Dedicated December



  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Enjoy your dinner tonight @jacau !
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Enjoy your dinner tonight @jacau !

    Thank you :)
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 146.2
    Dec GW: 142
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6
    Sept SW 145.6 EW 145.6
    Oct SW 145.6 EW 142.6
    Nov SW 142.6 EW 146.2

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    No change in measurements in Sept - At least I was consistent with weight/measurements! LOL!

    Goal #1: Workout 4 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Be consistent with push up challenge - Restarting 12/2
    Goal #3: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week
    Goal #4: Actually enjoy the holidays - don't stress if everything isn't perfect

    12/2 - 146.2 - First time I've weighed since the 27th, basically gave myself a Thanksgiving WEEK, not day. LOL Back to logging today. - vet appointment at lunch, so no walk.
    12/3 - 145.0 - Ate within reason yesterday, attempting to get back on track. Did carve out 45 min walk at lunch, funny how much of a difference that makes in my entire day.....and then volleyball banquet night for bf's daughter - I was starving and it's frito pies for dinner (UGH!!!) Other than NM - does anywhere consider a freakin frito pie a meal?
    12/4 - 145.0 - rare lunch with my bf, so no workout other than barn stuff... but I skipped dinner to squeak thru on calories for the day.
    12/5 - 144.4
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Look at you guys! You're all Losing!!
    Good job ladies!! Keep it going!
    I went to a Happy Hour last night. I had a sudden schedule change (son) and my BF called to tell me to get my butt over to this tavern close by. He had ordered a few things and a drink while it was still HH so I got to enjoy this "treat"! (thin pizza, tater tots :# )

    Anyway, looking at the positive, I didn't gain water weight.
    12/5 109.6

    I have a winter concert(son) to go to tonight. So no OTF= light dinner. c'est la vie :)
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Height: 5’4”
    Goal: 120

    Dec 01: 127.0
    Dec 06: 125.6
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:

    ✔️1. Drink more water
    ✔️2. Reduce my calories back to losing again
    ❌/✔️3. Run 3x a week/Strength train 3x a week

    I’m going to run today, but that will only make twice this week. :neutral: But I am making progress! Got to wear a tight red leather moto jacket to dinner last night that was previously too small for comfort. -love that! And my rings have all moved over a finger. -that’s bittersweet. I wish I could see my abs, but for now it’s fun to hear my husband say, ‘Nice!’ whenever he pokes me in the stomach. :blush:

  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    So I did NOT get my run done yesterday. 😒 Instead we spent the day running around shopping for Christmas. Over 10K worth of steps, but it didn’t help me much. We had a Christmas party last night and while I didn’t ‘over eat’, it was definitely over calories! The scale was kind to me this morning and only showed .4lbs up even though I felt very puffy. My weight trending app on the other hand was like, ‘If you keep this up, you won’t reach your goal until you’re dead!’ It actually said, ‘ over a year’, but same difference, right? 😂
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Bit late to the party, but figure I should at least check in here! Had a couple weeks off end of November, back at the gym this past week. Picked up pretty much right where I left off, but that also left me pretty sore LOL!

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 142ish

    Dec 8: 143.0
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    169 cm / 5’5”, 37 y 
    HW: 76.1 kg / 167.8 lbs (26/Aug/19) 
    SW Sep: 74.1 kg / SW Oct: 73.6 kg / SW Nov: 72.8 kg / SW Dec: 72.9 kg
    GW Dec: 71.5 kg / 157.6 lbs
    Overall GW: 57.5 kg / 124.5 lbs 

    Goal #1: Enjoy the holiday period without gaining back. => Enjoy mindfully and within limits.
    Goal #2: Log it ALL. Every little treat. EVERY one.
    Goal #3: Stay positive and patient. With myself and others, especially my partner.
    Goal #4: Take more time and space for myself.

    01-dec: 72.9 kg (7-day average: 72.6 kg)
    02-dec: 71.9 kg (7-day average: 72.4 kg)
    03-dec: 71.8 kg (7-day average: 72.3 kg)
    04-dec: 71.3 kg (7-day average: 72.3 kg)
    05-dec: 70.9 kg (7-day average: 72.1 kg)
    06-dec: 71.8 kg (7-day average: 71.8 kg)
    07-dec: 72.4 kg (7-day average: 71.9 kg)
    08-dec: 72.3 kg (7-day average: 71.8 kg)
    09-dec: 72.5 kg (7-day average: 71.9 kg)

    Hey all,

    Despite the last few days being up a little (thanks TOM) I feel a little easier about it than last month, maybe because it’s at a lower level than last month o:) ? The weight goal for this month is also less ambitious than the months before, seeing that I never really reached those so far. This time it feels more realistic and achievable while I still enjoy all the season's flavors. Only running may not happen as consistently as the last 1-2 months with the weather being windy and rainy at the moment. For the rest, I still keep chocolate intake at the lower end of the usual splurge spectrum, take time to pamper myself, and am getting a bit better at taking a breath before reacting to something my man said or did which hit the fury-button again.

    So all in all, I think I’m finding a balance again even though it’s a busy period.

    I hope you all are doing well, too. By what I read here, it mostly sounds like it :)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    SW 78
    Dec SW 71.6
    Goal: get back to maintenance between 69 and 70

    1. Keep on logging every day
    2. Keep up the push-up challenge (I finally started again, mostly thanks to the perseverance showed by @cayenne_007 !
    3. 10.000 steps a day + 2 long walks & 2 dives a week

    Ok, so I got a nasty weight number this morning - gained 2 kilos in one week. No suprise there as I've been mindlessly stuffing myself with everything in sight. I even went back to a very old habit to purposefully go to a bakery to get my "fix", aka danish pastries. I didn't have danish in some years, and now the two last weeks I had one every other day + a load of other sweets. I also had seconds, and I've noticed that I just loved feeling "full". Needless to say I haven't been doing well and I need to snap out of it.
    I find this the most difficult thing about maintaining. Losing weight is ok (no fun but doable), gaining is supereasy, but somehow maintaining is a balancing act that I don't master (yet?).
    This weekend, we'll go to London to do our Christmas shopping with some friends. I'll do my utmost best to eat mindfully, and I hope that the next checkin here will be better.

    Well, my mindfulness went out the window the minute I stepped on the train to London. 2,5 days of full English breakfast, churros, gluhwein and all kinds of street foods. Luckily, we walked more than 30.000 steps. That why I think my weight is also water weight from my sore muscles !

    1. I kept on logging
    2. Couldn't do pushups as I also had to move 1 ton of wood for our burning stove. My arms were really sore!
    3. 87.100 steps and 1 dive

    Current weight: 71.8 - back to veggies and fruits this week !
  • Cocoabean01
    Cocoabean01 Posts: 7 Member
    30 yo 5ft 2"
    SW 121.6 lbs
    GW 110 lbs
    Goal Waist measurement 26"

    Being a petite person, I've struggled emotionally with the extra lbs I've put on in my late twenties. Although I enjoy eating clean and I love fruits and vegetables, I tend to be an stress eater and one tiny moment of weakness turn into weeks of bad eating.

    My reason for doing this is because I feel my best when I am around 108-110 lbs.

    Goals for this month:

    #1 Continue to workout 3-4 times a week.
    #2 Avoid desserts (this is where I go overboard and also happens to be my gateway drug).
    #3 Maintain a 3500 calorie deficit per week.
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    Cora0477 wrote: »
    My weight trending app on the other hand was like, ‘If you keep this up, you won’t reach your goal until you’re dead!’ It actually said, ‘ over a year’, but same difference, right? 😂

    Haha I feel for you but this also made me laugh! What an evil developer team!
    47, 5'2"
    SW: 108.2
    Dec GW: 108, BF: 19%
    GW: 105 BF: 19%

    Goal #1: Keep up with 4X a week of OTF
    Goal #2: Meal prep more. Utilize Crockpot! Soup season!!
    Goal #3: Keep photo records of self... (I've been slacking)
    Goal #4: Simplify life. Not stress over things out of my control😉 (getting better at this)

    10/1 / 109 lbs, 21.4%, measurements 33.5-27.5-33.5
    10/30 108.2, 19.1%, measurements 33.5-27-33.5
    11/27 108.4, 19.4% 33.5-28-33.5
    12/2 111.0, 20.3% 33.5-28.5-33.5😵😵😵😲
    12/4 109.6, 19.7% 33.5-27-33.5
    12/5 109.6
    12/9 109 , 19.7% 33.5-27-33.5

    The Saturday OTF kicked my *kitten*... My neck, shoulders, back is crying! I need to ice, that bad!
    Sometimes, I have to NOT push myself so much. It's so hard to do. But yup, I over did it. :s
    Not going to do much today.

    Tread 23 mins
    5 rounds of 3 mins with 2 min WR in between each round
    Round 1: 30s push 60s base pace 90s run for distance
    Round 2: 45s push 60s base pace 75s run for distance
    Round 3 60s push 60s base 60s AO
    Round 4: 75s push 60s base 45s AO
    Round 5: 90s push 60s base 30s AO

    Floor 23min
    7 x bench power push-up 7x chest press tricep extension 7x TRX tricep extension 14 total forearm plank with punches (left and right) (Can’t remember if there were 4 or 5 - may be missing one sorry!)
    Round 1: 7x dumbbell hip swing in between each exercise Round 2: 7x skier swing between each exercise Round 3: 150m AO row before the exercises Repeat round 3 until time is up

    Wow what a workout! Hope you'll feel beter soon tho..
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited December 2019
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 138.4
    GW: 134.6

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Dec 3: 138.4
    Dec 5: 137.4
    Dec 10: 137.4
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »

    I'm also dogsitting for a bigass Mastiff and it's wearing me out! I so miss my care-free, zero-responsabilities life! Makes me appreciate it more at least! There is an upside to it though:
    - I avoid eating anything since that will inevitably lead to her drooling all over my sofa
    - I have to walk her (a lot!), so more movement
    - I have to be home every night so no social life this week => also no wine

    It is scientifically proven that having a dog will make you lose weight. I guess with a mastiff, the impact is triple, so keep on dogsitting ! :smiley:
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 146.2
    Dec GW: 142
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6
    Sept SW 145.6 EW 145.6
    Oct SW 145.6 EW 142.6
    Nov SW 142.6 EW 146.2

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 38 - Aug (-1")
    Band: 33 - Aug (-1")
    Waist: 28.5 - Aug (-.5")
    Hips 38.5- No change in Aug

    No change in measurements in Sept - At least I was consistent with weight/measurements! LOL!

    Goal #1: Workout 4 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    Goal #2: Be consistent with push up challenge - Restarting 12/2
    Goal #3: Stay under on intake min of 5 days a week
    Goal #4: Actually enjoy the holidays - don't stress if everything isn't perfect

    12/2 - 146.2 - First time I've weighed since the 27th, basically gave myself a Thanksgiving WEEK, not day. LOL Back to logging today. - vet appointment at lunch, so no walk.
    12/3 - 145.0 - Ate within reason yesterday, attempting to get back on track. Did carve out 45 min walk at lunch, funny how much of a difference that makes in my entire day.....and then volleyball banquet night for bf's daughter - I was starving and it's frito pies for dinner (UGH!!!) Other than NM - does anywhere consider a freakin frito pie a meal?
    12/4 - 145.0 - rare lunch with my bf, so no workout other than barn stuff... but I skipped dinner to squeak thru on calories for the day.
    12/5 - 144.4
    12/10 - 146.0 - Yikes - I've done a terrible job checking in lately. Working to fix that.... I have been so stinkin busy that it's ridiculous. IDK how many calories I burned this wknd - but I walked over 15k steps each day and did 5974615 squats taking pictures of horses. My legs HURT yesterday (my whole damn body hurt)... Attempting to catch up on Christmas stuff, deadlines for videos/pics of 5 horses for sales in Jan/Feb - that's so hard with the short days.... Eeeeeekkkk!

    l4a_p - I'm so laughing at the dog messing up your schedule, welcome to my world. Think I'm gonna workout, nope - stall cleaners won't show & I'll have to do it - kids will forget to tell us about some event & it's a scramble to get there - barn kitties will get sick and need antibiotics (it takes a while to corral 7 of the little heathens)