SEPTEMBER Monthly Challenge



  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    Sept 2019

    HW: 265 lbs
    Restart Keto Weight: 175 lbs
    CW: 153 lbs
    September GW: 148 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs

    9/1 - 154.60
    9/8 - 152.89
    9/15 - 152.13
    9/22 - 152.73

    I gained this week, for the first time in three months! Was it stress? No hydrating enough? A sore back that slowed strength training?
    Stay tuned for next week, to see if I can get into the 140s before October!
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    WEIGH IN 9/22 was a relief for me because I had been on a plateau all week--a tiny budge today is a win! I made my goal for this week.

    What I think helped:
    STREAKING BEHAVIOR eating after dinner!
    Final dose of MCT before bed...I tried 1tsp of MCT as a supplement before bed last night and maybe it worked.

    Area of Improvement:
    I would like to incorporate more fish into my diet. Since starting KETO I've been on a meat feeding frenzy.

    Female, Age 48, 5'2"
    SW: 128.4
    CW: 121.8
    GW: 110-113

    Goal is to lose 1.3 lbs a week - I expect to lose 5 pounds in the month of Sept.

    Process goals: eat full meals at 11am, 3pm, and 7 pm. After 7, only protein/MCT shakes. No snacking between meals. Track e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!

    Tricks to help: Chewing gum in the evening and between meals. Rely on drinking tea and broths when I have the feeling that I might start an eating frenzy (but I'm tired and not hungry).

    Exercise: running and lifting routine.

    09/01 = 128.0 This is the start of my 1st month of *TRACKING* (doing Keto 2mos.)
    09/08----goal is 126.7----WEIGHT ON 9/08: 125.2
    09/15----goal is 125.4----WEIGHT ON 9/15: 122.2
    09/22----goal is 124.1----WEIGHT ON 9/22: 121.8
    09/29----goal is 122.8----WEIGHT ON 9/29:
  • chrissifreeman
    chrissifreeman Posts: 48 Member
    SW: 160.6 (June 24)
    CW: 140.5 (Aug 31)
    First goal: below 140 (meaning I wanna consistently see a 3 as the second digit)
    Ultimate goal: undecided... just trying to reach that first goal befor my anniversary trip on Sept 8.


    09/01 - 139.7 (-0.8)
    09/08 - 139.6 (-0.1)
    ***** This was my original goal date and I made my original goal! So stinkin happy!
    09/15 - 140.3 (+0.7)
    * * * *After a week on vacation.Back to weighing, measuring, tracking everything tomorrow
    09/22 - 139.3
  • bwelches
    bwelches Posts: 14 Member
    SW: 216.2
    CW: 193.4
    UGW: 150
    September GW: 190

    09/02 - 198.8
    09/09 - 196.8
    09/16 - 194.6
    09/23 - 193.4 not as much as I hoped, but progress!
    09/30 -
  • kimchi_and_sardines
    HW: 274
    Keto SW: 261.2
    GW: 185-190 and lean!
    Sept. GW: under 240

    9/1: 248.8
    9/8: 245.4
    9/15: (didn't weigh in this week)
    9/22: 240.6

    The September weight goal is in sight. Awesome job, everyone - keep it up!
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    rmac18 wrote: »
    SW: 276 lbs on June 1, 2019
    CW: 228.8 lbs
    Sept: GW: 225
    GW: 180 lbs by July 1, 2020

    Sept 1: 236.8 lbs (old scale)
    Sept 8: 234.2 lbs (old scale)
    Sept 15: 229.8 lbs (new scale)
    Sept 24: 228.0 lbs
    Sept 29:

    Weight Lost in Sept to date: 8.6 lbs

    Changed scales and started weighing myself first thing in the morning last week, previously was weighing in afternoons. So loss is inflated a few pounds in the change. New scale is more accurate it seems and I think morning weigh-ins seem more consistent day to day. Trying to lose 2 lbs per week which seems doable where I am now.

  • TheMerryMermaid
    TheMerryMermaid Posts: 69 Member
    SW: 190.25 (Jan 2019)
    CW: 173.5
    GW: 130

    UGH! You're killing me smalls!!!!
    This menopause thing has slowed weight loss down to a screeching halt. What I normally would've been able to lose in half the time is taking what seems like forever. I did see a non-scale victory though... inches lost, lots of them! I took my measurements and compared them to last March. Down 12"+ all over body, mostly in my midsection. So, that's a motivator for me.


    09/01 -173.75
    09/08 -174.5
    09/15 -170.25
    09/22 -169.75
    09/29 -
  • Sarahlr26
    Sarahlr26 Posts: 28 Member
    HW: 250
    CW: 220.5
    GW: 175

    September GW: 215

    09/01 : 220.5
    09/08 : Missed my weigh-in
    09/15 : 216.8
    09/22 : 215.1
    09/29 :
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    September was a good keto month for me. I lost a total of 8.6 pounds this month. However, because of a very undisciplined keto year, I’ve only lost 5.5 pounds for the year. My goal for October is to continue to stay keto strong for a second consecutive month. I love the way I feel on keto. My thoughts are clear, memory is sharp, joints are pain free, winter dry skin is gone, and numerous other non-scale victories (NSVs) keep appearing day by day.

    I can’t figure out why I keep reverting to my old eating habits that make my keto NSVs disappear. Tomorrow will be my 635th day of knowing about and trying to practice keto as a Way Of Existing (WOE). I can’t claim I’ve been living a Keto WOE all those days. I can say when I adhere closer to a Keto WOE, I’m happier, healthier and a better version of myself. I <3 heart keto!


  • chrissifreeman
    chrissifreeman Posts: 48 Member
    SW: 160.6 (June 24)
    CW: 140.5 (Aug 31)
    First goal: below 140 (meaning I wanna consistently see a 3 as the second digit)
    Ultimate goal: undecided... just trying to reach that first goal befor my anniversary trip on Sept 8.


    09/01 - 139.7 (-0.8)
    09/08 - 139.6 (-0.1)
    ***** This was my original goal date and I made my original goal! So stinkin happy!
    09/15 - 140.3 (+0.7)
    * * * *After a week on vacation.Back to weighing, measuring, tracking everything tomorrow
    09/22 - 139.3 (-1)
    09/29 - 135.8 (-3.5)

    September total: -4.7
    Total loss to date : -24.8
  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 204 Member
    SW: 280 (Apr 2019)
    CW: 260
    GW: 230

    No goal in mind for September, lets see where Keto and exercise takes me. The needle didn't move in the first week. We'll see if I make progress by the beginning of next week. I did get three workouts in so far this week. Still no change in weight. I increased my number of workouts but I think the real secret is I've got to reduce the calories I take in. Keto's all well and good but not if I'm consuming more calories than I can burn! Well, at least I didn't gain anything. Decided that I'm "eating until I'm full" so instead, I will be doubling my workouts from 3 per week to 6 per week (2 on Saturdays). That will still give me 2 days to rest. C'mon October!!!


    09/01 - 260
    09/08 - 260
    09/15 - 260
    09/22 - 260
    09/29 - 260
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    Sept 2019
    HW: 265 lbs
    Restart Keto Weight: 175 lbs
    CW: 153 lbs
    September GW: 148 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs 
    9/1 - 154.60
    9/8 - 152.89
    9/15 - 152.13
    9/22 - 152.73
    9/29 - 152.07

    Progress was sloooooow and I didn't get to where I wanted to be. But! I made some progress. My work schedule has changed drastically (I am a professor and classes have started back up), so squeezing in exercise is more difficult. I may have to get curtains for my office so I can do push ups and abs!
  • Sarahlr26
    Sarahlr26 Posts: 28 Member
    HW: 250
    CW: 220.5
    GW: 175

    September GW: 215 (MET! 5.9 pounds lost in September)

    09/01 : 220.5
    09/08 : Missed my weigh-in
    09/15 : 216.8
    09/22 : 215.1
    09/29 : 214.6 (Total 5.9 pounds lost)

    Super excited that I met my September weight goal, even though my exercise goal was blown out of the water by a very sick baby. He's doing great now and I'm ready to tackle October!
  • chiefkays
    chiefkays Posts: 24 Member
    SW: 352
    CW: 314
    GW: TBD


    08/31 - 324
    09/08 - 321
    09/15 - 319
    09/22 - 314, Crushed my monthly goal!
    09/29 - 314

    I ended up still under my goal, so I'll take it. See you in the October challenge!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    well done every one, see you in October.........