Do you ever get mad at the CICO people?

AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
edited November 2019 in Social Groups
On the main boards any time someone talks about keto/low carb people jump all over them and instantly shout that CICO is the only thing that matters and keto/low carb is just a way for people to stay under their calories...

It annoys me lol. Science can’t actually agree on how people lose weight but the people on the boards are so “positive” it’s the only thing that matters.

But, I know for myself, I lose weight faster on keto. I can consume the same amount of calories on keto as I do on CICO and lose 2-3x the amount of weight. People everywhere are dropping more weight on low carb but still, if you voice that opinion on the main boards you get ganged up on...

Anyone else get frustrated by that? Lol maybe I just need to stay off the main boards... It just annoys me that people can benefit from keto/low carb in a million ways but they get told not to bother cuz it’s all CICO that matters.



  • hallsan
    hallsan Posts: 5 Member
    My husband is a calorie person and boy, does that get frustrating. I recently realized that my metabolism is very carb-sensitive and I have insulin resistance. So the more I learn about insulin resistance, the more I understand how and why we lose weight. I went to youtube and there are a lot of explaining videos about insulin resistance. Knowing that piece of information put the puzzle together for me. I've been able to drop 20 lbs since mid-September by avoiding carbs and intermittent fasting. I don't actually count carbs and I focus on getting lots of veggies, at least 7-10 cups every day. I learned to make keto breads with almond flour to get that bread fix.

    All that now because I know what makes me release insulin, which stores fat.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Please do not let this devolve into complaints about the main boards on here. The group rules prohibit such threads.

    As for the CICO people, I think they get more irritated by me. LOL

    I’m not really complaining about the main boards, just some of the very aggressive people on it. I just get frustrated that people jump all over you if you dare to believe that some things other than just CICO help you lose weight.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I knew you weren't, it was just reminding everyone else to not let it become that.

    The CICO people don't like me because I do not give them the time of day or even bother with their argument. They are going to do what they do, and believe what they believe. That has no bearing on my life.
  • ValiRaeDee
    ValiRaeDee Posts: 7 Member
    I think there are some good points here. We know there is a lot of evidence now about choosing the right diet for you-the one your body likes, the one you can maintain and stick to, etcetera. I agree, maybe it's best to stay off the main boards and cozy up over here a little more where we can be supportive for each other. We already know it works for us, why let naysayers try to sabotage us? Lol!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I’m not sure how CICO works in my case. I’m trying to GAIN weight on keto! How do I do that?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    hallsan wrote: »
    My husband is a calorie person and boy, does that get frustrating. I recently realized that my metabolism is very carb-sensitive and I have insulin resistance. So the more I learn about insulin resistance, the more I understand how and why we lose weight. I went to youtube and there are a lot of explaining videos about insulin resistance. Knowing that piece of information put the puzzle together for me. I've been able to drop 20 lbs since mid-September by avoiding carbs and intermittent fasting. I don't actually count carbs and I focus on getting lots of veggies, at least 7-10 cups every day. I learned to make keto breads with almond flour to get that bread fix.

    All that now because I know what makes me release insulin, which stores fat.

    I’ve been wondering how insulin works to store fat. I keep seeing it around. Do I need more to gain weight?
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    I’m not sure how CICO works in my case. I’m trying to GAIN weight on keto! How do I do that?

    There is a group on Facebook called Ketogains that has good information on gaining muscle while doing Keto. There is also a Ketogains website. I lurk on the Facebook group. I would suggest you read all of the pin posts and read a few posts before asking them questions through the Facebook group. They are very passionate about their protocol. The members post pictures of their progress and it is quite impressive.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    anubis609 wrote: »
    I’m not sure how CICO works in my case. I’m trying to GAIN weight on keto! How do I do that?

    Where are you struggling? And increase in calories, a good structured lifting program and consistency should help. You can run TKD if you want a potential increase in performance for lifting.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Basically low carb is the only way I can make my calories in less than my calories out. Idk what my issue is but I can't do everything in moderation. I appreciate that many people can do it and have weight loss success and I wish I was that person but alas I am not. I'm not sure why some people get so hostile. It's like they panic at the thought of their carbs being taken away. lol

    I quit keto and did a general eat whatever and count calories for the last year and I've gained a bunch of weight because on average I seem to eat at least 300 calories more a day just to be not hungry.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,048 Member
    While there's general truth to CICO, every body is different, and macros, nutrients, etc all play parts of the whole when combined with each individual. I think so many get adament about it, however, because there are SO many "newbs" out there who want to blame being over weight on anything other than the fact that ate too much food - so it's easiest to get on the CICO bandwagon and just argue that to avoid muddying the waters...

    Personally, since switching to low carb, I've found it MUCH easier to stay in my calorie goals, and since I'm not going full keto, my workouts have been GREAT. I'm losing weight and getting stronger - I'm pushing myself (race season next year is going to be a lot more unforgiving than the gym right now), but outside of work stress, I'm actually feeling really good physically - and am lighter than any of my racing friends have seen me (still about 10-15 pounds over goal though).

    In the past I was losing weight with CICO then seemed to plateau. Couldn't figure it out. Looked at my macros, added more fat back in to my diet (it was really low), and boom, same calories, and started losing again.

    But, that's my body. I've had a few other friends report good results with low carb or keto as well, so I think it may be natural for many to be more satisfied and hence more likely to stick to the plan on a higher protein/fat diet. My calories range is the same, but I find it a million times easier to stick to the plan almost 100% of the time, and even the rare "maintenance" calorie day is just that - not a "fall off the wagon for days or weeks on end" situation.
  • rich41n
    rich41n Posts: 25 Member
    I find protein + fat is just more filling for me. I can eat 4 slices of bacon, 3 eggs + 2 whites and be full for multiple hours. On the other hand, I can put away half a box of cereal and be scrounging for food within 2 hours. Low carb helps me stick to a deficit. It's not magical freaking unicorn dust.

    Calories are king. If you intake more calories than your body burns, you gain weight. If you intake fewer calories than your body burns, you lose weight. Fight me, bro!

    Bingo! same for me!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I find protein + fat is just more filling for me. I can eat 4 slices of bacon, 3 eggs + 2 whites and be full for multiple hours. On the other hand, I can put away half a box of cereal and be scrounging for food within 2 hours. Low carb helps me stick to a deficit. It's not magical freaking unicorn dust.

    Calories are king. If you intake more calories than your body burns, you gain weight. If you intake fewer calories than your body burns, you lose weight. Fight me, bro!

    Just an observation but protein + fats vs carbs isn't necessarily a fair comparison. Protein is highly correlated to satiety. Now if carb + protein < fats + protein that makes sense.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,758 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I find protein + fat is just more filling for me. I can eat 4 slices of bacon, 3 eggs + 2 whites and be full for multiple hours. On the other hand, I can put away half a box of cereal and be scrounging for food within 2 hours. Low carb helps me stick to a deficit. It's not magical freaking unicorn dust.

    Calories are king. If you intake more calories than your body burns, you gain weight. If you intake fewer calories than your body burns, you lose weight. Fight me, bro!

    Just an observation but protein + fats vs carbs isn't necessarily a fair comparison. Protein is highly correlated to satiety. Now if carb + protein < fats + protein that makes sense.

    I see your point. My point was more that I find adhering to my deficit easier with few carbs and higher protein and adequate fat. I can lose weight with consuming higher carbs, but it is harder, not because carbs are inherently evil, but because I can eat them endlessly without really feeling my hunger is assuaged. It takes less willpower to avoid the carbs than it does to stick to my deficit while eating many carbs, but in the end, as long as I stick to my deficit, the weight is lost.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    If I see on the main boards people asking about low carb and or Keto how to find out more, asking for friends. I suggest them look into the lower carb group where there is lots of information and updates.

    They then can decide if it works for them or not
    I have found for me, that low carb works best. I totally get it is about Calories in VS Calories burned but the whole low carb does it for me. The big added bonus is it is how I am after decades winning the battle of keeping my blood sugars and other blood readings in great shape. And at the same time dropping weight that I so need to lose.