think with the shore house it is a waste but maybe I will look into places nearby.
    @lennoncpa Nice loss! I think you are in such a good routine with your exercise. I love seeing your exercise showing up on my newsfeed each day. Thank you for telling us about the blue cross benefit for the health clubs. I am going to look into that as I have blue shield! Have a great Labor Day weekend! The Peach Festival sounds fun!
    @carlsoda I forgot-I should have said I want your job! Lol! Or @twyla77 's job too! I love your weekend plans! You always have fun things planned!
    @pacsnc6 Your trip sounds fabulous! How about you going up all of those stairs! Your butt got a workout with that one! Great job! Keep enjoying that trip!
    @ljdanny Nice loss my friend! I was worried when I didn't see you posting here or your workouts that we were losing you too! I am glad that you were just busy. I can imagine how crazy the beginning of the school year is for you. You made me Lol! with the dip story with your friends Lol!
    @Moarrein I can't believe how that illness is hanging in there. I hope it is totally gone soon! Good luck at your inlaws. Sweets and them being in eye sight is a big weakness of mine too. I love your plan for the day. You have quite a few great ideas for the day! Hang in there!
    @julie8468 What can we do to help with your motivation. I know some of the challenges you really got into and kicked butt! And you are right, Let's help each other and make September great!!
    @barbb1557 People have different opinions about daily weigh ins. It depends on you. I personally need to weigh daily or I feel like I have free reign with food. I don't get upset with fluctuations when I know that I have been on track. Does it work for you now or would you like to not weigh yourself so much? Sounds like a fun weekend with your friends! That concert will be so much fun. I saw Maroon 5 in Hershey. I forget we are just a couple of hours away from each other. Maybe make a plan that you can keep while you are there that includes the wine, cheese etc. Maybe add some water or bring cut up veggies to have too. Kayaking will be fun too! Enjoy!
    @hope002 Nice loss! I actually just had a good day with IF. I was able to go from 7p to after 12 noon! I didn't wither away! LOL! Unfortunately, we ate very late last night so I wasn't able to do it. I think I will give it another go when my guests leave. I am so happy it is working for you. Not that it is easy but it must be nice to make good choices and watch your portions. It makes it a little simpler than counting calories and macros. Great job this week my friend.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    PW 201
    CW 203

    I am up but I think it is from drinking and what I ate last night. I am not worried.

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