TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    PW 173.5
    CW 175.5


    Well I’m at the airport so no weigh in for me for 2 weeks while I’m running round Disney

    Calories don’t count in Disney right? Xxx

    @Tracie_Lord Hope you have a wonderful time at Disney. With your history I know you’ll get right back at it once your trip is done. In the meantime, enjoy yourself.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Tracked- yes
    Under- right at the limit
    Exercise- no
    Steps- 5,015
    Water- 66oz

    Spent several hours at the Dr office with my sick daughter and then another hour at the pharmacy 😒 neither were even that busy just really took their time. I didn't do much else than take extra care of and cuddle up my baby girl.

    @mirendybryant Even though we need to take time for ourselves when we have kids, there are days when they are the priority. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,064 Member
    swauters wrote: »
    Good morning
    Friday weigh in
    Pw: 203.4
    Cw: 201.6
    Not as much as I hoped, but the right direction and closer to Onederland again. Last month I said I wanted to get to onederland. Got there then jumped up again. I learned my lesson. Now I am saying I want to STAY there.

    Still a great loss for the week @swauters! You'll make it there soon! Keep up the great work!
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    New Question of The Week even though the new week hasn’t quite started yet and this is a deep one so be prepared -

    How do you handle it emotionally when you think you’ve done awesome all week long and the scale doesn’t reflect your hard work?

    I know we’ve had some members that have gone through this before and it’s happened to me this week. I feel like all my work was for nothing and I just want to give up. (It doesn’t help that my husband tells me he lost 4 pounds this week. Happy for him but so frustrated for me.)

    Any words of wisdom??
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,408 Member
    PW 141
    Cw 140
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,408 Member
    3x yes

    Sunday yes
    Monday no
    Tuesday yes
    Wednesday yes
    Thursday yes
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    PW 173.5
    CW 175.5


    Well I’m at the airport so no weigh in for me for 2 weeks while I’m running round Disney

    Calories don’t count in Disney right? Xxx

    I think calories don’t ever count on vacation.

    Okay so that is a stretch but vacations are for a break from things. From work, stress, or whatever we need it to be. Enjoy every moment of your trip! Plus, I am sure you will do plenty of walking there to burn a lot of those treat calories
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Weigh in
    Last: 244.4
    This: 243.9

    This is so dumb. Overall I felt I had a pretty good week. Even on my bad personal days I stuck with my diet and I increased the intensity of my workouts. How many months have you guys watched me linger between 242 and 246?
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    New Question of The Week even though the new week hasn’t quite started yet and this is a deep one so be prepared -

    How do you handle it emotionally when you think you’ve done awesome all week long and the scale doesn’t reflect your hard work?

    I know we’ve had some members that have gone through this before and it’s happened to me this week. I feel like all my work was for nothing and I just want to give up. (It doesn’t help that my husband tells me he lost 4 pounds this week. Happy for him but so frustrated for me.)

    Any words of wisdom??

    Well as you can see from my tone in my post above, I am not handling it well.
    But that is not every week. Honestly with my depression/mental state it varies all the time. Sometimes I am “okay with it” and ready to move on and conquer. Sometimes I want to throw my scale through the wall.
    This week I have had two really bad mental days and bad days of work. Plus last night my wife had a medical scare that has my brain very frazzled, so to be honest I am probably going to sabotage my diet tonight out of stress 😞
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Tracked- yes
    Under- right at the limit
    Exercise- no
    Steps- 5,015
    Water- 66oz

    Spent several hours at the Dr office with my sick daughter and then another hour at the pharmacy 😒 neither were even that busy just really took their time. I didn't do much else than take extra care of and cuddle up my baby girl.

    Hope all is well now. Family first always
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    Friday Weigh In

    Last Week - 208.6
    This week - 206.6

    Feel like I’m hitting my stride! Think this might be the lowest I’ve been since starting the challenge 🤔 I know this time of year I generally find it easier to stick to it and dig in with exercise but this time round I’ve definitely been taking inspiration from @erikNJ and others on the meal prep front. I think having all my breakfasts and lunches prepped has made a massive difference!

    I have a long weekend this week and so ready to get out and about and more active! Hope everyone has a good Friday as we slide into the weekend.

    @Coral333 Awesome loss! I'm glad that meal prep is working well for you. I'm getting better at meal planning, but I feel I should try to get on board with doing some prepping as well. Enjoy your weekend!
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    PW 173.5
    CW 175.5


    Well I’m at the airport so no weigh in for me for 2 weeks while I’m running round Disney

    Calories don’t count in Disney right? Xxx

    Have a fantastic time!
  • lozenger1984
    lozenger1984 Posts: 166 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    New Question of The Week even though the new week hasn’t quite started yet and this is a deep one so be prepared -

    How do you handle it emotionally when you think you’ve done awesome all week long and the scale doesn’t reflect your hard work?

    I know we’ve had some members that have gone through this before and it’s happened to me this week. I feel like all my work was for nothing and I just want to give up. (It doesn’t help that my husband tells me he lost 4 pounds this week. Happy for him but so frustrated for me.)

    Any words of wisdom??

    Past (failed) attempts at losing weight have definitely consisted of this and reacting against it “well if it doesn’t work I might as well eat more/pizza etc”. A big shift has been trying to see the bigger picture. I’m living a healthier life, I’m investing in myself and I can stay the course. Weight loss is definitely not linear and I find I’ll often drop once a month now I’m closer to maintenance. Knowing you’re doing the right things and trusting the process helps.

  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    Steps 13,314
    Water 76 oz

    And yes I got in my bike ride yesterday. Slow ride but around 40 km and included lunch on a patio - my fav
  • pkg1998 wrote: »
    New Question of The Week even though the new week hasn’t quite started yet and this is a deep one so be prepared -

    How do you handle it emotionally when you think you’ve done awesome all week long and the scale doesn’t reflect your hard work?

    I know we’ve had some members that have gone through this before and it’s happened to me this week. I feel like all my work was for nothing and I just want to give up. (It doesn’t help that my husband tells me he lost 4 pounds this week. Happy for him but so frustrated for me.)

    Any words of wisdom??

    I don't handle it very well either. I will usually do bad that day but then the next day I realize I worked to hard to give up and eventually it'll show.

    I've recently decided to go ahead and weigh everyday to see how my weight fluctuates day to day. Idk if I'm going to keep that up or not bc it is very discouraging. I think my weigh in this pos past Wednesday must've been a dehydrated day or something 🤔 that scale went up 2.2lbs Thursday morning and another .6lb this morning. I know I didn't gain almost 3lbs of fat that quickly. Maybe I'm eating to much saltiness. I'm hoping I goes back down before next Wednesday. I sure don't want to and the month with a gain...again.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,064 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Weigh in
    Last: 244.4
    This: 243.9

    This is so dumb. Overall I felt I had a pretty good week. Even on my bad personal days I stuck with my diet and I increased the intensity of my workouts. How many months have you guys watched me linger between 242 and 246?

    You may have been lingering between 242 and 246, but you haven't gone up, which is great! You did mention you had some bad days but still did things right which is good, because your body can hold onto water when it is stressed, too! I hope next week brings a better loss for you, and don't let this stop you! You've got this @erikNJ
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Username : murdog3t
    Weight in week: 3
    Weight in day:Friday
    Previous weeks weight: 152.4
    Today’s weight: 151.2

    Sept 18&19
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Step: 11169& 12345
    30 min yoga
    15 min meditation
    18th 12 min rowing sprints
    19th 12 min bike sprints
    48 min hike

    Off to a massage today 😁
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    And this is why I dont update on my phone... I just typed out a long response to @erikNJ and it did something and went away. That was the first of my responses I was going to do while little man fished.

    So for now.. I'm gonna enjoy this fishing with my little (haha 5'10 little that drove me here!) and the walk around the lake. Will answer and update from the tablet or computer.
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 919 Member
    PW: 241
    CW: 240 well I'll take it at my turtle pace ;)

    Also, tracked, exercised (10,466 steps) and under.
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