

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Week 2
    Pw 191.7
    Cw 190.2
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Yeah me!! I have been trying to watch my portions and exercise. I do have to work on my water. At the beginning of the year I was putting $1 in an envelope every time I exercised but I had stopped, I decided to start this back up for motivation. I'm up to $3. I need to really start measuring and logging everything. I saw a child at school today with his lunch in a mason jar, I said going to start doing that. We have a ton. So that way I'm ready for the week. I am going to try really hard to start getting up early even if I don't start this until the beginning of the year because not sure if it will work for a week then off for 1 1/2 weeks. Not saying I won't try though. If it doesn't work I do have my me time when I get home now that everyone is back to work. My granddaughter has been in childcare 1 week and is already sick. She was home yesterday with her mom and spent today with her other grandma. The joys of childcare.
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    Hi y'all! It's been a long week with finals and pre-op. The rest of December is going to be pretty hectic. I'll be traveling to northern Virginia this coming weekend and then Maryland the week after visiting family for the holidays. Then, I'll be home for Christmas and my surgery is scheduled for the 31st. Then, I should have a few weeks off until school starts again.

    I was wondering if I would be able to weigh in on Saturday morning this week and Friday morning next week since I'll be away from home?

    I miss you guys.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    I had a good day but I am pooped. I think I have a quiet day tomorrow morning so I will check in then. :)

    @nstephenson01 That's ok, keep it going and you will have a good weigh in next week!
    @Cafelelia With all that has been going on it is no wonder that you are so exhausted! You are probably both physically and emotionally spent. Rest up. It was nice that your brother stopped in for a visit with some coffee. Especially after this past week.
    @Mrsbell8well I don't know about were you are but it seems like it has been raining or cloudy all week! It was awesome to see the sun today. I hope you enjoyed your run. Awesome job going 15 min on the rower. Remember when you started at 5 min! You are killing it!! That live nativity sounds like fun. I am sure your parents enjoyed it too.
    @kirsten11872 You have had a great week! I am sure you will be happy at the weigh in Saturday! Enjoy your well deserved rest day and your friends BD tomorrow!
    @ljdanny Yes! Yeah you!! Nice loss!! It sounds like you are doing really well. I like the idea of putting a dollar aside every time you exercise. Or maybe I should do it every time I don't eat after dinner...Hope your granddaughter feels better soon.
    @amytriesww Guess you wont be relaxing now that finals are over lol! Hopefully most of the busyness is fun. Except the surgery of course. I just want to clarify about your weigh ins. Would you be weighing in this Saturday 12/14 for Sunday 12/15? And then weighing in 12/20 for 12/22? Let me know.
    @tryingagain5 It is so hard to switch back and forth with night shift. I hope you were able to wake up once you got into work. I think it was good that you went back to sleep rather than do your normal routine. Some times our body needs more rest. Hope you have a good night tonight.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Thursday
    Food IF on track
    Water good
    Exercise 30 min strength, 10 min hulahoop, 60 min HIIT
    Steps 8,185
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    @kirsten11872 You are doing so well.  Such as great loss.  May I ask why you choose to do IF?  Do you find that not eating for a long period helps weight loss, or that it helps reduce calorie intake by only eating for a certain number of hours a day?

    @cafelelia hope things get easier for you all.  But fab NSV - feels so good when people notice!

    @tryingagain5 Your trainer sounds great.  Really interested to hear how the changing of the macros in you diet work for you.  Re 2019 - it is very positive that you stop yourself before reaching your previous weight.  My past weight loss has always ended up back on, my normal eating and exercise habits sit me generally at about 215-220lb, and that is always were I end back up to.  Hoping this time is different, though recognise that at some point the enthusiasm will wane or life will get in the way, but hope that like you I will stop before I go back to the starting point.  Your efforts are inspiring.

    @sleepymom5 Have never heard of the Rockettes, I assumed they were a band.  But had a look at some you tube videos and they look amazing - I can imagine the show was spectacular and such a great way for getting into the Xmas season.  And well done for sensible food choices!

    @Mrsbell8well Impressed with your rowing (especially on top of the running and yoga!).  And your Xmas prep!  The open nativity sounds lovely - have never seen such as thing.  Hope if was fun.  Great news on the bonus.  Ours does not get announced/paid until February (and dependent on the company profits as well as appraisals....)

    @ljdanny What a great idea about the $1, I may try similar as I really need something to motivate me to exercise.  I have also been trying to get up earlier - but end up accidentally waking kids, so no extra me time :)
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    @sleepymom5 Yes! I'd like to weight in Saturday 12/14 for Sunday 12 and 12/20 for 12/22.

    So cool that you got to see the Rockettes!! I have always loved them- I remember watching in the parade every year on TV growing up. Were you able to get any pictures?
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Friday weigh in
    Week 2
    pw: 163.8
    cw: 163.1
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I am very happy with my weigh in even though I was at 162.9 earlier in the week.
    @Freeglerock I used to get the horrible cramps so feel bad for you. I was not worried about my weight or what I was eating back then so didn't relate it to my diet. You know you should eat more than 900 cals each day, I'd be curious to hear if you can relate it to your macros, more protein? or carbs? Good luck finding what helps.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have no time to check in today. I have to run out unexpectedly to visit my husband's mother. I didn't realize we were going this morning. I will hopefully have time to check in later.

    My weight will be following this post. I thought I was doing well but my weight is creeping up. I need to be careful and be more consistent with logging. I have has more carbs than usual the past two days and I seem to gain when I have too many carbs. Hopefully it is that. I would like to finish December with a loss. Last year I lost over 3 lbs through the holidays so I can do this!!

    @hope002 Another awesome day! You are doing so well and have the results to prove it.
    @freeglerock I am not sure if I am understanding you correctly, do you usually not get cramps? I am not sure if it would be diet related but I know when certain nutrients are low you can get cramps. I am glad you are feeling a little better today. I wouldn't worry about the fluctuations in weight especially during your TOM. I know it is easier said than done. :)
    @amytriesww I wish I could have gotten pictures, they didn't allow it. They actually had a nativity scene with 3 camels, 2 sheep and a donkey! It was amazing! Thanks for clarifying the weigh in days. That is fine. If I put you on the wrong day, just weigh in when you said you would. I can get a little confused :# Safe travels and enjoy!!
    @pacsnc6 Nice loss! Especially this time of year.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    ohhhh great loss @hope002!
    @pacsnc6 going down!
    @ljdanny...another loss. It is hard when babies get sick. Those first 5 years they seem to be germ magnets. Hope she feels better soon. My little baby is turning 10 next Tuesday. I love each day that I have been in her life and watch her grown. But I do miss the little babies.
    @Cafelelia wow still losing weight with everything you have been going through. Your amazing! Yes I am loving rowing. I pretend I am out on a lake rowing to my hearts content. And I love running in the cold too. It's my preference. But those first 10 minutes were brutal. My hands felt like icicles. I had to keep shaking them. I decided to skip the hat and gloves yesterday. Won't be doing that again.
    Mom wasn't feeling the best so we skipped the nativity last night. Maybe we can still make it. I would like to walk there from our home. Probably 10 minutes away. That's if it is just Molly and I.
    @amytriesww congrats on making it pass the finals! Sounds like you have some very fun but busy times ahead. Good luck with your surgery. I am sure you will be glad to be on the other side of that.
    @freeglerock I wont talk about politics either...but some days I just sigh and pray. Hope your feeling better.
    @tryingagain5 do you have any special plans for all your "big bucks"?

    I have some hard things to do at work today but will make for a better future.
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