Amazing Autumn: October weigh in and accountability thread



  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,982 Member
    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 147.4
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging 1/4 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    Oct 1: 149.4 (high day, not even sure why...)
    Oct 2: 148.2
    Oct 3: 146.8
    Oct 4: 147.0
    Oct 5: 147.2
    Oct 6: 148
    Oct 7: 148
  • FrankieandSpots
    FrankieandSpots Posts: 446 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry I'm late to the party. I had a crazy week and forgot about joining this thread. Lots of work and then baby goats getting born!

    Height: 5'3"
    Starting weight: 68kg
    Ultimate goal weight: Around 57-60kg

    Oct SW: 66.1kg (29th September)
    Oct GW: 65kg, or less, but not below 64kg

    The plan (
    1. Track all good and exercise (aim to stay under 2100 net calories on average)
    2. Lift weights 3-4x per week
    3. Some kind of cardio at least 5x per week

    1/10: - Away from home, no weighing
    2/10: 65kg I fasted 20hrs on purpose on the 1st. I want to do it monthly but the idea is to eat back most of the extra defecit so I don't lose weight faster than planned
    3/10: 64.2 even lower!
    4/10: 65.1
    5/10: 65.4 more like what I expect
    6/10: 65.3
    Skipped my 3rd gym session this week and only did cardio type stuff on 3/7 days

    7/10: 66.1 Did a little run, felt great
    8/10: 65.4 pleased I'm not above 66 again. Went to run group and kept up! (They're so fast!)

    Late last week I got lazy about my food logging and left it to the next day a couple of times, and I'd been snacking so it was very hard to try and remember what I actually ate.
    I think I need to record all snacks as I eat them; if not before I eat them.
    And completing my diary each day seems like a very good habit to keep up.

  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    I love these, but I don't know what goals to pick! I strained my back and derailed all my exercise last month. So, some possible options are:

    Goal #1: Start the Push Up Challenge
    Goal #2: Back massage to keep these muscles in check
    Goal #3: Pack enough lunch to not come home and overeat

    HW: 265 lbs
    Restart Keto Weight: 175 lbs
    CW: 151 lbs
    October GW: 148 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs   

    10/5 - 150.74

  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    @Antiopelle I feel you! It's so hard sometimes to stay on track, especially when you've started to slide a bit. What helps me to "get a grip" again, especially concerning cravings/eating whatever without being mindful is fasting for a day (or more if I can). For me, it seems to work a bit like a reset button. By the end of the fast, I won't be craving anything at all anymore and I'm good to go another week :) (Not trying to pressure you into it ofcourse!)

    @laurajrk Welcome! Take small steps, be patient, and I'm sure you can get there!

    @cayenne_007 Really good of you to let yourself rest and not push it. C'mon girl, you've got this! Take a little break and you'll come back double in force after
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »
    Height: 176cm (5'9")
    Weight: 66kg (145,51lbs)
    BMI: 21,3

    I found a new motivation for my core (and other toning exercises); the guy I'm dating stayed over for the first time this weekend and oh my goodness: he is built like a greek god. But seriously, like he's carved from marble by the great masters of old. I usually feel pretty confident about my looks but with him... a girl can only keep her stomach sucked in for so long! So anyway, excellent motivation to step up my game.

    Got a workout in this morning already and on a 36h fast! Onwards and upwards.

    Great motivator!! :D Luv it!!! Keep us posted on your life!
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    Not doing so great with goals 1 & 2, but staying in calories and logging consistently. The weather in Ga is finally cooling off so hopefully I'll find the motivation to go for a walk.

    52, 5'5"

    SW Oct: 139 lbs
    Oct goal: 136 lbs

    Goal #1 - Move more at work (squats, push ups, walk at lunch)
    Goal #2 - Drink more water
    Goal #3 - Consistent meal prep

    10/1: 139
    10/8: 135.6
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    Ok - I'm giving myself a break until the 10th. I've been having hell with bc the last few months and opted to go with an IUD yesterday.............. HOLY HELL *&%&%*^(#$_)#($*#$&*)* There was an issue with the first one, so they had to do it twice. Now I'm fighting a freakin cold and was absolutely convinced I was going to die from cramps last night. Inhaled 2 candy bars & half a bottle of wine... I don't think I've ever hurt like that. I've decided to rejoin the living today, but there's no way a workout is happening. It's just NOT. This better be worth it.

    Hang in there @cayenne_007 ! I had my IUD for 10 years and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! The intense initial pain will calm down soon, and cramps with your period might be worse for the first few months but your body should eventually settle with it. It's definitely worth it!!!

    So agree! It was hell for the first 3 days (basically mild contractions like at birth) but then bliss! And with some luck no more periods at all :)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »

    I found a new motivation for my core (and other toning exercises); the guy I'm dating stayed over for the first time this weekend and oh my goodness: he is built like a greek god. But seriously, like he's carved from marble by the great masters of old. I usually feel pretty confident about my looks but with him... a girl can only keep her stomach sucked in for so long! So anyway, excellent motivation to step up my game.

    Hahaha, that is indeed a good motivation ! Enjoy it girl !! :wink:

    Also thanks for the IF tip, I am considering it, although it seems I found my mojo again for now.

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Ok - I'm giving myself a break until the 10th. I've been having hell with bc the last few months and opted to go with an IUD yesterday.............. HOLY HELL *&%&%*^(#$_)#($*#$&*)* There was an issue with the first one, so they had to do it twice. Now I'm fighting a freakin cold and was absolutely convinced I was going to die from cramps last night. Inhaled 2 candy bars & half a bottle of wine... I don't think I've ever hurt like that. I've decided to rejoin the living today, but there's no way a workout is happening. It's just NOT. This better be worth it.

    Hi Cayenne, is it a normal copper IUD or a Mirena with hormones. If it is the copper one, you might want to contact your doctor again. I couldn't cope with it (and apparently some women can't), and it had to be extracted. I then got the Mirena and that was bliss indeed (after three days of cramping and 2 months of spotting).
    The good news is that when you replace the Mirena after 5 years, the cramping is not as bad anymore and the spotting doesn't occur either. So it's the first one that is the thoughest.

    Hang in there, take care and give your body a rest. Big hug !!