

  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Everyone in the step challenge from August can you please submit steps so we can do the tally’s for the month.

    Mine have been added
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Everyone in the step challenge from August can you please submit steps so we can do the tally’s for the month.

    I’ll catch mine up in just a few
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Wednesday Weigh In
    PW: 160.0
    CW; 160.4
    Been fighting a migraine for the past 2 days so been eating more carbs to curb nausea....*sigh*😞

    You have to listen to your body at times.
    You will get back on track once the migraine is gone.
    Do NOT be hard on yourself.
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 352 Member
    Pamela_Sue wrote: »
    Sigh - what was I thinking? I bought 2 spaghetti deli meals at the grocery store. I sat down to eat half of the 1st spaghetti meal, which is supposed to feed 2 people, and I ate the entire thing without really thinking about it. There went tomorrow's lunch.

    It reminded me of my old eating out habits. First, I ate half my meal, planning to take home the rest. Then I nibble a bit more, but still enough to take home. Then a bit more, then realize it won't make another meal, so I finish it off and am miserable.

    For the first time in months, I feel stuffed, and realize I do not like that feeling. Full feels good, stuffed does not. I know it wasn't a huge amount of extra calories, but remember this is what got me to where I am (okay, where I was). I used to eat the 2-serving size in one sitting with some regularity. How quickly I can snap back into old behaviors.

    I had a similar experience last night. My church group/book club started up again last night and I usually try to reserve half of my meal to take home. But I didn’t set it aside at the beginning and I just kept eating and polished off the whole thing. I’m paying for it on the scale this morning. Mindfulness is something I struggle with.
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    cre804 wrote: »
    Pamela_Sue wrote: »
    Sigh - what was I thinking? I bought 2 spaghetti deli meals at the grocery store. I sat down to eat half of the 1st spaghetti meal, which is supposed to feed 2 people, and I ate the entire thing without really thinking about it. There went tomorrow's lunch.

    It reminded me of my old eating out habits. First, I ate half my meal, planning to take home the rest. Then I nibble a bit more, but still enough to take home. Then a bit more, then realize it won't make another meal, so I finish it off and am miserable.

    For the first time in months, I feel stuffed, and realize I do not like that feeling. Full feels good, stuffed does not. I know it wasn't a huge amount of extra calories, but remember this is what got me to where I am (okay, where I was). I used to eat the 2-serving size in one sitting with some regularity. How quickly I can snap back into old behaviors.

    I had a similar experience last night. My church group/book club started up again last night and I usually try to reserve half of my meal to take home. But I didn’t set it aside at the beginning and I just kept eating and polished off the whole thing. I’m paying for it on the scale this morning. Mindfulness is something I struggle with.

    I did the same thing with chicken parm last night. Made enough for 5 meals and then ate 2 of them.

    Why did I do that? I also stayed up too late and didn’t wake up in time to do my 10 minute morning exercise, so now I am going to make myself do it at lunch.

    It’s always so hard to start up again, but we all make mistakes and have to keep pushing through them.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Well, for those of us in the US, we just celebrated the last hoorah of the summer. Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer and usually one last blow out. I took a personal day yesterday, so my 3 day weekend stretched into 4.

    It appears that many of us (myself included) have struggled this past week. I found the photo above and thought it was perfect.

    I noticed today that I did not set my weekly goals like I have been doing. Also, I have not kept up with my nerd sheet, I have had 5 days of alcohol, not 2... blah blah blah...

    I feel back on track today. Good think -because it is WEDNESDAY! Today, I am drinking my water, no alcohol and I have real, non processed foods to eat. I will work on #3 and 5.

    FOR MY SANITY - I am not picking back up the nerd sheet till Saturday. I have missed 4 days of tracking and it will not be accurate for this week. Also, I am not stressing about steps this week. I will be back on the wagon for each of these Saturday. Today forward, I am logging EVERY DARN BITE, get back into a caloric deficit and trying to be a little more active.

    Getting back on track after an event or holiday is one of the things WE - the collective we, must learn how to do. This has always been a struggle for me.


  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    I also overindulged for the holiday both Sunday and Monday. On a positive note, I hit all of my goals last week Monday through Saturday. Progress, not perfection. Back on track for this week.
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Steps 9/3 19,466
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    @becka3695 I struggle as well. I think that we just have to accept we are human. We make mistakes. The thing that separates those who succeed from those who fail, is that the successful don’t give up every time they make a mistake. They refocus and get right back to achieving their goals.

    I just try to remind myself that I am not perfect, but I want to be successful and make myself fight to get where I want to be. It can be really REALLY hard to do that in the moment though.

    @Pamela_Sue In college I gained 25lbs, and was convinced that I looked the same because and I still felt like I looked the same. I remember this moment when I mentioned that I still looked as thin as when I started college, and my friend raised her eyebrows and said, “Mmmmhmm” and a few people in the room laughed. I went home and looked in the mirror and was shocked. Where did that muffin top come from? I swear I looked great in this same mirror just this morning. How did this happen?

    It is so weird how you can look at yourself and just see what you are expecting see.

    I’ve started taking progress photos so that I could see what my body really looked like at different weights. I do it in a swimming suit, and it is always eye-opening… and sometimes slightly demoralizing lol. It keeps me focused and on track.

    Also losing 30 lbs is no small feat! You are inspiring. Congratulations on your victory. Keep after it!
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Love this.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    August Week 4 Step Challenge
    We walked 536,382 steps
    1st @ngk2000 139,293 steps
    2nd @kilobykilo 90,062 steps
    3rd @boehle 83,212 steps

    August Step Challenge
    We walked 2,334,737 steps
    1st @ngk2000 442,150 steps
    2nd @kilobykilo 398,337 steps
    3rd @boehle 350,827 steps
    Way to go Steppers!
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    @Pamela_Sue The key thing to realise is that you are EXACTLY the same as everyone else. If you don't believe me watch

    We all see ourselves through brain filters to convince ourselves that the positive elements are who we are and any negative thoughts get squashed.

    Know you are making progress and that is to be celebrated. YOU HAVE DONE WELL! Be happy - now take the next steps to do better. You are already better than millions who have not made themselves healthier, do you want to do better than millions more who are ahead of you today? Then let's do this.

    P.S. The variance in 'big-boned' skeletons is around 3% of your total weight. If you are more than 3% over your target weight it has nothing to do with the size of your bones :)
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Pamela_Sue wrote: »
    I very rarely post on the MFP boards, but just posted the following and wanted to share with you.
    Lately I have realized that I have a distorted body image. Nothing serious like body dysmorphia, but that I don't recognize how obese I truly am. For example:

    Recently, I have been noticing how straight and narrow my hips are and have been quite pleased about it. I carry almost zero excess weight on my hips and outer thighs (inner thighs are huge). But I used to have a curvy shape, so I couldn't understand how my hips could have become so narrow with such a straight body shape. Finally, I am realizing that my hips have NOT shrunk. No, my mid-section has become so large that it extends out beyond my hip line, giving my body this straight up and down appearance.

    Also, I would look at myself in the bathroom mirror and think about how nice my face was looking since I have lost 30 pounds. But last week I took a couple selfies, which I rarely do. I was a bit shocked to see this large double chin, and very puffy cheeks and jowls. Stunned, really as that is not how I see myself.

    How does this happen? Convincing myself that I am not as obese as I truly am, that I am close to looking 'normal'. Very odd how our brain plays tricks on us. I always thought this happened to people reaching normal weight, that they would continue to see themselves as fat. It never occurred to me that the opposite could be true, that a person wouldn't see how obese they really are. Coming to grips with the extent of my obesity is an eye opener.

    It made me realize my expectations are skewed. I am 5 pounds away from moving from Class 3 Obese into Class 2 Obese (229 pounds), at which point I thought that I would almost be looking decent. So now I am looking towards reaching Class 1 Obese (209 pounds) before seeing significant changes in my appearance. That is another 25 pounds away.

    I have lost 30 pounds since February and realizing that I need to lose another 25 pounds to see some significant changes is a tad unsettling. It has also made me question my entire thoughts about what my 'normal' weight should be. I am large-boned and always convinced myself that I am the rare exception who falls outside the upper weight range for ‘normal’ weight. I will have to ponder that one further.

    Well, I best get to work taking off those next 25 pounds! Onward and downward!

    I know the feeling. I started in class 3 obese too. It took a lot of weight loss before I could see the difference, and I would walk around feeling a lot better because of my weight loss but then catch sight of myself in the reflection of a shop window and my heart would sink because I didn’t feel as big as I looked and it is quite confronting to “see” it.

    I have now lost 80lbs, am in the “overweight” category now, and can see the difference (thankfully), feeling thinner, but still I am only down about 1-2 sizes in clothing and mostly wearing the same tops (just they are baggier and longer compared to when I was bigger).

    The body dismorphia type misperception cuts both ways. Right after having my daughter I felt so fat and struggled to lose weight, technically I was overweight at the time by about 5-8kgs (10-17lbs), but I look at the photos and wonder what I was worried about because I didn’t look fat at all. I think women just aren’t properly prepared for their post-birth body and I wish I hadn’t been so hard on myself right at a time when I was already under stress with a young child.

    But what I will say, is that when I was still category 2 obese after losing about 30lbs and couldn’t “see” the physical difference what I DID notice was how much better I felt. I felt sick as a dog before losing weight, tired all the time, would overheat and get puffed easily, fuzzy headed, stressed, irritable, etc.

    As soon as I lost some weight, my sleep improved, energy levels improved, I felt so much better even if I couldn’t “see” it in my appearance.

    So that’s what I wonder: what other changes have you noticed that make it worthwhile? Feeling thinner probably also means feeling good, and that is something to celebrate 😀
  • ChoseMyChains
    ChoseMyChains Posts: 116 Member
    Starting on 5/16: 254.2
    PW: 230.2
    9/5/2019 CW: 229.0
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    New Month begins a new step challenge! Who is in? Just let us know your Steps daily or every few day. We need them starting with Sunday, September 1st

    I'm in!

    Sept. 1st: 16,076
    Sept. 2nd: 13,317
    Sept. 3rd: 18,223
    Sept. 4th: 12,357
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Thursday Weigh Day
    PW: 253.6
    CW: 252.4
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Steps 9/4 21,466
This discussion has been closed.